Romans 5:9-11, 20-21

Duration: 1hr 29min
Romans 5:9‑11,20‑21
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General Meetings. Wheaton, August 1975. Third reading meeting.
I'd rather be happy if I made this suggestion.
That in view of the fact that the.
End of the.
That we're in a very.
Deep, subject to, rather hard to expound.
That if we finish the line of things we had before us.
In the 9th, 10th, and 11Th verses, and then took the last two verses of the chapter.
And then considered the first verses of the 6th chapter.
Much more than being justified by his blood.
Through him.
For us, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of the Son. Much forward He reconciled. We shall be saved by his life.
And not on their soul. The behold will join, and God for our Lord Jesus Christ, I thought we have now received thee atonement or reconstruction.
Verse 20.
All over the ball entered and the event might abound.
But where silicon is great did much more about.
That as sin has dreamed of the death, Even so my great dreams of righteousness under eternal life, let Jesus Christ our Lord.
Shall we continue? It's been a great God forbid, how shall we that are dead just didn't live any longer therein.
Knowing not that so many of us have been baptized into Jesus Christ and baptized into his death.
Therefore we are buried with Him by mattress and Internet. The light of Christ was raised up to the dead by the glory of His Father.
Even though we altered and walk and Jonas of life.
Whatever even finally, because there's a lightness in his desk, we shall also we can also like in the likeness of his resurrection, knowing this, that an old man has turned his right with him with the body of sin might be destroyed.
That therefore we should not serve the sins and find us.
Through the 11Th 1St.
Knowing this, that an old man is certified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, defense Workman should not serve him, for neither the dead is free from death.
Now that we be dead with rain, we believe that we shall also live with him.
Nor the Christ being raised from the dead, He dieth no more death, has no more dominion over heaven for him that he died, He died on this in one within that 1111 gods.
17 on the 5th. But alive under God is freezing, right, our Lord?
Whether he will to make a few remarks.
As to the character of these chapters.
In the first five chapters.
Up until.
Diversity closed with 11 first.
It's the subject of sins or what we have done. This was touched on before.
But just to review it in our minds.
And so we find that it ends with that high point, the joy in God, because we now have received that reconciliation. We've been brought back.
And everything in the way of skill is put away.
And we can rejoice now to the very source of all blessings.
But that probably the 11Th verse on or starting with the 12Th 1St of the 5th chapter.
It's rather the subject.
Not of what I have done.
But what I am?
Now where are we? Naturally, we're an atom.
And in this next section of Deliverance, which has three parts.
Starting with this twelve first.
Going on to the 8th chapter, that is up to the 8th chapter.
There's first the position either in atom or in.
Right, the 6th chapter takes up the question of the power of sin.
Are we under that power?
And the 7th chapter takes up first half struggle that goes in on in the heart of one who has been sickened but does not have full delivers.
And so he has to learn that in all these three cases, death must come in to give him delivered.
And when death comes in and no longer married to that person.
Husband, but he has a new husband.
And so you'll get all of these three sections summed up in the 1St 3 verses of the 8th chapter where we got the full deliverance.
There is no condemnation for those who inside Jesus. They're not any longer inhabitants.
The law of the Spirit of life and Christ Jesus settling free from the law to the death.
We're not under that power that anymore, because you'll notice in the six chapters.
Expressions like dominion.
Knowing that there's a power.
That we're no longer under. We were under. That we've been delivered, but through death.
But in the 7th chapter is what the law has to say to us. Or sit in the flesh.
And so we get deliverance because in the third verse of that eighth chapter, you'll notice for what the law could not do, and not just weep through the flesh.
God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful plants and for sin, or a sacrifice for sin.
And then sin in the flesh.
So that sin was never forgiven.
Let me start with some.
Sins are forgiven, but sin is condemned in the class.
And he was made sin for us, and sin will be put away from the eye of God forever.
Thank God our sins have been put away as far as the east from the West.
I thought that might be helpful in in explaining the passage that we didn't read.
We're no longer in atoms, we're in Christ if we haven't seen Christ's, aren't they?
To explain true matters.
One was cry and the 11Th verse that we changed that word unto reconciliation.
You'll notice. And if you have a marginal Bible.
Margin in your Bible and you do get the word reconciliation there.
