1. Star Fallen from Heaven: An apostate subordinate power.
2. Smoke of a Great Furnace: Blinding Satanic delusions.
3. Locusts: Warlike instruments of Satanic power in the earth, used providentially.
Scorpion Power: Infliction of pain and anguish of heart; mental agony.
5. Five Months: A determinate limited period.
7. Horses Prepared unto Battle: (See Rev. 6).
Crowns of Gold: Victorious power affecting divine righteousness.
Faces as the Faces of Men: Masculine energy.
9. Breastplates of Iron: Steeled consciences.
Sound of Chariots, &c: Fanatical and rapid warfare.
14. Euphrates: The barrier of the Roman earth.
15. Hour, Day, Month, and Year: A prescribed period.
16. Two Myriads of Myriads: (200,000,000) Countless swarms of moral locusts.
17. Breastplates of Fire and Jacinth and Brimstone: The defensive armour of hell.
Fire and Smoke and Brimstone: Inflicted judgments of a darkening and hellish character.