The Morning Star In Our Hearts

Address—Michel Payette
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Just saw you not wonder where we're going with the meeting. I've been asked to say a few words concerning the gospel or to present the gospel at the end of the meeting. I'd like to start our meeting by singing together. Him 168. Him 168. The 9th is far spent and the days at hand. No sign to be looked for. The stars in the sky.
Rejoiced any Saints, as your Lord's own commands.
Rejoice, for the coming of Jesus draws nigh.
When I first gathered when I sang that for the first time, I thought it was so beautiful.
Every time we sing it.
We get nearer to the fulfillment of what it speaks about. We've never been so near, dear ones, until the Lords coming The stars in the sky. Let's read from.
Second Peter, chapter one. Second Peter, chapter one, verse 16.
Where we have not followed cunningly devised fables made-up stories.
When we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His Majesty.
For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
And this voice which came from heaven, we heard when we were with him in the Holy Mountain.
We have also a more sure word of prophecy.
Where until you do well, that ye take heed as unto a light that shine it in a dark place.
Until the day dawn.
And the Daystar or Morningstar arise in your hearts.
Well, the apostles that were there with the Lord Jesus, Peter, James and John, they had a picture of the Lorde glory there in the million millennial Kingdom as his face shone like the sun.
And the voice came from heaven. This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.
What a privilege for you and I to have been brought into this revelation from heaven as to this person whose name is Jesus.
Heaven's beloved 1. The beloved of the Father.
But it says in the 19th verse it speaks of the day star arising in our hearts.
Jesus says in the revelation there he says I am the bride in the Morning Star.
You know, the thought of the Lords coming.
Can be for us an event.
An event by which we consider the change of all our circumstances, the change of our bodies and being done with the flesh, and all these difficulties and temporal burdens that we carry.
That is one perspective.
But all about the coming of this person, that this is the moment when we are going to see this one that has been revealed to our hearts by the Spirit of God through this book, and we're going to see that man face to face.
Few years ago, I remember it was July where I live. I don't remember why I got up early. It was four and a half, 4:30 in the morning maybe, and I went out in the kitchen and I could see.
On the horizon, the day dawning, and there it was.
The Morning Star.
That bright spot in the sky, you couldn't miss it. There it was.
I was thrilled as I saw that and considered the Lord was coming.
But you know, when we drove from Portland to Walla Walla for the conference, we kind of worked overnight and we got to Walla Walla and 4:30 or so in the morning as we drove by, I could see the morning star in the sky. There it was.
But I have to contrast their ones.
I knew the same things about it, maybe even more.
But I wasn't as excited.
My heart had grown perhaps a bit cold concerning that Blessed One.
And I trust that as we consider the scriptures together and meet together.
But the result will be for you and for me too.
That our heart would be burning for him like his is burning for us.
So he says in Revelation there.
We'll read that verse.
Verse 16 of chapter 22.
Igs have sent my Angel to testify unto you these things for the churches. 2216 I am the root and the offspring of David and.
The bright.
And Morningstar.
I just want to speak just for a few moments there on that little expression, the bright.
And a Morning Star.
When I consider that morning star I saw a few years ago, that was the brightest object in the sky.
When the apostle Paul speaks of the appearing of the Lord Jesus that he had on the way to Damascus, as he describes it, from one time to another, it seems to be greater light every time, till he speaks of a glory above that of the sun. It just got brighter and brighter and brighter as he spoke of it.
I am a bright and a morning star.
How bright for you, How bright for me?
Is that bright enough to eclipse in your soul and mind every other object which would detract?
From saying, Oh come Lord Jesus, we long to see thee finally.
God that has loved us so much, given myself for us.
Well, you can answer that for yourself. I say how bright.
Is he to you? How bright is the thought of his coming in your own soul this evening?
When he appears in glory, you know that will be the most glorious person in the universe is the Lord Jesus Christ. The city won't need any sun or any light. He's going to be there himself and fill the scene by the glorious presence.
You go to Philippians chapter 2.
My brother read from Isaiah 40 there and he speaks of, I believe he's referring to the stars that he knows.
Everyone by name.
Philippians, Chapter 2.
Verse 15.
That he may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom ye shine as light.
In the world.
You know, you think of the stars.
