Psalm 86

Psalm 86
Address—J. Kilcup
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Singing #159.
All things that God or man could wish.
And Jesus richly met me not to our eyes is like so dear, no earthly pride, so sweet.
For many, his name still cheer our hearts and shed his fragrance. There, the sweetest bomb of every womb, a cure of every care #159 my brother Lee started.
All things that are.
That's the.
Last evening.
Pick up a Personality of Scripture of a man by any requirement of us, you remember who.
Had been won by the great race of God.
And he has given up everything for because of this great grace that I've gotten hold of him.
I'd like to take out tonight another man.
Who might illustrate to us?
How possibly we?
Thought of God to enjoy this great grace.
Maybe the different exercises and the different feelings that we go through.
Believers, I think this could be illustrated in a 86 song. Please return to the 86 of.
Of the song.
This is a prayer of David.
To yearn so mightily to be what God wanted him to be, and to have God be the preeminence in his life.
And he begins by.
One says, Bow down thine ear, O Lord, hear me, for I am poor and needy.
Preserve my soul, for I am holy. All thou art thou my God, save thy servant who trusteth in thee.
Be merciful unto me, O Lord, for I cry unto thee, I rejoice or rejoice the soul of thy servant, For unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.
For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy unto all those who call upon thee. Give ear, O Lord, unto my prayer, and attend to the voice of my supplication.
In the day of my travel I will call upon thee, for thou wilt answer me among the gods. There is none like unto thee, O Lord, neither are there any worse like unto thy works.
All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord, and shall glorify thy name, for thou art great and doest wondrous things, for thou art God alone.
Teach me thy way, O Lord, I will walk in thy truth. Unite my heart to fear thy name.
I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and I will glorify thy name for evermore.
For great is thy mercy toward me, and thou hast delivered my soul from the Lord's head.
Oh God, the progression against me and the assemblies of violent men have sought after my soul and have not set thee before him.
But thou.
Oh Lord our God, full of compassion and gracious long-suffering and funniest in mercy and truth.
Oh turn unto me, and have mercy upon me. Give thy strength unto thy servant, and save the son of an enemy.
Show me a token for good that they who hate me may see it and be ashamed because now Lord has helped me and comforted me.
The first verse of the song is the foundation for everything.
In our life to be.
Experience more of the grace of God, and that is.
He said I am poor and easy.
At the end of self I realized that in myself I cannot go on, I can't make it.
And if you will hold this place and turn over to Matthew 5.
I just like to read a verse or two there to illustrate further what we have here.
In the 5th chapter of Matthew and the.
Third verse.
He said Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is a Kingdom of heaven.
The first beatitude here, this is the first one lies at the basis of all the others.
And surely nothing can be so necessary to one who has to do with God as poverty of spirit.
When all is done from me, when all gone from us, When we are nothing at all.
Then all comes to us from God.
First, the attitude here is being emptied of self. Blessed are the poor in spirit.
He's saying is the I suppose the the attitude or the Spirit here is I want nothing now but Christ.
Really in order to as far as a condition of soul has to do with blessing.
As we experience the poverty of spirit, then, he says.
There's the Kingdom of of heaven. And so this word, bless it by the way, is a very powerful word to them who were listening to Jesus at the time. It meant divine joy and perfect happiness. Blessing, that's what it meant to them and said, if you wanted to know the blessedness of the Kingdom.
You be poor in spirit.
Nothing of self, of Christ. And so David, turning back to our chapter, David had a sense of this.
The need of emptying himself.
And so he said, I am poor and needy as I believe we are speaking the other night.
The great fatal.
Attitude that creeps in our souls upon our souls is.
When we become independent, that is we we lack the sense of need.
You remember we, I think, drew attention to the latest scenes. Who said they had needed nothing? They had needed nothing.
And so they were neither hot nor cold, and the Lord said he'd spewed him out of his mouth.
They had sunk into an attitude independent skirt.
They no longer felt a need of looking to God, and you and I have progressed in our spiritual life only as we experience the poverty of soul. That we need more. We need more of the book, we need more of Christ, we need more fellowship. We yearn that there's a spiritual hunger. And later on in the 5th chapter of Matthew, the Lord Jesus said blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.
For they shall be filled. And so as we feel the need, as we the spirit of God, would create that hunger and thirst far beyond missing a meal or missing getting a little thirsty because of a dry day. But it's a soul hunger that cannot be satisfied. It will not be satisfied but for more price.
