"Peace, Be Still."

YES, the waves rose high; the winds were blowing fiercely. Around those trembling disciples the shades of night had fallen, and amid the starless gloom, the voice of the storm seemed a voice of death. Tossed high upon those boiling seas, then sinking low in the trough of the deep, their little bark seemed to them fated to destruction, and in the very jaws of death.
But the sleeping Christ was there. The wearied One had laid down His Head in the hinder part of the ship, rocked by the white hands of the storm to sleep. They arouse Him; with eyes that have drunk in terror from the scene around, they gaze upon Him, and with pale lips they cry in agony, “Master, carest Thou not that we perish?”
He arose, gazed for one moment on the troubled scene, and rebuked the wind that roared around them. At His command the storm was hushed. “Peace, be still,” He said, and every wave sunk down to rest before Him.
Then amid the silence of the calm He said to them: “Where is your faith?” and they cannot answer; but as they gaze around on quiet skies and restful seas, and then upon the face of Christ they say, “What manner of Man is this, that even the wind and the waves obey Him?”
But is it so with you, sinner, in this world of sin? The storm is raging round you: and the voices of the storm declare, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God,” and, “The soul that sinneth it shall die.” You are in the darkness, tossed about in your frail bark upon the sea of life, and “ready to perish.” Have you ever recognized the presence of Christ near you? Have you really appealed to Him for help?” Lord, save me or I perish! “What should you do if you were left alone for judgment? He Who is here and made known by the Holy Ghost, will one day leave this scene, and take His Own with Him; and then there will be no Voice to whisper “Peace, be still,” however high the storm may rise. There will be no eye to pity then, and no arm to save. Now is the time to look to Christ. Are you afraid? He says to you today as He did of old to His disciples, “Where is your faith?” Do you feel your position as a sinner? Do you recognize His power to save you? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.