OLD Robin, the coast-guard, was a general favorite among the children. During the summer months, when many are at the seaside spending their holidays, you could often see a group of boys and girls seated on the beach, with Robin in their midst telling some thrilling tale of the sea. Many years have come and gone since I heard him tell the following story, but I seem to remember it as yesterday. He was telling us of his early life as a sailor, and of a wonderful deliverance from shipwreck he had, when all the crew with whom he sailed, except another and himself, went down to a watery grave. Wiping the tear from his cheek, he said, "And now, my dear bairns, I will tell you what was the cause of the shipwreck. It was because our captain neglected to examine his chart. It was provided and hung in his cabin, but he seldom looked at it, else we had never sailed so near that hidden rock on which our ship was wrecked. His negligence taught me a lesson for which my soul will ever bless the Lord. It was the means of leading me to examine His Word, and see how I stood for eternity. We are all sailors across life's sea, where many hidden rocks lie buried. But God has given us His Word that we may know them, and avoid them. Many, like our captain, give no heed to that chart, and they become wrecks in soul and body, for time and eternity. It has been a good friend to me for many a year. It guided me to Christ, and He saved my soul, and ever since, I have made it my only companion and counselor. Take an old man's advice, my bairns, and believe and value your Bibles. Your souls will be safe, your steps will not slip, and your heaven will be sure if you have Christ and His Word in you.”
Dear reader, are you neglecting your God-given chart―the Bible? Has it led you to Christ? It is not enough to have a Bible. The captain of that vessel had his chart but it did him no good: he neglected it. The Bible is God's chart given to you, but if you neglect it, you will make shipwreck of your soul.