You walk into the heavens, we look up into the heavens, especially on dark nights where there's no lights, no ambient lights in the area is really dark. You can see these. Maybe you can see, I don't know, many millions. You can see there's so many stars there and they just differ in glory from one to the other, you know, and one that some seem to be blinking. And what a remarkable view of what our blessed Lord Jesus.
Spoken to existence.
Beyond measurement.
Our Savior, the Lord, He made this world and all that's in it.
You know, if you read 1St Corinthians 15, it speaks there of the heavenly bodies, the sun, the moon, the stars that vary in glory, deferring glory Once Upon another, and it's parallel to the resurrection.
And we know that in the resurrection we're going to have glorious bodies like unto his glorious body.
But there's no question He's going to out sign everyone of us and all of us together by His glory. But we're going to have bodies of glory like unto His own glorious spider, just like those stars up there that we can watch. We can think of that as we watch them. You know, when the sun appears.
The stars disappear, you know, the scientists, they say, oh, the sun, that's a small star, you know, and it's galaxies over that big star, over that zillions of years over there. They'll never get there. But that's from a scientific perspective. But God has given us an earthly perspective, and we can behold the sky. And when the sun comes up, the stars disappear. They're all there, but you can't see them anymore.
Because the glory of the sun just fills the scene with his life.
And the others become invisible. And this is where God has chosen in this vast universe, this little planet earth, to manifest His beloved Son and to have us enter into the perspective and view of His glory. We beheld His glory as that of the only begotten Son. The apostle John says that they walk with Him and ate with Him and had the Son of God himself in their midst.
We hardly could take it in, can we?
But as another perspective on the stars, you know that I, I, I enjoy thinking from the Lords perspective.
We shine as lights in the world. We look up in the heavens and we see the stars. And he looks up from the heavens and he sees the stars. He sees the ones that he's left down here to shine for him.
That's what you and I are. We're like, we're the lights of the world.
What kind of light are we giving?
What's the brightness of our testimony?
How we behaving as the Lord is watching us from heaven?
Dear young person, older one too, let's be conscious of this, that the Lord is watching us from heaven.
How do you act?
And how do you react?
How do you affect those about you?
How do you let yourself be affected?
By those about you.
The Lord is watching.
You know, in the scriptures there's different places where you have threshing floors.
Well, they separated the grain from the stems there and they gathered the green there. Kind of a, a test, you know, for believers that we're in to the different circumstances of life where the Lord is putting us to the test to see how we act and react.
And you know, if we were perfect in ourselves, we should act and react perfectly like the Lord Jesus.
But I'm sure if you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, there's a reflection in your life in a measure.
In the measure of your fellowship, perhaps, and your knowledge of him and your closeness to him, there's a reflection in your life by your actions and reaction, I trust.
This beautiful character, none to be equal to his, but yet I'm sure the Father delights and so does the Lord Jesus. He looks down here and he sees these shining stars shining for him. Some are on and off like the blinking ones. You know, some of us are like that. But he just delights in seeing that reflection of himself in our lives. You know, I was working for the phone company quite a few years ago and.
I took a management course there and it was a course that had been designed by a psychologist and nobody that went to the course knew about it.
But they just put you through different classes and leaving all sorts of funny situations. I remember because I couldn't sleep at night, I would go home from that course and I was so troubled by the things that had happened. I couldn't, I couldn't figure out what was happening.
So the fellow be giving the course, he'd be giving his course and talking about subject and all of a sudden he'd get upset, he'd tear his sheets up and he'd just leave.
We're all sitting there, twenty of us.
What do we say? We didn't know and things like that happen all during the week, but it was all purposed. They were testing us. They were seeing how we're going to behave.
The Lord is doing the same thing. He doesn't take pleasure, He doesn't make fun with us, but he's looking at how we're behaving for Him, where He has put us in that assembly you're in, in that city where you live, in that school where you're going and that place where you're working. They're with your friends that you know. He knows you're there and you're there for Him, I trust.
How do you act and how do you react?
I have a word for my heart.
And the heart of fathers here, and the heart of you young men who?
The Lord carries you have responsibility of a home.
And take responsibility in the assembly.
We have to be really concerned about how we act.
Because we become responsible for how those that react, react to how we act.
I speak for my father's heart.
An imperfect father's heart. Having my own family experience, you might say, with my own father, meeting men and women in difficulty in this life who have had her to be fathers and mothers.
Our brother in the first meeting today spoke of.
Some subjects we don't like to bring up but he spoke of.
Adultery. Fornication.
