Read Hear Keep

Address—Michel Payette
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#31 in the appendix.
Lord, Thy love as sought and found us wandering in this desert wide. Thou hast thrown thine arms around us, for hast suffered, bled, and died. Sing my soul, He loveth thee. Jesus gave himself for me. Someone started please #31 in the appendix.
No, I'm sorry.
And then?
All right.
You're fine, but.
All right.
And my phone.
And I don't know.
Have a word of prayer, God and our Father.
We thank you for this hymn we can sing.
Of our blessed Lord Jesus Father.
Who gave himself?
And we thank Thee, Father, for Thy goodness to us in affording us these occasions to be together and to open our word together, to get some instructions, some refreshments, encouragement for our souls, and that's it. We pray this afternoon as we have these few moments that that was committed for us. Let us know the weakness of our minds and our hearts and how we need Thy help. By thy Spirit we pray our thoughts might be from me and they will be blessing in each of our souls this afternoon. Father, we ask it with confidence in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father.
But ahead of my heart to speak on was the first chapter of Revelation.
What we sang. Just such a beautiful hymn, isn't it, as it presents to us.
Thou blessed One, our Lord Jesus, in the time of His agony in the garden and on the cross. Certainly a picture to each of our souls who know Him and to move us to truly worship Him.
And I would like to leave this vision, you might say, of the Lord that, uh, we would keep that in our hearts, you might say, as we consider different aspects now that are brought before us in the Book of Revelation. So we'll just read from verse one of Revelation chapter one.
The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass. And he sent and signify it by his Angel unto his servant John, who bear record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ of all things that he saw.
So the Lord Jesus here is sharing that revelation which he has from God with His servants.
And I'd just like to remark on this briefly that there are different relationships, you might say, that God has brought us into with the Lord Jesus.
And they are distinct, you might say.
Before the Lord were all his servants.
And we're all children of God. But these are different aspects. Somebody might not be a good servant.
But you might, you would still be a child of God. So there are different aspects of our relationship with the Lord that we find in the Scriptures. And it's good to consider that when you're reading a portion as to what the Spirit of God is bringing before us. We have the same thought. When you think of disciples, Well, disciples go with the Master, the one who teaches. So here's one that teaches and others are receiving his teaching and they're putting that in practice in their life. So one might not be a good disciple, but if he knows the Lord as his Savior, he's still a child of God.
And in relation with himself. So here's John the Apostle, the same one who was leaning on Jesus bosom and I have his betrayal. And here he is, has a position of a servant and the Angel of the Lord is a manifestation of the Lord that he's going to see is going to be different than what he saw when he was leading on the Lord's bosom that very night he was betrayed. But that vision he had of the Lord in resurrection, he's going to have a vision of the Lord here of a different character. So let's remember that now John had record of the word of God. He had testified to the word of God.
And the testimony of Jesus Christ of all things, that he saw that John had spoken to us in his epistle at those things that he'd seen, he told us. Now he's going to tell us about this vision that he had when he was in the Alo Patmos. And I believe this vision, dear one, is for us.
This was written for us. Revelation is the book of judgment. It unfolds to us what's going to happen in the future when the Lord takes control of this earth and establishes his Kingdom.
It foretells these events in a peculiar way, under types and shadows and, uh, symbols, you might say. But it's written for us.
So it says in verse three, Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein, for the time is at hand.
But when John wrote this book, as it was with all the other scriptures oftimes, they only had one copy. So there was a reader, and the others were all listeners. So I said, Blessed he is, he that readeth. There's one reading, and they that hear. There were many listeners because there's only one reader.
But in 2007, we can all read it for ourselves, can't we?
And I trust you're not letting anybody read the scriptures for you, but you read them for yourself. God in His goodness has given us the Holy Scriptures in our own languages. We can read them and understand them.
And we can hear for ourselves the word of God from the Lord Himself.
So it it's readers and hearers and keepers, that's a promise of blessing. Blessed it is he that read it, and they that hear and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand. You come to a Bible conference. We see our beloved brothers and sisters enjoy time of fellowship and we have blessed times over the word of God.
And then we go back in our homes and our home assemblies, to our work, to our school. Are we keeping those things that we've heard?
