Romans 5:1-3

Duration: 1hr 7min
Romans 5:1‑3
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This world is a wilderness. Why We have nothing that we say before you do.
Think I'm, uh, today you consider you may be there.
Like every night.
For it is what I sat down my family's home.
And we found a very good day anyway.
Really. My knees wear these clothes and I'm getting brown.
More in the wild.
Staying with your friends, love.
All right.
In the deep breath.
Take up the 5th chapter of Romans Foundation Truth.
The others are happy about that.
Chapter 5.
Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom also we have access by faith into this grace, where we stand and rejoice in hope for the glory of God.
And not only so, but we glory in tribulation also.
Knowing the tribulation, work with patience.
And patience. Experience.
And experience hope, And hope maketh not ashamed.
Because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
Were scarcely for a righteous man will one die.
Yet, per adventure for a good man, some would even dare to die.
But God commendeth his love toward us, and that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Much more than being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.
For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son.
Much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the Atonement.
Wherefore as by one man entered into the world, and death by sins, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.
For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned. After the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come?
But not as the offense. So also is the free gift.
Where if through the offense of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift of by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ hath abounded unto many.
And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift.
Where the judgment was by 1 to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences under justification.
For if by one man's offence death reigned by one much more, they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ.
Therefore, as by the offense of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation.
Even so, by the righteousness of one, the free gift.
Came upon all men unto justification of life.
Whereas by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
Moreover, the law entered that the offence might abound.
But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.
It has sin also drained unto death. Even so, my grace reigned through righteousness.
Unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
Gold 9, verse 2.
I know it is so of a truth.
But how should man be just with God?
The book of Romans is foundation truth, isn't it?
To build a house, you need a good foundation.
And God has brought before us in the book of Romans a whole state of man.
And he's taken it up.
The man in the flesh, the religious man, the Jew, the Gentile.
And he's made his conclusion as to you and me in our state.
Before God.
As we're born into this world.
And he's taken it up.
And how can man be just with God?
Is the theme.
That is what before us.
And before God could open up the way into the very, very present, that question had to be settled.
To the glory of God, to his satisfaction.
You notice how that the chapter 4 Romans 4 ends before you have the therefore in the 5th chapter.
It says to start with.
Verse 23.
Verse 22 Now therefore it was executed to him for righteousness. Now what was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him.
But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead.
Who was delivered for our offenses?
And raised again for our justification.
Thinking particularly the last of the 24th verse.
Jesus our Lord, who was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification, and it is on that ground.
Oh God, there of the cross of Calvary taking up that whole question.
Of sin and our sins.
That we have the therefore, where we started in chapter 5, therefore.
Being justified.
Not by our works.
But by feet.
We have peace with God.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
They're very important statements that's made in the 7th chapter of Ecclesiastes. We look at the 20th verse.
This for there is not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not.
That shows us the need of justification, doesn't it?
If there were just persons upon the earth aside from the Lord Jesus.
There would not be that same need, would there?
But we see that.
Cinnamon's come into the world.
And has affected the whole creation.
And not only.
Mankind, but sin has had its effect upon the entire creation.
And so there is that need to justification, isn't there?
There are several.
Ways of looking at justification and I think both Paul and.
All right. And James?
View justification in slightly different way.
Here we have justification by faith.
And we see that the ground of that justification in verse 9.
It's justified by his blood.
But then James speaks about justification of works.
All I believe.
Speaks of what God sees.
And that.
James speaks about what man sees that works.
And that would be a visible evidence of faith.
They're not contradictory, but one is.
The showing out before man of what was accomplished through.
Justification by faith.
Some would look at these two views as contradictory, but they complement one another.
And this comes first, doesn't it?
What'd you say, brother? Certainly don't. First we have here.
It's the justification spoken of in James is as a result of a look of faith, isn't it, that we have in this chapter.
The first few verses of chapter 4.
Tells us about Abraham that his justification before God wasn't by works.
It says, What shall we say then that Abraham or father is pertaining to the flesh have found?
For if Abraham were justified by works, he had wear off to glory, but not before God.
For what says the Scripture? Abraham believed God, who was accounted unto him for righteousness.
