This little work is a collection of some of the more common Bible words and phrases, with an attempt to give very briefly their true Scriptural meaning. The wonderful stimulus that has been given of late years through so many channels of Bible reading and research has naturally led to a constant use of such words, unfortunately, too often, with anything but a clear perception of their meaning. Different communities, moreover, have at all times had their peculiar religious phrases, generally used in a conventional manner, and bearing a particular meaning, often quite at variance with their true Scriptural usage.
Besides the above, there are Christians who are constantly in the habit of using what we may term, without using the word in any offensive sense, hackneyed phrases, often without any meaning at all. The object of this book is, in view of this, to endeavor to lead to a more true and sound usage of Scriptural language. The list given is by no means exhaustive, and the definitions will, we fear, often appear defective to the critical reader. From such we would request as a favor that they would send suggestions of any better and more truly Scriptural definitions; and we would also request all our readers to furnish lists of any words or phrases that might be usefully defined, and that we have omitted.
If, however, in spite of its many imperfections, the present volume should lead our readers to a more intelligent and Scriptural use of the religious words and phrases they employ, we shall be amply rewarded, for we are convinced that no small amount of harm flows from a wrong usage of Biblical words, and that Scripture misapplied is a most fertile source of error.
A. T. S.