And in better translation, in fact all the best translations, it is reconciliation. And it's easy to see that that's the subject, because the 10th verse says.
For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son.
I was also asked to explain the difference between.
Justification and reconciliation.
Well, it's two very distinct lines of truth, as we can see.
For the chapter starts out with justification.
The first the last verse of the 4th chapter.
Who was delivered for our offenses and raised against for our justification.
And followed by therefore being justified, we have peace with God.
Now when one is brought up in court for some charges to get him and when he is proven innocent, he was not guilty of the charge.
The man is justified.
Now and and and connection with human affairs.
The character of justification that we have here.
Is impossible because it justified a guilty man.
Would be a crime against the government.
Only God can really justify the Sinner. And if you'll notice in the 4th chapter.
And the fifth verse.
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifies.
The ungodly, his faith is counted unto him for righteousness.
Oh, God justifies not a good people, not people who are innocent, but God justifies the ungodly.
Well, how is that possible we could ask.
Will it just bring before us the infinite value of the work of Christ?
That so.
Perfectly did the Lord Jesus suffer the judgment of our sins.
That God now can justify the worst Sinner this side of hell. He can justify the ungodly. And it is because.
The guilty sinners seeking to improve his condition. But it's to him that worketh. Now that is only a matter of faith, but believeth on that one who justifies the ungodly, not his work, but his faith.
Is counted unto him for righteousness. Well, I trust that explains the subject a little of justification.
I was also asked to explain the what is meant by reconciliation.
You see, we're left off with that in the 10th verse. For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled at all by the death of his son.
Now we want to make it clear in the 1St place that God never needed to be reconciled, but the Sinner does need to be reconciled because the Sinner is an enmity against God.
You'll find that everywhere you go in this world, whether it's Africa.
And North America, that you find sinners that are taking God's name in vain and blaming God for all their misfortunes. Man as he is a fallen creature, is an enmity.
Against the very God who loves him and is seeking to bless him.
Oh no. What is needed?
Is that the Sinner should be reconciled, and you get the means of his being reconciled. And this 10th 1St. If when we were enemies were reconciled in God by the definite sons.
So the one who has from the heart accepted Christ as his personal savior is in an entirely different state than he was before. Just like the prodigal in the far country, he was absolutely opposed to his father, didn't like his home, didn't like the way he required him to live. But when he came to the came to himself.
And said how many hard surgeons of my father have read enough into spear and I Perry for hunger?
Then he rises and goes to his Father, and the Father meets him, and he says, I've sinned against heaven, and thy fight, and in no more worthy to be called thy Son. Or then the Son is reconciled to the Father. So when he goes in, he gets the best rope the Father has.
And in type that best rope is Christ. Why, if he'll turn over to the Second Epistle of Corinthians?
And the 5th chapter.
And the 18th verse And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself. Now that is addressed to believers.
Reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, who hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.
So God has not only reconciled the Sinner who believes, but he has given him a ministry.
To declare to others.
That God is always for the Sinner, and he's only longing to bless.
And save the guilty sinners.
Now I don't know that what he refers to here is given to us.
Is more especially the powerful Paul's ministries then you get in the.
Of course, now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us. We pray you in Christ did be reconciled at all.
Now I remember Brother Powder making this remark that.
In the 19th verse of which that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, he said God failed in that.
In that effort, you might say that doesn't sound right, but it's true. When the Lord Jesus was here.
Presenting God as a God of love, man rejected the offer and it's instead of accepting and being reconciled, he crucified the reconciler.
And he's gone back to the glories, and now he is sent his ambassadors into the world to beseech those who have rejected his son to be reconciled.
Has by accepting Him as their savior.
I asked Brother Porter one time. I said.
Would I say that I am among those who are all the time to be ambassadors for Christ? He says, do you seek to preach the doctrine? Well, I said I do. And he says in that sense you are an ambassador for Christ.
It's just as all that.
Way that another country.
An ambassador to State of the United States and supposedly.
Meet him when he arrives and take him out and give him a cruel death.
Well, the country of course, will perhaps be at war with the country that rejected their ambassador, that supposed instead of that, that they've been in all over this country. And ask them and beseech them now that you have murdered our ambassador, that you might be reconciled to us.
Just give those few thoughts from justification and reconciliation.
2 distinct subjects.
