Prayers of Ephesians 1,3 and 6

Duration: 1hr 1min
Ephesians 1:3 ; Ephesians 3; Ephesians 6
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Address—G.H. Hayhoe
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I'd like to turn tonight to the Epistle to the Ephesians, like to speak about the two prayers and the Epistle to the Ephesians and then the last chapter. And perhaps we could put it like this, that in the first chapter we have the apostles prayer that the Saints might know how richly they were blessed. In the third chapter he prays that they might enjoy this and their souls. And then in the last chapter he shows us how.
Can be preserved because even though we know these things and are even brought into the enjoyment of them, how we need to be preserved because there is a conflict and our enemy is busy. So in the last chapter we have the whole armor of God provided for us. Let's notice this prayer in the first chapter of Ephesians.
In the 15th verse.
Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love unto all the Saints, cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the.
Of His inheritance in the Saints. And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us? Word who believe according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set him in His own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power of might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come and have put all things under.
Feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church.
Which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth All in all.
Well, it's often been said that Ephesians brings before us the very highest truth in the Bible. And it's very wonderful when we think of how these Ephesians were once worshippers of the great goddess Diana, the image which they thought had fallen down from Jupiter. And they were all taken up with that idolatry to fill that city. And shortly after they were saved, brought to the knowledge of the Lord, tells us there was a great bonfire.
They burned up all their books, all those things that were once valuable to them. It says there was a great bonfire and the price of it was very great. Still, it didn't sell the books to other people even. They just burnt them up because they had seen something far, far better than the great goddess Diana. They had seen that there was a real man in the glory, that the Lord Jesus was up there at the right hand of the Father.
And they had learned something of what we have brought before us in this epistle, that they were blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus, and all how blessed it is that we have been delivered from all those things that might attract us. I'm sure that if they could dig out in some way or excavate that great goddess Diana, there would be tourists going from all over to see this fine thing.
But, old brethren, how much more wonderful.
Our portion in Christ and we could ask our own hearts. Or do we know these things? Are we in the enjoyment of them because this is what we need.
In Christianity, it's not as it was under the law system of thou shalt and thou shalt not, But instead of that, God has given us something better, and having that which is so much better, we're set free. Paul didn't tell him to go and burn up all their books.
But when they had found what was so much better wasn't hard for them to part with those old things. And so here we find in this first epistle the great desire of the heart of the apostle, that they might enter into these things and know them in their own souls. And I might say that in the 18th verse where it says the eyes of your understanding, being enlightened, that I believe the correct translation is the eyes of.
Aren't being enlightened. I call attention to this because it isn't just what we know intellectually. We could know a great many things intellectually, but if they don't touch our hearts, if our hearts are unmoved, why? It won't be hard for us just to give it up because it was only in our minds. But if these things have touched our hearts, if we really know them in our hearts, then it's like what the Lord Jesus said.
He said he that believeth on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water, not just out of his mind, something that he's learned, but something that he's taken in and enjoyed. And tonight with the Lords Health, I would like to bring before our hearts some things that many of us know, but how precious to be reminded of those things that we do know.
So that again we might think of how richly were blessed.
And as I say, it's not them hard to refuse the lesser things. You have a job that's paying you a large amount. Why someone offers you a job for half the amount, it's not hard to turn it down because you have something better. And all the unsearchable riches of Christ. How blessed this is. How wonderful in comparison with all that this world has to offer.
So he tells us here.
In this 15th verse, after he had heard of their faith in the Lord Jesus and love unto all the Saints in all his faith and love go together. Indeed, it tells us in Galatians that faith works by love, because when there's faith in the Lord Jesus, there's always love to others. There's a verse in John's epistle that says we know that we have passed from death unto life.
Because we love the brethren.
You know, when you meet people, isn't it true that it's not so much what they know that you talk about as whether they're really enjoying those things that they know? Someone has said that the Church was in its happiest state when it knew the least on the Day of Pentecost. Why? They didn't know very much, but it tells they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.
How was this knowing so little that they were so happy? Oh, because they were enjoying.
That which they knew. Trouble with many of us is that we know a great deal, but we're not in the enjoyment of it. Just like having fine food in front of you and you're sick and you can't eat it. The food is good. If you're feeling healthy, you'd enjoy it. But when you're not healthy, there it sits. Good food, but you don't enjoy it.