And misaligned passions you might say, if I could use that word.
You fathers and husbands, you make sure.
You make sure you hug your wife.
You just make sure you're hugger enough.
That she feels loved and belonged and she won't need.
To be sensitive to flattery or other niceties that come from other men.
You make sure fathers, that you hug your boys the.
That they have this character of a man who's masculine but loving, and I can hold his boys in his arms and give him a hug.
One man I know, I meet many of them. He was 40. He was crying as he was talking to me. He had that difficulty with speaking about and he told me.
My father never hugged me.
But one of his uncles started being nice to him.
You hug your daughters fathers so they won't need to be running in the first young man's arms and wants to give her a hug that she feels loved by a man who's her father, who respects her and loves her without expecting anything in return, with no other motive than the love of God in his heart for his children.
We have great responsibilities. There's ones as the greater we hire in knowledge, we might say, and as we've entered into the revelation of the Word of God in the assembly. How responsible we act for our actions, dear ones. And may we not be the ones that provoke the reaction, the discouragement, the giving up of hope, the feeling of not being loved or wanted or accepted or being so bad.
That you wouldn't want to touch a leopard, would you?
Well, the Lord, you know how he healed that leopard Mark 4.
Be touched.
Can we see that?
You don't touch the leopard.
You touch a leper, you get leprosy. You get this file. You're unclean.
What did the Lord do?
I will He touched Him and He healed them. Don't be afraid, dear ones, to manifest that love of God in a practical way.
I was talking to a brother today about that. I enjoyed the thought of discipline. 2 handed discipline. I like that one hand you keep him away but the other you don't let him go.
We have to be at a distance, but I love you, dear brother. I want you to come back.
Sure, you can apply that in your own heart. How you carry that out not to do any.
Disobedience to the Word of God. I think there's these both of these things and the word of God, The Corinthian Saints, they were slow at acting in a terrible case that was going on and they were slow at reacting to the repentance of the brother and often were like that. So just these thoughts for us, they're ones who are fathers. Think of Abraham. You know what slowed down Abraham?
In his pathway of faith was his father, the last person on earth. You think it slowed them down?
And keep him from blessing in the path of God was his father. So may we were fathers, and you were going to be fathers perhaps of the Lord Tarries. Just make sure you have this clear in your mind as to the responsibility we have.
Towards our spouse.
And our boys and our girls that express one thing that they'll remember, it's not what my brother brought out this afternoon. I'm enjoying what you said there. It's just a sad thing that this is what someone would say. But our children would know that prodigal son, that we loved them and we really care for them. Let's make sure about that.
Well, all these, all these stars shining, you know there's an answer in Second Corinthians chapter 4.
Verse 17.
2nd Corinthians 417 for our light affliction, which is but for a moment, this is now.
It's called light afflictions. I know some are going through some terrible, heavy, painful circumstances, but in the light of eternity, they're called light affliction. But for a moment.
Down here they might last for years, but in the perspective of eternity, there but for a moment our light affliction, which is but for a moment work it for us and eternal.
Weight of glory. So there's an answer in glory for how we act and react down here for the Lord Jesus and patience and suffering and tribulation and difficulty and testing and provocations and discouragements.
Silences and going on for him where we feel there's not much blessing or encouragement.
Know the Lord tests our motives.
You love the Lord Jesus.
You make sure you enjoy his love for you. The more you enjoy his love for you, the more you're going to love him back.
You say you love the Lord Jesus.
What needs to be presented to you?
So you say, yeah, I love the Lord, but I mean, what's the harm in this? Just for a little while. I'll, I'll, I'll fix that up later.
The enemy of our soul is seeking who he may have are.
He's trying to draw us away. He succeeds.
I'm sure this keeps us. How does He succeed at dividing us who have been brought into the enjoyment of the truth of the one body?
Typed it ahead in heaven we were knit together as one. He's made us that and he died for us to be like that. How did he manage to pull us apart?
And have us write letters to each other trying to keep us apart. How does he manage that?
Does he do that through our children?
To our daughters and our sons. Is that who he does that truth?
We bar heads there ones.
He does it true brothers like me.
Ones who act and react.
We must be missing something when this happens.
We say the Lord allowed it.
Sometimes we say the Lord's cleaning up the testimony.
Lord doesn't sweep away, brethren, He doesn't do that. He died so we be together. He's not going to come and scatter us apart. Somebody else is doing that and he's managing to come into the assembly.