Bless themselves so verse two, he says. Preserve my soul, for I am holy. Oh thou, my Lord, save thy servant who trusted in thee.
He knew that there was one to whom he was committed, who would preserve him, For he hadn't called him out as his own. He said, I am holy, I belong. I've been separated to thee.
And thou art my God, not a personal relationship he had with God.
And of course, she had nothing of the revelation that you and I have.
As to the price.
But I love his personal relationship.
I think three or four times over in this chapter he refers to himself as thy circuit, a serpent.
You know that's a.
That's an oddly expression.
In the first chapter of Joshua, when Joshua was given his marching orders, Moses had died.
Five times over. In that short chapter, the Lord refers to Joshua as the servant the servant.
He was, as it were, telling Joshua what I'm looking for is someone who has the character of a servant.
Someone who is like Clay, whom I can mold and conform to what I want him to be.
And that's what I think is up in the heart of every true believer to be a servant of the Lord Jesus.
We don't mind being.
Called a servant, of course, until people start treating this like 1.
Maybe we don't like it so well, but I think the features and the characteristics of a servant, the true servant.
Serves despite the circumstances or despite the response of those who may be served because it's done in the spirit of Christ.
But he said, be merciful unto me, oh Lord, for I cry unto thee daily. He felt his his daily need of looking to the Lord. There was no hit or miss, a sense of need in his soul. It was a constant burning issue that he really looked to the Lord daily. And you know, we could illustrate turning to a couple in scripture, Samson for one, Joseph for another.
Who were constantly it says daily being tried, the enemy approached a member in Joseph case the conifers wife is trying to seduce him daily and this is going on in the lives of believers constantly a daily seduction to we at Luneston away wieners away from a walk of Christ.
So he had a daily look to the Lord Joseph to preserve him from this entrapment.
And God answered. His is pleased. I remember he fled. We all need a good supply of fleas. When trials come, temptations come, the seduction comes, we flee. We don't sit around or stand around and talk. And I do maybe think we can handle the situation.
My experience with many and constantly many who have fallen into the moral.
Soon, for one thing, almost inevitably, they say the same thing. I thought I could handle the situation. I thought I could handle it and it could not. You cannot.
You need you need to look to the mark daily to preserve it. In the case of Samson, you remember he by Delilah. He was two seduced daily and finally he caved in.
So Samson was carried away with a lust of his heart. He was not a dependent man. He was a lustful man of characterizing through his whole history.
So we have this be the cry of our soul to daily be cast upon the Lord to keep us, and to use us for his glory. Notice in verse four he said, Rejoice the soul of my servant, for unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.
We said make my heart glad.
And he's saying, as it were, to him alone. I love for my happiness, for my joy.
Oftentimes we looked in wrong places for our joy. We look within and we find we can't be too happy about what we see. But we look to to him who can fill us full of joy, the Scripture says.
The joy of the Lord is our strength.
And as we as we enjoy him, there is joy given to us and we go on. You remember in the book of Nehemiah, it's just there when they were on the broad wall, there was a singing of the and the trumpets blowing and there was praise going up to God on the broad wall. And that's when they were there filled with joy and the sound was heard afar off. What I'm trying to say is that it seems that the one of the aspects of joy in our lives is that of separation.
When we're on the wall of separation, we'll enjoy, I believe what it means, the joy of alarm.
Cannot, by mixing with this poor world and seeking to satisfy our hearts here and expect to know the joy of the Lord. And there's another aspect of joy when you turn to the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy.
A very vital principle.
Deuteronomy 28th and verse 47.
Thou service not the Lord thy God with joyfulness.
For the ones of all things, therefore.
Shell style serves on enemies whom the Lord shall send against it.
I just love John like you to know here that.
I believe here we have the deep significance of joy in the Christian life. It's hardly, I believe, understood.
Because they they were going through their rituals, because they were doing what they maybe Santa should do, but they lacked that spirit of joy.
And so he brought judgment on it. He.
Chastisement. It's a lesson to you and me. Blow it that as we go through our Christian life, I think we make this application that it had better be in the spirit of joy.
Because joy is the evidence of the condition of the abiding personal presence of the Lord Jesus.
It certainly is proof that God does indeed satisfy.
And that for living and living and serving him is a delight to the soul that ought to be manifested in your life and mine.
I believe that we can only effectually serve him as we enjoy him.
That's only as we enjoy.
And I believe the oil of joy.
As we experience that obedience and worship and service.
All run very smoothly.
