Requests for Prayer

Be sure and read these, dear friends, and pray every day for our soldiers and sailors.
A father desires prayer for his son, a soldier, who knows the way of salvation but is at present opposed.
A mother desires prayer for her son at the Front who is unconverted. She says “It would cheer my widowed heart to know he was the Lord’s.”
A Chaplain at the Front earnestly desires our prayers that he may have strength for, and blessing on, his work.
A sergeant’s wife desires earnest prayer for her husband, who is a prisoner in, North Germany
An anxious sister desires prayer for her brother, who is saved, that he may be preserved in the day of battle.
A sister desires prayer for her only brother, who is in the Army, that he may be saved.
A mother, who has four sons in the Army, desires prayer for the three unsaved ones.
A father and mother desire prayer for their sons at the Front, that they may be kept soul and body for the Lord’s service as well as King George’s,
An unconverted soldier at the Front has sent this letter. Please pray earnestly for him. “Dear Sir, ―I write to ask you if you would be so kind as to help me on the way to God. It became my good fortune to receive your little book entitled, ‘A Message from God.’ I was much interested in it, also the Gospel according to St. John in which you stated you would help to God. Dear Sir, I must admit I am a sinner, and I have come short of the glory of God. I have been taught to love God my Father which is in heaven, but I have neglected the teachings of God until now. I am placed in the hour of danger, and I want to come to Him, who died that the world might be saved from sin. I want you to understand that I pray to God every night and day to keep me safe, but I feel convinced that I ought to be a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ; so if you can help me I should esteem it a favor.”
Please pray for him. Praise God! I have just heard he is saved.
An Army Scripture Reader asks to be sustained in his work by prayer, as words fail to describe the needs of the moment.
Another says: “Please ask God’s people for their renewed prayers―as the activity of the devil increases, so must our prayers.”
A worker at Caterham asks our prayerful interest in this portion of the Lord’s vineyard.
Another dear worker writes: “Do ask the friends at home to keep on praying.”
A Christian wife says: “Will you kindly pray for my dear husband, who I fear is not a Christian.... He leaves for camp tomorrow, and I am most anxious about him. To know that he belongs to Christ would be my greatest happiness.”