So we have. We have both. As been mentioned, we know that good works come after one is saved, and Abraham certainly had good works before God. But what came first was the justification by faith.
You had to have the justification by 31St and we know that that is our faith as a gift from God, as I mentioned.
Here in in chapter in the chapter 5 and verse 2.
It says by whom also we have access, by faith into this grace for whom we stand.
So our whole standing before God.
Is through our faith.
But it's grace given by God, something that we did to earn it, that non merited favor of God.
Is how we stand for him.
Nothing to do with herself.
In our natural state, that's what you get. Uh, brother Enos, uh, isn't it in the third chapter of Roman?
And the 23rd and the 24th verse.
There we have the declaration made in the 23rd verse, the gain of the seed of man that all had sinned and come short of the glory of God, and then being justified, treated by His grace.
Which is in Christ Jesus, and here you have justified through faith.
And we have justified through blood.
It is not a worse.
It's a foundation how good to lay hold, isn't it?
Faith is needed on our part, on God's part. He had to have a, a foundation, a solid foundation in which he could, uh, justify us. And that was the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yeah. He was delivered for our offenses and raised the game for justification. Without that work, God wouldn't have had. He wouldn't have had to. He wouldn't have, uh.
Uh, you might say, uh, a foundation which it bless us, we wouldn't be able to forgive us our sins. We wouldn't be able to enjoy what we have today without that work.
So we can we enter into it by faith. Good vape is needed.
On our part, you went her into it, but we know a lot. That is also a gift from God by grace. Are you saved through faith and not of yourselves? It is the gift of God, not of works, lest an imagined folks.
Our brother Inus mentioned Abraham or Abram in the 15th chapter of Genesis. There's a very.
Short verse.
It refers to Abram and says and he believed in the Lord.
What was the result of that?
And he counted it to him for righteousness, that is God.
April believed.
And then God counted.
Into him for righteousness.
I believe in the 22nd chapter of Genesis where the Lord tries Abraham in connection with the offering of Isaac, we have the aspect.
Of what is brought before us in James, do you think?
Here the Lord is proving him, and it's outward, but he had that faith before with the faith that came.
And that enabled him to go through what we read in the 1St 19 verses of Genesis 22.
The Old Testament Saints.
They had a life given by God.
And uh, they believe God, what God said to them.
Either in the written word that they had, God spoke. Even in creation, they believed what God was speaking.
And through that faith, God can't put it through their accounts that they were righteous before Him.
But the day in Christianity.
Everything has been finished. You might say completed. Christ has died on the cross. He could say it is finished.
And today, we need faith in the finished work of Christ.
So the Romans there in chapter 3.
It says umm.
And verse 30 seeing it as one God, which shall justify the circumcision.
That is, choose by thee and the answer condition through faith.
So today we're justified. Through the faith, everything has been accomplished.
And uh, we justified before God by faith, but it's faith to finish work in Christ.
Everything has been completed today and uh, in the Old Testament, they didn't have the faith working Christ to believe that if they hadn't had it, they would have believed in it, but they didn't have it. But they, what, uh, God gave to them, they believe God and uh, that's what faith is, taking God in his word. And he put it through their account that they were righteous before him and justified before him.
But, uh, today there's a further, you might say, requirement of God to believe in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ because all has been accomplished.
Today, to be justified before God, we need to have faith in that work of Christ on the cross.
In Acts chapter 27.
The Apostle Paul. It's impressive.
Uh, or makes a statement of faith and it's a very short.
Concise statement that he makes in verse 25.
In connection with the storm.
And the condition of those in the ship.
Verse 25. Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer.
For I believe God.
That it shall be, even as it was told me.
That's a very concise statement.
I believe God. He took God at his word.
And we have such.
Deep truths and the Word of God conveyed in simple words. It's not complicated.
And I'm thankful for that.
Not too long ago, uh, I was with brother Paul Hadley.
And we were in a a nursing home, speaking to some of the older folks and.
Our brother Paul made the statement that he was glad that God conveyed truth to us so that we could easily understand it.
And he made reference to.
Uh, a statue that was found on the grounds of the West Point Military Academy.