And really, when you get to the 11 first of our chapter.
Now we see the one who is is brought into blessings.
Now drawing in God to our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom also we have received the reconciliation, you can see that that is really the correct word. And of course, the ones who have looked into the original language find that the King James translators discussed the wrong words and we just use the right words.
The previous chapter.
The last word is justification.
That is.
When we view the work of Christ, we must remember.
It's a whole work, and it is until.
Erase them from the death.
That we see ourselves justified. That's what we have in that verse.
The 25th first, it was delivered for our offenses.
And was raised again for our justification.
And as we see that outside of site we have nothing.
But inside we have everything.
And even in.
In the Romans 10 and I was so often used in the gospel.
It's nice to remember.
Subject of resurrection.
There we also get to say the dog.
We confess with our mouths, we believe in our heart that God raised him from the man.
And I really believe that it's a part of the God or whether it's free, the subject of resurrection.
And especially in the warning to those who reject the Gospel. Because in the 17th Quebec.
We find the day is coming when God will judge this world by a man. Man drives Jesus.
And he's given witnesses to all men.
And then he's praising brother after among the dead, and it's a solemn thing to know that one that was put to death will be raised to judge those to put him to death.
So when we think of the gospel, we don't think simply the fact that God is forgiven our sins. That's practice questions to.
We must remember that it takes in the whole work of God.
All the way until he has raised him from the dead. And now we see ourselves reconciled and we see ourselves justified.
But in a new position.
And if I'm going to answer someone and they say, how do you know that you're justified? What is my life up there?
Raised him from the dead. That's my life. I have no other. There's nothing wrong with that life, sister. Did he ever do anything wrong? No. Well, that's the life. I asked.
That we're not going to, ever.
Like forgiven seats, one who has committed some great sins.
And through the kindness of those that he sinned against, he's forgiven.
But thank God, we're going to heaven as though we never sinned at all.
That's what the work of Christ.
In its fullness has accomplished for us.
I just wanted to call attention to this.
That we get in this 5th chapter twice.
The expression and not only so we get it in the third chapter, third verse, and then we get it again in the 11Th verse. And not only so.
I called attention this morning to the fact that.
The first two verses seem to reach a height that you couldn't go beyond and so everything is settled.
We have peace with God and we have access into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope for the glory of God. How could you go any further?
That's the problem, said we do go farther. Not only so, but we glory in tribulation.
That is before we enter into the fullness and preciousness.
Of this wonderful salvation, God puts us through the wilderness and the trials.
That we experience in this life.
But when you get to the 11Th verse of our chapter, you see now in the verses between, we have really.
Trapped the desert sands and gone through with those trials. And we've learned much of God, and we've learned also how.
How useless we are in ourselves, but when you reach the 11Th verse, and not only so that we also joy in God to our Lord Jesus Christ. Now he has reached the very apex of the subject to 1020. Higher than that during and God's a very God that we had sinned against and which you find in the third chapter that all has been.
And come short of the glory of God.
And now, now instead of trembling, as it were lost and ruined, and.
Fearing the wrath of the God that we had sinned against. Why, we're drawing in here and finding our delight in that very one that we had since fear, and this Pearl we were having to meet in our sins. But we mustn't lose effect, it's true.
Lord Jesus Christ, we give him, we give him the glory for it all, because apart from the work that he's accomplished for the glory of God.
Will be drawing in him would be impossible.
But now we can enjoy in God.
And it just pictures a believer as herring throughout the desert.
Learned God's ways and God's grace, and now carries a song to the very pinnacle of the subject.
In which he cannot go beyond, because at the end of that verse he changes the subject and takes up as our brother mentions.
Another subject and that is the question of how God has dealt with the old nature that is spoken of as sin.
Justified and a book of Romans starting with the third chapter.
On the 24th verse were justified by grace.
Sovereign Grace.
And in the 5th chapter and the ninth verse were justified by blood.
In the 4th chapter again and the 25th verse.
Were justified by power in connection with resurrection.
And then?
Romans 5 and verse one.
Faith lays hold of that blessed truth.
I'm justified my faith when we come over to the 8th chapter.
And we say I am justified by God, the highest authority on earth and in heaven.
Can justify.
The poor singer and view of the work of our Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary's cross. I enjoy those five points.