We're working for the bookstore. Many years ago was a dear man, used the phone once in a while. He was a bit handicapped, couldn't get around very much. And he would buy books from us. He wasn't, he wasn't gathered, but he loved the Lord. And he'd been to a Christian conference on the previous weekend and phoned me on the Monday and he said, oh, it was so good. And he spoke of this man who I knew by name, He was a good speaker. And oh, it was brother so and so. Oh, he was so good. I said, what did he speak on?
You couldn't remember? I asked him. For what? I can't remember, but it was so good.
Well, you know, it's wonderful that it's good, but it's gotta show up in our lives somewhere. If we're gonna keep those things that we hear, it has to show up in our lives somewhere. It's important to hear and then to put in practice. Well, this is what we have in verse three there, John, verse 4 to the seven churches which are in Asia, grace be unto you, and peace from Him which is, which was and which is to come, and from the seven spirits which are before His throne.
And from Jesus Christ, who is a faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the Prince of the kings of the earth, unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and had made us kings and priests unto God and his Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Well, John writes to seven churches just like the Apostle Paul did. Paul had ministry. If you look at the epistles, Paul wrote the seven assemblies. You consider the Galatian assemblies of 1. The apostle Paul wrote the seven assemblies, that which is complete.
And ministry to build up the Saints to complete the revelation of God for us. So John here writes two to seven assemblies, established assemblies, assemblies who would have had the teachings of the apostle Paul who had been established. We trust in the truth and understanding of the Word of God.
And we know he's going to write, he's going to have to bring to light those things which were a concern to the Lord Jesus. He was going to have to bring to light those things which were a displeasure to the Lord Jesus. He was going to have to bring to light those things that were grievous to the heart of the Lord Jesus. Well, it says grace be unto you. It starts with grace, you know, And if you look at the end of the Book of Revelation.
Chapter 22 and verse 21 it says there the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
As we consider this Book of Revelation, we won't get much into it, but if you read those that second and third chapter and the Lord brings out and those things which are concerned to Him, we need to remember those of us who know Him that we're encompassed in, in his grace and in his love and His desires to help us.
To be like he wants us to be. He wants that for every young person here, older one. He wants us to be more like what he wants.
Could anyone here say?
I've arrived. I don't need exhortation. I'm I'm there. I've reached perfection. What we had this morning from Hebrews chapter 10, that he's perfected forever. Them that are sanctified. That's the profession that we have in him. We can't be more perfect than that. We can't add to that by our lives. We're all gonna be like that. We're gonna praise the Lord forever for that perfection He's brought us into by His work on the cross.
That doesn't make you and I perfect in our digitalizing. We know we're not.
Does it matter?
Does it matter if we fail here or there? If we're lukewarm, cold, a bit hot, and then a bit cold, we miss here? Does it matter?
I will add to the question, does it matter to him?
A better question, does it matter to him? I believe it matters to him, as the Lord could look down here in that time, as he looks down today at his church, which he died for, to have it for himself.
Does it matter to him the condition that we're in? Oh, I'm sure it matters again.
His desire is for her blessing.
And surely he desires to see some fruit for the travel of his soul, and he will in the glory, the fullness of it, he will see then. But if he took the time to give this revelation to the Apostle John, I believe it is because he wants us to hear.
And take the heart those things that are concerned to him. Well, it's from Jesus Christ, a faithful witness, the one who lived down here perfectly and the first begotten from the dead that went and offered that sacrifice is risen from the dead. Now the Prince of the kings of the earth, the one who's going to rule over this world. Look at those seven spirits it mentions there that are before the throne. Verse 4, you could look up in Isaiah Chapter 11 There mentions 7 spirits. You might say the spirit of the Lord, and then it has six qualifiers of the spirit.
And if you read on, you'll see it refers to the Lord coming in judgment and establishing.
His Kingdom.
This world is into is in for a lot of trouble. This world is going to go into a great tribulation. It won't be long.
Things are peaceful now. It's sunny, life is nice. It's not going to stay that way. The Lord tells us so.
This judgment is a short work. It doesn't take pleasure at its lasting century. It's going to last a short period of time, but it's going to be terrible.
And you and I know about it. It's right here for us to know them.
Does it do anything to you? Well, if you just keep putting it off and say well, it's not going to happen, Well, you just keep on living your life.