He doesn't come when we're meeting and he comes in the door. A stranger comes in and starts making trouble. It doesn't work like that.
He works through us, getting our eyes off the Lord unto something else, probably a very orchard's fine, it's perfect, everything was said was fine. But there's a spirit working behind it to draw the sight away from the Lord. And if the Lord is not the object before your soul and mind, the reflection in your life is not Jesus Christ.
You're not going to be reflecting the Lord Jesus Christ morally if He's not the one that's before your heart and mine.
Is this something that you attain to and you say well in 1997 finally I got my on the Lord and since then, no, I get my outdoor every day.
But every time I turn around, I look, there he is.
To be gazed at and complete, contemplated and enjoyed and spoken to. And as you do that, don't worry about your testimony. Don't worry about how you act and react. It's something that's going to be done for you by the Spirit of God. You'll have the right disposition of spirit to accept insult and injury and to give a word of comfort or a word of warning. You're not going to be unbalanced.
Well, dear ones.
I want to look at some verses in the book of Ruth.
Before we go to the gospel, you know.
I'm sure this is not something the Lord would say.
He wouldn't say.
What's in this for me?
I think he'd say that.
He lived for his Father's glory and turned big it all to him.
But he says in the 16th some we could just hold our faces in root there the 16th.
Verse 5.
The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup.
Thou maintain.
My lot.
16th Psalms, the Lord Jesus, perfect servants.
And here he came to Israel, and he had some following.
But Denise had rejected him and he didn't enter. He didn't bring his Kingdom to pass.
It was all set aside. We won't have this Mandarin over us. Behold, the King of the Jews.
Hanging between heaven and earth on a piece of wood.
We'd spit in his face, We hit him with our fists, We pound him with thorns. We pierced his hands, his feet. We whipped his back. We mocked and railed at him.
The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and my cup. Thou maintainest my law. He doesn't lose the Kingdom. He's going to have the Kingdom. The Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ is going to be all over this earth. He's going to reign supreme. Lord of Lord, King of kings. God is going to make sure about that. But then the next verse it says.
The lines are fallen unto me and pleasant places. Yeah, I have a goodly heritage.
These are lines that you take to measure lots.
You know, sometimes you go and you see a piece of land there and you got these lines. So somebody went there and just measured things and put lines right there at the land, starts here and then finishes over there.
While the Lord Jesus has an inheritance there from the Father.
In pleasant places, a heavenly people, a heavenly company. Sanji is going to bring to glory. That's you and me.
What's in this? For me, it's us, Lord.
It's wondrous grace of God that has brought us into relationship with Himself to be the delight of His heart forever as His bride.
We see the light of your heart tonight is your desire to please him in all your ways, to live for him.
You know Lord Jesus, when he was down here, he was a lonely man.
Nobody entering into.
The thoughts and feelings of his heart the very night he was betrayed. My brother spoke of Luke 22. Today he instituted that feast of remembrance.
Who there could sympathize with his heart?
They argued among themselves it would be the greatest. One of them was figuring how much he was going to get when he would sell them.
Peter full of pride, thinking I'm going to be faithful unto death. Nobody entered into.
The thoughts of the Lord Jesus.
But you and I, dear ones, by God's grace, on the first day of the week, we're brought back. The Lord brings us back to Calorie.
And the Father delights by the Spirit of God to bring us through the scriptures and milder thoughts of that Spirit in our hearts, to have us gaze.
My beloved son.
That's that one hanging on the cross.
I were called to remember.
You know what, if you just I just want to get through it three in a minute. But in First Corinthians 11 you might not want to turn to it. You know it by heart. First Corinthians 11/23 For as off as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do show the Lords death till he comes.
The first day of the week, we look back to Calgary. What are we thinking about our salvation? Well, it's all right to think of our salvation, but we think on Him.
And his suffering and pain and sorrow and forsaking and we can't get beyond that. It's overwhelming. And we just bow and worship before Him as we consider Him there.
We're remembering him in his suffering and death. We're not thinking of an event, we're thinking of him in those circumstances.
We show the Lord's death till he comes.
He is coming. He's the one that's coming. The very same one we thought of on that cross. He's coming.
Why is he coming? It's not. Why are you coming? Who is he coming for?
He's coming for you so you can see his face.
And you can see yours.
And he can hear your voice, while you see his joy and hear his voice.