And there is apparently a statue of a general mounted on a horse. And apparently.
There are spurs on the boots of this general, it's General Sedgwick.
And before.
The final exams.
The Cadets go up to this statue and rotate the spurs.
Uh, on the books.
Supposedly for good luck.
Because this particular general had three horses shot from under him.
But there was another thing about this general that a lot of people don't know about.
We had a person in under his command that he relied upon.
He wasn't the swiftest person. It took him a long while to grasp fruits.
And before General Sedgwick issued an order, he called this man in and he said, I want to convey.
A message to my troops.
And I'm going to run it past you first to see if you understand.
And if you understand what I said, I'm going to have you deliver that message.
And so we sometimes are a little slow understanding too, but God has written it in a way that we understand it. And so the apostle Paul here says, I believe God, that it shall be, even as it was told me.
Could we have a word on the piece of peace, Peace with God in his first verse? Is this uh, we know that piece is used in different ways. Is this piece of conscience here that gives us.
Access that were is mentioned in verse two. Maybe we could have a word on that.
Tell us your thought, brother.
I just enjoyed it that way as a piece of conscience, uh, if we're in someone's presence and we don't have a good conscience.
We really don't feel like being there, do we?
That God has given us.
Piece of contract so that we can come freely and boldly into his presence with the.
Holy boldness.
A look of faith is the beginning of a Christian life.
It takes one look.
After that, the whole principle of the life.
Of a person who's a child of God, even born first day. The whole principle is a base difference in the manner of the world.
Because we are the children of God, we belong to Him, and He's given us the book here that we hold in our hands to be our guide.
Given us this Holy Spirit to indwell us, to lead us.
And we have a father that we can turn to for everything in our lives.
It's faith that would lead us on to trust Him.
One look of faith could save a soul. And then, brethren, our lives are different. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth.
My word is truth.
The principle of this world, the way that it is going that changes the laws and all these things don't alter.
This relationship book we hold in our hands.
The one to whom we are accountable to isn't.
And every man is accountable.
Would you want to be anything but a Christian?
Somebody say somebody say that to, uh, strap a bomb onto one's chest and then detonate it. And it requires a lot of faith.
So what was what's different in the perfume we're talking about here? That kind of face?
One might be taking God of his word.
Rather than taking bananas word.
We have.
God's written Word before us.
And uh.
That is to believe the account that God gives has word.
The command to leave that account? You won't be strapping bombs on his waist.
You'll be rejoicing and the hope that he had before him.
Meeting the one that died on the cross to redeem them. But without, without God, man has just left to his own divisions.
Man's heart we know is is evil.
Deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, it tells us.
Then they put a state.
Like the man that built his house on the quicksand.
No foundation. It's not going to last.
This world is what it's building on, is building a quicksand.
Doesn't have a foundation.
Think the question that you asked there and I agree with what you said, right?
You know it's umm.
I think it's a little worse than men being just left to his own devices though, because.
Our minds can very quickly become the placing of the devil, and I think that a lot of false religions are a trap set up by Satan to deceive people.
And so, uh, we have, I think a, uh.
A definition of faith in John chapter 3 and verse 33.
It says there he that hath received his testimony has set to his seal.
That God is true.
And I just like to focus in terms of answering your question, Derek, uh, on the last part, God is true. And that's really, uh, the question that comes up to it, Uh.
Brother in US mentioned the, uh, the fact that we have to believe the word of God, but between Islam and Christianity, A fundamental question which of those two books is.
Is the word of God.
And it comes down to, I believe understanding who God is. And is God true?
And if you look at some of the fundamental assumptions, for example, and how the Koran is written, where the things that were revealed later completely override the things that were written earlier, what kind of God is that is revealing? Whereas if you look in the Word of God.
That we have the Bible. You see, it may look superficially like Judaism has been replaced by Christianity, and in one sense it has.
But uh, in reality, what it is is that everything comes together in the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything.
That God has a purpose for earth in Israel and a purpose for heaven in the church, and both of them are documented in this book and they fit together perfectly and reveal a perfect, holy and true God.
And that's what your faith has to be in.
