Passports and Safety

Duration: 42min
Matthew 6:19; John 5:24
Children—Tim Roach
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Yes #47 by TIDINGS glad tidings I bring.
Last year I went to Malaysia.
Sometimes it's called it used to be called Borneo, and I have with me some Borneo bird flutes.
And if you're good, you can even make it, probably make a song out of it. But I have these Borneo bird flutes. I have six of them, and I also have two bookmarks from Borneo. And if you're sitting in the front, you'll have an opportunity to get one of these. You don't know who's gonna get them. I don't know who's gonna get them. But if you're in the front, you have an opportunity to get.
A Borneo bird flute or a Borneo bookmark.
You know, the Lord Jesus said he was sitting there and the disciples were around him and the parents were bringing their children.
To the Lord Jesus and the and.
They wanted Jesus to touch them, but the disciples saw this and they said no, don't do that. Get away from Jesus. He's a busy man.
And the Lord Jesus said, No, suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not. So I say to day, Let the little children come and sit in the front.
Someone else have a song you'd like to sing? Yes #44.
Into a.
May I know perish my ankle, people.
Nobody ever has a story, that's all.
I can tell you I can.
Zero nine 2801. Yeah, I'm glad I'm not bad.
Nobody ever had smoking before.
And everything we thought of that group of his friends.
You know, we talked about the Lord Jesus saying, come unto me, and he took the children.
He took them into his arms, and there's no safer place in the whole wide world than in the arms of Jesus.
You know, when I was I have a passport here. It's an old one, but it's full of stamps and passports and visa visas to go to many different countries, and I have one in here for the country of Senegal.
And Senegal is on the West Coast of Africa, and I had to spend the night there once because I was going to the plane didn't leave until the next morning. So I had to get into the airport. I had to get a visa.
In the airport and they sent me here and sent me there and I had to pay here and I had to pay money here and I had to pay money there just to get a visa. I see. Seems like I paid for the visa three times, but I had to get a visa and then I would go out into this crowded town or in front of the airport. It was all crowded, many people and I needed to get a taxi to the to the hotel. I didn't know where the hotel was and so I went to the policeman who was standing there and asked him if he could recommend somebody.
So I could get to the hotel. He said, yeah, you go with this man here. So I went with this man here and he took me down the steps and down the street and we started getting away from people and there were no cars. I said, where are you taking me? Oh, it's in my taxi. So I had grabbed him and said, where are you taking me? And I, so I said, you let go of my suitcase. So I we agreed for him to let go of my suitcase and we went away. I don't know where he was going to take me, but he wasn't going to take me to the airport.
He wasn't gonna take me to the to the the motel, but the Lord tells us in Proverbs 21 and 31, he said the safety is of the Lord. We're gonna talk about safety today. Does somebody else have a song you'd like to sing? Yes.
If a number or a song.
#8 OK, we'll sing the first and last verse of #8.
I have another passport in here, it's from Nigeria. I'll just, I'll just pass this around. You can take a look through it. Would you like to look through this? And then you pass it down the road to the next.
And so the passport is from Nigeria. It has been a couple years now since I've been there. And brother Udolphia, we had a nice time together and but now I ask him if I can come and visit him again. He says no, I will not give you an invitation. He says he doesn't want to be responsible because there's lots of kidnapping and stealing and killings of foreigners. And so he says it's not safe for you to come.
I'm not going to give you a letter of invitation. I don't want to be responsible for that. And so I checked up on the website and the US government and the United Nations and the United Kingdom's website, and they say only essential travel. Don't travel to Nigeria unless you have to. There's a lot of evil and wicked men there, and they call them Boko Haram and ISIS. And then there's just a lot of poverty there. And so people kidnapped.
Foreigners and they try to get money.