Yeah, the five points. And there is one other point that we shouldn't forget.
That is, this is being justified by God.
Justified by God, but in James we have another thought. I don't want to change the subject, but just pass it on.
And James were justified before men by our works. You say you're Christian. All right, I'm going to watch you. I'm going to see if those works tally up to you, to that which you state that you're a Christian.
And as I imagine, I don't want to change the subject, but as well to point out these six points in connection with being justified.
And as her brother brought before us in one of these meetings.
Is God's will that all might be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. This is 1 truth above all.
That God wants the believer, young and all, to be very thoroughly.
Founded on and in the enjoyment of his soul rehearsal because.
Because this brings peace with God.
And are being able to join in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
And that is grace. He delights to show grace.
And the God of merchants.
God of compassion.
And the apostle brings before us here in a very consistent, orderly manner, so that there's no mistaking adopting.
That, first of all, a man is.
Damn creature.
Because not only has he sinned, but he has the nature that's bad.
That we find that when death comes in, that is the death of the Lord Jesus.
Then God can make known, but in his heart.
And this was introduced in the 19th, on the 20th, 1St.
In contrast to the law, because the law demanded something a man that could not give. That is, there's an old nature that cannot.
God, the law spoke to that nature, but it took the answer.
And then so the lock is off, but only condemn.
That the man who has that nature.
Because he couldn't answer. He had no way to answer through the law. He had no nature that would do the law.
The new man should say thy law, who I love, but not the old nature and what makes the difference. Race comes in and that's what we have mentioned in the 20th, 1St.
Giving out tracks.
And the chaplain said, let me see your tracks before you give them out. So I handed them one. He said, you people believe in justification by faith. He said, haven't you read the Epistles of James? I said, yes Sir, I have. Have you read the Epistle of the Romans?
He said we believe in justification by works. I said, well, in Romans we have justification by faith before God.
In James is justification by works before men.
And that's the difference, isn't it?
Justification by works before men. Because we read here the 24th verses the second chapter of James ye see then.
Well, how can you see my faith apart from my works?
So James says you see them.
How that by works? A man is justified not by faith only.
So the chaplain had to submit. So through the Romans.
Not only the truth of James, which is justification before men by faith.
And Rome and justification by faith goes off.
Over the law enters doesn't say that sin might have found.
But that the offense might have bounced.
That is before.
There was the law enacted.
Man was a Sinner. Guilty.
But when the law came in and said, Thou shalt not, then man.
Was not only a Sinner, but he was a given Sinner because he had violated the law of God.
Well, man never would have known the greatness of his guilt and his ruined condition if God had not given us the 10 commandments.
But that law that God gave a tiny eyes.
Set forth God's holiness and what God required.
A sinful man. But the fact is that man couldn't keep that law.
For we find that while Moses was on the mount receiving the 10 commandments on the on the 2 tables of sown, God had already reclaimed it there in their audience.
Why, they had made a golden calf, and we're saying these be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt. They'd broken the first law.
For the law the first commandment was, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, and thou shalt have no other gods before thee.
So they couldn't keep the law even.
For the length of time it took Moses to go up and get the two tables of stone and bring them back.
So, so it just proved and made manifest and magnified the awful, terrible condition that man is in, in his sins. So the law entered.
That the offense might abound, there's one subject of a bounding.
But where sin abounded, our sins not really offense, but sin.
Grace did much more about.
Well, we see the full display of sin abounding and race abounding at the cross.
Their sinful man had taken the holy Christ of God.
The one that had done nothing but good. Heal their sick and open the eyes of the blind.
Rotten wonders among them set their hungry multitudes. They took that blessed one.
Condemned into the most shameful death man's poor heart ever invented, and then stood around the cross and insulted.
And derided him there, made him a father. Ridicule. There was sin abounding in a way that it never had abounded before. And whether it were Jew or Gentile, they were both combined.
Where Pilate had condemned him, the Roman governor and his soldiers had spotted the crown corns and put it on his head.
But isn't it marvelous, Beloved, It's a very time when sin reached its greatest height.
That grace rose higher than all the wickedness that man's heart had ever hidden expression to for while he was hanging there after three hours of more clearance and insults.