And God has put evidence here, as we've been having before us how God makes it simple. Through a look of faith, He can communicate to us that this is indeed the truth.
And as you've been seeing brother Dave, uh, it's fundamental.
And this book of Rebel, of, uh, enrollments really brings that together in a very organized way. It's like an essay where Paul begins at the beginning.
Of where man was and how helpless he was, answering Job's question, answering the question in the comment in Ecclesiastes, and then bringing us through dealing with the question of sin to the place where we are in our chapter where we started that God based on taking wretched helpless men.
Intervening with his son and giving him as a gift can bring us into a place where.
With John's question, how can we have peace, those of us who are at enmity?
So I can do it. And so that's, uh, I think, uh, the answer to the question, what is the, is the difference between those two faiths? Which God is it? The God of this world that's preaching lies and destruction.
Or the gods of all creation, the God of heaven.
The God of our Lord Jesus Christ can preach his peace and the forgiveness of sins and love, and that's what it means, right? The love of God is what we have revealed even in this chapter.
I say every false religion of man, every cult.
Is all based on works?
They all base blessing upon works.
The book that we have, with God blessing all, is based upon grace.
God's favor to us. We didn't do anything to earn what we have.
You didn't do any good works, didn't it? Good works would do us no good. Uh, before God?
We're saved solely on the on the good favor of God to bring us into where we are.
No other religion on on earth.
Holds that in the truth. You know it's all based on what you can do. You gain blessing.
We have everything in Christ. We don't have it in ourselves, but we have it in another one that has, uh, fully satisfied the heart of God.
For our justification that we have here. For our eternal blessing.
Uh, you know, even the youngest child here that has put her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is seen here in this verse.
And and infusions for uh chapter uh.
Two, there's, there, there. There's therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.
Containing that first without condemnation.
Every child of God is seen there without one bit of condemnation upon him. Why? Because God has justified him.
Through the work of Price.
Validation and supply faith. God recognizes and He stands. This is our standing. Every child of God can stand.
This very day before a holy God.
And the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It's a wonderful thing.
You know, justification if, if somebody was to, uh, prepare before, uh, the judge.
And uh.
Had charges against them and.
He was found guilty of those charges. He he condemned and a judge according to the laws of the land, he would open up the law book.
He would be, uh, required to punish that person according to the crimes he committed.
But with us, we never reached the judge.
All our sins, everything that was against us, has been crucified with Christ on the cross.
And the youngest believer here has a standing.
There's no accusation can be brought against him.
No crimes can be brought against us. All has been paid for by Christ.
And so we have a perfect standing before God in Christ Jesus.
I say something else. My state changes all the time.
And perhaps yours does too, and everything can change her state. It'll be at a sad state. Happy state.
And so on, but are standing because it's based on what price has done, it's solid.
And when we appear before God and Christ, no accusation, no charges can be brought against us. That's how God can justify us and he and to prove that he's happy with the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, he, he raised them up.
He was, uh.
Says there he was, uh, delivered for our offenses and raised the game for a justification.
What can we? What can we say?
We're, uh, God's children. We're, we're, we've been redeemed. We've been brought into this great place of blessing, and we stand before God in the finished work of Christ.
What a position that we have.
Connection with our brother Derek's question.
Think of the Apostle Paul.
And he said that by all means, if I could save some.
And we think of what the apostle call went through.
To proclaim the gospel, that gospel that our brother Robert was speaking, proclaiming a God of.
And the 14th chapter of Acts we see.
That he has stoned the fossil fallen stoned in Lystra in the 19 first.
And they?
Uh, draw the Apostle Paul out of the city, supposing that he was dead.
Naturally speaking, you can say or you would think that the apostle Paul could say, look how they treated me.
I'll never come back to that same city again.
I'm going to have nothing to do with it or.
I'll come back and.
Uh, with an active retribution.
Was that in the Apostle Paul's heart? And verse 21 I find very remarkable.
It says that when they had preached the gospel to that city and had taught many.
They returned again to Mystra.
And to Oconium and Antioch.
It was love for their souls.
That brought the Apostle Paul back again.
And it's a remarkable incidence that we have.
And then there's another matter that we didn't touch upon in connection with your question and that deals with the sanctity of life.