Out of these people or they kill them and steal the money they have on their person. And so it's a very dangerous place to go. And so if you go up in northern Nigeria where ISIS, where Boko Haram is, they kill people, they kill children, they they kidnap people and it's very and they cut people's heads off. It's not a nice place to go. It's very dangerous. But in Luke chapter 12 and verse 4.
Says I say unto you, my friends.
Be not afraid of them that kill the body and after that have no more that they can do.
But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear.
Fear him, which, after he hath killed, has power to cast into hell.
Yeah, I say unto you, Fear him. That's the Lord Jesus. We need to fear God.
Because God has power to save you, and if you don't accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, he has power to put you into hell.
And so you need to fear God, to fear the Lord Jesus Christ and come to him.
Before it's too late. Before you have to be sent into a lost eternity.
And so don't fear what man and other people can do to you. We need to fear God.
Does somebody else have a song you'd like to sing?
#4014 #14.
Two years ago I went to the DRC. It's called the Democratic Republic of Congo and there's a visa in there for that one too. It's not a stamp. They don't have a lot of resources. So they just put a stamp with a black and white stamper. They don't have, they don't put stickers in there, but that's for the Congo Republic of Con, Democratic Republic of Congo, and we went down to visit some people.
That were relatives of those people in the refugee camp that were in Malawi. And so we went down to visit these people and they were so amazed that somebody would come and visit them from a foreign country. Because there's so much danger there. Because the my, my rebels, they stay up in the in the mountains and they live up there. And when they run out of food, they come down into the villages and they they attack people and they kill people and they kidnap the young children and bring them back up into the mountains and train them to be my, my rebels.
And so and the last time I was there as I was leaving Congo.
There were big, there were many trucks coming in from the United Nations and they were bringing in their their peacekeeping forces, the security army. They were moving in to keep the people safe. And but people are afraid When these my, my rebels come down, they're afraid and so they run and they run to other countries as refugees. And many of them come down to Malawi and we are able to visit with them and give them the gospel.
They're at the refugee camp. There's one young man he was he was just got in there, just not even a year ago. He came into Malawi from uh the Congo and they had, they were after his father and they murdered his father and then they took him and they tied him to a tree with a chain and they took a big hammer and they clubbed him on the feet and broke his legs. And then he had to walk all the way to Malawi.
And on get transport in different ways, get to Malawi with a broken leg that was crushed and we tried to get him some medical attention and do there are a lot of problems and he wasn't able to get it. So he has a pair of crutches, he gets around on a pair of crutches, but the crutches are only this short and and it's very difficult for him to get around.
The Congo is not a place of safety.
The Lord is our safety. Somebody else have a song you'd like to sing?
What ABC?
I don't know if I know the ABC's.
Waive it in the past where it's true.
UPW's gone out, promised your ex-wife being a hobby and all in.
Another country that's right next to Congo is Burundi, and that's all. There's a stamp in there for Burundi also, and in Burundi they're right next to Rwanda and they have the two people groups there, and one is called the Hutus and the other one is the Tutsis and the Hutus and the Tutsis, They don't like each other and they kill one another and some years ago.
They they they all got angry with each other and they started killing one another. And I don't know how many hundreds of thousands of people were murdered back in the Rwanda massacres. But these people live in Burundi. And I went there and I was visiting some of the people there and every night when I was in the motel room the rebels were were shooting were fighting against the against the the government forces.
And every night I hear the gunshots going all around town and.
But in the daytime it was safe. You didn't hear any gunshots and you could move around. It was it was quite safe. Couple days after I left there, I heard on the news that just across the street from the hotel we were staying at, somebody set off a bomb and killed some people there. But it's.
Right now it's kind of safe, but it's it's not all the safest place. But again, safety is of the Lord. And there's a verse in Psalm 4 and verse 8 and I'll read that to you. It says, I will both lay me down in peace and sleep. For you, Lord, only make me dwell in safety. So safety is of the Lord you can you can go in this world anywhere and you can be safe. When the Lord is keeping you safe, it may be that He has.
