The Gospel by Isaiah

Gospel—L. Kenny
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We're here tonight, but a great job to consider good news, good news. The world around us knows very little about good news.
We hear so much of tumult, of wars, rumors of wars.
Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions.
Many things that show not only that which is a public scene, but that's what we know of trouble parts, drug abuse, alcohol abuse.
Moral sin and evil, by which this world knows a great deal.
But there is good news tonight. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
But the Word of God tells us, affirms very clearly, that all of sin can come short of the glory of God.
So how wonderful it is that Christ Jesus came into the world to save you. We can say that with assurance as well as me.
We can give thanks and praise to him because he's done it. He's done it all.
The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sins. Let's sing about that precious blood #31.
Precious, precious life.
That has breathing. That's all that brightness is made.
Rebecca, pardon. Now we're at property.
Life and more and my friend of deep and start of gold, Jesus Christ shall fly and make everyone.
It's not at all unusual.
And this this week.
Someone that our family knows personally this past week is someone that our family knows personally.
What to be with the Lord Jesus? The world would say that person died.
Yes, her body.
Which we viewed.
A young woman, just over 30, mother of two children.
But as I've already inferred a few new prices of safety, she didn't pass through the valley of death in fear.
She went peacefully because she knew where she was gone.
Because sadness. It tucked up my heart as I viewed the face of one right now in in her childhood, I have known her as one who was a good friend of our family, especially one of our daughters.
But the decision in her life had been finalized.
Values. She was no longer able to make decisions as far as this Earth is concerned.
Had she not put her faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ prior to that time, it would have been out into out of the darkness. You see, we don't have a choice beyond the veil of death. We must make that choice now.
God has made a way in his infinite love and grace so that we could be caught into the presence of the Lord Jesus.
You can know what it is to have that sweet to settle feast.
Tonight, as we trade with regard to the Gospel, we prayed for some dear children of God by faith who are ill, one or more of whom they pass into eternity before another year.
What about you? What about you?
The world would say.
Satan would say, whisper to your heart. Not tonight.
There are those who would say why you think serious thoughts all the time. Let's have fun, enjoy the moment.
Live for the day or whatever.
Don't listen. Don't listen to that because God has set a time in which.
Time will run out. We talked about that in Center school a little bit this morning. Time will run out. The sand and the glass will. The last drain will drop for you and for me either. That glorious opportunity, that wonderful occurrence that will take place perhaps yet tonight, I don't know.
In which there will be that call from heaven. The Lord Jesus is going to come again, for we who have been thought of the precious blood that he spilled from here.
He has repeated all so that we might be able to hear that shout. You know, there were occasions recorded in this book where God has spoken.
God has spoken audibly.
But The thing is, not everybody understood what was said.
In the case of the apostle Paul, when the Lord spoke to him, oh, they thought there was a thunderfly.
They may think that when a child comes from the glory from the Lord, Jesus catches away his breath.
But that won't be the case at all. There'd be lots of missing persons.
Missing purpose the persons from this room.
About the world, not the glory. Yes, some who won't be there.
But they won't be missing in the sense that they have any place there. Your place in line is reserved there by the blood of Christ if we put our faith and trust in His finished work. You can do that tonight.
We may pass, as I mentioned before, through the article of death.
We don't.
Young ones are over and it's because of that they think it's very urgent. But we consider seriously what Broad has to say about sin.
And the awful penalty of it.
And what thought has done?
So that we need not bear that penalty.
Most of us didn't know that story very, very well.
Some of the ones who are young may know it very well, but have you said yes to you?
I can recall very well having heard the Gospel many, many times in my childhood, young childhood.
And I remember saying, well, not tonight. I remember thinking that I didn't say it out loud, am I? I remember hearing and trembling and yet saying, I'm not ready yet. Don't really have to do that. All right, What's another way?
I had ideas of my own.
I really fear considering those who are older who have never trusted in Christ, and you know, if I have many ideas at the age of six or seven as to some other way to get to heaven than God's way, what must it be to one who's older?
Man, by his wisdom does not admit to God.
The wiser, again in his words things, the more apt we are to rationalize, to think otherwise, to go some other direction.
So there comes a question now, while you're young, if you're not young, come now because you can't do it any younger.