So the apostle could speak of their faith in the Lord Jesus and love unto all the Saints, and it's a proof of divine life in the soul that the heart goes out to the Lord Jesus.
And to his people, I believe that's the greatest proof in the whole Bible. A man is saying that he loves the Lord Jesus and that he loves those who belong to him. It tells us in Corinthians, if any man love not our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema Maranatha. That means a curse when the Lord comes. And then the other verse, I'll quote it again.
We know that we have passed from death unto life.
Because we love the bathroom. So here Paul could rejoice at the faith of these Saints and their love to All Saints. And then he said he didn't cease to give thanks for them making mention of you in my prayers. He not only prayed that they might know and enjoy certain things, but he gave thanks for what he could see that was.
A manifestation of divine life, and this is very important for us.
It's very blessed for us, brethren, to look for that which is of Christ in one another. I'm sure if you look for false and may, you could find them. But it's very needful if we're going to go on together, that we look for that which is of Christ and we seek to stir up that which is of Christ.
Just like a well and the pump isn't working very well, you know, perhaps that.
If you pump away and pump away you don't get any water. But it's amazing if you just take a half dipper of water and pour it into the pump while you get far more than what you put in. Why? Well, there was plenty of water there, but the pump wasn't working just right. And sometimes we lose the enjoyment of Christ and a little bit put in will often bring out quite a bit more than we put in. So isn't it good for to try and do this?
And to encourage the hearts of God's people. And there may be a far greater return than we ever expected.
So Paul, when he thought of these Ephesians, and he knew what they were exposed to in that city where the whole town was a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, while he gave thanks for what he had seen of Christ. And then he sought to stir them up to a fuller knowledge of himself, to a greater enjoyment of himself, and that they might be preserved too, because it's rather sad to notice.
That someone has called the letter that we have in Revelation chapter 2.
As the second epistle to the Ephesians, the first epistle he set before them.
These wonderful things that we read in this epistle, the highest truth in the whole of the New Testament. But what about the 2nd Epistle to the Ephesians? Well, John was right into that same church, and he had to say something that was very sad about them. He said, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Now he could say a lot of outward things were still maintained.
So they couldn't bear those that were evil. They had tried those that said they were apostles and were not and had found them liars.
They hated the deeds that deeds of the Nicolaitans. There were a lot of awkward things that were maintained.
But his heart was saddened, and that letter, written by the energy of the Spirit of God, was telling that they had left their first love. All the inner spring was gone. May the Lord grant that that first love may be kept fresh in our souls. The Lord values that first love toward Himself.
So he made mention of them in his prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him. He prayed that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory. Oh, blessed to have this brought before us, because in this epistle.
He says in the third verse of the first chapter.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. You remember how in the Lord Jesus rose from the dead, that he said, I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God. That precious Savior could speak of God as his Father and could tell us that we're brought into the relationship of knowing God.
As our Father, he could speak of my God.
Because the Lord Jesus had taken the place here of the obedient 1 to do his Father's will.
And then he could say, my God and your God. And I like to think of what Paul said in the last chapter of Philippians. There he was in prison, forgotten and deprived, and he said, My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. We trust in the living God, brethren, one who has all power, the.
And the gold are his, a cattle upon 1000 hills, so he could speak to them here of the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Father of glory may give them to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation. A lot of wisdom in this world, but the Bible tells us the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. What a blessed thing to have the wisdom that comes from above. Not just wisdom.
Marbles in this world and electronics, electricity and all kinds of things that we could study, necessary perhaps for our daily employment. But to think that God has brought us into his secrets, isn't this wonderful? The very God who made the universe has spoken to us. And like Jesus said to the disciples, he said, I haven't called you servants, I've called you friends, because all things that I've heard of my Father, I've made.
Unto you a friend is someone that you can converse with freely. And so to think that he has brought us into his secrets. And one is often said, the Christian is the only person who has an intelligent outlook on what's going on in the world. Now the world don't know. They're all confused what is going to happen. They say something has to happen.
Isn't it wonderful that we have, in God's precious Word, wisdom?
Solid here in this day when we see everything breaking down, that we have the wisdom of God in his word, wisdom for our pathway. Do we have to follow all the opinions and ideas of man? No, we have divine wisdom, the wisdom that comes from above. And then he says and revelation in the knowledge of him. This book is not just an extension of man's wisdom. No, it's something.