Other things in mind for you, there may be struggles, there may be difficulties, there may be danger, But if the Lord wants to keep you safe.
There's nothing man can do, so fear God. Someone else have a song you'd like to sing? Yes.
In Malawi we hand out a lot of tracks and thank you tracks and calendars. And I was going through the city of the Long Way and going to all the shop shops and giving calendars and tracks and all the Muslim owners. And as I was going around somebody came up to me and warned me, said there's thieves coming.
And they're they're they're following you. And I thank them very much. So the next day I went out and was giving out more tracks and calendars, and I had two toy phones and I put one in each pocket and I tied a rope to it and tied it to my to my belt. And as I was going around town giving out tracks at lunchtime, I stopped and one of the phones was gone. It was missing and the rope was gone. I don't know how they got it from me, but I I never felt it and.
So the afternoon I saw I'm going to tie this one on real good. They're not going to get this other one. And so I was in a shop giving some tracks and calendars, talking to people. I felt this tug on my belt and I looked down and here a man is holding my phone with the the rope going over to him. He didn't see the rope and he's pretending he's using his phone. He's pushing the buttons and it's playing little children tunes.
And so I took on the rope and and he pulls back and then he realized what happened. So I I blocked the the doorway so he couldn't get out but he was bigger than I was and he ran right through me and right out the door and and.
But that wasn't too scary. That was wasn't too unsafe. But we had some friends, also missionary friends, who lived in another town, and they.
One night the the thieves came in, they had machetes and they and they hacked up the Watchmen and they came, they took a big, a big battering ram, a big piece of wood, and they banged on the door until they broke the door down and then they attacked them and robbed them at gunpoint. So those people, that family, they were afraid. And so they came to our house and they stayed in our house for a few days.
Matthew 6 verse 19 says, Lay not up for yourselves, treasures upon earth.
Where thieves breakthrough and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. This world is not a safe place. Some of you might say it's best that we just stay right here in America and be safe. But you know on March 27th of this year, the headlines on USA TODAY Americans ask where can I be safe? Where can I be safe? The Americans are afraid. Also there's riots and there's all all sorts of people doing all sorts of.
Bad things here in America. We don't need terrorists here in America because we kill our own people and people are afraid. During the year of 2016, I have some stats written down here. 465,676 people were found missing. Missing reports were filed. People were being kidnapped here in the United States of America and they were missing for other reasons as well.
And already in 2017, from January up until through yesterday morning, 731,351 babies were murdered. And and as I was looking over these stats, for about four or five minutes, 16 more babies were murdered here in the United States. She's a little innocent babies, and they're killing them. If they're willing to kill an innocent baby, what are they gonna do to you someday?
They don't care if they kill a baby or an adult. Well, 22,642 People were killed by drunk driving.
11,251 People were killed in murders.
And get this one 4011 People were killed while texting. Texting while driving. That's more than 15 people a day. Who will those next 15 people be Who will die today texting?
We might say who will be vexed from the next text.
It could be you.
You don't know who's texting out there. Maybe you. I know some of you also text as you drive. It only takes a moment and things can go bad.
303,361 Pedestrians? Has anybody here ever crossed the street? Raise your hand if you've crossed the street. You're a pedestrian.
3361 Pedestrians were killed walking along the road, crossing the street.
When we were at camp this past last week, somebody fell out of bed and they loosened and their tooth got loose.
400 people this year were killed by falling out of bed.
I don't understand how that happened, but 400 people died from falling out of bed. I tell you America is not a safe place. But where can we be safe? I have in my passport one more visa. I don't know if any of you noticed it.
I ha, I I got a.
A blow up of the.
It's a visa for the Kingdom of heaven.
Some of you on the side can't see it, so I'll show it to you. It's a visa for the Kingdom of heaven, the country of heaven. You can come look at it later.
