Rom. 5:1-8

Romans 5:1‑8
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General Meetings. Wheaton, August 1975. Second reading meeting.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the first reading meeting is not available.
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Peace and joy.
Being the mind of the brethren to consider their own, 5.
Or did anybody else have something on their heart?
Therefore, being justified by faith, we are peace with God.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Assume also we have access by faith into this grace, wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
And not only soul.
Glory and tribulations also knowing that tribulation worketh patience.
And patients experience.
An experienced Pope.
And both make us not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
For when we will get without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
Precariously for a righteous man, will one die?
Get her adventure for a Goodman. Some would even dare to die.
But God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were just sinners, Christ died for us.
Much more than being not justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath.
To him.
For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son.
Much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
Not only so, but we also joy and God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the Atonement.
Wherefore as one man, as by one man, sin entered into the world, and death by sin.
And so death passed upon all men, for that all have shin.
For until the last sin was in the world. For sin is not imputed when there is no law.
Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them which had not sinned. After the similitude of Adams transgression, there was a figure of him that was to come.
But not as the offense.
So also as a free gift.
For if through the offense of one many, be dead.
Much more the grace of God and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ.
Has abounded under many.
Cannot, as it was by one that sin so is a gift, for the judgment was by 1 to condemnation.
But the free gift is of many offenses under justification.
For it by one man's offense, death reigned by 1.
Much more, they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign.
In life by one Jesus Christ.
Therefore has, by the offense of one judgment, came upon all men to condemnation.
Even so, by the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men under justification of life.
Whereas by one man's disobedience, many were made center.
So by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
Moreover, the law entered that the offense might abound, but where sin abounded.
Grace did much more abound.
That if sin hath reigned unto death.
Even so, my grace reigns your righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
For the chapter.
For the first verse we get.
Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
The 11Th verse.
But we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
And that is really the complete subject.
That we have before us. It's really the completion of the subject.
Of the way.
God has justified us in regard to our sins. That is the fruit now of sinful nature.
Where you see, the chapter begins with therefore.
In fact, there are three therefores.
In the book of Romans.
You get in the 8th chapter. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.
And then you get in the 12Th chapter of the.
Of the same epistles we beseech you, therefore, by the mercies of God.
And when you get that word, therefore it shows that.
Its conclusion?
Based on the subject that the Spirit of God has been bringing before us.
I just feel that as a sort of an introduction.
But we really do get.
The precious meaning.
Of the first verse of the 5th chapter.
We should read the last verse of the 4th chapter.
Who has delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification?
Then we get therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God.
That is the pro complete.
Work of the of Christ is brought before us not only in his death, but also in his resurrection.
That is delivered Texas to the cross, where he bore sins.
In his own body on the tree.
Then in his resurrection.
We get God's full satisfaction.
In that which his son has accomplished.
Then you get faith. Faith.
Accepting the death and the resurrection of Christ.
The soul have peace with God.
Because the Sinner sees that all that was against him.
Is forever put out of God's sight.
Whereas he's not only forgiven, but he is justified.
Eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. The two verses you mentioned it says through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Is one through whom we get these blessings is enough and we can also eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
And so the apostle brings before us through the lordship of Christ.
Invariably he addresses the Lord in this way, does he not? The Lord Jesus Christ.
Because that's the order in which he first knew him as the Lord from heaven.
He didn't meet him here on Earth like John did.
When he heard that voice from heaven.
Saul, Saul, why Persecutest found me? He said, Who art thou, Lord?
But the Lord answers, I am Jesus. He didn't say, I am Yes, I am Lord Paul. I am the Lord, he said. I am Jesus.
And the response from soul was then not Jesus, but Lord, what will they have me to do?
And that's a good question for everyone of us, isn't it?
Peter, James and John, they invariably address him as Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus, and that's the order in which they first knew him during his earthly ministry down here. So that's the order in which they speak of him invariably.
Peace and joy, beloved. Sometimes younger believers are not clear on the question of sin and sin.
It would be seem it would be profitable perhaps for the younger ones.
To just briefly comment this matter.
Sin is really what you are.
Sins are what you do.
And there's a difference.
But let us remember the ones that the Lord Jesus Christ.
Has dealt definitely and eternally with the question of sin on the Cross of Calvary.
In as much as he has satisfied.
The righteous claims of a Christ. Holy God there.
Now that's repression of sin. What about our sin?
Thank God he has found them in his own body on the tree.
That we being dead unto singe not sin there, but sin.
Might live unto righteousness.
By whose stripes?
We've been healed.
This is the basis we believe, brethren.
Of true peace and joy.
We have found it so essential among our Latin brethren to try and make it clear between the question of sin.
And sins may we repeat.