Superior to man's wisdom, it is a revelation from God. A revelation, I say, because God is telling us in this book things that we wouldn't know if He didn't tell us. Man may be able to study electricity and find out various uses for it, but in this book you find things that man could never discover if God couldn't didn't tell him.
Cast thou by searching. Find out God. Is it possible for a man, no matter how brilliant he is?
To get the true knowledge of God by his intellect, no God must reveal Himself.
And that he has done. Can man find out where he came from? Not if he doesn't believe the Bible. One great man at the end of his life said, I've spent all my life trying to find the answer to two questions, where I came from and where I'm going to. How can he find out with all the wisdom in the world? Tell him the answer to those two questions. But we have a revelation from God. We have divine light. And so he said he prayed.
That there the same I, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledgement of in the knowledge of Him. And apart from the knowledge of God, apart from the knowledge of Christ, we remain in darkness of these.
Psalms things. You know, there are men with great intellects, but if they don't bow to this Bible, they'll never find the answer to those two questions.
They'll never know what's going to happen in this world. They may talk about the year 2000 and the year 3000 and so on. Men don't know, but isn't it wonderful to have the light and wisdom of God's Word? Oh, how thankful we should be, and then we can face the future with peace. But we not only know the future, but we know who holds the future. We know the one who keeps it, and it's all under his control. For it says in the Bible, who hath.
And brought it to pass when the Lord commanded it. Not, oh, whatever God has planned, he's going to carry out and he's going to carry it out on time. He's not going to be behind schedule. So we trust in the living God. So we pray that the eyes of their heart would be enlightened, that they would know the hope of his calling and the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints.
He desired that their hearts might be in the knowledge of this. And what is the hope of His calling?
That we should try and improve this world and make it a better place. No, friends, we belong to heaven. Paul said in this epistle that he was an ambassador in bonds. He we belong to heaven. That's our home. And so he desired that they would know the hope of their calling. What is Our Calling? Oh, we're called from above.
We're heavenly men by birth. We belong to a brighter sphere.
Heaven is our Fatherland and heaven is our home. And how rich are we?
Man dies and people say how much did he have? Well, some are millionaires, some multi millionaires. How rich are we? Oh I say the unsearchable riches of Christ, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. What'll keep us from envying all of this world has to offer?
It's the knowledge of this. I'm quite sure when I'm talking to you that there are people, young people too, I expect, up in Siberia, in prison camps and labor camps. How can they endure the kind of treatment they're getting there? Do you think their hearts are full of resentment? Oh, I'm sure if we could take a trip up there and talk to them, they would talk to us about their portion in Christ. They would tell us that they're rich.
That they belong to heaven.
And this is what sustains them and this is what Paul desired for these Saints. And then what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us were to believe men often have great plans, great plans with they can't carry them out. Every new politician that comes along has some great plan. People listen to his plan. They think, oh, this is going to change the outlook of the country. But as soon as they get into power.
They find out that they.
Can't carry out the plan that they intended, but all God has a plan, friends, and that plan is just as sure of being carried out as God himself. He's going to and he has already raised and seated at his own right hand the man of his counsel, and he's going to fulfill all his will. The scripture says so we not only know these councils.
The hope of Our Calling, the glory of the inheritance in his Saints, but we also know that he's going to carry this out according to the what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us were to believe according to the working of his mighty power. He has shown that power and raising Christ from the dead.
And see him at his own right hand.
Brother Oscar Mayer was saying how it was going through the hospital one day and there was a man lying there in the bed who was a Buddhist and he knew that Brother Myers was a Christian. And he said, he called me over to him. He says I don't believe in Christianity, I don't believe in Christianity. He said, we have **** up. You Christians just have an empty tomb. Well, he said, praise God, we have an empty tomb.
We have our risen Savior. We have a glorified man at the right hand of God.
God has raised him from the dead. Shall I say. Christianity is unique. It's the only religion in the whole world that has a rhythm. Savior, one who has come from the dead and is seated there at the right hand of God. And so he told him that there was not only these plans. And I might just mention at the end of this 18th verse the riches of the glory of his inheritance.
In his Saints, you know, the Saints are not the inheritance, but the inheritance in his Saints means that he is not going to take what is rightfully his until he has his Saints with him. Just like if a man build a beautiful mansion and someone said when are you going to live in it? But he said I'm going to get married and then we're going to live in that mansion.
And so all this scene belongs to the Lord.