If you were going to get a Kingdom, a visa, children, if you're going to get a visa to enter into the Kingdom of heaven, what requirements do you need to get a visa? I just went to Angola a couple months ago and I had to go all the way into New York City. They wanted to interview me, find out who I was, who I was visiting. They said you're going to visit this man. You've never met him before. You don't know him. How do you know him? How do you know you're going to be safe in our country?
There's a lot of bad people in our country. How are you going to be safe? You don't even know this guy.
Well, they said we don't have to give you a visa.
I said yeah, but I already paid for my air tickets. I already have my motel reservations already paid for them. Well, you should have gotten your visa first, but you have to have your your have to have your plane ticked before you can apply for your visa, so.
But they said we'll let you know in 10 business days whether or not we've approved your visa. So I got in my car and I left the next morning I was driving down the road and I got a phone call from the Angola.
Embassy and they said.
We've had an emergency. We've sent somebody else's passport in your return envelope back to your house.
And So what we did, we immediately approved your visa and sent your visa back to you with another return envelope so you can send their passport to them.
The Lord overrules. He wanted me to go to Angola, so the spirit of God worked in such a way so I could get that visa to go.
So there's requirements to get a visa. What are the requirements for you to get this visa to go to the Kingdom of Heaven? Well, the first thing is you need to have a name, because names are very important to God because he has a book and he has a book of names written in the Lamb's book of life. And if your name is not written in the Lamb's book of life, guess what? You're not gonna get a visa to go to heaven. You're not gonna be permitted to enter into heaven, But then you need to know your nationality.
Well, most of us are. Americans, are Canadians, or maybe some other country, But you are a descendant of Adam. Adam is our father. He's the first man and we're all children of Adam. And so that makes you an Earth child in the South African airport. There's a store there and it sells T-shirts and it says I'm an Earth child.
Not sure what that means, but an Earth child means you are born.
As a Sinner and the wages of sin is death. Romans 623 The wages of sin is death. Each one of you need to understand that you are a Sinner, you're lost, and you deserve punishment in the lake of fire.
Then we need to know what your criminal record is. My criminal record. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Each one of you are a Sinner. We're all sinners. But my my record says I'm justified. My record, my criminal record, is clearance. I've been cleared by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus Christ. God Son cleanses us from all sin.
So we're clear. We're clean. We're we're washed by the blood of the lamb. Then we have a date of issue. They need to know what date they approved your visa. And so I ask you this morning, if you're going to get a visa, what date were you saved?
Mine here says July 1970 ±. I don't remember the exact date, but I remember I got saved. What date were you saved? That is the day that you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and you extrusted Jesus Christ to be your savior. Do you know? Do you know? If you are saved, are you gonna be able to get a visa for heaven? Do you know if you are saved? If you don't know that, you are saved?
You come and talk to me afterwards. I want to make sure that you are saved.
Then sometimes you get a choice when you get a visa, whether it's a single entry or a multiple entry.
Well, my visa for the Kingdom of heaven has a single entry. You can only get into the Kingdom of heaven. Once into the country of heaven, you can only be saved one time. John 524 says, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word and believes on him that sent me has everlasting life.
And shall not come into condemnation, but is past from death unto life.
I'm saved. I can't lose that salvation.
I will not go into condemnation. I was talking last night. I went to pick my wife up at the airport at 10:30 up in Paducah and I got there an hour early and nobody else is in the airport. And then this lady, she came in, she was an hour early too. The two of us were there and she looked sad and she said she was there to pick up her, her son and and his wife.
Because her husband was in the hospital in intensive care after, after some while thinking about Sunday school, I asked her what's what's wrong with your husband? Well, he is suffering. He is 71 years old and he has some sickness and he's got pains and he couldn't take the pains anymore. So he took a handful of his pills and tried to commit suicide.
Well, they tried to revive him. They brought him in an ambulance to the hospital.
And they they revived him. His. Why did you bring me here? Why did you revive me? I wanna go see Jesus.
