
 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 19
The act of Jehovah in “passing over” the firstborn of Israel on the night of the 14th Abib, when in Egypt, in virtue of their sprinkling the blood of a lamb on their doorposts, while at the same time they ate the roasted flesh of the lamb inside. On this occasion was instituted the feast of the Passover, which was to be observed yearly on this day, consisting of eating the flesh of a lamb, but not of sprinkling the blood, so that in process of time this eating was called “the Passover,” as in Heb. 11, where the sprinkling of blood is mentioned as a distinct thing. Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us as the Lamb of God’s providing, and is the great antitype of this event, which represents the atoning value of the blood oi Christ perhaps more simply than any other type.