Told by Fred. S. Arnot at a Children's Tea Meeting in Kilmarnock.
THERE was once a little girl who had been taught to read the Bible, and in her reading she came upon that verse which says―"Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow." She lived in a country where snow is seldom if ever seen, and so she could not understand what this verse meant. When she had grown older, some one took her away to a colder climate, where the snow was often seen falling down and covering the earth like a white mantle. Then she understood the meaning of her text, and that text became the desire of her heart. She longed to be made whiter than the beautiful snow that lay on the ground. She knew that she was not so: that sin had blackened her heart and made her unfit to dwell with the pure and holy God of heaven. Earnestly did she long and pray, "Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow." But it is not enough to wish to be made white, we must take God's way to have it done. This is by the blood of Christ―that precious blood that cleanseth from all sin. She trusted that blood, and it cleansed her. She was saved and became a Christian and a bright witness for Jesus. Only thus, can you, dear boys and girls, be made whiter than the snow. The bright, shining company who will gather around God's throne from every clime, are there because they have washed their robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb. Will you be among that holy and happy company? How many opportunities you have! How many privileges! In Central Africa, there are millions of poor ill-used boys and girls who have never heard the sweet story of a Savior's love. They have not been told of that precious blood that makes the sinner whiter than snow. But you have been more highly favored. How, then, are you treating God's message? What are you doing with the Gospel that you have so often heard?