That the Lord Jesus Christ, our precious Savior, has dealt.
Absolutely and eternally with the question of sin.
On the cross.
And through faith in his precious blood.
We have peace.
With God we belong to Him. Where are our sins?
They are buried in the depths of the sea. I had an experience coming across the Atlantic. It was a heavy storm.
And as father, my father had interests, a shareholder in that line of ships. I often went up on the bridge with the captain to ask questions. He sometimes give me the very great joy of guiding the ship.
I was quite a novice, of course, but there was a very careful eye watching me. Well, this was a stormy crossing of the Atlantic.
And the captain was a hard boiled Englishman and I said to him, Captain, I would like to ask you a question.
Why do you stand here so long watching this ship when you have the officers to do so?
Well, he said Smith, you know these comments, he called them comas, these great big waves.
The ship rises on them and then the next time it hits the wave, there's a trembling of the ship and he says, I'm afraid something might happen.
What I said, by the way, Captain.
Would you like to me to tell you where my sins are?
When he said I would, you might tell me that I sit there, buried in the depths of the sea. What about yours?
Well, it didn't seem to register, rather irritated him.
And off the coast of Africa there was a little point of a continent. Really it was a small island. It wouldn't be more than 100 yards across.
Less and I said, Captain, what is that island called?
He said it has no name. Why doesn't it have a lighthouse there?
He said because there's a vibration, that's the point of a continent.
And that mountain is 5 1/2 miles high.
And I said, well, my sins are buried there in the depths of the sea. Another question kept.
How far is it from the east and the West to the West?
He said I don't know and I said nobody knows, but it says in the word of God as far as the east is from the West so far have been removed our transgressions from.
Well, he didn't seem to register, but this is beloved.
That the this is where we get peace and joy.
Knowing that it is finished on the cross, the work of Christ, He has done it all.
And our sins are buried and gone forever.
How wonderful this is, to know this beloved, to enjoy it in the soul.
Our incentives to rejoicing, are they not?
Yes, we get in the next verse.
We have justification, we have access, we have peace.
Surely this is enough to make us rejoice.
They've been lovely to the things that this wonder of being justified.
Originated in the heart of God, the very God in whom we have sinned, so that we read in chapter 3 being justified really by his grace.
Through the reduction that is in Christ Jesus.
That it actually originated in the grace that was in the heart of God. And then in our very factor, as with red verse nine, we find that a righteous basis has been laid whereby a guilty Sinner can truly be 75 we might say the source, the origin of the heart of God.
And the ground or the bases upon which you and I can be offered this wonderful reality is.
Fractured throughout Christ, but the means by which you presented and therefore have to be in space.
So it's to be very, very lovely that the source, the orphanage is the heart of God, the faces, the grounds of it, is the precious blood price and the means by which I possess and enjoy it is faith. Therefore be not divided by faith. We have peace with God.
Whole thing and the distress that struggled unbeliever long for teeth and when peace is black count group face in the finished work of Christ. It's a wonderful reality but as our brother has remarked, and I think it's so lovely.
God really, may, I said with reference. God is not satisfied simply to have each and every believer in the professional speech. He wants us to go on from the wonder of peace with God for the enjoyment of God. And so although by no means we're omitting the verses between.
To compare verse one with verse 11 is to be very practicing. And first one, we do have peace with dogs. In verse 11 we join in God. Well, I wonder which means more to the heart of God.
Shall I suggest a father who has been absent from both and he writes to say that he expects to arrive all week from Saturday?
And when the news is made home to the family, they say, well, we're not afraid of baddies arrival. We won't run and hide when he comes. We have No Fear of batting. You think that would satisfy a father's heart? I know very well it would. I know that it's no. That is the heart of our children. There's No Fear toward us.
Would never satisfy my heart. That's a problem.
But the things that there would be joy in the heart of the children as they think of their father is something that every father longs for. And our God and Father longs for the same thing too. It's no wonderful possession to have swift Dog. No how frank is it is to be able to enjoy it all.
And I believe there's some significant fluency that between the two.
Between the feet and the joy, there are circumstances that we never would have known for ourselves.
There's tribulation, there's testing, but it seems that these things, by the good hand of God, perhaps bring us into the joy that might not otherwise be ours. And everything were repackaged and still water.
As much drill in the scripture that we can enjoy further on as the distribution of the church position of gospel people and all the blessings that we have, but we never can rise higher than the 11Th verse of this chapter. We join in God and I say that because sometimes young people feel that they can't really enjoy.
Their Christianity until they're very, very well versed in Scripture, but that is not true. The simplest belief who believe this eleven first and the first verse they can have that full of joy in the presence of God. They can joy in God because it's through our Lord Jesus Christ.