But if we realize that that time is at hand, as he tells us in the end of verse 3.
If you knew that this time of turmoil on the earth and great suffering from mankind was going to happen momentarily.
Would that change anything in your behavior in your life?
And how you speak and where you go and what you do.
Well, behold, he cometh with clouds. Verse 7. Every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him, and all kittens of the earth shall wail because of him, Even so. Amen.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord.
Which is and which was and which is to come?
The Almighty.
The beginning, The ending.
The Alpha, the Omega, The Almighty.
Titles names of one see, that's God. Of course it's God. But if you read in Revelation 22 verse 13, one could say verse 12 and behold, I come quickly in my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be.
I am alpha and Omega and the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may be have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without our dogs and sorcerers and humour mongers and murderers and idolaters, and whosoever love it and make it a lie, I, Jesus, I've sent mine Angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root in the offspring of David, and the bright in the morning star this Alpha and Omega. Who is this? 10 this is Jesus.
The Almighty Who is this one? This is Jesus.
Same person.
The same person, that person whose name is Jesus, he became a man. God became a man.
To offer himself for you and for me.
Hark, what sounds of bitter weeping from young lonesome gardens weep.
Who's that from?
Caught himself as a man.
What was before him on the cross? Well, John says verse nine, I John, who also am your brother and companion in tribulation in the Kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ. You know John was an apostle. It says that you as you write to the Church of Ephesus, those that said they were apostles but were not here is one who is an apostle. He doesn't say he's one by John.
Whom also your brother.
You know, if something levels us.
It's the presence of the Lord, the Person of the Lord Jesus.
It levels us to nothing wrong, nothing that needs everything. And John says your brother, that's who he was, the great apostle John, the one who leaned on the Lord's bosom, who had great privileges, who had ministry from the Lord for his people. Hi John, your brother. That's what he considered himself to be, companion in tribulation and in the Kingdom.
But we companions and tribulation also because there's time of tribulation now there's a great tribulation coming.
But if we truly want live for the Lord and serve Him, we're going to know tribulation now.
And we have part with the apostles and tribulation, and then we're going to have part in the Kingdom. That's reward.
And for suffering for the Lord's sake, the tribulation, now the Kingdom to come, to be with the Lord, and right in between, it says, in the patience of Jesus Christ.
And the patience of Jesus Christ.
The Lord is very patient, isn't he?
You know, if you're waiting at the doctor's office.
So you have to be patient. Three or four people in front of me, you're being patient. Actually, you're just waiting. You're not really being patient, but you're waiting. But it's the patience of Jesus Christ.
Why is he waiting?
Why is he waiting? I believe he's waiting because he cares.
Because he cares about man.
And he loves men, hates their sins, but he loves men, and he wants to save their souls.
And if by waiting a little longer.
One more is brought in. Well, he's gonna be patient until the last one is brought in.
Are you waiting for the last one to be brought in?
With the Lord, maybe you live on your street, maybe he goes to school with you, maybe you're working with him, might have been his chauffeur. We never know. You don't know where he, I don't know where he is. But the patience of Jesus Christ should thrill our hearts to say Lord has people down here he wants to save and we should tell them about him.
He was in the aisle that is called pathmus for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. He's going together the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. This book here, that's what this book does from 1 Cover to another. It testifies to the Lord Jesus. But from Genesis right through Revelation, there's one theme. It's hidden in the Old Testament. We have the type of the sacrifices. This morning I'll speak of Christ. The Tabernacle speaks of Christ. God has one purpose in this world to manifest his Son.
To introduce us to himself through him, and to make him the center.
Of our attention and worship to be in fellowship with Him.
He says that he was in the Isle of Patmos. You know, Patmos is a little island, little Greek island in the Egyptian Sea.
I was reading this and the other day meditating on that I said, I wonder where Platinus is. So I went on to Google and Google alerts. Some of you know that and this my globe started turning and then then I had this center that you know, dot there and I magnified and it started growing and all these islands appeared and there was the island of Patmos and the agency little island 20 some kilometers. There was path much. I couldn't get big enough to see John on there because the satellites don't do that. But if you look at Baghdad, they look at Baghdad, you can see helicopters, pictures of helicopters.