The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof. Why hasn't He taken possession of it? Why does He let wicked men rule? Well, the time will come when He will have His Saints with Him, and then He'll come forth with His bride, and the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.
But where is the Lord Jesus now? He's far above all principality and power and might and dominion.
And every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. Now this one and whom we have put our faith and trust, he's there at the right hand of God. He's far above all principality and power. He's the very highest authority. And there he is. And every name that is named is above them all. And.
It's not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.
And he have put all things under his feet, all has been placed under Him. He hasn't yet taken his place of headship, but it all belongs to Him, as it says in Hebrews. We see not yet all things put under him, but we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering, suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor. There he is at the right hand of God tonight.
And now notice this and gave him to the be the head over all things to the church, which is his body. Oh, how wonderful. What is the Spirit of God doing here in this world? Now he is gathering out of this world a bride for Christ, and that Blessed One is up there in the glory, the head of the body, the church.
Sometimes when you tell people that you go to a certain meeting place.
They may ask you, well, who's the head of your group? Well, here's the one who's the head, the head of the body, the one who's head over all things to the church, which is his body. And let us remember this all power is his, and nothing happens by chance.
To any of the members of the body, He's in complete control. He may allow us to suffer, but it says all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. And to me it gives great comfort to my soul, no matter what happens, that I know who's in control. Here was Paul and his epistle. He was in prison. He was in prison under Nero.
Did he call himself the prisoner of Nero? No, he said.
I Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, he recognized this person as head over all things to the church. Has something gone wrong in your life? And then you say, well, it was that person that did it. Why isn't it nice that we can just take it from the lower and know that he's had over all things to the church? And I say again, brethren, absolutely nothing happens by chance. He allows it and he can turn.
Trials into a blessing when we take them from Him.
And you know, there's a little difference in the expression and Ephesians it says here he's had over all things to the church. In Colossians it says he's the head of the body, the church. Now the reason I believe is this, that the point in Ephesians is what the church is to Christ. The point in Colossians is what Christ is to the church. And so.
He is head of the body. That's what he is to the church. He's the head of the body of the church.
But when he speaks about what the church is to him for he loved the church and gave himself for it. Then he said, I'm, I'm doing all for the good of my church. Just as it says in the 5th chapter. That he might sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of water, by the word, that he might present it to himself. A glorious church. Isn't it grand to think of, head over all things, love the church so much He gave himself for it, and now he's looking forward to.
Time when the church will be presented without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing. And it says, which is His body, the fullness of him that filleth All in all. So much so that Christ and His church are one. Just as my head and my body are one, and the head is to control the movements of the body, so Christ, the head in glory, and His body are looked upon.
One in the scripture he is the church is the fullness of him that filleth All in all. That's the way it is and a happy marriage. A man doesn't feel complete in himself. He feels that his partner that the Lord has given to him is the one who completes him. Isn't it wonderful to think that Christ?
As the head of the body has that which completes him. And no wonder we see such a disruption of things in the world today because Satan is at work to break down everything that's of God and God had a plan which is shown to us in marriage. What is Satan trying to do? Break it all up so that he would spoil that which is a type of this wonderful relationship between Christ and His church.
And any man who's in his proper place in the home looks upon the wife, his partner, as the one who is the completeness of himself.
And he wants to love her and serve her, and she on her part looks up to him as her head. That's God's plan and it works. It's God's way. And what a pattern we have in Christ and his love to His church. What a failing church we have been. Has it changed His love, having loved his own, which were in the world?
He loved them under the end. So here we have the desire of the apostle. The Saints would know these things, that their hearts would be open to know these wonderful things.
As I say again, nothing else will keep us in a world like this. It's so full of attractions and temptations. What'll keep us? We have something better. It's not hard to refuse other things when we have something better.
Now let's turn over to this third chapter and we find the second prayer.
Ephesians chapter 3 and the 14th verse for this 'cause I found my knees under the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named. That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith. That she, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with All Saints what is the breadth and length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge that she might.
With all the fullness of God now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in US, and to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. Well, here we find Paul bowing his knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And his prayer was that the dear Saints at Ephesus.
Might enjoy these things rooted and grounded in love. They might know the love of Christ which passed knowledge. And so it is so important that we enjoy these things. Now let's notice this 15 verse of whom the whole family or I believe the correct translation is every family in heaven and earth is named, that is in the purposes of God.