In the context of the Assembly, when in when that spirit of joy is manifested in the hearts of His people? Well, may there be more of this in our lives. There is nothing about us, and there's nothing within us that will fill our hearts with joy.
They have to look to Christ and Him alone. The joy of the Lord is our strength.
Well, that's this whole subject in itself, the subject of joy. I remember one time speaking on that My brother came up the next day and he had a Pino. I don't know how many times you would appreciate this. He had a print out of several pages of scriptures in of containing the word joy. The book is full of joy.
And he shared that with me.
And so that indeed, as we understand what the price has done for us, and what are you doing for us? And what are you going to do with us, boy? Why, our hearts have to be filled with joy. There's only one thing that can spoil that and it's a 3 letter word. And that's sin.
Single veil our joy.
And so if they seek by the grace of God, to keep.
Accounts with him. I believe we have a more of a joyful spirit, and you know, in a world that we're living in, is full of so much trouble, so much evil, or so much sorrow, and you see a life going on joyfully.
That is one of the strongest testimonies as to the reality of Christ and the soul that you will ever see.
As I believe, Why it says that in Psalms 40 that he has put a new song in our mouth. He even prays unto our God. And then he shall see it and fear the Lord and trust in him. And he shall see the song of our whole, of our heart, of our souls, not of our lips, but the thought is the song of our hearts.
And so as we feast on Christ, as we enjoy Christ, as we depend on him live a life of dependence. I think that will become the the warp and wolf of our lives, the joy of the Lord. Now you notice in verse 5. For thou, Lord art good and ready to forgive, and plenty is to mercy unto all those who call upon day. You notice here, Lord are good.
Good at giving and good at forgiving.
F sorry, why?
David knew that how good God was and how ready he wants to forgive and how merciful he was. You know, this is a spirit declared ready to forgive. This is something that you know is divine in the 17th chapter of Luke when.
They asked the Lord how many times to forgive and he says 7 * a day. If they come and repent he says well you forgive seven times a day. They said next verse says Lord increase our faith.
In other words, if I have repeated forgiveness was too much for them and they realized they needed more faith.
And that's something that's united. We need that spirit that in the Ephesians 4 speaks about that be kind, tender, heart, forgiving toward one another even as God for Christ sake has forgiven you. That's our standard. Think of the tenderness, the tenderness and the love of God in presenting Christ to our hearts. Got to forgive, he said. Quick to forgive, quick to forgive. And you know, plenteous and mercy upon all those that qualify on day. He knew the forgiveness, the merciful heart of God.
And you know those around us not to see that on you and me too, in the 12Th chapter of Romans, that speaks there of some gifts and possibly the greatest gift.
Possibly could be where it says this.
Show mercy with cheerfulness.
Sometimes they feel, well, I'll show mercy. But we do it budgeting. They don't really deserve it, but I'm going to be.
Large hearted and controlled mercy, but the scripture says the gift.
Are showing mercy with cheerfulness. Is upon.
That's something to think about.
Now you know, in verse six, give dear O Lord, unto my prayer I attended, and attend to the voice of my supplications.
And so he keeps seems to underline his conscious sense of conscious need here.
Attend to the voice of my supplication. He was pleading to God for these things, he said. In the day of my trouble, I will call upon thee, for thou will answer me.
You see my need in his answer. Make him alone. I believe glorious, and destroys sets aside all other trusts.
He said, My truck, they have my trouble. I've caught one, for thou will answer what confidence this man had in his daughter in my God.
You know, confidence is a very tender plant and it's something that is developed very slow.
But over a period of time David had learned he could have full confidence in his God. He said, Among the gods there is none like unto thee, oh Lord, neither are there any works like unto thy works. None could compare with the person in the work of his God.
You guys compares them with the the gods of this life others have. We don't know of course as he did, how others are heathens about them would worship their gods. But another thought is 2 gods. Someone has said that whatever has my attention is my God.
Whatever I have my attention, whatever I'm concentrating on is my God.
That's a thought too.
So we may say, well, I.
I don't know.
Above worshiping an inanimate object.
But you may be worshipping concentrating on something else.
Might be our home, it might be our family, it might be my bank account, it could be a number of things.
There are my God.
So he he would have the 1St place. As he's I think is emphasizing here there's none above him. There ought to be nothing above the person of Christ and his worth.
He goes on a safer hour grace and do his wondrous things. Thou art God alone.
Is he? He was well aware of what God was doing and how supreme he was. Now verse 11 is a key verse in this chapter.
I'd like you to notice it very, very closely, because it is everything.
