What is the Gain?

“I DON’T see what benefit you gain from being religious, you do not seem to have any sort of enjoyment, you do, not attend either outdoor or indoor amusements. Whatever you find in it I am at a loss to understand.”
Such were the remarks of the Chairman of the Board to a Christian, and such are the thoughts of thousands of others who have never known the Lord.
Shall I illustrate the gain by the story of the silver egg of Dresden?
In the museum of that city can be seen a silver egg that had once been given to one of their queens. If a certain spot on the surface were touched the egg would suddenly open, and a yolk of pure gold appear. And when this yolk was pressed, it, in turn opened, and revealed a chicken also of gold.
But this did not end the surprises, for when the wings of the chick were raised a magnificently jeweled coronet lay within, and then within this, was a ring set with the most precious gems.
What must have been the astonishment of the receiver, as for the first time she saw the hidden wonders of the new gift. Even the first opening would create surprise which would grow as the fresh unfolding’s displayed the wealth that lay within.
God’s giving is of this sort. The more one knows of it, the more there appears; the more the grace of it is tasted, the sweeter it is found to be.
Let us then consider the silver to represent the first sight the converted sinner gets of the grace there is for him in Christ. What a treasure he has got! How he rejoices in it, and tells others about it and yet how little he really knows of its unsuspected store.
He sees that he has been delivered from his sins and all their consequences, that he has been brought to God, out of darkness into His marvelous light, from being a slave of Satan to becoming a son of God. Does not this fill the heart with truest happiness, and the mouth with songs of deliverance? Indeed it does!
A little later he learns that he has not only been mercifully blessed, but also righteously.
Sin had to be dealt with and man’s rebellion against God answered for. This the Lord Jesus did. He was the Lamb of GOD. In many parts of the Scriptures these holy requirements are represented by Gold. We may therefore quite properly allow the golden yolk to speak of this righteousness, and at the same time the little chicken may speak of life.
We might readily ask, “What greater blessing can God show than He has in bestowing grace and righteousness?” Is not this the limit of His giving? Yet we read, “God hath given to us eternal life and this life is in His Son” (1 John 5:1111And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. (1 John 5:11)). “The gift of God is eternal, life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:2323For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)). Who could expect such bounty, and who can sufficiently appreciate it when it has been given? Surely He freely gives as God!
There are yet other hidden things. If God has so richly endowed the sinner in perfect righteousness, what shall be done to the One who has made all this possible? He has been crowned with glory and honor and set over the works of His hands. He is Lord of all. He has been made Head of the Church, and all things have been put into His hands. Let the coronet tell us of these grand and worthy honors.
And last of all the ring, which speaks of the strong and close bonds that exist between those who are dear to each other, intimacy, affection and tender regard. Behind all the dealings of God with His ransomed ones, there lies the eternal proof of His love, deep, sweet, strong and personal. Itis the love of the Bridegroom for the Bride; it is divine, it is eternal, for love is of God and God is love!
This is something of the gain in knowing Christ. Who would not covet to know more and yet more of such a heart as His?