Well, in the Book of Roots, you know, I've enjoyed these thoughts in connection with Boaz because he's the Redeemer. Boaz is the Redeemer.
And the picture isn't perfect, but I just like to suggest a few thoughts as we consider Bo has in route.
He was a Moabite, had no business in the congregation of Israel up to the 10th generation.
And any godly Jew will tell you she you know, that's what the word of God says. 10th generation.
But God is the ruler of his word. Here's root She's going to be in the congregation of Israel.
Lord is the Lord of the Sabbath. He does what He wants. I need to be obedient and submit to what He instructs me, but I can marvel at His ways of grace and love.
I'm not the one to decide who he's going to save, who is going to discipline, who is going to gather. It's all his business. My business is to listen to him and be obedient and see him work in my life and other people's life and marvel. That is love, grace, patient righteousness and all these qualities we find in him. Well, if she had advice there or six from her mother-in-law, Naomi.
You know, Naomi was a widow now, and so was Ruth. They lost their husbands and the only two sons that they left.
The land of Israel, and they left Bethlehem there to go into the land of Moab because of famine. And she didn't do the right thing. And when her husband died.
You could think perhaps that Naomi could have said, well, your father brought us here, but probably not. You know, she might have had part there herself and that loss of confidence in the God of Israel, and she found refuge in Mohab 2. But she comes back in bitterness and with her daughter-in-law, Ruth. And she gives her instruction because she has this man in her family who's called Bohaz, who can redeem them and lift up the name of the one that died on his inheritance.
So verse six, and she went down unto the floor. That's a treashing floor I enjoy. There's many nice applications. There are threshing floors. Here's one. Their character are going to be tested. She went down onto the floor and did according to all that her mother-in-law made her. And when Bo has it eaten and drunk and his heart was married, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of corn. And she came softly and uncovered his feet and laid her down and came to pass at midnight.
That the man was afraid and turned himself, and behold, a woman lay at his feet.
And he said to her, Thou and she Angela, I'm root, thine handmaid, spared therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid, for thou art and near kinsman where kinsmen Redeemer. And he said, Because blessed be thou of the Lord, my daughter, for thou hast showed more kindness in the latter end, that at the beginning as much as thou followest not, neither not young men, whether poor or rich. And all, my daughter, fear not I will do to thee all that thou requires for all the city of my people that know.
Art a virtuous woman. And now it is true that I am thy near kinsmen. Howbeit there is a kinsman nearer than I Tarry this night, and it shall be in the morning that he will perform unto that, if he will perform unto thee. The part of a kinsman will let him do the kinsman's part. But if you will not.
Do the part of a kinsman to thee, then will I do the part of a kinsman city. As the Lord liveth, lie down until the morning, and she lay at his feet until the morning, and she rose up before 1 Could know another. And he said, Let it not be known that a woman came into the floor also. He said, Bring the veil that thou hast upon thee, and hold it. And when she held it, he measured 6 measures of barley and laid it on her. And she went into the city. When she came to her mother-in-law, she said.
Wright thou my daughter and she told her all that the man had done to her. Well, we'll just stop there. We won't have time to go to anymore. But I just enjoyed this picture, you know, or little glimpses of Bo has he ate and he drank.
And his heart was married. And I think of the Lord Jesus, you know, our Redeemer. He had desired with desire to heat the Passover with his disciples. He ate, He drank, but he was not married. He was heavy with sorrow.
And he went into that garden and Gethsemane.
And he brought with him Peter, James and John.
He wanted them to enter into, to have fellowship. Could he not watch with me an hour?
He could be as he goes there and in the middle of the night he's afraid.
Read in the 88th Psalm.
The Lord Jesus.
The terror of the cross, of the judgment that was before him.
So many thoughts there in the psalms connected with that.
16 Thy fierce wrought.
Going over me, Thy terrors have cut me off.
Verse 15 I'm afflicted, ready to die for my youth. While I suffer thy terrors, I am distracted.
We can't enter it into what was in the Lord's soul. These psalms, these thoughts, are written for us to stop us there to consider and to bar heads in worship. But here Beau as he wakes up.
And there's a woman at his feet.
Who's this woman? She's a Moabite. You know she's going to be his wife.
The Lord Jesus had joy set before him, I'm sure of doing the Father's will of glorifying His name. But there was a woman there, that church that was going to have for himself. He's going to present it to himself at that spot or anything, any such thing. This one, that's his own, but He died for his own bride.
