A Clergyman's Letter

“Peake makes me shudder”
Llanddeiniolen Rectory,
July 16th 1924.
My dear Dr. Wreford, I am enclosing you a check for £2 from my dear wife, Mrs. Morgan-Jones, towards the “Testament Distribution Fund,” with our united prayers that our dear Lord may be pleased to bless you with renewed health and strength to carry on the glorious work of spreading His inspired words to those that are in darkness, even in our own country. If we were but half as aggressive as the servants of the Devil are, what work we would accomplish.
We were very interested in this month’s “A Message from God.” It is always very interesting, helpful, and telling, and it is a matter of regret that it cannot be circulated by the tens of thousands. “Peake” makes me shudder! We feel so grieved to think that such men are in places which give them the opportunities of teaching such soul-destroying things, and the worst part is, that we have so many of his apt pupils in our pulpits Sunday after Sunday, and then to think of our missionaries, being sent out, saturated with “Peake’s” teachings is too appalling to think!
With our affectionate regards, and May God bless you and your beloved wife abundantly,
I am,
Yours in His Name,
T. A. Morgan-Jones.