He said, Teach me thy way, O Lord, I will walk in thy truth.
Unite my heart to fear thy name, first of all, he said. I'm teachable.
Teach me that way. Not only do I want to teach it, but I want to walk in it.
You know, there's nothing like having a teachable spirit.
You know.
As childlike as child, we come to a meeting and we hear somebody who start to speak. Oh, I've heard that before.
Oh, I've heard that many times. I've read that chapter.
A lot of times that's a death knell to being taught. I don't think there is any portion of the word of God that we have learned all about it.
And we never know what God is going to have for us. Some morsel, some nugget that we need.
In our particular state of soul. And so he has this beautiful, teachable spirit.
And I have that. Are we teachable? I believe that one of the the essence of a teachable spirit could have to come first of all from what the words of Job when he said God maketh my heart soft.
When our hearts are soft, then that's open to those seeds of truth, of wisdom, of the Word of God that he has for us. But we must have a sophomore. And I, beloved, I believe the soft heart comes only from being very near to the person of Christ.
Dear old brother, now with the Lord used to say, nearness of Christ makes me sweet.
Well, nearness to Christ. They make us sweet Christ, but it also, I believe, makes us teachable.
It makes us teachers, and so we know.
Because the truth, you say, as I walk in, the truth is going to manifest.
A personal promise that would be I'll be being conformed to his, to the Lord Jesus. And that is the the bottom line in all that we do and all that we learn as far as truth goes.
And that it conformed me to the Lord Jesus. Another aspect of truth is David said in another place. He said, Order my steps in thy word, I'll get this, and not let any iniquity have dominion over me.
Under 19 Psalm and above the third verse, it's the word of God that is a bulwark against iniquity, sin in our lives.
Again, we say that anything, anyone that keeps us away from this book is our enemy.
Is our enemy.
So we may unite be so jealous.
Of our time in this book.
That we will.
Have it the priority of our lives. Now the second part of this verse, he says, Unite my heart to fear thy name. That is this, he says. Give me an undivided heart. Reunite my heart. Give me an undivided heart.
In Hosea, about the 10th chapter in the second verse.
The prophet is saying because your heart is divided.
You'll find many faults among you.
Because your heart is decided. You know how good to have a united heart.
Give me an undivided heart.
Well, that's a heart. That's again, that's the molded and conformed by the grace of God. Well, maybe this be a prayer to each of our hearts that are not being divided that would be totally committed to.
The Lord Jesus, we all fail. The one that's standing here knows more a failure than you do.
But we do know that he is quick to forgive.
We have a lot of fresh starts.
And we can come to him in our need, and he will answer.
He's a gracious God. He doesn't see Jim Choker come again and say Gabriel take a club to this man. This is the 20th time he's been here on the same problem. He confessed this 50 times last week and 100 times a week previously. Deal with him.
He doesn't respond that way to us at all.
His lover love toward us never changes. Never.
And once we have not anything that can between us, we can compress it and get back into fellowship.
May we accomplish this?
Undivided heart.
Now in verse 12, I will praise Thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart. I will glorify that name forever more.
When my heart is one, I will give him all that's a thought of verse 12.
Now that I have an undivided heart, I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart.
When he has it all.
Undivided parts. Then there will be established notice, not a part of well. First I will glorify the name for every more, every this eternal gratitude of our souls.
For this undivided.
I would hope that I'm reading this scripture tonight, that this one as well as you sitting there.
Would be given a divine discontent.
Of your knowledge and understanding.
The Lord Jesus and His Word.
We did create an appetite in our souls. Again, I say that divine appetite, divine discontent. So no more Christianity is a paradox. The more we know of Christ, the more we realize how little we do know. The nearer we walk with Him when, the more we realize how far from Him we are.
But you know the.
Nothing left, so for nothing less.
In love with Christ and I believe the thought.
In the 8th chapter of Romans, when it speaks there of power souls, we've grown within ourselves for the redemption of our body. We groan not only to be released from this this curation world, it is indeed growing, but to be in the presence of our real Jesus.
That's the only ultimate satisfaction of the soul.
That is hungry and thirsty after God, that is undivided, and his heart is full of praise for him. He says in verse 13. For great is Thy mercy toward me, And thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell or fuel. He realized, you see that the the depth of the mercy that he had been brought into. And again I would. I like to refer to that first of.
But rooms 12/1.
Picture of the mercies, he said. I beseech you by the mercies of God, that you the OfferUp your bodies as a living sacrifice and the mercies of God, he says. There is the means by which you're going to offer up your body as you contemplate the mercies of God.