God closed the scene where the darkness over the whole land, and during those hours of darkness, God laid upon his beloved Son the iniquity of us all, so that he cried out. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
It just seems as though that here's one way that comes in with man's wickedness, and here's another way he goes. Here's a wave of grace that goes higher, man's wickedness rises a little higher, and then grace goes still higher.
Until at last there is a triumph and a victory.
That provides a way of salvation to every center of Adams ruined race. So we're greatly bounded. We're sin abounded. Grace did much more about it. That is, God's grace has written higher than all the wickedness of man.
Has ever invented and carried out in this world.
That's having a talk with two gentlemen traveling in the train.
And I distributed tracks among them, and these two men took them and said we are inventors.
Roland is eventual.
What do you think about the work of grace from the cross with work between the Lord Jesus?
Effect to it and on the cross of Calgary all they said we are saved by keeping the law and also by grace.
Well, I said, isn't that a terrible thing to say? You are an adulterer.
No service if we are not adulterers. We have. We're both married and one wife and I said you are a doctor.
How so? I opened fifth of Romans and read it to them.
I just mentioned this by the way, because some people are being.
Deceived by this teaching that you must, you can be saved by keeping the law and by grace, which is impossible of course.
And I read this part portion of Romans 7.
Know ye not, brethren, for I speak to them that know the law houses the law, hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth. Verse one of seven. For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law of her husband so long as he liveth, But if the husband be dead, she's loose from the law of her husband.
So then, if while her husband liveth, he be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress.
But if her husband be dead, she is free from the law so that she is no adulterer.
Though she be married to another man, wherefore my presence, he also become dead to the law by the body of Christ.
That ye should be married to another, even to him.
Who is raised from the dead?
We should bring forth fruit unto God, I said you, you gentlemen are adulterers and so we'll have to stone you the next station. So they they didn't like that at all, you know, but when we got to propagate.
That I noticed that they had roast pig there and I saw them digging into the pig and enjoying this roast pig.
And I went over them and said I'd have to stone you again because you're eating that pig.
Then they were traveling beyond the distance brethren that is allotted to us by the law. They were traveling 2 days and the night in the train. So I said you fellas will have to be stoned again.
Well, I don't know whether they saw the point, but how futile it is to think that you can be saved by keeping the law and the grace of God.
How very contrary when just think of that manciless work of the Lord Jesus.
Cross of counties where every.
Amount of man's hatred was he was heaped upon the Son of God.
And that awful darkness is enshrouded at all. Just imagine.
What grace really means. It's it's a marvelous picture of grace, isn't it, Blessed Son of God?
Will those two men were on their way? The pub seemed to turn the believers away from the simple simplicity of the gospel.
Mention that, by the way, because I do come across some young people who believe that they can also keep the law.
And be saved by keeping the law and also by the grace of God, which is an impossibility. So excuse me, just putting in there a little bit because I do come across some young people who are a bit in love about this.
Absolutely correct. Next version you have.
Or as sin hath reigned, and then you get the great raining.
Whereas we think of sin reigning, of course we think of that which is in authority, like a king controlling.
Our country, well, we think of the whole human race. Sin has reigned and reigned unto death.
That's the destiny, that's the wages.
Our sin reigns.
But here we have another subject.
So my great ring through righteousness.
Unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
As beautiful, isn't it? Grace unmerited favor. What the the Sinner does deserve has no right to expect.
Now it's raining. But remember this, it isn't great at the expense of holiness.
No, it's great through righteousness.
Because God as a righteous judge.
Has has.
Judge his Son, laying our iniquities on Him, so that He has borne the full wrath and judgment of God. And I believe we can rightly say that He has exhausted the lake of fire where we would have spent eternity if we had gone on in our sins without a Savior. But He has exhausted the whole judgment.
That we so righteously deserve.
And now grace is reigning that unmerited favor through that righteousness and instead of a condition of death, and of course you bring in death is separation from God and leads into the second death, which is the lake of fire.
That's where sin is taking the Sinner. But here Grace now is raining.
On a righteous basis, and it's unto eternal life.
So that now it leads right on beyond.
This passing light into those eternal scenes of glory and joy that lies at first.
In fact, you know, beloved, that the eternal life that we possess in Christ.
Even death cannot stop its course. You might just turn to a verse in the 16th Psalm for a moment to quite cold attention to that Psalm 16.