Today is the day of salvation. We have no guarantee about tomorrow or even the next breath. We live from breath.
Want to read a little bit? Traps? Just take a little bit of a.
Walk through the Gospel.
The Gospel according to Isaiah.
Some have referred to this as the 5th Gospel. In a sense, we could say it's the first from the standpoint that it was written before the four gospels of the New Testament.
But God.
Chose to give much life to those who who were in this scene as much as 800 years before the Lord Jesus tried in this sin.
The properties there was used for that purpose. So there are many others and we can find, just as have been said so many times, that the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.
It's a volume that is together.
The two weave together to you who are the Lords. Don't think neglect the reading of the Old Testament, but on the other hand, don't neglect the reading and the study of the New Testament that you might have light as to how it applies. That's how we understand the Gospel, seeing here in the book of Isaiah, and it's here that we have that expression.
Which is repeated in its essence in one of the verses of our opening hymn.
Isaiah 1 verse 18 says come down, let us reason together, saith the Lord.
By your sins be a star that they shall be a flying snow rather be red like Crimson they shall be, says Wolf.
God in his word has said there is none. Righteous. No, not one.
They have all gone out of the way.
You said in another place, it's not by works of righteousness.
There is nothing that we can do in ourselves. Please God.
I find it amazing that one who could have heard the Word has heard the word of God and even my own heart and I do reflect on that.
But think that they could please God by keeping the law.
No, it it, it isn't that one.
Well, I was just and holy and good. The Lord Jesus confirmed and fulfilled it. That you and our people, Should we do what works? Yes. Should we be good to people? Yes. Should we?
Care about one another? Yes.
But not to get saved.
Because you have trusted in Christ, you're part of the body of Christ and your testimony to Jesus or you're left.
Get online as you save you and can't testify.
Therefore, your work is removing.
There, but filthy rabbits.
No strength, no value.
The return of the saw.
I want to just mention a verse. You need to turn to it. I just don't trust myself in the book of Jeremiah. It's chapter 2, chapter 2, verse 22, and I'll just read it.
Though thou wash thee with nature, and take thee much. So yes, that iniquity is marked before me. Say it, come on.
Scrub yourself as clean as you can.
No, I heard the story once of a man who.
Having his lifetime taken many lives, much much blood.
And I don't know why he was allowed to continue to live, but something happened in his mind as he went along and he tried to do something to get rid of the guilt that he realized he had because of the blood of men that he has shed. So he was constantly washing, constantly washing.
What a silly thing to do.
Good idea.
But that's a physical. I'm talking about the position.
Pilot tried to cleanse himself from the guilt of.
Letting an innocent man be cruelly taken and crucified.
He said I wash my hands in this matter.
So it works. He couldn't do that. He was guilty. And you're guilty of the blood of Christ in a sense, if you refuse God's offer of mercy.
But you refuse the sacrificial blood of the Lord Jesus to cleanse you. I was in a man's office.
A couple of months ago and in our conversation I found that he had been in a part of the country where missionaries are working.
Ken, his wife, attended what he called the church service there frequently where are different people would preach from Sunday to Sunday.
And he seemed to be receptive. And yet I can tell very quickly in this conversation, even without asking, that he had not personally trusted in Christ as his Savior.
And he said we talked about a certain ones who said, oh, they're always talking about the blood, always talking about the blood. Oh, I don't see why they have to do that. They quickly changed the subject, didn't give me a chance to even say.
He didn't want to talk about it. I think he knew immediately.
But what I wanted to say?
But without shedding the flood is no mission.
No punishment, God said. It's real. We need him to be totally preoccupied with that.
But God has said it.
It's precious like the there's a verse on the back there that I can see easily. You can turn around redeemed with a precious blood of Christ.
Why shouldn't we talk about it?
It was precious to God.
It is registered. It is registered and you.
Is with that, with that that we've been playing. It's not by the mini Washington, It's not by the attempts with one thing or another. And I don't want to take too much time in it, but I do want to read just a few verses in the first chapter of Isaiah and then to get on through just to pick up a burst or two here and there.
Hear the word of the Lord is something that we see here, and I don't want to focus it.
Verse 11 To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me, saith the Lord, I am full of?