But his sons told them, told his wife he can't go to heaven if he commits suicide if you kill yourself.
You're gonna go to hell. And so I showed her this verse. He that hears my word and believes on him that sent me has everlasting life. It doesn't matter how you die, you have everlasting life. You will not come into condemnation. That man knows Jesus as his savior. He will not come into condemnation. But he's passed from death unto life. He is safe. And then in your and then in the. You want to know how long your visa is good for. Some are good for 30 days. Some are good for a year. Some countries let you get a 10 year visa.
Well, this visa, the duration is eternal. It's eternal. The gift of God is eternal life.
Roman, 623.
The expiry date. What day does it expire? It never expires. John 1028. I shared this verse with the lady last night too.
John 1028 You shall never perish, and nobody can take you out of your.
Out of Jesus hands. We're safe in Jesus hands. We started that in the beginning of the meeting that Jesus took the little children up into his arms. And then in John chapter 10 it says you're safe in his hands you will never perish. You can't get out of Jesus hands. No man can take you out of his hands. Jesus will keep you safe. And the next verse says that the Father has you in his hands. That man who tried to commit suicide, even if he dies, he can't get himself out.
Of Jesus hands, because he's safe. He will never perish. He will not come into condemnation.
He is safe. And then when you get a visa, it has to be sealed by the proper authorities. Mine was approved by the ministry of reconciliation and it's sealed by the Holy Spirit. We have that in Ephesians. Sealed with the Holy Spirit and then it. Then you sometimes you need to have it signed and mine is signed by Jesus Christ. Revelation 22, verse 16, Jesus says.
I, Jesus, have sent my Angel to testify unto you these things.
In the churches and then he signs that he says I am the offspring of David.
I am the Bright and Morning Star. Jesus, he wants to save you.
He wants you to be able to go to be with him in heaven.
He wants you to have an passport where you can get into heaven.
To be with him. He doesn't want you to send, to send you to hell. He wants you to go, to be with him in heaven. Earlier this year, I went back to Burundi and I wanted to get into Congo, but I was too late. I couldn't get a visa for Congo. I didn't have time. And so if I tried to get into Congo, I would be denied entry. And there's some of you here today that you might have a problem when you try to get into heaven.
You need to have a visa. You don't. You don't have to have a visa like we do, but you need to have something that gives you clearance to get into heaven. But if I try to get into Congo, I would be denied. And I ask you, will you be denied if you try to get into heaven? We have in Matthew Chapter 7 and verse 21.
He says, Not everyone that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven. But he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven, many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?
And in thy name have cast out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works. Maybe you've come to Sunday School and you say, Lord, I've been to Sunday School so many times. I didn't say a Sunday School verse this week, but I say a Sunday School verse every week. I memorize them. I remember them. I pray at night. I even say Lord.
I used to do that. Every night I pray Lord Jesus, if I'm not save, save me. Then I go about and be my own self. They had to come to a point where I realized I was a Sinner and I couldn't be saved until I realized I was lost.
And then I had to believe on the Lord Jesus.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. We don't want you to be denied entry to heaven.
Verse 23 says the Lord Jesus responds to you who don't know Jesus as your savior. He responds to you who reject Jesus. You say I don't want to hear it, but listen because you are hearing it today, the Lord Jesus will say to you, I never knew you Why do you think you want to get into heaven? Why do you want to be with me forever if you don't want to have me in your life here on earth? And so?
Lord Jesus will say, depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
If you are not sure that you will be received into the Kingdom of heaven.
Please come and talk to me sometime today.
I said at the beginning of the meeting.
That we're going to give some of these.
Borneo Bird flutes to some people, and I have six of them. And then I have two Borneo bookmarks.
And while supplies last, however.
I will give it to the first eight people who come and tell me when they got saved or how they got saved, and then I'll I'll let you choose one of these flutes or the bookmark.