Which would require quite a long uh.
Session 2 but.
That, again, is something that God looks upon.
Wonder if First Timothy after two might be another little.
Wrong question.
Was Timothy.
I was thinking in verse umm 5.
For there is, umm, one God and one mediator between God and man to man, Christ Jesus.
Dimension. The enemy likes to assert the authority of the Lord Jesus and replace him with something else.
And so this will bring us the bring you for us again, the foundation. It's not the amount of our faith, is it? It's your faith is in.
Taking a lot of faith to believe that you believe. Thereafter, set that bottom on and detonated.
But my face is not in.
This one here the volume kind of says only one mediator between God and man and man Christ Jesus the enemy and man himself as a as a planet. Many other mediators could it be a virgin or you go back lessons chapter one.
In relations one we have. This is a false psychology, speaking in both places here.
And it says verse 8, verse 8 is chapter one as though we are an Angel from heaven.
Freaks. Any other bumps along here in which you have to treat every on you? Let them be a curse.
Three. If that is so, it's found. It's the foundational proof that there is only one mediator being God and man as the man Christie evil. They say the.
The enemy who motivates, whatever the error.
Have us replace that with something else that comes afterwards.
Important that we I'm sorry brother Jerry, I was gonna say it's important to define our terms, isn't it? Almost 10 tells us that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. I may speak of my belief and my faith and I might simply be referencing my opinion from my opinion and your opinion. There really is no account in eternal things and takes us back to that fundamental question that Robert hit on is this book a revelation for God from God or is it not.
We don't have the word of God before us, then we have nothing. God is the only one that can declare what is eternal and what is truth. And so we want to build our faith on the word of God. That's where it comes from and where it's built. And uh, the result of this is so beautiful in these first two verses, there's three great blessings that we have as a result of the finished work of Christ.
That the first step it has to do with all that's gone before our past, our sins, our guilt before God.
God has declared to be righteous and we are declared to be unrighteous in this book. We know in the course of the law one may get off by an unrighteous judge that unless one off, maybe there is true guilt there or a or a a skewed jury. But God has declared those who are unrighteous as righteous and he has done it righteously in the work of another. And So what a wonderful thing it is to have peace with God. When we know we sinned against God, we know abroad him we're guilty before him.
And those sins demand his wrath, and demand his judgment.
How would we ever have before that one in the work of another of our Jesus Christ? But it's not only the past what we've done, but it's that present place of grace wherein we station, we stand by faith and God wants us to have rest and peace in our souls, not to be constantly striving. Said, yes, I once trusted in Jesus, but I've got to do my part and be filled with legal efforts trying to keep and win the favor of God. No, we brought, we've been brought.
Into his favor, and that's where we stand presently.
And more than that, we rejoice in hope of the glory of God, not only of peace as to what's past, not only that pleasant place of place of grace, but to look forward to rejoice and hope for the glory of God. Hope is the thought of future. And so in the third chapter we read that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Our destitute of it. But now to think of the very glory of God, we who are so far from him that would tremble at that, now we rejoice in the prospect of it.
But Oasis. And so it's all directly traced back to that wonderful work of the Lord Jesus as our substitute there, delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification.
I suppose UMM and Derek in regarding your question, and I don't want to drag this point on, but sometimes it's good to keep things simple and.
Space is only as is only a value. Uh.
Depending on what we have faith in.
And of course, our faith, as we see in this chapter, is grounded on the greatest.
A possible promise that we could ever imagine. And we have. We're going to have complete confidence in it.
It's not going to fail. I remember one day driving down the road.
Coming down a hill approaching the driveway where I was about to turn in.
And I had all the faith in the world in the braking system of that vehicle.
So I put my foot on the brake and it prompted me right to the floor and there was no reaction whatsoever in the car in the view.
Well, my faith was as strong as to be in break in that vehicle, but.
Very poorly grounded and the individual you spoke of placing a bomb in his chest, he may have a tremendous amount of faith in his own mind.
But what a sad experience, and what a sad result is going to be. It was certainly frightening, too.
Uh, be driving that vehicle and suddenly realizing that there was not an ounce of breaking the building in it.
