Resources In Adversity

YP Sing Address—W. Hayhoe
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OK, so you've probably, uh, had a lot of, uh, versus before you today for all of us. And I want to try to just mention a few verses from the word of God and then, umm, see if we can bring it home to us individually. So something that you can take that's not just an idea out there. That's, well, that's great, but something that you can claim.
For yourself or I can claim for myself, because we all have our individual unique Christian experiences, but we have the word of God.
That gives us promises, things that we as Christians can.
Claim that other people in this world that aren't Christians don't have. They don't have the resources.
That we have. I'm going to read a verse. First of all, this is in.
Hebrews 11 it says cast not away, therefore your confidence with hath great recompense of reward. That's uh, Hebrews 10 verse 35 Cast not away, therefore your confidence which has great recompense of reward. That was a verse written.
To probably written by Paul. We don't know exactly who wrote the book of Hebrews, but he wrote that to those who.
Had lived under the old.
System of worship prior to the Lord Jesus coming.
And now they had something brand new. They had things that were a lot better, that were new to them. And he had given them throughout the book. And now he says cast not away. Therefore, your confidence, which has great recommends of we are, you know, we as Christians have the opportunity to go through life and to be very confident. Now, it's not confident in ourselves that we can survive, that we can live, that we can make it, so to speak. But there is a confidence that comes from knowing the Lord Jesus. And I'd like to look at a few.
Umm, versus that are found in the Bible by I think I'll go to about four different places, four different, well, I'll say servants of God for different people. The first one is in Psalms and it's in Psalm 18.
So these are things that I can claim, you can claim versus that we can go to in the Bible.
Of course, all of it's perfect, it's all God's Word, but sometimes it's good to have a few key verses that we can just go to in times that we face challenges, and I think that this is one verse that's very helpful.
Says in Psalms 18 verse 30 it says As for God.
His way is perfect.
Who can tell me who wrote that verse? I know you guys know, but who can tell me which person?
That lived then who wrote that verse?
I'm gonna have to pick somebody or my somebody raised their hand.
Come on you guys, you guys are smarter than that. I know. You know David very good, Sam told me very good. David wrote that he said As for God, his way is perfect. Did David have real life difficult experiences? Yes, we know. We did. We know that at the very start, right when he was chosen, umm by God and and chosen out of a family. I think he had seven brothers.
And he was chosen to go and go to where the battle was. His brothers falsely accused him. They said, we know the audience of thine heart. In other words, they thought that David was coming down to be part of the battle so that he could get a a, a special privilege or a special place. And they falsely accused him that, yeah, ascribe to him a wrong motive. He was he just went because he was instructed to go. Have you ever had a situation like that where somebody.
Looks in on what you're doing and they say, I know why you're doing what you're doing. And then they guess and they usually get it wrong. Is that a real life experience? You've probably had a similar experience like that. You know, David, he had a resource and I think probably this verse was written much later in his life. But nonetheless, he went through that experience and later on he learned to say, As for God, his way is perfect.
You know, when you hit adversity, maybe it's not somebody, umm, describing to you a false motive. Maybe it's some other situation in life, something that's not going the way it hoped it turned out.
Can I say when I hit difficult times? Can you say, does the word? Does the Lord want us to learn to say no matter what?
As for God, His way is perfect. Yes, He does, and we can claim that verse. So a good practice, and we were reminded of this today, is to learn to meditate on God's Word. In other words, read a verse like this. It's only going to come to mind in times of challenge if we have it as a resource.
In us by memorization or by reading and putting it away in our hearts, in our lives. Individually. David walked a very individual experience through life. He had a lot of challenging situations right from the start of his life right to the very end. And at some point in his life he was inspired by God to write down this verse. As for God his way.
Is perfect. We need to learn in our Christian lives not to doubt God. We can't. We shouldn't doubt what God is doing. We need to learn to trust and we need to learn to say As for God, his way is perfect. OK, now I'm going to go to another one. This is in umm. Well, I'll tell you what, I'm not going to tell you where it is. I'm going to see if you can tell me after I read it, OK? This is just to see if you're paying attention a little bit. I won't put anybody on the spot. At least I'll try not OK.
See if anybody can tell me who wrote this verse, OK, It says Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever. OK, who wrote that?
How did you know?
Oh, very good. Well done. Tim knew it right away.
Does anybody else, uh, know why we should, umm, probably know who wrote that verse?
What's that? Very good. That's right. When Mr. Tony, you had his address. Well, who was here for Mr. Tony's address?
Oh, lots of hands, I see. OK, is any, has everybody remembered he quoted that verse or he read it? Actually, he had us turn to it. Right? You remember that now? Isaiah 26, verses three and four. I'll read it again. OK. This is Isaiah 26, three and four. It says Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee, Trust ye in the Lord.
Remember he said a nice deep voice forever, right. We're supposed to trust in the Lord forever. Well, that's a positive umm verse that we as Christians, those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, we can like lay hold on that verse and that's what I kind of have on my mind tonight is to get and I'm not just talking to you. I'm talking to me and we're the Lord of hope is talking to all of us. Get these verses in US enough that.
They're a useful resource for us in our Christian life. It says here Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. Is that true?