It says in that song Thou will show me the path of life. The last verse, verse 11.
In thy presence is fullness of joy, and Thy right hand they are pleasures forevermore.
Just like Israel.
Going down toward the Jordans. But when they got to the Jordan, the river was gone. It was held back 20 miles above.
So now when the believer.
Riches have a.
That death that his sins deserve instead of it being.
Means of taking him into the second death. It ends in his presence, which is where his fullness of joy. Nothing can stop the course of that eternal life, for it doesn't. It doesn't in any way.
Falls in its course until we're in that scene where there's.
And joy and God's right where their pleasures forevermore.
During the chapter of Romans.
Where I say at this time his righteousness.
Then he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. It's the same sauce and you couldn't have selected the verse that makes it clear.
That is, God cannot only justify the sinners, but He can be perfectly just in that act of justifying Him.
That's the county to the roads of faith in the past ages that we have the previous person or whoever believed his words.
As the Lord says to the Jews, Abraham saw my name as a flag.
Well, he didn't know the sense of going to be no, but he has the testimony of God, the Old Testament that looked on the Christ.
No, God was just justified even such once Christ rose up among the day.
Yes, that's what it's meant, isn't it, brother? Hunting?
And the next verse whom God has set forth a propitiation.
Leave out to be through faith in His blood, to declare at this time His righteousness that He might be.
For the remission of sins that are past, well, that takes in all the sins of all the Old Testament Saints.
Remember old brother Inglis Bloomington saying it? Just like God took all those spins and all.
The the Abrahams and Moses, David laid them on a shelf, and when his son was hanging on the cross, he just took all those sons and laid them on his son for the fins that are passed. And then he said, do the forbearance of God.
Then in the 26th verse to declare I'd say at this time.
Now we're on the other side of the cross, His righteousness.
That he might be just and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus.
So we look right.
Reveal themselves.
Down here is the.
Concerning the Old Testament Saints.
The Old Testament Saints were mentioned a moment ago.
They were resurrected, of course, when they bribe went.
Someone said to me, well how do you know if in the 19th of the Book of Revelation we read the following?
When heaven was opened in verse 11.
And a White Horse. And he that sat upon him was called faithful and true. And in righteousness he dump, judge, and make war.
Well, there's divine.
Searching those designs in the flame of fire on his head were many crowds for that damage, and he entered the name written that no man knew but himself, and he was clothed with a vest to a lifting blood that would be of his enemies, of course.
And his name is called the Word of God. This is the thought that Kai came to me and the armies which were in heaven.
Followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
Well, would not the Old Testament Saints be here with them? This was a question put to me by.
A brother down in Peru.
Would the Old Testament Saints be resurrected? And I said, yes, I believe you're right. Well, can you prove it? He said. Well, here they are coming back with that blessed once.
And the armies which were in heaven, following him upon White Horse and clothes and fine linen, white and clean, while these are the Old Testament Saints, and the Saints of us too. Is that right?
Yes, yes. So it's nice to think to believe that, isn't it? It's often asked to one, you know, in the world that I am engaged in, it's a series of questions and one has driven one on one's knees.
To know how to reply to those dear souls. And they seem to be quite satisfied about this. And I said well.
How did they come back if they were not resurrected?
How did they manage to get back with the laws and the other and the armies? So they seemed to be happy. That's the 14th verse.
I just mentioned that because that question is often asked about the Old Testament Saints. Then they asked, will they be the bride?
And of course, they won't be there. They won't form the blind. They'll be the friends of the bride drops.
I think that's all right, isn't it?
You're a little different here, brethren, You know, you have so many brethren around you, and in the reading meetings you can discuss these matters, but their man is alone with a full crowd of these dear souls. What we're going to say?
So we ask prayer by the Saints concerning the teaching of those men Saints, and they're getting so numerous that they need teaching.
Here you have a wonderful privilege. Think of the privilege, rather than this is of sitting and listening to the unfolding of the Word of God, just in a simple reading feeling. It's a great pleasure.
It's something to cherish.
Not about the first first of the next chapter.
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
Most of everything in the old order.
And so whether it be our position in atoms, or whether it be the power of sin over us.
Death most at all.
You get that in the.
14 first.
Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you're not under the law, but under grace. And so when death comes in, that's the end.
