Pray for This Number

I ask your prayers especially for this number of “A Message from God,” Pray that it may be a message to thousands of hearts who know not God. May it uplift men and women by bringing them to Christ, so that by faith in Him, they may be able to withstand the tide of evil that is rushing over the world like a flood, and to look up to heaven, above it all, and say, in the face of a thousand forms of blasphemous unbelief, “My Saviour is there. I know Him whom to know is life eternal. I await His coming to take me home to be with Himself, and while I wait, I seek to love and serve Him more, and tell others of His precious blood that cleanseth from all sin.”
In His name and for His sake alone we ask you to help us still to win souls for Him. Any gift you may be led by God to send, may be sent to―
“The Firs,” Denmark Road, Exeter.
Our monthly circular dealing with the work of the “Testament and Tract Fund” will be sent post free to any who desire it. Please write to:
Testament and Tract Fund.