Well, you know, you could reverse the story. Here's the bride now.
And we can lay at his feet, dear one.
Until the morning, as from week to week we come.
And consider that night he went through for us, where there was terror in his soul and judgment for you and I.
We consider.
And watch him.
Men did that in the New Testament, there in Matthews. They sat down and they watched him there with hearts full of wickedness and hatred and jealousy.
But by God's grace, the same creatures.
Visited by God's grace, made alive now in Christ Jesus, we can go back.
How precious. The Lord has given us this, going back and sitting down.
And watching there.
Does that do something to you there one?
Every week does it do something to you, dear brother, dear sister, to consider the Lord of glory?
In these hours.
You think of Utica's, you know.
That's what the apostle and his disciples were doing the first day, going back to Calvary to consider him there, and that night of suffering and deep sorrow.
Are you sitting on the windowsill? Your young one?
Has he drawn your heart to his own heart?
Did you hear his voice? We'd love you to be all at the Lord's Table. But have you heard his voice speaking to you? Saying this too, and remembrance of me?
I think he wants you to do that. Is that the desire of his heart for you? You doubt that from his word that he'd like you to take the time to sit with others that he's redeemed at such a cost, making you part of the same family, making you part of his body to consider together.
Him. Well, you know Ruth, she gleaned there before this chapter. She gleaned.
One measure of barley, it says it was an FI believe. But then when she sat, or she lay at his feet for the whole night, when she got up she got six measures. She had a full measure. She had 7 measures in all. Once she cleaned herself, and six more that the kinsmen Redeemer gave to her. And dear ones, if you and I.
Read the Word of God and search it through. We'll get that measure for our souls.
But what a special measure to sit in His presence and consider as we can.
Is love and the delight of God our Father, who's made us his children. Now this is my beloved Son. That's the one hanging on my cross, right? It's my beloved Son for you.
So we praise the Father and the Son? Naomi asks her.
Who art thou, my daughter?
Perhaps this was the way they communicated there, but the Spirit of God has penned these words for us. What does she say? She told him. She told her all the man had done for her. You know, who are you, Who am I? I am all that Jesus has done for me, and outside of what He's done for me, I am nothing, and neither are you.
You feel sentiments of pride in your heart. That's all we are. We are what He has done for us. He's brought us into blessing at such a cost. What a privilege, dear ones. It says there the man will have no rest until he settles the matter today.
The Lord Jesus, he went to that cross and he settled the matter that day. He said to that thief on the cross, he said today.
Thou shalt be in paradise. No, you didn't say that.
What did he say? Today thou shalt be with me in paradise.
That they've been they be where I am, and that they may behold my glory. We're not going to behold this glory. We're going to be where He, He wants us to be with Him.
And in God's grace, you know, in time he's gathered us in simplicity, weakness to his precious name, and he's promised his presence. May that affect us, dear ones, as we come together to sit at his feet of Calvary, as we come together around him to listen to his voice through the Spirit by the scriptures they administer to our souls, as we come together at his feet to bring our petitions that we might realize.
This wondrous privilege of being added to His name and of being in His presence.
Well, you know what happened. He went the next day there Bo has and he finished the work. The other man wouldn't redeem because she was a Moabite.
Boaz never gave it a second thought.
And then he married her, and she became one of the ones that's mentioned in Matthew chapter one as to the four women mentioned by name in the genealogy of the Lord Jesus.
Just another thought in connection with.
Ruth there, she said. He said blessed be the Lord. I'm just going to get that verse here.
It says under whose skirt does come to December tonight. And he said, Who art thou? And she said, I am Ruth, thine handmaid. Spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid. I believe the word there. I I'm, I was surprised when I read it in English, but in my French Bible it's before thy wing, under thy wing.
Spread thy wing.
It would be the only man.
In the Scriptures, who's been made a parallel, you might say, to the Lord under whose wings?
We can come and find refuge.
What a privilege for us to know that this one who's a man, Christ Jesus, is God himself, manifest in the flesh under whose wing we found refuge. Well, just want a few more minutes. Matthews Gospel, chapter one.
I want you to notice this here, dear ones.
Names associated with the birth of the Lord Jesus. Something to humble every Jewish heart.
That would be proud.
Every Pharisee, you might say.