By whom We have now received really the reconciliation.
It's true that this chapter is divided in the next verse 12 verse.
Before that, we have the subject of our guilt.
And by the way.
Our this 25th verse of the first chapter was mentioned and I believe it includes the whole word of Christ, not simply the blood being shared, but the death of Christ. The hollow thing. One verse, and it's a good verse to remember because He was delivered.
For our offenses, but he was raised for our justification.
Romans perhaps doesn't go any further than that, but still it gives us. I mean, as the doctor, but it gives us.
The possession of the labor, the foundation true, upon which our souls can rest and we can have joy.
Day by day.
Abiding in this fresh truth.
In July in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom now we've received the reconciliation as we think of the product.
As the Father runs, and it's the only place we have, I believe, where God really is seen as Hastings to meet the prodigal.
We see the picture of our acceptance and how in God's thoughts.
That is, it's his delight, it's his joy. And in the 15th of Luke, we don't get the joy of the sun. We get the joy of the Father. We get the joy that God has in the restoration of the one who's gone astray. But now we see that we joy in God. That's the common, the sharing of that joy.
And what is it that?
Abiding in Him means.
And that's what we should continually abiding in him. Well, I'll express it in the words of another.
Abided in him.
Is the continuity.
Hearts and minds.
Independence and obedience, that's abiding in Him.
Abiding in Him, enjoying what we have on the 11Th verse. And this is true for every believer, no matter how young.
Whether he knows anymore truth and what we've just mentioned.
As long as he knows his sins are forgiven, justified.
We have joy abiding in Him continuity.
Of heart and mind in the path of obedience and dependence. What a precious thing that is for the belief.
But I get it perfect.
When I take it this way, Brother Hale, what you were saying that in the third chapter we get therefore being justified by grace.
Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.
That is the source of our being justified. As you said, it originated in the heart of God.
Then the Lord provides the means, that is His precious shed blood in Calvary. Is the ground of our being justified.
And then in the last verse of the first chapter.
You get who was raised again for our justification. There's the proof of it. The proof of God is satisfied.
Where the work that his Son accomplished, if God laid all our sins upon His Son in those dark hours.
And he goes into death as his sacrifice. Was God satisfied with that work, that he agonized when he was there hanging on that shameful cross? How can we know that God was satisfied with the work? Well, when he raises his son from the dead.
Passed, as a brother used to say, by variously.
The receipt of the work then has inferred that.
Our path and that wonderful transaction to get in the first verse, therefore being justified by faith.
Our face is just the hand that takes full of our starving in great fans and those disaster which is sung by the shedding its left provided and which is resurrection was the proof of it our.
And accept that in the justification and beloved friends, is there one year that has not yet?
Laid home that face has not accepted it for his own soul. I mind that he did because God has everything to say. You just take its acceptance as a poor Unruh repentance guilty dating center then you have in your position.
And wonderful justification.
And then now the verses continue will be the.
Development of the subject for following that person who we have access.
By creating to this place where we stand.
See his face and acceptance.
Of the effort, many times that. That's our standing chance. We expect standing before God. That is as enduring and as confident.
As eternity itself, that's our stand now, is in grace, not in any way.
Having to deal with our Goodwin as though after we're saved, we have to hold faithful, we have to go on with good works. I don't know.
I'm standing now and we're justified is on the grounds of grace.
That is great, is unmerited favor.
And that's our stand before God.
The expression we have in verse 11, we join God, let's puts our syndrome different position and a better position than the children of Israel.
The children of Israel were looking to the blood to keep God out as a judge.
But we bring God in as one who justified us.
We do not look to the blood, the Shahimir, but with joy and God, because he is fully justified us. But the children of Israel will look into the blast and keep him out.
But we will say thanks, the undergone is unspeakable gift, and that we can joy and God through our Lord Jesus Christ. And I was thinking through the word peace. How did we get it?
Being justified by faith, we have peace with God.
We get the piece. Who's responsible for it? Well, we read him.
The first Colossians one having made peace, the Lord Jesus Christ himself has made it for us.
We cannot merit it. We cannot make it.
He has made it for us. And an invasion, Sir, we read that T is our peace.
Christ himself is our.
And then we read in Philippians that the God of peace shall be with you.
So how wonderful the word is.
Have full its meaning.
Just here at this first.
We have peace with God, then we have access.
Into this situation where you stand.
Then you can rejoice in himself of the glory of God.
Well, one might just think, well, that's as far as we can go.
In our souls.
Access into this great at all times after standing before candy Cool and he's farther than that.
Tribulation. Tribulation.
Must go through exercises with tribulation producers and taking it and entering into the deep enjoyment of all that is sent before us in those verse 2 verses.