The burnt offerings of Rams and fat of beasts. And I delight not in the blood of bullets and of lands. For as he goes.
When you come to appear before me, who has required this is your hand or to tread our my quotes? Bring no more being oblation. Just don't bring your good works is what he's saying here.
Incense is an abomination to me. The new moons and Sabbaths, the calling of assemblies that cannot away with it, is iniquity. Even the solemn meeting, even those things which are the greatest attempt on your part.
Let's back up and just point out that the sacrifice of.
Animals and the use of the incense was directed of God.
In the Mosaic law, it wasn't the wrong thing to do, but why is it condemned here? It's because the heart wasn't touched. It wasn't just a an outward thing, it was a repetitious thing. There are those who repeat prayers. There are those who profess to be Christians who attach a particular importance to to a string of beads, and they think that prayers are repeated as they go over those.
There are those who attach a prayer to a wheel and they turn it around in their own many times.
That's the kind of thing let's talk to God here. It's vain.
And others will say, well, I'll do that kind of a foolish thing. I'll, I'll come to meet me. I'll be sure I get the meeting all the time. I'll impress people with that.
Is it good to come to meeting?
But it's no good if all you're doing is just trying to impress somebody here.
Is your heart warm? Are you drawn by the person of the Lord Jesus? Do you realize your need for fellowship or teaching from the Word of God?
That's the reason to come, as the Lord would have us to be together around Himself.
To show off to somebody, No, give Him glory, praise, and so He can bless us, so He can encourage us, so that He can teach us his legs. Can you get that by yourself? Some, some.
But he knew our need to be. So I said don't forget, don't forsake the getting the assembling of yourselves together as a manner of some age. Getting off the subject I want to get back.
So the Gospel according to Isaiah.
On the reader verse, before I get on with that again, this is a little a little walk, a little walk through Isaiah. And along the way there's some special Nuggets we want to take a look at.
A flower here and there.
There are stark reminders of death along the way.
And then at the end of it, we see what God has done. Behold that God has done well.
Verse four of chapter 5 gives us something that I think I ought to just mention. What could I have done more to my vineyard not as likened and is Speaking of it here, the people chosen of him for an earthen testimony, the children of Israel. And he says one more could have been done to my vineyard that I have not done in it. Wherefore when I looked at it, should bring forth grapes.
For wildlife.
Why wild things?
Why sin? Why rebellion?
Why disobedience?
Is what does The heart wasn't touched, wasn't changed.
Oh yes, there were one here and there.
God leaves a remnant, raises me, He does. He leaves a testimony. And there were those when the Lord Jesus came into this earth as a man. There were those who gave glory and praise. The shepherds joined in in the marvel, and they went to see this, this one who was to give peace on their goodwill to men.
Yes, there was an act, dear Anna, who visit herself in the temple, but not in a vain way. She gave glory to God, and she was there when the Lord Jesus was brought in, just a pain, and she gave glory and praise to Him.
Yes, there were a few, but the many joins in that terrible course.
At the end of the path or nearly the end of the path which said crucify, crucify away with you. We will not have this Mandarin over us.
Your hearts the same as that. If you haven't trusted in the Lord Jesus all you say no, no, no, I haven't done that. I don't mean that just because I don't accept that.
Well, that's the way God looks in You have despised God's remedy. You've despised the blood of Christ, the land of God.
Well, let's go on. What about this awful condition? Is there any hope for this awful condition? Let's turn over to Isaiah 28.
Isaiah 28, verse 16.
God will not.
They turned aside from his determination to blast.
Therefore thus saith the Lord God. Verse 16 Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a trade stone, a sure foundation, whoops, a crank stone, a precious cornerstone is your foundation.
He that believeth shall not encase. I'm going to use a little term here, but I think he's meant.
He that has delivered shall not have to flee.
From danger, from judgment.
Let's let's look for just a minute at those verses in first Peter.
That talks about the the Lord Jesus as the stone, because that's the connection that we would make here. That's the connection that's of value here.
We have a you know, there, there is a story in in the word of God, there are many, many stories.
But if we only read them as stories, we missed the point.
It's history. Wonderful history. Secular world says why that's wonderful. We have all of that history.
If you holding me to this history, you have missed the point.
Behold the man.