Have you ever done that? Have you ever sat down on a blank page to just list it all the mercies of God?
Is justification the hope? The promises?
You can go on and on. And it's those promises that have power over our wills, you see, so that we can say to the Lord as a word. Here's my boss.
Such as theirs?
And that's the only instrument we have that he wants is our bodies, because it has that. He has it all.
Well, so he had a great understanding of the mercies of God and power over him. Now he goes, he takes up another aspect here.
In verse 14 he said, Oh God, the proud are risen against me, and the assemblies of violent men have sought after my soul and have not set thee before them. You see, what are you saying? I believe here is that they would not have persecuted him. They would have not tried to molest him, the servant of God. If they had cared one way for the master, if they had known God, they would not have as.
Tried to.
Attack him or to destroy him. He said that a lot of part of that fourteenth verse, they have not set the before and they were ignorant as well. They don't fear God and are not afraid to commit cruel and violent acts against those who do fear God.
And that is happening in our world, and it may happen even more so before the Church is taken out of this world.
I don't know how much you may know about the New Age movement, but.
It is sweeping worldwide and is a tremendously powerful force.
One of its leaders has said this.
We will tolerate Christianity or we will tolerate any religion.
As long as they do not claim a special revelation.
And if they claim a special revelation, they will be a hindrance to their health and prosperity of this world.
Now this comes from not one, but I know at least one other two leaders of the of the New Age movement who feel that if there's any religion that claims a special revelation, it will be the hindrance to peace, prosperity and health of this world.
You know of any religion so-called and has a claim to the special revelation. There's about 1:00.
With Shannon.
In the eyes of these people, and they are well meaning people, they feel that Christianity is the biggest problem on earth today for a one world government or a world of peace.
Because we plan to have.
Special regulation.
And so it could be, it could be.
That as things move along, they will try to deal with those who are hindrance to peace.
And you can understand from their point of view that we could not be tolerated if we are the the problem.
So David Davis understands here that they had no thought of God. They cared not about God, and so they turned on God's people.
Verse 15 But thou, O Lord, art of God, full of compassion and gracious long-suffering and funniness, and mercy and truth. Now this is 1 wonderful verse, and what a contrast between verse 14 and verse 15.
As we think of the world and this attitude toward God's people, look at the heart. Pardon me. Look at the heart of God here.
Are we sorrowful? Notice it. Are we sorrowful? He is full of compassion.
Are we contending with temptation? His grace comes to our aid. He's gracious. He's gracious.
Do we air? Notice he is patient with us. He is long-suffering.
As we sin, well, He is plenteous and mercy.
Are we rushing on his promises? Well, he will fulfill it with abundant truth.
And see what a full verse this is.
This is the heart of God this verse 15.
I don't know. It may be one of the best versions in the scripture describe the features of the Godfather.
Now notice verse six FD.
Turn unto me, and have mercy upon me. Give thy strengthen to thy servant, and save the Son of I. Am he said one look, and to his face.
Will turn the darkness into day. Will turn into me. He wanted to see the face of God.
I like to illustrate this. Could you turn over to me, with me to Megan to Averse the year Welcome.
2nd Corinthians 317.
Second Christian 318 But we all.
With open face, beholding, as in a glass or mirror, the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of God.
There are 7 distinct features of this verse that I'd like to just briefly.
Look at it, because we do not have time to spend more than that.
But first of all it says but we are that is the true believer. A true believer now is what with an open or unveiled face under 2. The second feature that is sin causes the veil between our eyes and our faces in the Lord. And when we confess forsake the sin, we have an open faith, so we all believers.
With an open or unveiled face. Thirdly, Beholding, as in a glass. That is the word of God.
We as believers with an open face, but we're the God.
What the glory of the Lord? Well, that is meaning his moral Excellency and I believe and.
In the In the Bible we in the Word of God, we gazed upon the perfection of his character, the beauty of his works and His ways. We see all that in this in the mirror here.
And then?
Fifthly are changed into the same image. We become like him, and as we are changed by beholding, the more they're beholding, the more they're changing.
And the more we occupy with him, the more we like him we become and next.
Obviously the change is from glory to glory, that is, from 1° of glory to another. The change does not take place all at once. It's a gradual change of our character. I believe it's a process of continuing as long as we behold him.
And we know that one day we're going to be conformed to the very image of the Lord Jesus. So the transformation of our character is affected by the 7th aspect of this verse, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. So the Holy Spirit produces likeness to Christ in all those who gave by faith upon the Savior, as He is revealed to us in the scriptures and so.
