Peace Be Unto You

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
How sweet were those words from our Lord's lips to the agitated and perplexed disciples! He was crucified when they thought His kingdom would immediately appear. "We trusted that it had been He that should have redeemed Israel." And so it was and far more, by the death of His cross; but they had this to learn by faith.
How is it with you? Have you heard His voice? Or have you as yet profited as little as the two when they met Him on the road to Emmaus?
See the honor He put on God's word. "And beginning at Moses and all the prophets He expounded to them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself." Was not their heart burning in them, while He spoke to them by the way, and opened to them the scriptures? Why is it not so with you, dear reader? Is it not because you regard the word of God as said to the air, rather than to and for your own soul? Oh that you would hear His voice! Harden not your hearts, like Israel in the wilderness.
But you object that peace may be for the disciples, but not for you. It is no less for every soul that believes on Him. Does not the apostle tell you1 that Christ came and preached peace to you, those afar off and to those nigh? This is just what He does speak from heaven, whither He went in all the efficacy of accomplished redemption. The blood of His cross deserves peace even for you. This is the righteousness of God, Who will never slight the sacrifice of Christ for sin. It is for you if you believe on Him. Refuse not Him that speaks from heaven.