A few years ago, in the city of Philadelphia, a mother had two sons. They were breaking her heart, and at the prayer-meeting she got up and presented them for prayer.
The boys had been on a drunken spree and she knew that their end would be a bad one. So she went among these Christians and said, "Cry to God for my two boys."
The next morning the boys agreed to meet on the corner of Market and Thirteenth Streets—though they knew nothing about our meeting there. While one was at the corner, waiting for his brother, he followed the people flooding into the meeting. God met him there and that he was convicted of sin and found his way to Christ.
Just a little later, his brother came and found the place too crowded to enter, so he, too, went curiously into another meeting and found Christ, and went home happy.
When the first son got home, he told his mother what the Lord had done. The second son came with the same news. One boy spoke at the young converts' meeting, and afterward the other got up and said: "I am that brother, and there isn't a happier home in Philadelphia than ours."
The Orphan's Prayer A child whose father and mother had died, was taken into another family. The first night she asked if she could pray as she used to do, and they said, "Oh, yes."
She knelt down, and prayed as her mother taught her; and when that was ended she added a little prayer of her own: "Oh God, make these people as kind to me as father and mother were." Then she paused and looked up, as if expecting the answer, and added: "Of course He will."
How sweetly simple was that little one's faith; she expected God to "do," and, of course she got her request.