I thought perhaps that we began an illustration in the history of the children of Israel.
And cross the Red Sea, and they were singing, and they were saying the love. And gloriously to work in his brighter, and His throne in the steam, Well, there were rejoicing in their great salvation.
And his army were all round to the depth of the sea. Their eyes were bombed and were delivered from the ******* of Egypt, and they had to hop before them now, or entering the land that God had promised to Abraham and his deed forever.
Not just read on them that 15 chapter of Exodus which I'm referring to and you find that they take a three days journey into the wilderness.
And then they find no water. And when they do find water, it's considered waters of milk.
And then they begin to murmur, Well, if we get so beautifully there.
Wonderful salvation, so full and brilliant. And pass it through the Red Sea.
When the waters of mirror give us another view. Because when they cried to roses, he took a tree.
Cast into the waters, and those waters became sweet to their taste.
Well, isn't that just a lesson? We see what a wonderful foundation we have, and then we've got to move to tribulation and trial.
In order to enter in more fully into the preciousness and into the wonders of that great salvation which is ours by faith.
There is a great difference is the amount between justification and acquittal.
A person may be acquitted by a court of law and set free, but the judge does not put him in a new dress before he leaves.
That with regard to justification, God not only justifies us, but He clothes us with the robe of righteousness.
And sent us free.
You mentioned Brother Barry about their standing.
Wonderful this is. It's worth repeating.
A question was asked me by a young believer.
Supposing I fail in my testimony, well then.
Well, what was I going to say to that young believer? All I could think of was this would affect your state.
Not your standing.
Then he went on to ask me what about this? And it is true, as you said, we stand in the presence of God.
As those who have trusted Christ as their Savior in all the perfection of Christ.
He sees us perfectly.
In perfect, in Christ does not a stain, not a spot. This is a wonderful truth. Of course, our state varies according to the question of communion.
And then the question was asked, how could I?
Elevate this question of my state. Well, it's based upon communion. The Lord gives them the keeping of short accounts.
Well, I was interested in that question, the young person asked me.
If I fail, what about my testimony about my testimony as a Christian?
Well, this would affect his state.
Well, how very important it is to notice the difference. That particular person found joy right away.
Knowing that she was accepted.
Perfectly before.
God in all the perfection of her beloved Savior.
And she had peace.
And she still has it, and joy, too.
But that doesn't give us liberty, a license rather beloved, to do what we please.
So at all but we rejoice in the fact that as he is.
So are we in this world? This is our standing, isn't it?
Position before God when a lot of Christians never get this clear.
In their minds and they're always lacking in joy and peace.
Someone has fast this fast this?
Word first.
That tribulation is God's way with us all times.
Patience is letting God have his way.
And experience in finding out that God's way is this.
And you see where it led right to the very.
Thought that we get in the end of the second verse, rejoicing in hope of the glory of God.
And I was saying that the children of Israel treated me after there across the Jordan, speaking about his holy habitation and entering these promised fans.
The whole wilderness journey was ahead of them and those trials and tribulations that the experience has.
As the trout and desert for 40 years.
Just made the hope for real.
As they went on their way and isn't that true? And the Christian life always who is rejoicing that until we have a home above.
All the power was free. Imagine which he turned a lot repair our recipe.
And as we go around and we have.
Those disappointments and.
Grace from the showers and sadness in this life.
While the hope rolls brighter, writer is one goes on in chameleon and needs to accept those circumstances from the Lord and learns in the pathway the necessity.
Of patience.
And then we're right back where we started. We got the hope before.
When I was received as a savior and heaven was as it were opened as to formula.
But now we are.
Going on, going on, we are realizing.
More and more.
What a wonderful time lies before.
And so after.
And experience hope. There are two things in connection with the journey of the children of Israel.
Across the desert.
They could have entered the land very quickly.
But we find there were two who had gone into the land and tasted of the fruits of the land.
Brought back a sample of the grapes, which of course would speak of the joy of the Kingdom.
And they their testimony was, if the Lord delight in us, he will bring us into this land.
It's a good land.
But then there were others who who were afraid of the giants.
They were afraid of all the obstacles.
Now it's been said that the desert.
For those 40 years.
In which Joshua and Caleb.
Went with the rest of the children of Israel.
Through all the trials and testings.
There was a different spirit, it's Joshua and Caleb as he passed through, as they passed through the desert, than there was in the mass of the mixed multitude.
Because they had hope.
All the rest died in the wilderness. Not a one of those who were men of over 21 years who left Egypt ever got into the land.
But Joshua and Caleb did, and it's been said that the desert.
Which otherwise would have been a very uncomfortable.
Was a bracing air to them because they had hope.
That is, their mind and heart will start on the desert. Their mind in the heart was on the good land that was before them, and even though they were willing to go into the land.