Christ in manhood is to be the center of the whole new creation scene of glory in heaven.
And in earth is to be the center. And he prayed that all the Saints might enter into this and know the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And then he said that they would be strengthened by with might, by His Spirit in the inner man. You know, the Spirit of God has been given to us as believers to bring us into the good of these things. It says the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us. And so he prayed that they would be.
Strengthened with might in the inner man. And isn't it true with us how much we need this strengthening?
As I say, there's so many things to lead us away, to take us away from the enjoyment of Christ in our souls, that it does take a real energy of faith to be like Moses, who refused those things that were offered because he had what the Scriptures said. He esteemed the reproach of Christ.
Greater riches than the treasures in Egypt because he had respect.
Unto the recompense of the reward.
And then that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith.
No, of course it is true that Christ does dwell in the heart of every believer, but He desired this for them. In a practical sense, we always remember.
Crazy really lives in US. Praise in you, the whole.
Lori and the enjoyment of this, this is what keeps us.
From the things of the world Christ lives in us, we have a new life, and the Spirit of God is the power of that new life that we possess. And then to the chief being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with All Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ.
I call attention to this because when he says in this 18th verse, the breadth and length and depth and height is not really speaking there.
Of the love of Christ because we can never comprehend the love of Christ. But what he is praying is that the Saints might know the measure of their blessings. You know, there are many dear Saints that don't know this. They need children of God. They think they can be lost again. You find them trying so hard to get sanctification, trying so hard to get.
Certain things that they think will be necessary to their spiritual life.
And instead of entering into the fact that we are blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ, someone said to a dear Christian man whom I know, do you have the second blessing yet? Said, I don't know what you mean. He said, the Bible tells me that I'm blessed with all spiritual blessings. I'm not just getting the second. They're all mine. Well, isn't it lovely that we should know this?
And perhaps it could use an illustration like this. And just a while ago, we spoke about man who builds a beautiful home or his bride. Well, supposing the time comes when his bride comes to look at this home and when she steps inside the front door, she said, oh, this is such a beautiful home. I'm just satisfied to be inside the front door.
It's just so beautiful here. Don't bother showing me the rest of the home. I'm just satisfied here.
Feel disappointed.
And if he played with her and she said no, it's just enough for me to know that I'm inside the front door. Well, you know, there's a lot of Christians like that. And they're satisfied to know they're saved. And they don't seem to have a desire to learn the length and breadth and depth and height. That is all they have. Can't you imagine that young man saying, oh, please come. I want you to see through the whole house. You know, I built this for you.
It was because I had my heart, the thought of sharing it with you, if you knew how much you meant to me. And all this is built so we can enjoy it together. Can you imagine the girls saying, I'm just satisfied to be inside the door and you do need Christians like this constantly. He said, oh I know I'm saved. You try to bring before them the truth of the church.
Of being gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus of all these wonderful things that we know reveal to us in the Word.
And they don't want to go through the length and breadth and depth and height of the house. They don't want to see all the rooms. They just want to know they're saved. Oh, I say to you, God wants you to know it all. He wants you to know how richly you're blessed. He wants you to enter into these unsearchable riches of Christ. Paul counted that his great privilege. He said that I should preach among the Gentiles.
The unsearchable riches of Christ, and even carries a little farther in the 20th of Acts.
Or he's talking to the elders of Ephesus there. And he said, he said, he said, I am free from the blood of all men, for I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. He said, I wouldn't be fulfilling my responsibility of God as God's servant if I didn't tell you how richly you're blessed. I don't want to stop at just telling you you're saved. He said, I want you to know how richly.
You're blessed, and it's a great joy to your friends to tell out some of these unsearchable riches of Christ.
Well, he desired that they would comprehend the length and breadth and depth and height and then and to know. So let's speak again of this young man. He's taken his bride to be through a little house. Every room is just the most grand that money could spend to fix it up. Just a beautiful mansion and everything is just the best that money could buy. And when he's all finished.
And I want you to know the love that I have toward you and it's not just the house, it's the love that I have towards you that I want you to enjoy. Now that was the apostles prayer here. He said, I want you to know how richly you're blessed. But he said and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge. So I want you to notice those two things. Sometimes a little hymn is given the hint that it's the length and breadth and depth and height of.