Christ Jesus came into the world.
Theme from cover to cover, the Lamb of God.
The Son of God, the Son of Man, the man Christ Jesus, the one who was hanged there on the cross for your sins. And Mark didn't stay on the cross. Yes, he was put in the tomb, didn't stay on the tomb.
Raised the third day, now seated at the right hand of the Father, ever living, to make intercession for you and for me.
But that intercession can apply to him. Until you have trusted in Christ, you have to accept God's office.
Oh yes.
Chapter 2.
Of first Peter.
Verse 6.
By far also it is contained in the scripture Behold by landslide, Chief Cornerstone.
Seriously, the connection here, don't you? It's not at all unusual. There are many, many places where Old Testament is referred to and quoted, and a lesson brought from. That's the value here. That is part of the value. But what does it point to? Who does it point to? Behold, I lay in sign a new, a cheap cornerstone elect precious. And he that believe upon him shall not be confounded unto you, therefore which be me?
It was precious.
Or, as another meeting is, is the precious nest is the essence of the precious?
But unto them that we should be disobedient, they don't accept him Is bestowed the stone which the builders disallowed. That was one that mob cried away with him we will not have him to reign over us. The same is made the head of the corner.
And a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense. Even to them which stumble at the word, they disobedient.
Or they've also been. But we who know the Lord Jesus as our Savior can read on down there and find out what He has brought us into. And you can join us if you haven't already trusted in the Lord Jesus.
By simply believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and then you become a chosen generation of royal priesthood.
And on and on. It's prepared, it's ready. It's yours if you want it. But refuse Christ and his bloodshed on the cross of the cross of Calvin and lose it all.
Judgment is what lies in heaven. Isaiah 32.
And let's let's pause at the second verse of class chapter 32.
A man notice we have the stone. I'm going to go.
Grab a man.
Jabir is a hiding place from the wind and a covered from The Tempest and as rivers of water, in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock where he met.
I crashed up a garden here in Isaiah and I want to just read it because it is so precious as it points us to the Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son.
Just we will be going on there from the 32nd chapter, but I want to just read this this marvelous scripture that I know that all of you who have trusted in Christ and it may be always here, but let's revel in this together unto us. Verse six of Chapter 9 unto us a child is born.
Unto us a son is given.
And the government shall be upon his shoulder.
And his name shall be called one.
Counselor, the light of God.
The everlasting Father or father of everlasting age. Another reading, The Prince of Peace.
Such a man is Jesus.
Yes, he was such a man, but let's bear in mind that now, on high in the glory, he still is a man.
Qualified yet? Does he have?
Human flesh? No, he never did.
He has a glorified body now and He wants to give them to you and to me. It's ready for Him.
Because that's the way we will enjoy him without the difficulties that come in because of the sinful flesh or boundary today.
For the glory life, get ahead of myself. Let's go to the 30.
Rather, let's move on to the 42nd chapter of Isaiah. We won't get through and this quick little race through Isaiah unless we keep moving. I'm reminded of something that I've just put in here. I know that some of the kids sometimes don't follow too closely, but I'm reminded is we're taking this hurried trip through the Gospel of Isaiah.
I'm reminded of one time that our family took the trip and that we were really enjoying that trip and we decided along the way that we would go through.
Yellowstone National Park and Yellowstone National Park had many, many beauties in it.
You can't believe we got through that from six hours.
We took a lot of pictures, but we sure didn't see much.
We didn't stop and enjoy.
And you know, we can go through this in 45 minutes.
But we will get my.
But I just trust that we can get a few Snapchats here and there. See, we've been able to enjoy some of those snapshots even since years since that trip and say, yeah, that was good. We laughed about it a little bit. Really kind of funny.
It was worthwhile going through, and I hope you can say it was worthwhile going through this incredible garden. Much, much better than Yellowstone or Yosemite or any other beautiful place. I can name a few that I know about that don't mean much to you.
Because we haven't been, but we can take this little trip. And that's that's the beauty of glorifying the one who is the central theme of this whole book and especially here of Isaiah, the Lord Jesus, Isaiah 42.
The first first.
Behold, my servant, who might be uphold, might be left in whom my soul delighted. I put my spirit upon him.
He shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry nor lift up in our classes. Voice to be heard in the street.
Andrews grieved. Shall he not grave? And the smoking flax will he not quench? He shall bring forth judgment and true truth.
Where we get the enigma?
Sorry kids, that's a big word. We get that which doesn't really match up one to another.
It doesn't seem like it can be that. He can be one who doesn't cry or lift up or or break something that's very feeble or blow out something, a candle that's really not going at all, but it's just smoking.
Makes no waves, and yet what does it say? He brings forth judgment unto truth. You can understand why natural man would be looking for one who was coming in power and glory. But then you see this neat and lonely one.
Jesus of Nazareth is the one who spoken US fields.
He's also the Lord of glory, and he's the one who will reign supreme.
Soon, soon judgment will come on this thing before.
Our Lord Jesus is the perfect fulfillment of both of these. He has already come in as the meek and the lovely one. Don't go to all. Not making words, we have used the time and yet making a mark.
Which is indelible.
And thus we have hope, and seeing that has no hope.
We have peace in the world which is does not have peace.
You say, Oh well, we have peace. I dare you to go down the block and knock on a few doors and ask them, is this a happy home? Is this a home where it's without any anxieties?
We'll find them as one dear brother said, Speaking of a of a larger town than this one. He was talking of Tacoma, WA at that time. He said if you could know all of the sorrow in that city, it'll break your heart. You wouldn't be able to to tolerate.
Now in this world, they don't have peace, they don't have satisfaction. There is no hope.
But here we have behold, my servants, who are not who I hold.
Let's turn to the 43rd chapter.
And that the 25th quiz is.
Here we have a bleak picture, in a way.
Which so far really haven't had any, other than the fact that there is this one who is coming, who was coming at that time. He was to be the judgment. Yes, all He was coming is below his subject 1 But still, what does that do for me? You see that God is talking some more. He says I even I am here the blood about by transgressions for my own sake.
Yeah, just just watch them for my own sake, and will not remember thy sinners.
What is it? What a marvel it is.
Just say to realize that God has said, I will blot out your sin.
We've already talked about how we did it, but let's pause a little bit and consider that as we've gone through this, we suddenly, right here, we have this in the midst of things where if you were to read all of the verses in between, you see that there's so much about judgment. There's so much about sorrow. There's so much about that which God is going to bring in because of sin.
As far as the turn of the flight.
Any robots as he has already. I will not remember since while let's go off the 45th chapter as in verse 22.
God wants us to look to him. He says look at me and be saved all the ends of the earth, for I am gone and there is none else. The purpose of God in eternity past was to have companionship.
He said it is not good for man's dwell alone at the creation of of.
Of math after it was created and then created a main form. Oh, that's a wonderful picture, but that's what it is in the picture.
And the fact that it's a picture of Christ and the truth. The church is made-up of every blood by soul, every believer. Everyone is trusted in Christ.
It's got purpose to fellowship with.
But he said.
Welcome to me. What do you say? He didn't want the children of Israel sacrifices of animals, thought it created them all. He he could have had those.
Were they to follow up? Yes, they were to follow it. But more than that, he wanted their hearts.
One of the commandments was the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and all thy soul with all thy mind.
I can't even claim that I've done that.
No, I love them, Yes.
But I'm not sure as I think about what that commandment says, if I even never loved it in that relationship. But thank God he has run me with his words of love.
To him by faith and so.
Yes, there's none else, but let's look at 49th chapter.
How is it done?
Behold, I have driven thee upon the palms of my hands.
Our Lord Jesus.
As those sparks feel in his hands.
The Thomas was reviewed after the Lord Jesus was raised from the dead. Thomas wasn't there when he first revealed himself to the disciples. You remember that. Perhaps some of you may not remember that. I don't want to assume it. One of the disciples, Thomas wasn't there when he he was there a second time. Oh, in the case he said, well, I don't believe what you said about it.
Yes, please, unless I see him and I actually see those stars in his hands and in his soul.
This is a figment of your imagination. Is about what sin?
So when the Lord Jesus revealed himself again to them and they were all together.
The Lord Jesus said.
Put your hands.
Thomas Confession.
I think we'll have a similar experience. Yes, we believe by faith we haven't seen the Lord, but still.
Long wonder.
