We like to remember certain things in our lives. Other things that happened we would like to forget. Perhaps we can learn a lesson from those bad things that happened as well as the good things. Do you remember your birthday? What about your name and address? Do you remember the time you were sick and had to stay in bed all day? That wasn’t too pleasant, was it? The Lord has tempered our lives together with what we consider to be both happy days and sad days. Certain things we learned in school we don’t remember anymore. Much that we were taught has been forgotten. Older people find that their memory is not as good as when they were younger. Therefore, it is very important to fill our minds with that which is good while we are young. What the world has to offer is temporal (for a little while). What God offers is for eternity. One ends in death and the other in glory. Do you know that after we die we will remember what took place in our lives (Luke 16:2525But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. (Luke 16:25))? God wants us to remember that the most important thing in life is to repent and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour while there is still time.
1. What did the Lord want Israel to remember about the forty years in the wilderness? Deuteronomy 8:___
2. What Old Testament character are we told to remember in this chapter?
Luke 17:___
3. Before the years draw nigh in which we have no pleasure, what should we do? Ecclesiastes 12:___
4. Lest the disciples should be discouraged when persecuted, what did the Lord want them to remember? John 15:___
5. Joseph asked the chief butler to remember him. Did he do this?
Genesis 40:___