Christ. But in reality, friends, it's the extent of the blessings and the love that provided the blessings that is brought before us here. And it's a love that passes knowledge. The reason it passes knowledge is because human love always must see something in the object to love. It's impossible for us naturally to love a person unless we see something in them to love.
But God loved me when there was nothing in me to love. That's divine love. There was absolutely nothing in me. I was his enemy, an enemy in my mind by wicked works. And he loved me and that's why he says it passes knowledge. Why would he ever love me? Oh, that's what he wants us to know. And it's a love that passes knowledge. It's a love that knows no. And having loved his own, which were in the world, he loved them under the end. When did the.
Say that the very night the forsook him and fled. Did that change his love. We sometimes somebody does a mean thing to us and we say I find it hard to love that person after what they did. That's not the way the Lord is active isn't most precious. So his prayer here that we might know that we might know this love that we might enjoy this love that passes knowledge.
And that she might be filled with all the fullness of God.
It doesn't say that we can contain all the fullness of God, but be filled with it. I might go down here to the Pacific Ocean and take my cup and fill my cup and bring it up and it's filled out of the Pacific Ocean, but I haven't got the Pacific Ocean in my cup. The Lord Jesus, in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. All you and I can do is fill our little cup, but I tell you, it really fills.
It fills it to overflowing, and so he desired that they would be filled with all the fullness of God. And then miss 20th verse. It's often used in connection with prayer. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in US.
Sometimes we speak of this in connection with answered prayer, but I believe the thought in the verse goes farther than that. And supposing the Lord had come to you and said, what would you like me to do for you?
Would any of us have ever asked that we should be heirs and joint heirs with Christ? That we wouldn't just have a little corner in heaven, but we would be heirs of all that belongs to Christ? Wouldn't we have ever asked that we should be part of his spotless bride?
I don't think any of us would ever have thought of such a thing, but God thought about it and God purposed it and the Lord Jesus did the work to make it possible. He sent down his Holy Spirit to should have brought his love in our hearts. And now he said he's able to carry out this plan. It's more than we can ask or think. It's true. He does answer prayer about what we ask or think. But brethren, when we get to glory, I believe when we get there, we will say.
Certainly never asked for this, and I never thought it was going to be so grand as this. He's able to do it and He's going to carry out His purposes. And then what does this produce in US unto Him? A glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. That is all we can do is praise Him for it. We can't. We can't contribute something to that glory, but we can praise.
We can thank Him, we can give glory to his name, but he that glorious, let him glory in the Lord. And so I hope that this does cause more praise to come forth from our hearts to Him. Unto Him be glory in the church. It could be translated to the ages of ages because we never stop praising. Even when we get the glory, it's going to continue on. Eternity is too short to utter all.
Praise. But down here there should be that glory to Him, that glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Well, may the Lord grant that there will be more praise in our hearts for what He has done. I just want to look briefly at the last chapter, 2, the 6th chapter here.
We read about the Armor of God.
Devil, For you wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places or in the heavenlies. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that she may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand, therefore, having your loins gird about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness.
And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, above all taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching there unto it all perseverance and supplication.
For All Saints, well as we mentioned, there is the Apostles prayer that we might know.
Things there is the apostles prayer that we might enjoy them, and then there's God's provision for the conflict and we know how the devil is doing all he possibly can to keep us from the enjoyment of our portion. I don't need to tell you that because if you're saved, you know that. You know that as soon as you go to work in the morning. It just seems that so many things come in. It's like it says in Daniel Chapter 7.
The enemy's attempt is to wear out the Saints of the Most High, and doesn't he just try to wear you down? Everything that pressures and all. Well, has God made provision? Prayer is a very blessed thing, but there is a conflict, and in this conflict we're told to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. What is our conflict against?
Well, it says we wrestle not against flesh and blood. You don't go and punch people in the face.
We don't take physical swords and cut people down. Now, that was the Jewish conflict. Ours is a spiritual conflict. But we have a powerful enemy and Satan knows just exactly our weak point and he doesn't want us to enjoy these heavenly things. That's why it says spiritual wickedness in higher in the heavenly places. Satan will do all he possibly can to keep you from enjoying.
Portion up there and if you go out to work in the morning and all that you've got to think about is this earth why then they'll get you down. They'll perhaps tell you oh, it is worthwhile it's too great a conflict and you'll just put a cloud between you and that glory about he doesn't want you to look up. I believe, friends, that that's why in this epistle Satan's called a Prince of the power of the air because just like that airy atmosphere comes between US and the.