We'll see what it's just about.
To buy us back from the depths of hell where we deserve to go because of our sin. A grave in the atomic bones in my hands. That's what the Lord Jesus has got fulfilling what this told us right here, Isaiah 50.
And verse 7.
It could be that I should have mentioned this before, but we're just taking a walk along here. But let's back step a little bit when we find here.
But the Lord said this expression which was really characteristic of the Lord Jesus, He said I have set my faces at home.
I bring that in Luke nine we get an expression as it relates to the Lord Jesus going to Jerusalem.
He was on his way to Jerusalem. They would let him go to one of the towns in Samaria because he was headed to Jerusalem.
You know what later.
He knew he was going to die on the cross.
And along the way he was going to suffer at the hands of men whose creature suffer at the hands of those that he loved.
He was going to have to suffer these punishment of God against your sin and mine.
You know, could you shrink from it?
Oh, you can stay in the garden where he prayed. You know the Lord Jesus prayed in the garden before they took him to go through their mock judgment and just crucified. They said that.
Where he said the Lord Jesus said.
Let this cup pass from me talking about the judgment that goes before I really let this cup pass from.
Nevertheless, not that we.
He was perfectly perfect in obedience.
Oh, a savior. I have set my faces afloat. And then he did. His presence, His hands were graven with that which it took her to save, to save me, to save you, 5214.
Cannot put the phone through here without looking at the scene.
It is almost that which we would say is too terrible to look upon.
Yet believers who?
Remember the Lord Jesus, in the circumstance of his death, in a sense looked on this terrible scene.
Travel scene Let's talk to as many of our scientists.
His visit was so hard, milder than any man, and is far more than the sons of men.
The comment has been made by those who have studied the language here and they say that what really is meant is the power of that one, and it's the form of Christ is visage that with which he was recognized was.
Marred beyond recognition as a human being.
He went through that.
What he loves you, he wants. He died so being you.
And then I just looked over verse five of the next. It's a continuation of the same You were wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities, and the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes heal.
For him he shall see. I read the latter part of it here. He shall see of the travail of his soul.
I'm not seeing exactly what I want. Verse 11. Verse 11. First part. I thought he saw it. Thank you for bearing with me. He shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied.
God is satisfied with Jesus. I am satisfied as well. Yes, that's true.
God is satisfied with the work of Christ, and Christ is satisfied.
With your name, he paid the price such a lot. Can you refuse him? Can you turn away and say I'm not ready yet?
And you say I'm too young to understand that.
I'm too young to understand that, but I'm not too young to believe.
You, if you can understand what we're talking about about.
So the cry goes out. Let's take a look at the first verse of 55th chapter. Oh everyone that firstly, how about the pathway here we've been redeemed. Oh everyone that thirsty come into the waters and he would have no money. Come, he buy and he come buy wine and milk without money and without price. Have that much of joy, that which is satisfaction, that which refreshes.
It's all there. You take a price, use the phone.
5959 How about for you and for me?
This is why we still are signing forth this wonderful good news. They hold. The Lord's hand is not chosen. The Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save, neither his ear heavy that it cannot be.
He can hear you.
Tonight, he loves to hear.
He wants to hear words such as.
Belongs to your words such as.
Guitar shopping test with thy mouth the Lord Jesus of Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God was raised in from the dead.
You'll be safe, that's what. It's safe, but let the heart man believe it into righteousness.
And with the mouth confessions movement established.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ now or they have the opportunity and then tell us.
No, no, we don't make all the calls, but God makes calls to your and you can make your call to you.
You can know him, who to knows?
We know him, Joyce.
That he has given us all of what's what we reviewed and much more.
Because it's all in place.
Our savior is denizen of Hindi. Oh, we can't hear.
There is that time in which there will be no more opportunities.
Except Christ, as you say.
That's not the one I hoped for, and I'm not sure that the one I had in my mind is here.
The 67.
Christ is coming. Are you writing?
Robert may be here now. Morning. There's a day and one day in the sky.
Who wants you, therefore for you.
Lord, welcome.
All the water, it won't have been when you're living there. Live in the beginning of life.
Bless the blessed friends with sorrows, everything and woe, and all where Christ in heaven.
And he comes with greatest heroes.