Sin Condemned on the Cross

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 12
OBSERVE what a disgraceful kind of death, and how man did everything to add insult and shame and disgrace the Lord in it.
I think if those who did it had understood how the Lamb's sufferings were the expression of what was God's estimate of man's vileness, how nauseous and loathsome man's sin was to Him, they could not, in their self-righteousness, have more strongly expressed themselves against such an estimate of themselves than they did against Jesus.
O poor, self-accusing sinner I stop thy self-accusations, and listen to God's charge and accusations against thee in the cross; for there He showed His utter detestation and abhorrence of thee. There He was bearing the judgment of His own detestation of thee, that while He condemned thy sin, He might pardon thyself.