And wanted to win the land. God chose that they go with the rest of the company through the desert.
Now it was very important that they go through the desert because they learn lessons there that only bolster their home. But still their mind was willing and their heart was willing to enter in, and they had dark thoughts about it at the very start.
The last constancy of spirit that's enjoying the glory of God. And so we have here the hope of the glory of God.
But then also we join God.
And we can joy in God as we go through the desert, but still we have that hope of the glory of God that lies just ahead.
Are necessary for us to be occupied with. I'm reminded of a verse that my late wife gave me before she departed.
She said, Honey, put my head on Romans 15 and five. That's my pillow to go home.
Now that verse is very precious. Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that He may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost.
Drop a pillow to go home on.
And that's interesting, very interesting to me. Chapter 15, Romans 15.
For He is our God, beloved.
And he is the God of patience too, and comfort or consolation in verse 5.
Then in verse.
14 I rather I just quoted, I think it's verse 13, the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost. And then verse 33.
Hence the God. He's the God of peace.
And we thank him today, beloved, that the Lord Jesus Christ, our precious Savior, made peace through the blood of his cross.
He made peace through the blood of His cross. May we rejoice more and more.
In this wonderful world of the love Jesus Christ for us on the cross, and not only as regards ourselves, but the pleasure it brought to the heart of the Father.
In the fulfilling of his divine purposes and grace concerning poor rebel, lost sinners, like we were before we came to Christ.
It connects you with the word hope we have in Romans 8.
Verse 24.
We are saved by hopes.
But Perkin is seen is not hope.
For what a man seeth lined up the FL fall.
The problem here, I believe, does not mean that hope was the instrument of our salvation.
But the anticipation of good, the redemption of our body.
Origin is true. I was singing Brother Van Dean when you were speaking about Halo.
Seems to me that Caleb would be an illustration.
The first part of that 5th, 1St and hope make it not a change.
After the 40 years that Caleb wandered with a congregation in the wilderness and eventually they crossed the Jordan and took possession of the promised land.
And he was given an inheritance and is lovely to notice he got his inheritance.
In the very land of the Giants.
Funds of Anakin. That was their name.
The Sons of Panic was that very mountain where the strong giant frightened the other.
The other.
Five that went in there, they saw these John fly. They said we look like grasshoppers beside them.
Well, Caleb has that hope that he was not ashamed that what God had promised, he was able all sorts of perform.
And after all those years?
Why he was the one that got possession of the very place where those giants were so powerful and that was his inheritance. Well, is there not a thought that of of an overcomer in the We know that Satan is trying to rob us of the joy of what lies before us and to get us hurt reminded. But if we go on like Caleb with.
That hope before our souls are the very thing that seems so impossible to.
Fully enjoy these things really becomes our eternal portion and glory.
Well then said that we get what we want.
If we really have our eyes and our hearts fixed.
On eternal things.
God will answer.
Our arms and he will fly and cause us to enter into those things that we really desire. No matter how weak we are, no matter how unintelligent we are, He will provide it for us because we have here at the very start the word state and that's the answer to it is faith. Simply trust God, not a complex because if we trust in the flesh, we trust in our intelligence.
Our abilities, we're going to be disappointed.
But if we have this simple truth before us, the beginning of faith and that's what characterized Joshua and Caleb and he ended up next to the sanctuary in the land report how often we have seen those who have great.
In this world making a fortune for themselves and after being used for others. I think of a man at this moment that had just such a horse tutorial.
Was going to make himself wealthy, but the business he thought was so promising failed completely. He lost his money to lose money and he was so ashamed of his his.
As efforts that he left the country well, he was ashamed of his hope, but the lot of friends I'll stop something you have visited ages things, perhaps the emerging wrongs and in hospitals during the end of the journey. But did you ever find a real Christian that was ashamed of the fact that they had trusted Christ.
As their savior.
And have the hope of glory before them. I've never found one. And I've asked many of a believer in hospitals, are you ashamed that you accepted Christ as your Savior? I never found one that said, Oh yes, I made a big mistake. Oh, instead of that they said, oh, how thankful I am. I wished I had accepted him sooner.
Well, doesn't that tell the story? That it's a hope that doesn't make a shame?
And their young friends, you are not yet, have not yet accepted the Lord. Just remember that, that when you accept Christ, it's impossible for you to make a mistake.
All the prospects and all the advertising of the world really are built up with the effort of stirring within on the hope of some prospect that's going to be so delightful.
But we always find that the advertising exceeded the reality by quite a margin. But no believers.
Ever. Ever.
Enjoy this wondrous hope. But what he realized, I believe that that which was before him was far, far greater than any.