But far worse for that individual that you mentioned. And so I think it's sometimes good to keep it simple. Umm, our faith is.
Her face is browner than anything else.
Trying to be disappoint.
The world would tell you that there's many roads that lead to heaven.
That Eric gave us adversaries, and that at First Timothy chapter 2, there's one God, one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
And just thinking about the scriptures here, uh, you know, in Hebrews chapter one, it says God who at sundry times and his divers manners.
Taken time, passed unto the Fathers by the prophets, passing these last days, spoken unto us by his tongue.
And that's what the Word of God is all about, the Lord Jesus Christ.
That's where you find salvation through Him.
And, umm, the one thing about Christianity is the exclusiveness of it. Umm.
Many other things believe we say that you can come together and you know we can find common ground, but one thing about the scriptures.
There's only one way. There's only one way to God, and that's through the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Bible gives the text there.
The results in the means are incredibly important to consider. If you think of the result of the phase here, it's the three things that Bill mentioned at Peace with God.
This incredible position of east or this incredible position of grace of stand in, and also this deferred certainty or this whole of the glory of God which two chapters earlier it says all is in the control of the glory of God. As believers, we have all three of these things as a present.
Incredible thing that we can enjoy now. When Adam was driven out of the Garden of Eden, the peace of God was gone. Umm.
Can't stroll for it but never got it. Man will go to incredible length to try and achieve these things, including dropping bombs on themselves to ensure a better position in eternity. And so the difference is is that we have this result now here in the present from God and the means of it is perfectly explainable through the one just person that ever lived and gave us life for us. It's an incredible, incredible thing to consider because.
I mean, you can look around the world and people will go to absolutely unbelievable lengths to.
Get something.
And uh, yet we have something through something that somebody else did.
And almost everyone of the epistles.
The Apostle Paul begins with grace and peace.
A brother, Albert Hayhoe, said many years ago, the more that I enter into what the grace of God is, the more I will enjoy the peace of God.
Grace and peace.
Paid by Jesus Christ.
We are saved by grace and hear it stand in grace.
It's all the way.
We need him every step of the journey, don't we?
Grow in grace.
It's important to realize where we stand.
And how we stand stand fast in price.
Some years ago I was reading through the book of Judges and.
You have a.
Somewhat of a strange account that's written, and let's just turn to the proportion of judges.
The only chapter of Judges.
Uh gives the account of the king, Uh a donut visa.
Don't have the exact reference.
We see that they were gathered around this table, those that.
Had chapter one and verse 7, seven. OK chapter one and verse 7.
And a donut visit, said three score and 10 kings having their thumbs and great toes cut off, gathered their meat under my table as I have done.
So God has requited me.
And they brought him to Jerusalem. There he died. But well, that's a strange.
Verse to appear gives us some information there. Why? Why is it giving us that information? Well, without a thumb we can't grasp anything, can we? So we think of the admonitions that are given in the Word of God, the whole sense.
Without a great toll, we can't stand. We don't have the balance, do we? And so we have those.
Admonitions to stand fast and it's good to see where we're standing as our brother, uh, Dave said, it's, uh, standing here in brakes business.
You can rejoice here in the hope of the glory of God. It's because our hope is a certainty.
Faith makes it certain. Oh, but uh, hope in the world is never certain or joyous because man may build his hopes on something and the next day everything can change and hopes are dashed in pieces and so on. But with God's Word, we, uh, like faith from waiting for the show, for the Lord Jesus to take us home. We know in our hearts that that's a certainty it's going to happen.
I have these believer here today. Are you you think the Lord will are you waiting for the Lord to come or do you believe in the Lord's coming from the Church and certainly everyone would say yes.
Most today, and so we can rejoice in this. It's, uh, something that we can rejoice in because we know by faith.
It's a future thing, but it's a certain thing. It's going to happen. This is something that the world knows nothing of, nothing certain in this world, and there's no hope that they can rejoice in, truly rejoice in, because they don't have any certainty.
I have a question in in connection with that Mark made reference to uh, that well known person enrollment chapter 3. Umm, all of them become short of the glory of God.