And how often the clouds are floating through that area atmosphere and hiding from us the sun. And so Satan is doing all he can surround us with everything so that we won't see how bright our portion is up there so that we won't be enjoying it. And if you go to work and you're not enjoying what's above the sun if you don't do.
What we need to do, get up above those clouds. You know, sometimes you say, oh, the sun is not shining today.
Yes, it's shining. We just need to get above the clouds. It's always shiny. And so this is his prayer, his desire here, that the Saints would realize that there is a real power, the rulers of the darkness of this world. Satan is the God and Prince of this world.
He has religion, the blind people, and he has the whole political system and the pleasure system and everything all arranged but for to take away our hearts from the Lord. And you know it as well as I do. He just got everything and he knows just what's inside there. We still have the flesh within. And so everything's just arranged for this. And we say, how can I meet these pressures? How can I stand it?
The rulers of the darkness of this world, wicked spirits in heavenly places. So we're told to take the whole armor of God. Notice, notice a little bit the provision here stand therefore having your loins gird about the truth. Well, I believe when it speaks of the loins here it means.
Perhaps we could say our bodies, our emotions, our desires.
Are they kept in the loins? Dirt about means that they're under the control and direction of the word of God. We're living in days when people are just casting off restraint. It says in the second Psalm, prophetically, this is what it says. Let us break their bands asunder and castaway their cords from us. That's what the world is saying. Let's forget about all these blue laws and all these old.
Ideas and they're all exploded. We're living in a different age. And so this is what he's saying here. We need to have our loins girded out with truth. Are you ideas of morality and what's proper and right? Are they decided by the opinions? Is that what you think about marriage? Just what people are saying and what passes in the courts of the land when everything is made easier and easier for sin? Is that what you use as your guide or?
Good about the truth you said I want to know what God says about this, not just what opinions are. What does God have to say? So you notice the very first thing is the Lawrence heard about the truth because once Satan has LED us into sin to them, we've lost the enjoyment of the Lord until we get restored. So he's going to do this if he possibly can. And so the loins are to be gird about with truth and then we have on the breastplate of righteousness.
Say I'm a loving disposition, be careful, he's just going to get your love. Let your love go out like the prophet had to say to King Jehoshaphat, he loved a man that hated the Lord and the prophet came to him. He said, should thou love the ungodly, and should thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord. And he also said.
It also says in James it says Whosoever therefore will be the friend of the world.
Is the enemy of God because this world is an enmity with God and so we love sinners for their salvation. But this is another point that he's Speaking of here. We need the breastplate of righteousness and often you'll we'll say, oh, I love that. Is it righteous? Is it according to God? Can you do it in fellowship with your Lord and Savior? Can you take him along with you in the plane?
We're to have on the breastplate of righteousness. Our affections are to be controlled, In other words, under the control of the claims of divine righteousness. And then your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace everywhere the Christian goes is to bring the peace that the gospel brings. Isn't this beautiful too? So you can go down. Maybe you say everybody in the place where I.
Fighting with one another, Well, isn't it nice to go in with our feet shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace? The Scripture says blessed are the peacemakers, and it's a very lovely thing. As a Christian, we have to stand for truth and holiness. But I'm Speaking of the whole characteristic of the Christian. He is one whose fate is to be shown with the preparation of the gospel of peace. And so people.
In the place where I work that my feet are shot. They know what happens when things go wrong. They probably explode and there's a perhaps a volume of bad words come on. But how do they see with us? Do they see that the peace of God rules in our hearts? Well, our feet are to be shot with a preparation of the gospel of peace. Can't you see how we need this? We have those two prayers, but oh, now we're dealing with realities. We just have to go out and.
Kind of a world and God hasn't sent us out without the armor. It says in the Bible no man goeth to warfare at his own charges. What did you think of a country who sent out their their soldiers unarmed and unprepared? God doesn't do that. He has provided the armor so that we would be able to stand. And then it says above all, taking the shield of faith.
Where is wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked?
All how we need the shield of faith. Isn't it true Satan does what he can to get us doubting? I'm just talking to a Christian the other day and he said he said I get so overwatched sometimes. Satan tries so hard to put doubts in my mind. He said I want to speak for the Lord and he said he just so succeeded in getting me into doubting that I can't even be a testimony for the Lord.
Whenever you find any attempt.