Possibility of his power to enter it. And even now you and I know that there were those of whom our brother had been speaking.
That left this world so thankful for the hope that had sustained them. And what about after they leave?
All they realized even more fully.
That this post that was so real and sustaining and precious goofy it turned out to be far more wonderful than anything that we had ever imagined as we journeyed toward the realization of it in the third chapter we read. All have been said come short of the glory of God.
Oh, what a sound statement that is. But then here in our chapter we read of those who rejoice in Popov the same thing that we came short of.
Glory of God and then you come to Revelation 21, having the glory of God, that wondrous hope, that last is going to be realized. And it certainly isn't anything that anyone is ever going to be ashamed of. Brother, I really like the comparison you have made.
Because I have felt the stirring in my own soul from that very experience. You'll go to the bedside of someone who's not going to be here much longer.
And it just says, O the Lord took you by the hand right to the very state of glory and gave you a glimpse of what it's like as someone is about to leave behind all of the world have to offer, and they're about to enter into the saviors presence. And the wonder of it is very, very stirring to the soul. And though the Lord took you by the hand in the very gate of glory and gave you the joy of witnessing that which the Saint of God.
Realizes that he comes to that point.
Then the Lord brings you back to where you are and says, no, don't forget, don't forget. This is a hope. That's the state. Is there something of the same thought in the word of shame when Paul says in Romans 116, I am not ashamed that the gospel of Christ that is, I don't think he is suggesting. I may be wrong, but I don't think he is suggesting that.
I'm not ashamed in that I lack courage.
But rather the realizing that that which he is presenting in the gospel is indeed the power of God and the salvation, and that there's no need for him to be hesitant or in any way a name that he's presenting it because he knows that it's able to do everything that ever has been claimed for it.
Claims are made for certain products, but they don't always turn out to be equal to the claim. But Paul says, I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Why? Because it is the power of God unto salvation and everything ever claims for the gospel is truly realized. And this wondrous, glorious force is that which is going to exceed our expectations. One might.
Say though, Well, we know some very.
Well taught, brethren, and they have. They've been going on in the things of the Lord for many years, have been faithful in their testimony.
They're very intelligent Christians, but being an intelligent Christian, is that the reason why I'm not ashamed of this hope and set before me? No, that isn't the reason. It's because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts.
Let me take him, a poor Sinner that had just accepted the Lord, lying on a deathbed.
Well, soon as he has accepted Christ as his Savior, the love of God fills his heart, so it's nothing that.
Anyone could boast of and then we might say, well, the time I've sought to enjoy the Lord and think of his love.
I-1 might think he had some reason why he had all this enjoyment in his soul, but.
The Iranian itself is taken from him because it says.
By the Holy Ghost which is given unto us, so we have nothing to boast of it. All that love which is shed abroad in our hearts, that fills the heart with joy and peace.
Is something that God the Holy Spirit has imparted to the soul.
Just another word.
He's a spider here at seafood. I think that's super.
And take the You will not give tax on my daughter's wife.
Younger brother took it and he gave him act so I was daughter to watch.
It came to pass. He came to them that he moved him to pass.
Of her father appeal.
Delighted to law, their *** said unto her, What built out? And she said unto him, Give me a blessing.
Without it giving me a Southland.
Give me all.
Have children.
Young people.
Here's a young person that's inquiring.
They not only want the land, but they want something to refresh them. That's what water speaks of.
Now as parents.
Are we going to give them just the nether springs?
Or are we going to give them the upper springs too? I believe this speaks to us not only of the blessing that God gives us and richly all things to enjoy.
But Axel was a rather Caleb was a spiritual man.
He had thoughts beyond his daughters.
She wanted something she didn't understand. Perhaps we're using the type to figure.
He knew what she needed. She needed something more than simply the things that have to do with our natural existence down here.
Are we bringing our children those things we have to do with the upper springs?
Those refreshments that we received for the soul.
Not just a better condition of circumstances down here.
We're living in days of prosperity.
And the tendency with us all is to settle down.
But I believe there's an appeal here to our hearts.
Hearts as to responsibility for our children, and that is they have a craving, a desire, something that satisfies their hearts.
And the parents is responsible to bring before them.
Those things which will lift their souls above this poor world into heavenly things. It's a responsibility and the privilege, I say of the parent to do this.
And so he answers her, and he gives her not only the lower springs, but he gives her the upper springs. Then we do the same with our children.
There are four things mentioned here.
In connection with man for whom Christ died.
In verse six, since when we were yet without strength?
Without strength.
In the same verse it says ungodly.
And then the eighth verse.
Sinners we were yet sinners.
And in the 10th verse, when were your enemies?
Without strength. Ungodly sinners.