Why do we contemplate him so low?
Why do not we spend more time in casing upon this morning?
You remember in the book of Psalms on the Psalm and that the bride chief of.
She surveys the bridegroom from head to foot.
And her conclusion was this. He is all together flowing.
Or maybe the loveliness and.
The preciousness of Christ ravished our hearts.
Then we'll experience some of the things that David speaks up here and what we try to express tonight as to the joy, the dependence, the fullness, the understanding of forgiveness and understanding to of showing mercy with cheerfulness.
But, he said. Oh, turn to me. I just want a look.
It'll turn my night in today.
And then he said in the 16th verse.
Having mercy on him. And he said, and he said, Give thy strength to thy servant.
And save the son of uncanny.
He realized his strength had to come from another. Now God does the impossible, but he does expect us to act for him now. I'd like to demonstrate that by turning to the second book of Samuel for just.
An illustration there.
Second Samuel. I believe it's about the 8th chapter.
Second Samuel.
I'm just going to draw your attention to some verses here that speak of what we're trying to illustrate. In the first verse, it says that David smoke and subdued David took.
Notice what David is doing. Second verse and he smoked third verse and he smoked 4th, 1St David Hook and the fifth verse David slew. You see who fought the battle David did. But notice verse six in the latter part of verse 6 and the Lord preserved David.
Whether so ever he wanted.
Verse 14.
Butterfly and the Lord preserved David with his forever. He was the thought, being this beloved who fought the battle. David did. Who gave the victory God did, gave it to, could not do God's part, but neither would God do David's parts. And so it was working together, workers together, God's power and protection. And they would be faithful in this case, swinging the sword. And so maybe we look to God for the necessary.
Strength to act faithfully for him. And David had an understanding of this here.
And verse 17.
Verse 17 Show me.
He says A token or a sign for good.
That they who hate me.
May see it and be ashamed, because thou Lord has helped me recover it.
Now what a testimony before the world is. The is the victorious Christian life in all our circumstances. Oh, he said, Let others see your grace and your mercy toward me. That might be a testimony for you because thou Lord is helping me. Let others see Jesus in me and you for his sake. That's what David will say. Let others see your work in means.
For yourself, beloved may that be.
The cryo heart tube that we made too many desire as there might be some evidence, some feature in your life and mine, that others can say that is because of who's he is, not who he is, but who's he is.
He belongs to Jesus.
Yeah, brethren. See these features that David cried for.
Felt his knee. He felt his need of mercy. He felt it. Saw that he cried daily, he rejoiced. He said Rejoice the the soul of I said he wanted it and nothing less than the joy of his heart. Remember in the 51St chapter of this song, when he is crying out his repentance, that he speaks there of having lost his joy, he said, Restore unto thy servant Thy joy, sin had come in, You know, that's the most expensive thing in the world.
Three letter word.
It is, there's no.
There's no limit.
To how much that cost you and me in our relationship with God? Well, maybe we recognize it in our life and.
These people, men and women, in prayer, as this man was, and may we have that undivided heart.
That we may be able to.
We give full praise with all of our heart from him and glorify his name, and be teachable too, that when we go to the word of God or we here administered, we may pray. Lord, open my heart.
Teach me what you have me to learn today.
I like more of Christ teacher and I think that should be the Of course the goal of our our reading, the scriptures, administrating whatever it might be, is to conform me to Christ. To learn more of Christ we we must learn more of Christ. If we go to the scriptures for any other reason, it'll make us big headed and difficult to get along with. But when we go with the to the scriptures with an open heart that David did this year.
To be taught, then I believe we'll have that soft heart that David, that the job spoke of and said God makes stars soft.
And that's hard that you can work with.
And as he goes on his sleeping and he.
Stole the heart of God as to his compassion, his more gracious his graciousness, his long-suffering, and his mercy and truth. So the Lord may these things be made good to her hearts as we as it was made to David.
An undivided heart. Forgive me.
May we say 172?
Or teach us more of that less ways, the Holy Lamb of God, and fix and root us in Thy grace, as those redeemed by blood. Old tell us often of Thy love of all one grief and pain, and let our hearts with joy confess. That tense comes all our game. Number 172.
Great enough, a desire and a hunger that will not be pulled or deceived by the things in this life, but.
Have an eye on that better country, you know, the third chapter of Second Timothy says. The character of our day, the time we're living in just before the return of Christ will be that the deception, and I suppose never had a.