Uh, my question is this expression rejoice and hope for the glory of God is.
Is maybe the thought here that we rejoice in the glory of God has to do in Romans 3 with.
God's standard, his holy character, and the fact that we can never.
We can never come up to that. We fall short of it, but we rejoice in the fact that.
God's standard is holy standard has been met perfectly in the Lord Jesus Christ.
And that's what we rejoice in because.
We, our salvation would not have been secured except for the fact that God's holy character demanded that that perfect sacrifice, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. So it's a question is, is that the thought of this expression, uh, hope of the glory of God.
Would you say, Sean, that because of that?
The God being so glorified in the death of his Son that we can now rejoice in hope of the glory of God that we're going, we're going to.
I like the, umm, the, uh, definition, if I can put it that way, uh, what Mr. Lundin said in connection with Glory.
That is excellence in display.
And there's coming a day when.
God is going to see that His Son is displayed in all his glory.
And that, uh, we have in the 17th of June.
Uh, that they may behold my glory. They may be with me.
Behold my glory.
I would say, Sean myself, that I'm glad to hear the thoughts of others who.
God's been glorified in the death of his Son, and here it's the hope that we.
Goes beyond to that deferred certainty. I think I'm going to use that expression.
Right to the time when we are going to be there and to be with him forever.
Like to read a verse in Revelation 21?
And umm, the end of verse 9.
The, uh, one of the angels says, did John come hit her? I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. So you know, that's the church or the assembly.
And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God.
Having the glory of God and her flight was like a new stone, most precious even like unto a Jasper stone, players crystal and so on.
We think of the, uh, cities of this world, and what do they boast of? The glory of man.
But this city gives index to the glory of God and I believe it looks on to the fullness of that work that we can, uh, we can go on and look to see the fulfillment, the fruit of the work of Christ. There is that which is yet future that we can rejoice in now present enjoyment. And here I don't see specifically that in Romans 5, it is in reference to the church. That's not Paul's line of thing in Romans per SE, but it, uh, we have the expression in Revelation 3 about the.
The beginning of the creation of God. We know that God has worked twice in creation. The first creation in the heavens and the earth was of God. He is the one or by God. He was the He is the one that brought it to be. But creation of God has to do with everything is according to God.
For His delight, His pleasure, His glory, and we can rejoice in that. What a wonderful day that will be when everything is of God, according to God, just as he would delight in it. And so we can look on to that day that have your day before us, that we can rejoice. And even now that will be all to the glory of God.
There are several ways of looking at the Lord's glory. There is the essential glory that He had with the Father.
From all eternity, and I think we have a little picture, a figure of that in connection with Joseph and the code of many colors.
But then in the 45th chapter, Joseph is sending word back to his father with his brethren.
And in verse 13 of that chapter, and it says, And you shall tell my father of all.
My glory in Egypt.
All my glory.
And I'm sure that they spent a long time rehearsing that what they had seen.
We know that the glory of Solomon just took the breath away from.
The, uh, Queen of Sheba, and we have a description that she gives of Solomon's glory. And here we have all of my glory. That's the acquired glory.
Speaking to us figuratively of the Lord Jesus, isn't it? So there are these two aspects that we have to keep in mind.
I've enjoyed the thoughts of the Father and the Son, have had a glory from a past eternity like we have in John 17.
The word says.
In verse 5 And now, O Father, glorify thou Me with thine own self, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. So we know there was that glory between the Father and the Son from an eternity past.
The Lord was here in time on this earth, and He always did that which brought glory to His Father.
Then we have that first in First Timothy.
Where I think it's actually in Second Timothy.
Actually it is first Timothy at the end of chapter 3 says, and without verse, without controversy. Great is the mystery of godliness, godless, manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up in glory. It should be. It was the manner in which he was received up.
And then there is a coming time when God is going to glorify Him before this world. And so I have just enjoyed that thought of this, you might say, continual glory between the Father and the Son.
Is there time boat up there?
1:45 should be stopping time.
We've seen number 69 in the appendix, 69 in the appendix.
Oh, the peace.
Amazing for around your life.
So I don't want to be a.
Crazy baby.
Right here.
Really. Really.
You're making a.