“I’m going to my Maker, and I’m not ready. Will no one read to me?”
Such were the words of a dying man a month ago, as his wife and children stood around his bed. The minister of the parish was sent for, but being away, did not get the message, and three days elapsed ere the scripture reader came. It was then too late. The poor man was rapidly passing away and did not seem to hear the invitations of the gospel. And so he died.
He was sixty-three years of age, and his grown-up sons and daughter were by his side, but not one could give him any comfort. Their parent had lived for the world and present pleasures, and trained his children for the same, and now in his dying hour those who might have comforted and spoken to him of Christ were silent, for they knew not Him Whom they and their parent needed.
Reader! Learn a moral from this incident. Many who: read it have often heard the gospel preached, and have been warned of the consequences of living and dying in their sins; have been spoken to of Jesus — the One Who knew no sin — made sin for us, “that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Cor. 5:2121For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. (2 Corinthians 5:21)); have heard of His precious blood which “cleanseth from all sin,” and yet are unsaved.
Friend! you have got to meet your Maker. Are you ready? You know not how soon the summons may come. The least probable often happens, and you cannot tell how soon your earthly career may be ended.
What about eternity? Which shall it be for you, Heaven or Hell?
Parents! you have children (God given) growing up around you. Shall it be that when you come to die your last testimony to them shall be, “I’m going to my Maker, and I’m not ready?”
Oh! unconverted parents, “Repent ye and believe the gospel.” Christ is willing to save you NOW, if you will only put your trust in Him.
Children! you have beloved Christian parents on their way to heaven. Parents who have often prayed for you, and long for your salvation. Many a night may have been spent by them in prayer for YOU, when you were fast asleep. Shall those prayers be in vain? It may be even, you have beloved ones in heaven, who on their dying bed invited you to meet them there, and told you of the words of Jesus, “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” and you promised to meet them again. Have you forgotten your promise?
Unsaved reader, old or young, I would ask you to pause and think. Eternity is before you; death is near; and you have to meet your Maker.
But there is salvation for you now. Jesus died and rose again. He died for sinners, even the chief, and His blood cleanseth us from all sin. Take your place before God now as a guilty sinner, and put your trust in Christ and His finished work, and prove the value of His precious blood, which “for ever speaks, in God’s Omniscient ear.” God help you to trust Christ as your Saviour! P. H. B.