Not an entirely new order.
There's entirely new life.
Not only new birth, but there is regeneration.
Entirely new order of things in which the believer is found. Now it is possible for us.
That the believer has still having the old nature, he may act in it.
And we suffer if we do.
But still this entirely new order.
And there is no excuse.
Or sinning.
We do. It's the action of the will of the old nation.
Because that new man cannot sit.
The old man can.
Art of mine is so subtle that he would even take advantage.
Of such a blessed truth.
As what we had just gone over that were thinner bounded grace did much more about. There were those in Paul's day who were saying.
Well, since grace has abounded over sin, well, let's just keep on sinning.
So graceful, keep on abounding and then as you bring in brother.
Lundeen, The answer to that wretched doctrine is death. How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer? There is, and that introduces a subject of great importance. That is, not only did Christ die for our sins.
On the cross, but we died with it, as our little hymn expresses that Jesus died and we died with him.
Buried in his grave we lay.
Now that is a truth that can be.
Found in other passages as well as the one we're considering. I think it's in Colossians 2 That we get that brought before us.
It says.
In the 21St of that chapter. Wherefore if we begin with with Christ?
See, it's subject of our death with Christ, and then he gives the practical.
Result of that in the third verse. If he then be risen with Christ, that is, not only did I go down in the grave with Christ.
God's army there with Christ when he died.
And as though I was buried with him. But when Christ rose.
Under speaking just for myself, with every believer, we also rose with him. So now we're brought into an entirely new position.
And to think that after we have accepted the death of Christ.
That has a tongue for all our sins that we can just go on now I'm saved. I'll never perish. So I can go on and and live in sin and do as I please. You know that's where the the natural man would carry this blessed doctor.
Used to get a statement the main year to go and it's a little hard to understand that we're hearing. I think it's very insightful, very important.
A lot of trying to put my pins away.
The death of Christ should mean a way, and the cross will try to separate me from this world.
Now I know that takes a bit of thinking, but I believe it does very very helpful and important to state.
Glass on strike with my things away. The death of Christ put me away. Thank God for that. And the prophet's right separates me from this place.
I wonder if it's illustrated perhaps at least the middle state where.
That took place at the River Jordan when the children of Israel went through the River Jordan.
Himself one represented even of those 12 tribes put them down in the bottom of the riverbed and then the water boomer pulled those zones and they will be out of sight to go to the but the pictures end of them as they are there.
Unto this day.
Now that has been such a help to me because for some strange reasons I literally didn't carefully.
And I was of the opinion that one manner of each of the 12 Times put a stone down there in the bottom of the river. The top stone is what John Burke himself alone. And with all those 12 Stones to the bottom of the river. I think how marvelous dog does not tell me tonight to make my 1000 foot myself in such a place. He says I have many for you.
Now the responsibility of the insulin might be to back from the bricks of the river down under that water forever. On the site there's a stone that represents me. I didn't put it there. Doc will put it there for me. Must not have met it there and there on this day.
Tells us where we are and where we now stand.
New creatures inside the.
Your speaking brother Kale of Joshua is a type of Christ and the Lord Jesus has really put us in that position. I never saw that so clearly as the way you brought it out. Thank you for it.
I was just thinking of conversation I had with the man in the General Hospital in Chatham years ago.
We were looking over the river and I was bringing out the gospel to this man.
And he spoke up and said, well, if I believe what you hate, well then I could just go out and sit and go on in the world, do as I please, because you tell me that.
Salvation is by grace and the Christ is done. All the work, only, all that's necessary is to accept Him as a Savior. So just accept Him as a Savior and then go on and do as you please.
I looked at the river, I said. Suppose you are drowning out from that river.
And just as you're going down for the last time, some man rolls out into the river and grabs you and pulls you out and saves your life.
And you're crying that this man is the richest man in terror. And he says, now I want to take care of you. I'll provide for all your needs the rest of your life. I said, would you go around and talk against that man? You knew he didn't like something. That's the very thing you do.
Well, well, said the fellow. I never heard it like that before. Well, that's the whole thing.
Grace has run our hearts to the blessed Lord, so as soon as you have accepted Him and all His blessings finished, work on the cross while then you desire.