Actually in the airport, surprising, you know, man has developed technology to look on the earth to see things. And I'm sure it's a military satellite. They can see movement too and all sorts of things. That's man.
Imagine God himself. He could see John right there.
You could see into John what John was thinking, what his state of soul was. And so he looks down tonight, today in New Jersey, and he sees each one of us. He knows what you're thinking, what I'm thinking.
You conscious of that He sees you living every minute of your life, follows you around, never let you go.
Is it a delight to his heart? I trust it is. Could it be more of a delight to his heart?
Who could change that? You.
Anybody else? No. You. Just you. Not me. I can't change that. I can only change for myself.
But I believe the thought that the Lord is watching us right now and He sees into our hearts not something that makes me want to please Him.
And to have a hard thinking the right things.
You know, we have many preoccupations in this world and they're legitimate. We have responsibilities. You know, we have priorities. What's number one on your priority list? Is it the blessed Lord Jesus? I trust it is. And if it's not, move things around.
Doesn't matter to me how you move them around. Just end up with Him on the top of your priority list. Make him your top priority. The Lord is going to come, maybe today, momentarily, and you'll be sorry for every moment in your life you didn't make him a priority.
And I will be filled with joy when you see him. And he says, well done, good and faithful servant. Well.
There was John and Yell at Patmos.
And he says he was in the spirit on the Lord's Day, you know, Pat must have just off the coast of Isa Minor. And there were those seven assemblies he was going to write to. If you, if he looked eastward, he could see the coast, maybe, perhaps there. And that's where those assemblies were he was going to write to. And John, he was exiled there. He couldn't go and visit and go and see the Saints. He could say maybe he felt his time of service was over, but it wasn't. The Lord had some ministry for him, some work for him to do.
Even in his old age, you know.
And I wonder today, as the Lord looks down in your life and mine.
As he has things he wants to do, he has to use John here at Exile and Pat Moss, perhaps because he couldn't.
Reach into on the other men there that were there in those assemblies because of whatever reason he knows.
Would you like to be one that the Lord could use in blessing to others, to sinners and St. alike? These are the interests of Jesus Christ. You know God is interested in people, lost people, to save them and save people, to bless them and have them, grow and comfort them, sustain them.
Well, John, you said I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day, precious Lord's Day.
Those who have the privilege of being guided through the name of the Lord Jesus. We have this privilege on the Lord's Day, we come together.
Gathering to his name, being gathered to his name, I should say. And then we have usually a table with a a cloth on there and a loaf of bread and a cup of wine and several cups there. And there we are on the Lord's Day. And if we're available, the Spirit of God can just occupy us.
Bring us back in time 2000 years in a moment's notice, and to behold what we've been seeing about of that Blessed One, the Son of God hanging on the cross to glorify his God and Father, to bring blessing to us and to mankind.
What a precious thing to be in the Spirit in the Lord's Day, to be enjoying in fellowship with the Father.
The person of the sun, and I'm sure we can enjoy that at other moments, but many would concur with me to say in special moments on the earth when we're around the Lord, to remember Him in death.
But you know.
What strikes me here?
The voice didn't come from heaven.
He heard a voice behind him.
It was behind him.
Y'all can think I'm on the Isle of Patmos? I think it's out here and enjoy the Lord. I'm going to go home to be with the Lord. Lord doesn't come.
And truly, I thought, we're.
Spiritual thoughts of a man enjoying the person of the Lord. He was in the spirit of the Lord's day, yet the Lord said.
There are things back there. There are things back there I would like addressed. There are things back there I'd like you to write about because I'm concerned.
So you hear the voice behind him as the trumpet saying, I'm at Omega first and last. But thou see it right in a book and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia. And then he mentions them by name. And then he turns to see the voice that spake with him, and being turned, he saw. And then he describes to us, and the one that he saw the Angel of the Lord manifesting the character of glory and judgment, and belong to the Son of God alone, you know, and the last thing I would want to do.
Is to discourage anyone.
Somebody might say, well, if if you're gonna tell me anything that's gonna say I need to improve or be exercised about it, I'm leaving. I'm not gonna say anything because that's the last thing I believe we wanna do is discourage each other. We wanna encourage each other.
God is the God of encouragement.
But I can't help but see here.
And the desire of the Lord.
