"Ready or Not, Here I Come!"

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
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Have you every shouted those words? They are the final warning shout of the game Hide and Seek before the person who is “it” starts to look for the hidden players. I’m sure many of you children have played this game with your family and friends. The fun of hunting as well as choosing a good hiding place has made this a favorite game in many countries for a long time.
Our family liked to play Hide and Seek when the children were young. We’d turn off most of the lights and, while one person counted to fifty, the rest would run and hide in dark corners, under beds or behind doors. One time, little Ginny squeezed herself onto a shelf in a bedroom closet, and whoever was “it” never found her. The family was getting worried so called, “Come home free!” She appeared with a grin on her face, knowing she was the best “hider,” and therefore the winner of that round.
I remember a game of Hide and Seek outdoors at my cousin’s house when I was young. We ran all over, trying to find good hiding spots while someone counted. Suddenly there was a yell from the barn. Cousin Eric had slid down inside a barrel to hide but then realized he couldn’t get out! His older sister rescued him by tipping over the barrel so he could wriggle out.
This reminds me of how we all at one time have tried to hide from God. No matter how well we think we are hidden, we really are, in fact, stuck. You might remember the story about a man named Jonah who thought he could run away from God. Jonah didn’t like the job God had given him to do, so he got on a ship going the opposite direction, to escape from this job. Yes, he was trying to hide from God. But when a bad storm blew up and threatened to sink the ship, Jonah admitted to his shipmates that he was the cause and told the sailors to throw him overboard, which they did. The storm quieted immediately. God had been watching Jonah, and He prepared a great fish to swallow him. After three days of thinking and praying inside the fish’s belly, Johan finally repented, and the great fish threw up Jonah on a beach. Then he was ready to obey God. Jonah learned that he couldn’t hide from God.
Adam and Eve tried hiding after they had eaten fruit from the tree in the garden that God had commanded them not to eat from. Right away they knew they were naked and sewed clothing for themselves out of leaves. Then they hid among the trees of the garden. When God came down to walk in the garden, He called to Adam, “Where are you?” He knew that Adam and Eve had sinned and that they couldn’t spend time with Him until something was done about it. God is holy, and He cannot have sin in His presence.
How good that God is the best Seeker ever! After He found Adam and Eve hiding behind the trees, He killed some animals and made clothes for them from the animal skins. In this story, early in the Bible, we learn that blood has to be shed in order for sins to be covered. God provided a way to restore the fellowship He longed to have with people. Later on in history, Jesus Himself willingly died on Calvary’s cross, shedding His own blood to cover the sins of whoever believes on Him. “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (Romans 4:77Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. (Romans 4:7)).
If you are still in your sins and hiding from God, we plead with you to come out of your hiding place. God sees where you are and wants to have you as one of His own children. Just answer His call to “come in free” and accept His Son Jesus as your Saviour. You will be glad forever that you let the loving Saviour find you, and He will rejoice too. “The Son of Man [Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:1010For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10)).
MEMORY VERSE: “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.” Romans 4:77Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. (Romans 4:7)