To put unbelief in your mind, remember you need the shield of faith. Satan. How did he get Adam and Eve to partake of that forbidden fruit? He did just that. He caught them with a shield of face down. And if they had believed what God said, they wouldn't have taken of that fruit. But they believe what Satan said instead.
What Satan is dead? And remember, a little track perhaps some have seen. Why do I believe in Christ?
And it begins like this, Why is a man an infidel? And the answer was because he believes in himself. And the next one was, why is a man a Christian? And the answer was because he believes in Christ and not in himself. Well, friends, I can tell you that's why I'm a Christian, because I don't believe in myself. People. Peter believed in himself and he had a bad fall.
The shield of faith was down. Don't believe in yourself.
He that trusteth in his own heart is approval. Don't believe in yourself. But in this grand we have the shield of faith that quenches all fiery darts. When Satan comes with a doubt, just turn to him and say, I believe what God said. And sometimes it may be hard because he'll start and reason with you. And you know Satan can beat you in an argument anytime. You can beat me at an argument, but he can never, never.
The Word of God, the Lord Jesus himself didn't argue with Satan. He answered it is written and every temptation that Satan brought, it is written. And when temptations comes, temptation comes to you, lift the shield of faith, answer it by the word of God, so that says, and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. I believe the helmet of salvation.
The helmet, as we know, is for the head and that means what are we thinking about? What are we thinking about? We can get our let our minds run to the end of the earth. The Bible says gird up the lines of your mind, be sober. And you have to do it often in a world like this, don't you? There's so many suggestions constantly in the world. If the gird up the loins of your mind, you need to have a helmet on so that you just don't let your mind run everywhere.
Because if we let our minds run everywhere.
Now then the enemy can work through the mind. The God of this world lines the mind, puts evil thoughts into the mind. So they were to have the helmet of salvation. We're waiting for the Lord to come. Another passage says for in helmet the hope of salvation. Then we're going to be delivered. He's coming soon and then.
The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Well, that's the only offensive weapon. Notice that the other ones are all for our protection.
But this one is an offensive weapon, and it's good for us to remember, we were saying.
The Lord Jesus. Jesus used one offensive weapon. He used the word of God.
Don't use human arguments. Don't say, well, I think this is wrong or I think this is right.
Acquaint yourself with the word of God, and if you want to repel temptation, an evil doctrine and things that come If someone asks you why we need as we do, someone asks you why you don't do certain things. I don't say, well, I just think that I shouldn't do that. Try to show them the word of God.
It's the Word of God that settles it. And if you and I have the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, by then we have that which Satan cannot stand. We have that which is, as it says, another place, mighty through God to the pulling down a stronghold. Oh, what a weapon it is. And we need to acquaint ourselves with God's Word so that we can answer these temptations when they come.
And then again we have dependence, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit. I'm watching thereunto with all perseveres, perseverance and supplication for All Saints. Isn't this beautiful? We pray constantly, asking the Lord to help us, and then we pray for others.
Because we need one another's prayers, Paul didn't say. Well, I'm a devout Christian. You don't need to pray for me. I'll pray for you.
Now he pulled, and over again he asked the Saints to pray for him. We need one another's prayers. And so we're not going to ask prayer for help for ourselves, but for others. There are others in conflict too. Maybe there's friends you know, and they're in special conflict. They're meeting some onslaught of the enemy. Don't only pray for yourself, pray for them.
To Paul prayed for the Saints, and we do need one another's prayers.
Well, it's often been said there's no armor for the back in all this armor that's provided, there was an armor for the front, but none for the back. God doesn't intend us to turn our back to the enemy. We're we're to stand and then when he commands, we go forward, but never to turn our back to the enemy. Well, may the Lord grant that the desires of the apostle for the Ephesians Saints would be answered in our.
We might know more of how richly we're blessed, we might enjoy our portion, we might enjoy His love, and that we might put on the whole armor of God. We surely need it rather than these days, because the Lord is coming soon, and surely we would desire that. We would be a watching and waiting people, waiting for Him, ready, as it says, to open the door immediately.
When he comes, if I'm doing something and someone comes the door and I think, well maybe they wouldn't like that, then I don't want to answer the door.
Right at once, because I don't want them to see that, but it says that when he opens, when he knocks, they would open to him immediately. May we be living in such a way that we can at any moment of the day or night, say, Lord Jesus come.