Enemies. But in verse 8, which comes in between, we get some very precious thoughts expressed.
Three in particular.
Says but God.
Commanded his love toward us.
I think the word command here really means to give a proof of.
He commendeth his love toward us.
The source of love is in God and comes from God.
Through the channel of our Lord Jesus Christ of a Sinner.
Here we have the source of love. It's in God himself.
And then further down in the same verse, verse 8, while we were yet sinners.
Here we have the subjects of God's love. Sinners are the subjects of God's love.
How very wonderful this is.
Not the goody goody people, the self-righteous, but sinners are the subjects of God's love.
Then finally at the end of the verse it says Christ died for us.
Here we have a sacrifice of love. First of all, the source of love comes from God. Down to the forest dinner. Then we have.
Next, the Cinder mentioned.
The subjects of God's love. Sinners are the subjects of God's love. Are there any here today?
Well, you are the subject of God's love. God loves you. And then we got the.
That most beautiful expression Christ died for us.
You have the sacrifice of love.
How very precious this is. This comes in between.
All those things are numerated about four lost guilty Sinner.
Come and especially on.
Gives us the real secret.
Of the love of God shed abroad in our hearts that you get in the fifth verse. Well, what is the character of that love that shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost?
Is that a love that we can boast of?
A love that's in our hearts towards the one who has done so much to us. No, it isn't that at all, because it tells us that God tremendous His love to warn us in that while we're yet sinners.
Instead of our being occupied with any love in our hearts.
To God and to our Savior we are reminded that till we were poor, worthless, lost sinners, and then it was at that time that God displayed His love to us.
You get much the same thought in the 4th epistle of John where it says not that we love God.
But that he loved us and sent his sons a propitiation for our sins.
The law demanded a fan that thou should love the Lord with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength.
The gospel comes and tells the poor Sinner it isn't sure love to God, which the law demanded of you because it was when you were without any love to him. Factor that goes on to show we're not only without any love in our hearts, but we were actually enemies of God.
That it was then that God manifested his love to us, and so that is really the character of the love.
Which has.
The love which?
Is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost.
For the Holy Ghost would ever be occupying our poor minds with a wonderful.
Lovely thoughts of how much God loved us in the gift of His Son and how much the Son loved us in giving His precious life on the cost to save us and redeem us.
Was said that they all believed that God hated them.
Now this is the work of Satan.
I didn't meet one Indian who thought that God loved him.
And one of the cases was so marked in the chief himself.
The chief there would be over several thousands of families.
And I used to pray for the chief because he never would come near me.
In fact, he tried to get the Indians to get rid of me several times. But one day he made a visit. He paid us a visit. And I said to my dear wife, Honey, here's the chief first visit in two years that we're here. This is the first visit.
Do get him something to drink, a cup of coffee and a piece of dark and black bread.
And we used to make what we call car made the membrane.
It's like me.
Put 50% sugar and 50%.
Quits while it up to the takes certain constituency and then put it into pants and that will set you cut it like cheese. So we cut a big lump of this off, put it on the bread for him and sat him down their little table. Do you know I wondered. I said, Lord Jesus, what shall I say to the chief?
And I quoted John 316 to him.
For gods who loved the world. Well, I quoted it, of course, in his own language. And I'd like you to hear that you know, it's it's not putting on any show I preached in it nearly 40 years, beloved.
Hamak Pachya Chai hina Tabunika Pacha tabuna Kuruka Cathedral in the Korica Tukwe Hakai by the Greyhound Pagan says we need Carson Akamai. That's John 316 and so I quoted this.
Across the table.
He put his bread down and glared at me, was a very powerful and a bad tempered Indian and I thought of myself, truly this man is in a rage. But he wasn't.
I'll tell you it was a wonderful exception that one verse brought the chief to Christ.
And I asked him, I said Agape, that was his name. What made you make this decision?
After so much empathy, he said, I never knew that God loved me.
He learned for the first time that God loved him.
Oh, what a wonderful thing that was.
Well, the chief is at the table of the Lord.
And so is his wife. The other under chief is at the table of the Lord, and his wife too, and his daughter.
Will the love of God is so wonderful.
God will love you.
It's a wonderful thing to tell a Sinner, a lost Sinner, that God loves you.
This word commendeth reminds me of a little incident that happened in Shanghai. I was going around a very large store and some young Chinese people were making doughnuts.
So as I passed the counter, the young Chinese man in very good English said, Sir, I commend these down ups to you.
I said, well, thank you very much. He said, try one. I said, well, I'm not too fond of doughnuts, thank you, so pardon me if I do not take one. He said, I commend them to you, Sir. Are they good?
I've tried them, they're good. I commend them to you.
