Possessing Our Heavenly Blessings

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
Israel had to fight in order to acquire possession of their inheritance. The land was given to them in title but, in order to enjoy their possessions, they had to fight for them; and so have we now. There is no such thing as enjoying the heavenly portion of the Church without conflict with the enemy, and that is the reason why so many do not enjoy it. If the Christian does not enter into his full, heavenly portion here below, it is because he is occupied either with himself or with the world, or some other idol of the enemy, and then he cannot enjoy it. The great object of Satan is to hinder our enjoying, tasting, and living on our heavenly blessings in Christ; and in the same proportion that the world or the flesh is allowed, and so the door is left open to Satan to darken our eyes, we cannot see the goodly land. There must be victory over Satan before we can enter in. The adversary has not merely power through men’s lusts here below, but specially in connection with the heavenly places―power of hindering Christians from enjoying their portion there.