For these things to be brought before us individually.
And that we would have an exercise about it.
A personal exercise it repeats, and every one of those churches as if you read chapter two and three to the seven of them. The Lord says, I know thy works.
I know thy works and we read in Revelation chapter 22 he says there to reward according to their works.
And you know words have nothing to do with our salvation. There was one work performed by the Son of God on the cross and it's never to be called into question. Those that put their trust in him are safe forever their hair. Heirs of God and Co heirs with Christ. What about words? Forget about works, no?
No, you know, we often hear in in the readings and as we read books, we hear of two parallel things, sovereignty of God and man's responsibility.
Water crew. Somebody says God is sovereign, he's gonna say who you want.
God says you and me go and preach the gospel.
So it doesn't need me to go and preach the gospel. He doesn't need me to go and preach the gospel. But he says go and preach the gospel.
I trust we don't use the sovereignty of God that way to dispense ourselves from that which we have a responsibility to the Lord for. And we each have that, each one individually, everyone of us will give an account of himself to God.
I'm gonna answer before the Lord as to I'll use my time and my resources down here, and I trust that with the Lord's help, I'll do a better job.
In the future that I've done in the past and so will you and so will you and you know I'm sure the Lord will delight in saying well done, good and faithful servant.
He will find no pleasure in that man in First Corinthians chapter 3 whose works were burned up.
Won't be any pleasure for the Lord in that.
Now you and I, we can't do anything for the Lord by ourselves. We have no power to do that. But the scriptures say in that revelation, uh, Ephesians chapter 5, I'm just going to quote it. He says be ye filled with the spirit because I can't feel myself being ye filled. It's passive, something that's done to me. So if God wants to fill me, he's going to fill me. Doesn't work like that.
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans chapter 12. It's possible God wants to transform me. He's going to transform me. Doesn't work like that.
You see, God works with you, He works with me. He wants to do something for you, He wants to do something for me. Will you lead to Him? Yield to Him? Will you come to Him? Would you spend time in prayer at His feet, reading His Word, listen to what He says and then apply it in your life? It came out in a prayer meeting this morning that we would be listening to the Lord and then doing something about it. And he says that every one of these churches at the end, he that, and here and here, let him hear.
What the Spirit said unto the churches.
He's speaking to the churches, but you haven't earned. He's here.
If you have an ear to hear.
Responsible. We're not going to go through all that the Lord brings out here.
But if you read the reproaches of the Lord, there are things there perhaps, if you consider yourself, and if we consider ourselves, perhaps where we come from, our assembly, that there are things there perhaps that the Lord finds no pleasure in, but there is that that he finds pleasure in. Let's go on with that.
Better status quo than declension.
You don't have to settle for what? For what? It is now. Each one of us can have a better spiritual life, a closer fellowship with the Lord. We can all keep growing. Is that true?
Can we all keep growing? Is that true?
What are we going to grow? Well, God can make us grow. Of course it can make us grow. But He's only gonna make you grow if you come to Him and you yield yourself to him. Say, Lord, I wanna grow.
I wanna stop watching this and watching that, going here and going there. I wanna spend time in your word. I wanna know more about you. I wanna get involved with those that are in need around me, that you made me aware of their need and their condition and I can make a difference. Of course you can.
What was the first thing that the Lord brought to the Church of Ephesus? He said I have someone against thee.
Don't want to be too long. I have somewhat against the verse four chapter 2 because thou hast lived. I first loved Lord is so gracious. You know, I thought of this. You know, if I would have written that I would have said you're forgetting me. What about me? That's not what he says. God slept my first love. Who was their first love? Who is him? Who is him?
Which I am him, you know, we can have him things, hymn things or hymn things.
How about Hemsley?
How about giving him importance? We put HS everywhere when we're friends. It will center heist and all that. How about is it important? Make him important in your life.
Given the 1St place.
How much time do we have left? I have 4 minutes. How much time do we have to make him first to live for him, to have our hearts burned for him? Say Lord, I love you because you first loved me.
Never going to change the fact that he first loved me and gave himself for me. Beautiful him.
Does that touch your heart? But you know, John, he has this vision of the Lord. Can't go through all these descriptions here, but a description of the Lord and power and his troubles, and he falls at his feet as dead.