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace. Now I don't know about you, but I find that I often tend to have, umm, anxious thoughts or something less than perfect peace.
You feel adversity of some sort and it causes you to be maybe upset. Maybe you say something that you didn't want to say. Umm, if you're in a family where you have brothers and sisters, you know that that that sort of thing can happen, right? You if something happens and you say something and afterwards you, you grew regretted a little bit and you realize that you weren't really at perfect peace.
So you let something slip, you know, instead of taking it you, you, you, you argue back when it's not necessary and so on. Well, the Bible says here that will keep him in perfect peace. Whose mind is stayed on these See the secret is we have to have a link to the Lord Jesus. We his MO where it says whose mind is stayed on me are we have to have our thoughts. Our mind is where our thoughts originate from, as we all know. So we have to have our thoughts centered on the Lord Jesus. We have to have.
Thoughts of how he experienced life, what he did. We had a little bit of that in umm, how the Lord Jesus confronted that woman there and, and just in the Gospel meeting just now and John in the Gospel of John where he umm reached out to her. Well, we can read that account and then we can see a little bit of how the Lord Jesus responded to situations that confronted him. And so as in measure as our mind is set on him as we think about how he went through his life as a perfect man.
Why then when we hit difficult times, there should be the ability within us to have peace instead of having anxious thoughts. And so Isaiah penned, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace. His mind is stayed on thee. Now I'm going to read another one. I'll give you a clue. This one's in the New Testament. See if someone can tell me who wrote this one.
It says, My God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus.
Very good. Someone knew right away. Well done. I think probably a lot of you knew that.
Perhaps one of the more commonly quoted verses in the Bible. My God shall supply all your need now, is that true?
Yeah, that's true. Do I believe it? Well, if you said that to me, if you ask that question to me, I probably would shake my head. Yes, I I believe it. But.
It doesn't really sink down that do I really claim it. My God shall supply all your need. Now it's been pointed out to us that doesn't say all your wants, all your needs and God knows what we have need of. We don't always know what we have need of and so.
We can't say to read this verse and say I have a need and it's not being granted. Therefore God is not doing what he said He would do. Now that would be a wrong thought. God is God and He acts in ways that are above our ways. His thoughts are above our thoughts. So we can't argue backwards and say I have a need. God give me my need. He is the one that knows. But we can rest in the assure assurance that indeed He does know.
And that He will supply. And so if we think we have a need and we're not getting it, maybe it's good to ask the Lord what He knows we have need of, and then be as rest in the confidence that He will supply all your need. He's not gonna leave us floundering. He's not gonna leave us unable to walk through life without measure of confidence in Him. He will supply.
All your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. OK, one more.
See if you can, uh, identify who wrote this one. Uh, let me just find it here.
So it's maybe a little more difficult, but I wonder if someone can pick out who wrote this verse, it says here.
Let's see where am I going to start? It says grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, according as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue. Anybody want to venture who?
Wrote that it's in the New Testament per.
Somebody said something.
I mumbled. Peter. Oh, you're right. Very good, Peter.
And umm, we had a little bit about from the Gospel of Peter today. It was in chapter three, I think that Mister Tony read this is second Peter 1, verses two and three. I'll just read it again now. So this is Simon Peter and we know that he had real life experiences, right? So remember now, Simon Peter, the one who walked with the Lord, the one who was a fisherman, who walked and followed the Lord, who loved the Lord dearly. He had real situations of life and he learned later on in life.
To write and be inspired to say, grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, according as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of Him that have called us to glory and virtue hath given us. That's past tense. That's something we possess, He hath given us.
It says here.
All things that pertain unto life and godliness. Again another verse that we.
Can claim in our Christian life the Lord Jesus is the one who is the source.
Of the supply and he has given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness. He wants us to walk through our lives in a wanner that we can say umm is like his perfect life godliness. That's what like God now which we know that God the Lord Jesus is God was God, he could not sin in him was no sin and we know that in US dwells that old nature.
That ability, that thing that can, if we let it act, it will act and it's called the flesh, and it will produce sin in our lives. And we know that our Christian life is a battle between these two natures. And we have the power to live for the Lord Jesus Christ, and He hath given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness. And so we have an active responsibility to live daily for Him and not and put that thing called the flesh, which we will have in us until we're home to heaven.
We need to put it down and when it starts to rise up and want us to do things that we know are wrong according to the word of God, we have the responsibility to say no. There's a verse that says resist the devil and he will flee from you. That's a very direct verse. And we have that responsibility. And so, but here's the promise that he will supply all that's needed for our life that we might live in a godly way. Well, I just thought of these verses, things that we can claim and you can I can each one of us.
Can try to tuck them away and have them as a resource. So in the event that Satan does want to try to trip us up as he will, as he always will, none of us are exempt. Doesn't matter what age we are, he's going to try. And so we need to learn to have these verses readily available and to have our Bible readily available. And if we can't put it to memory, at least try to mark them or do something so that you can flip to them or do something so that we have, we call upon the res resources.
When adversity strikes. And so I trust that that's just something that we can all profit from and, and take with us, umm, further rest of this day, let's pray.