Revelation 21

Duration: 1hr 11min
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1St chapter of Revelation.
Demo here's the deal. No pain and the passage we had before us yesterday. It had to do with the time on the Lord, which they'll have is rightful place and this passage carries us right into the eternal state Revelation 21 The first office degree the first date versus and then I wonder if we could just read the from the 22nd Vermont to the end.
21St chapter. Revelations Chapter 21.
The first date versus and then from the 22nd verse Revelation 21 one and I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the 1St heaven and the first earth were passed away.
And there was number more seed, and I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God on heaven.
Prepared as a bride, adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men.
And he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and be their God.
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
And there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.
For the former, things are passed away.
And he that sat upon the throne said.
Behold, I make all things new.
And he said unto me, Right.
For these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done.
I'm alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
I will give unto him that is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life. Really, He that overcomes shall not, and he that overcometh shall inherit all things, And I will be his God, and he shall be my Son.
But the fearful and unbelieving?
And the abominable and murderer, and ************ and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all lying shall have their part in the lake, which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
Verse 22.
Night saw an old temple there in.
For the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.
And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it.
For the glory of God enlightened. And the Lamb is the knight. There are.
And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it.
And the kings of the earth to bring their glory and honor and do it. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day.
For there shall be no night there.
And they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations.
Into him, and there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie.
But they which are written in the Lamb's book of life, not like it just mentioned greatly that in Hebrews chapter 2 we were noticing the Lord Jesus as the one who is now brown with glory and honor. We see Him as God's man, a man of his counsels who is going to send everything right in this troubled world.
But now is the captain of our salvation. He's bringing many sons home to glory.
That is a merciful and faithful high priest, but when he gives a shout and calls us home to be with himself, and then it will be the beginning of events that lead to his taking that place that is rightfully his, so that the judgments on the tribulation are the opening of the seals, so to speak, by which he declares and takes his rights to the earth.
And then, in the millennial age, he reigns. He reigns from sea to sea and from pole to pole.
And all of us recognize his rights and his authority, and through the revelation we read about those judgments and tell the events carry on to the marriage of the Lamb. Then in the first part of the 21St chapter, where we have the reigning for 1000 years, and then we have a judgment of the wicked Dad, and then we have the commencement of what we.
God is an eternal state at the 1St 8 verses of this chapter, The 21St of Revelation bring before us the eternal state, the eternal state of those who are blessed in both Hammond and earth, and also the eternal state of the lost, solemn as it is in that eighth verse, that in the latter part of the chapter.
We have the position of the heavenly city during the millennial age.
And that's why I want to read in the latter part of this 21St chapter. We have about the temple and we have about the.
The city and the nation blocking in the light of it and bringing the glory and honor of the nations up to it. And we see a little picture of the physician that we haven't, we see will occupy the millennial age.
But when the eternal state is brought before us, then we see as it were. Heaven and earth are presented as being in perfect harmony. It's not the nation. Nations are the result of sin, and there will be no nations in the eternal state. The Tabernacle of God is with men, and then too there is no thought of reigning, because there's nothing to reign over.
The Kingdom has C stands Kingdom character and has been delivered over to the Father.
And then everything is restored, everything is suited to the mind and character of God. And now God is All in all. And what we had in First Corinthians 15 brings us to that time when this will take place.
And this.
This first eight verses of the 21St of Revelation is one of those few portions in the Scripture which spring before us the eternal faith. And I think it's most blessed for us because the law, we're going to be caught up and the judgment seat of Christ will take place, the marriage of the Lamb, the rainbow of the earth for 1000 years.
The ultimate average is before us. Is this wonderful time when?
God is All in all, when, as we often say, all taint of death shall be removed, all evil done away. But as we think of this, brethren, we think of the importance of time, because everything that will be established there eternally is the result of events that have taken place in time. And so we think of how.
Them came in. Think of that Marley's word to calibrate Calgary.
We thank you caught up. We think of our lives passing into review. We think of all these things that take place in time, and then when the eternal state comes, then all it is taking place in time is now brought to its end and all the result of it. The expression has been used that every act in our lives has its presence and eternal consequence.
And I think we should think of that because everything that we do today as a present result, either drawing us near to the Lord or perhaps getting away from Him and perhaps bringing His glory and blessing into our lives, or perhaps His half upon us.
It all has a cursive result. It also has a future result because it will be manifested in that day. And it has an eternal result because it says either doeth the will of God abideth forever. Again it says.
Again it says to in the 22nd chapter, And we shall reign forever and ever. It says to he that sought to the Spirit shall of the Spirit leave life everlasting. So how important that we should live in that little bit of wildlife we have in time. The rest of our time, brethren, may not be very long.
The rest of our time, not to the will of man, not to our own wills.
To the will of God. And I think if we really thought that our present actions are going to have eternal consequences, they would want to live in view of eternity. So this chapter then I say, and I think treasures for us to meditate in mind, bringing before us eternity and the whole position of the blessed in eternity.
As long as you enjoy thinking of the Bible and this way that it begins with God and.
Man at the end with all that Smith. But in between there's a lot and.
I wondered. I'm back, The question comes up. And how long was my innocence?
As far as we know, I believe there's no suggestion in the Bible about that for the time after really begun, I don't know. But at any rate, when sin came and it's really hit, of course there is a creation account. I just mentioned this, but then then worked and of course God went to work.
And man departed farther and farther from God, and there was a nation.
And then?
God shows out one people out of yours. So then there was they may say, besides the nations, there were, there was Israel, the Jews who might say Israel and the Gentiles.
And then?
Christ and finished his work and went fast and the Spirit of God came down and formed another group. The church so that we have on the earth is available and the Gentiles and the Prince of God during this period. But then the church is going to be caught out of this sea and then in the millennial age on the earth, God will take up into Christ the throne of the earth.
Israel being the center of the nations around that but.
We come down to where we have begun here, and after the millennial age, that goes right back to the original state in that sense. Broad Amin. And that's a wonderful review of the whole book. And what happens in time certainly does have its consequences, doesn't.
This is what Peter speaks. All this and as the day is broad now.
That begins the day of God for the eternal wrath.
God has not been able to rest in the sense that He had to do a sin, Isaiah, because I was weary. He was thy sin.
Going to be a wonderful day for God and all things will be put down all the time.
And as righteousness is suffering now.
Righteousness will reign in the Millennium, but righteousness will dwell. It'll find its proper dwelling place in the eternal state, all that rest.
But we just can't imagine what that's going to be because we don't have that kind of thing now. But we know that because knowing the Lord is our Savior, our sins have been washed away. We have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We're justified, and we're righteous before God and righteous standing in the right, and we're blessed in our souls. We have rest now in our souls.
Our conscience is at rest, we have peace with God. Well, it's a little poor taste of what it's going to be like then in the eternal state, but it will, the whole sea will be pervaded by peace, no unrest and.
Well, it's good for us to be occupied with that because when we look around we get to serve and perhaps we say a lot of things we shouldn't say, but it's good for us to look ahead and see that it's all going to translate just like it says here. I I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the 1St heaven and the first earth were passed away.
McDonald's and all things will be new. We sort of linked up there.
What we have second Prince is Capital Five, verse 17.
Therefore, if any man give crazy, there is a new creation, old things are passed away, they will. All things are becoming new and all things are of God. See how God is linked with that statement there?