Well, dear friends, there's no harm in refusing A donor, but when God commences love to us, let us never refer that turn our backs upon His love.
They had upon him. It didn't do any harm to say no to a donor.
For though what harm it could do your soul if you refuse the love of God?
Has manifested in the person and work of Christ.
That should not and.
Visiting with his dear brother who lived in Napa Knee.
He said to me one day, no, he says.
That God can be the person of God can be described in three words.
They all begin with IN.
So anyone ought to tell me said if God is inscrutable.
No man has seen God at any time.
God has said no man can see my face and live.
God is inestimable.
And he is the one that sits on the circle of the earth.
Which is more than that.
God is incomprehensible.
And recorded as eighth verse. How can we understand?
That God has loved us and is Brother Gladding has called our attention to the fact that we were without strength, we were sinners, ungodly enemies of God.
How can we understand that God commanded love to us?
Well, I've enjoyed those thoughts for many years now.
To outward who believes no dread in ours remaineth, For we his love believes so, the one who is justified by his blood.
Has No Fear whatever of wrath.
The very strong word to think of the wrath of God. Think of that verse that he that.
And John 3. But the wrath of God abideth on him.
Think of that.
In this very moment.
You're under condemnation the moment you receive Christ.
And Oh dear ones, that's think of the infinite value of the blood of Christ, that blood through which we're justified. Then there's No Fear of that raft that the Sinner will have to meet and will have to experience.
In a lost eternity.
Joe, 36.
Verse 18.
Because there is rock beware, lest he take thee Sinner away with his stroke.
Then a great ransom cannot deliver thee, because there is wrong. Well, how are we going to escape it?
It tells us in our chapter.
Verse 9. Much more than being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
That's the only way we're going to escape judgment.
Through him the Lord Jesus Christ.
God has connected the different thoughts and connections with the work of Christ.
Delivered for our offenses, raised again for our justification here in this night or before that, do we get Christ died for the ungodly?
And yet then in the eighth verse, where we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. That's the language of faith, and only one those who have faith.
Could could express themselves in that way?
Christ died for us, and then we get here in this.
This night, bird.
Being now justified by his blood.
So all those different views of the work of Christ.
Are brought together.
Because it's such a marvelous subject.
That we have.
That's the base of our salvation, the blood. But still have the hope of this chapter too, don't we? We're looking on to the time when his body, soul and spirits, the whole work complete.
As far as the groundwork, it's all late.
When he asked, God was home. Yet soon we'll have bodies of glory.
It's on the basis of this work, including the blood.
The bloodshed.
Reached the basis we shall be saved from wrath through him.
To the power of that blood. To the efficacy of that blood.
And we get if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the devil's Son.
The sound thing to think of man before his slave. He's actually the enemy of God.
Just like the prodigal leaving the father's house where he just wanted to have a good time and he wanted to leave the father and go and spend his time and ride us living.
But before that particle could come back and have a welcome in the home, he must be reconciled.
And he was reconciled when he came in rags, and the Father met him. He humbly confesses, I have sinned against heaven and in my sight. Then the Father covers him with kisses. And here we have a son that's reconciled to all that is enjoyed in the Father's house.
Had he received that son in any other way? He had a rebel in his home. The older son was a rebel.
Because he's found found false with his father and his grace, who has wayward brother. But that's a subject.
That really will fill heaven because every redeemed one there will be fully in reconciliation.
With all that, God has purpose for the glory of His Son and for the blessing of His creatures.
Is the expression here his son very, very remarkable? Someone, we think, if when we were enemies we were reconciled to by the death of his son.
Who would ever have thought that the set of his son?
Should be OK for the reconciling of the guilty enemy he wore gone.
Is the Robert son sent into this world demonstrates and to proclaim God loves the man and man thinks God's son and crucified him and God uses that very deep men to display yet further what was really in his heart so that he could leave such worthless things.
And when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son.
When you die, who once were enemies, now realize that dog park was ever to ward up in such a small life as would cause him to spend the year his own son. How, my wondrous grace, we are reconciled.
And we saw the llamas when we were in such a decision and go to such questions we might be reconciled. How marvelous other words is all much more beef reconciled shall be saved by his life calendar is one who demonstrated that last who brought us into this place whereby we're reconciled with all now live.
Now live for us up there in the glory.
So that day by day, faced with increasing temptation difficulties.
On the trial we know that the one who came, who gave himself, died that he might be reconciled now live up there for us every moment of every day, that we might be saved, save through our passage homework by his life.
That's right.
That it also reconciled man to man.
Having abolished in his smash the enemy, even the Lord Commandments contained in ordinances, for to make in himself a twain to one new man.
So the death of Christ not going to reconcile man to God, but it reconciles you and Gentiles.
In 135.