Praise to Jesus

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
JESUS, our life, is risen-
JESUS, who died to save:
Burst are thy gates, O prison!
Thy vict'ry spoiled, O grave!
He who in grace descended,
Constrained by love to die,
Triumphant has ascended
To God's right hand on high.
He, for the joy before Him,
Endured the cross and shame,
Therefore our souls adore Him,
And magnify His name:
JESUS, O name all glorious!
He bore it on the tree;
JESUS, O name victorious
He bears it still for me.
JESUS, the sinner's Savior,
JESUS, the saved one's friend,
JESUS, whose mighty favor
Shall keep us to the end:
JESUS, High Priest in heaven,
He bears us on His heart;
By God to JESUS given,-
Who us from Him shall part?
JESUS, our faithful shepherd,
He watches o'er His sheep;
From lion, and from leopard,
His own He safe will keep:
How tenderly He careth!
How well He knows our names,
And in His bosom beareth
The weakest of His lambs!
We hear the Bridegroom telling,
“Behold, I quickly come!”
O joy! all thought excelling,
He '11 take us to His home!
To see His face all-glorious,
To hear His long-loved voice:
By Him o'er all victorious,
Oh, how should we rejoice!
All praise to Thee, our Savior!
We glory in Thy name; Our boast is in Thy favor,
Our songs Thy worth proclaim:
E'en in this vale of sorrow, We '11 sing, as on we roam;
But, oh, the glad to-morrow! We'll be with Thee at home!