
I looked at Beauty, and I loved it, sought it,
The radiance of the sunset glow,
The purity of fallen snow,
The beauty of an opening flower,
The mystery of one starlit hour.
I looked at Beauty, and I loved it, sought it,
I looked at nature, and the One who taught it,
Submission to the perfect laws divine,
And thirstily this seeking soul of mine,
Saw fading joys in all around, but Thine.
I heard earth’s music, and I loved it, sought it,
The pathos of a minor key,
The charm of rippling melody,
The laughter of a little child,
The anthem of the ocean wild,
I heard this music, and its charms enthralled,
Until the throb of the funereal march, distressed,
Insatiate turned I to the Song Divine, appalled,
Where melody, and harmony, like nectared wine,
Flow ceaselessly from out the Eternal Home of Thine.
I sought for human love, and seeking, found it,
The balm of filial tenderness,
The sweetness of a child’s caress,
The precious finding of a friend,
The rapturous bliss which love can lend:
Thus I found this loveliness, yet shadows deep
Fall on earth’s joy, and human hearts must weep,
When separation, or that long last kiss
Is given... Sighing we turn lest we should miss
Thy love, O Christ, and Thy love’s endless bliss.
Ruth Salwey.