Remember the time when the policeman stopped you and asked to see your driver’s license? You knew you had just made an illegal turn. You were nervous—and repentant. He was very polite, but you still ended up with a little yellow ticket. You had to report to traffic court in ten days.
It was a twenty-six dollar fine—normal penalty for such an offense.
Suppose you say to the officials: “I’m short of money this month. Tell you what I’ll do. I’ll attend church every morning and evening for the next two months.”
“Well, that’s a wonderful idea,” would be the reply; “but that’s not the penalty.”
“Okay, I’ll try to be a better husband than ever before. I’ll take special care of my children.”
The answer would likely be: “You’re a fine man. There is always need for improving family relationships. But the penalty is twenty-six dollars.”
There’s only one thing that would satisfy them: the twenty-six dollars. The church attendance and good life will not satisfy. Either you or someone else must pay your debt to the law.
God says the penalty for sin is death. Every other solution is no payment. Either you must pay it or someone must step up and pay it for you.
That’s precisely what has happened. The proof of God’s amazing love is this, that it was while we were sinners that Christ died for us.
But to him that worketh not,
but believeth on Him that
justifieth the ungodly, his faith is
counted for righteousness. . . .
Blessed are they whose iniquities
are forgiven, and whose sins
are covered.