Verse 17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet, as dead he was. John is a vision of the Lord Jesus.
As the judge.
Moses would say I'm fearful. I quit. Same God, same Lord.
Scene One that gave himself for you on the cross. The same one who is going to rule this world with a rod of iron. The same one that says a word and it happens.
It's nice to enjoy, dear ones, and I don't want you to stop enjoying that. The sweetness of fellowship with such an one, the meek and the lowly. Jesus.
Don't forget who he is.
The Lord of glory.
And He is deserving, dear ones, of your affection, and if need be, of your fear. We should be fearful of wasting our time. Dear ones, when this starts, it's not going to stop. When the great tribulation starts, it's going to go on. And it's right there on the horizon, save for the patience of Jesus Christ. Hasn't happened yet.
Now if you read these verses for yourselves, perhaps in your assembly, I say, how are how are things in your life as the Lord looks down from glory and sees into your heart?
Are things with you?
Are things in your assembly.
In your home.
I say this with Tier 0 ones. Are there those things there that the Lord sees, that they grieve his heart?
If you visit it, your meeting was talking to a brother before meeting there and we enjoying the sweetness of meetings and the Lord is present and the brethren are present too. You know He's always present, but sometimes we're absent.
We're spiritually not there. We're not in the spirit in the Lord's Day. Perhaps we come with bitterness in our souls or worldliness or whatever, and then he's not getting what he should be getting appraised and adoration of our hearts and the service of our hands and of our feet and of our life and of our resources. Well.
No, John is there as a witness. I, I, I've enjoyed this very much. You know, I thought there if, if I met somebody who was a, a real powerful man, I didn't, I didn't know it was part he was powerful and I met with him. I remember meeting a man, he was really rich when I was in my wife. He had a series of grocery stores. His name is Provo was his name. But he's a real kind fellow. And we had a nice time. We went each of our ways. But if I had visited him in his office, he said, why don't you come over and see my office and stuff? And so maybe I, I'd show up at his office 1 morning and I could see him, you know, directing this guy and this other guy answering the phone and signing documents. And they said, I don't know. I mean, you know, and then he said to his secretary, you know, give him a copy. Don't I throw him out?
Would make me feel good. But if he said just a minute, you know, I'm pretty busy. But just a minute I I'd be there and I'd be watching all that he's doing.
But then he turned to me and said come and sit down. He'd spend time with me. This man who's so busy at the whole world, you might say I need him to run, and he takes time to sit down with me.
Well, that's this little picture. You know this man who runs the universe, His name is Jesus. He's the almighty God, the beginning and the end, the first and the last, and he wants to sit down with you personally.
He wants your your personal fellowship. He wants to commune with you.
Like have you gotten a hold of that? Just wonderful dear ones. And then He wants us to come together and enjoy him collectively because he died for the church. That it would be one. And when we have that sentiment in our hearts, oh, how we should want to get along with one another and help each other along, that they would be joy in his heart. Well, May God give us dear ones, to be listening to this little tap on the shoulder from the Lord. And he did to the apostle John, who might say it was disturbed because he was going on with something very nice. Yet there were things that needed to be addressed.
And he was a messenger for that. And I trust with the Lord's help, that we will each one take the heart, whatever the Scriptures bring before us when we come to meeting, when you come to assemblies, to conferences. And we've been listening what the Spirit is saying unto the churches, what He's saying to each one of us. And we would apply it in our lives, dear one, for his glory And our joy will never be sorry we did that. We'll be sorry if we don't. Let's just pray.
Our dear God and Father, we just thank you for the blessed Savior, our Lord Jesus, we thank you for this moment coming when He will be confessed as Lord of all, every need to bow before him. We thank Thee Father, for the glorious part that has given us with him. We thank you for deserving it for us. Lord Jesus on the cross. Yet who would long that our hearts would be stirred, each one to love thee more and serve Thee more and wait for thee more, Lord, and that they would have pleasure more pleasure in our ways. Each one, and that thou would be honored and our personal lives in our homes.
Assemblies in a greater manner. We just thank you for thy patience and grace. Father, for the Lord Jesus. We look for his coming today. The Spirit and the Bride say come. Even so, come. Lord Jesus, we want you to come. We thank you, Father, in his name, Amen.