Matthews Gospel chapter one, the book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham, verse 2, Abraham be cat, Isaac and Isaac becat Jacob and Jacob becat Judas and his brethren. You know sometimes you read genealogies and say it's just names but notice this and Judas begat Faradays and Zara of Tamar.
That's the first woman mentioned by name verse 3. And Fatah's begat Ephraim, and Ezra begat Abram, and Aram begat Aminadab, and Aminadab begat Nestle, and Nestle begat Song, and someone begat Boys of Rahab. That's the second one. And Boaz begat Obit of Ruth.
That was the third one and obed because Jesse and Jesse becau David the king and David the king begat Solomon of her. That had been the wife of Urias.
Four women mentioned specifically. They're more grandmothers in that lineage. Only four mentioned here.
You read in the book of Genesis. There you'll find how Judah behaved. There was misbehavior wasn't something you'd like to hear about. You didn't have to read that story out. The Lord brought it out, but show them.
That the Lord had had mercy and patience with them and is dealing with them. Rahab She was a harlot of Jericho. She hid the the the spies there. The Lord used her. He brought her into blessing.
Then you have root the Moabite. There she is.
Associated in the genealogy of the Lord Jesus. Is there anything better than that? Oh, we're.
The bride of the Lord Jesus, He's the One. He wants to be united with us for eternity.
Do you know Him as your savior? Have you done things wrong yourself?
One of these people had done things wrong. David was he did a terrible thing. He was really responsible as a father and he paid the price in God's government in his house. But it's it's recorded here and be cat Solomon. He doesn't say about Sheba of her that had been the wife of Uriah the Lord doesn't.
Passover sin, but he forgives sin.
He doesn't forgive it just anyway.
He forgives it by putting it on himself on the cross and paying for it in our stead.
Tonight, dear young people. Perhaps older one too.
There's a man on high in the glory. His name is the Lord Jesus.
He's coming soon from heaven, and he's coming to get those that he died for, that he redeemed like Bo has he redeemed. Ruchi was his. He's redeemed us with his precious blood, and he's going to take us out of the world. Is he going to take you?
Young man, young lady.
Are you ready for the Lord's coming?
One last verse before I close Second Thessalonians, chapter 2.
My brother, in the prayer meeting, he prayed. He used John 316, you know John 316. God so loved the world.
That He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
God loves you. Nobody can say God didn't love me.
But when God walks up to you, maybe in a gospel meeting, maybe somebody gives you a track or you talk to someone. When God presents himself to you in that way and says I love you, makes you responsible, you know, to receive his love and to receive all the benefit of what the Lord Jesus has done for us on the cross.
Well, in Second Thessalonians chapter 2.
There's another one who's coming after the Lord comes.
There's going to be another man that's going to appear and he's going to have all sorts of power and he's going to seduce people.
And he's going to seduce all those who didn't believe the blessed gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. And it tells us in Second Thessalonians chapter 2.
9 Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan.
That's the enemy of God and of the Lord Jesus, with all power and signs, annoying wonders and without, without deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because.
They receive, not.
The love of the truth that they might be saved.
You're going to receive that love tonight, dear, when it cost God so much.
It cost the Lord, those terrors on the cross, to be forsaken in your set in your stead.
You're going to receive the love of the truth tonight. Are you going to reject that love?
What you do, my friend, and the Lord comes.
You're going to believe a lie.
God will allow you to be convinced that this line is the truth. Because you did not believe the truth when this was presented to you in love, you will not receive that love. Well, I trust no one here tonight, this evening.
We'll leave this room.
Without knowing the Lord Jesus their Savior. If you're not sure you have a question, talk to someone. Many of us here would be happy to help you. Just one this little illustration before we go.
If you allow me, Brother Greg, we were talking this afternoon there by the woods and the.
Was brought wasn't it he was playing a little bit further and Greg called me over and says watch this and we watched through the trees and we can see the little boys playing in there we were watching them and then just very softly Greg let out a little whistle. I can't I know exactly what the sound is but you just whistled quietly and I just saw a little boy he just.
He, he lit up. He just lit up and he and he looked and then he saw his father.
He had heard that signal.
Midnight cry. Behold, the bridegroom cometh.
The Lord woke us up hundred and some years ago.
But I'm afraid.
We've kind of fallen back to sleep. Can you hear the sweetness of his voice tonight saying to us, dear ones?
I come quickly. That's bar heads.