The church of God is out of place
In this dark world of sin,
She’s destined for a better land
Where sin has never been.
Her place is with her Head on high,
In scenes of purest light,
Where Jesus dwells her home shall be,
He is her whole delight.
The Jew is out of place as well—
The holy land is his,
He’s now a wanderer o’er the earth,
A by-word and a hiss.
In every tribe and every land,
He’s called “The wandering Jew;”
He’s crucified his rightful King,
He’s getting now his due.
The King is also out of place,
For in God’s Word we see
That, Jesus Christ of Nazareth
On David’s throne must be.
But soon He’ll come to claim His own,
His enemies put down,
As King o’er all creation reign,
Bedecked with many a crown.
And Satan, Christ’s great enemy,
Is out of place as well,
For his abode is far from God,
In deepest, darkest hell.
He’ll tempt the human race no more,
His power completely gone,
And he, compelled by power divine,
Jesus, as Lord, must own.
When all things find their destined place—
The church, the Jew, the King,
The enemy of all mankind—
Then heaven and earth will bring
Their sweet Hosannas unto Him
Before whose feet they fall,
And cast their crowns before His throne
And own Him Lord of all.