To to live a life that's pleasing to him. And as I said to him, you never heard of a man that would treat a friend that not only risked his life, but laid down his life to save you. You never heard of a man that to do everything he could against him and and he used nothing but language that depend.
Well, we find, you know, that that doctrine that Paul is computing here in this festival was a very serious matter.
We find in the third chapter.
In the eighth verse, and not as we be slamlessly reformed, and as some affirm that we say let us do evil that goodly comes. Now what is the comment on that?
Word damnation is just so if anyone.
Pretends to teach a doctrine like that, that you can be saved by grace and go on in sin and do as you please. You couldn't consider that man has saved it all.
And the word of God solemnly condemns him as saying, whose damnation is just.
Yes, I'd like to hear what you say, Brother Bundy.
For many of us, as we're baptized, really not into but unto Jesus.
Christ were baptized unto his death.
Now we're not at home yet. We're not in the perfect state.
The one who takes his place in baptism identifies himself by faith with the Lord Jesus in death and resurrection.
But Scripture teaches us that we have an old nature, otherwise there would be no reason for these expectations at the end of the epistles and so on.
Why would you want to exhort one who did not have an old nature?
And so every believer still has the old nature.
And there's no such thing as a nature being burnt out.
It's condemned and as soon as Jesus comes, we won't have it anymore. But until that time we need all the excitations of Scripture because of what we are and ourselves.
Not when you you read in James Christmas, Rahab the Harvard the still Rahab the harvest. Why? Because we still carry in this world.
The character.
For the world.
An ox different before God.
Before God, we are entirely a new man.
As long as we're here in this world.
There should be that continual exercise of soul before us.
Because there are times when we fail, and that's why we have an advocate who restores our souls, brings us back. No, there's no such thing as that nature being burned out.
That's not the reason why the Force, the first chapter of John and the last chapter addresses Beatrice, Time and son of Jonas.
He was Simon son of Jonas was enough when he said verdict in the last chapter. The Lord said again Simon son of Jonas with his real name was Peter.
Why did you say that the second time half is conversions? I mean it's just reminding.
For Feeder and he still had the same nature after conversion as he did before, and nature which was capable of even denying his law. So in pentacling Peter he called him Simon, son of Jones.
What it says about Rehab the harlot, that when Josh was sent the two young men that went his spies to whom she hid, and who let them down to over the wall, and before the walls of Jericho fell, he sent those young men to take away having all that are in their house out of the Doom City. And it says that.
The took her into the camp from Israel.
There she is under this date that is rehab never went back to her sinful life that she lives in that wicked city of Jericho and we know from Matthew one that she is in the genealogy of the Lord Jesus.
You married a Prince in Israel and.
Her descendants we got.
Who as was her son and for as you know.
Began to root, the more bonus.
How they they found to carry down the family.
That from which the Lord Jesus from.
And I think that's important. Scripture never expects that one that saved from a life of sins is to go on in any major at all. Without light of their unconverted days, the woman of the well of Samaria left her water park. She wasn't going back to that house where she was living with another man. She was done with that light.
That, as brother LON Dean has said, and it's very important, that is, that the old nature is still there. It hasn't been burned out.
In any sense whatever.
Sometimes I'm just a Sinner saved by grace. Brother said that isn't really quite a good expression anymore to use for 1-2 statements. What? What do you say about that? There's a word on that.
Well, I'd like to hear.
He had a difference in talks, just a little bit there.
There may be a weakness in this expression. Just the Sinner things, my grace.
And I never thought about it, so I guess somebody else better answer.
The center satisfied grade.
Rather now.
Her brother stressed the faith center is not right, but a center satisfied race.
It's not the same center, so it's all upper center.
Right into the Romans, when this wretched teaching came up about continuing in sin, that grace may abound. As though he said, what does your baptism mean?
Why? It means that you're dead and buried with Christ. That's the sign of staff too.
Death with Christ, so how can ye that are dead to sin live any longer therein? Now it grows love with friends to get that fear in our minds.
That the Spirit of God definitely tells us that we're dead to sin.
But it never tells us that we're done with the old nature.
Now we need to.
View that subject as God sees it. God sees that I died with Christ and the day everyone who is saved died with Christ. And so the Spirit of God can speak of us as as having died with Christ and he has died out of the old condition we were in in our before we're safe, but now in farther down in the chapter.
The word says licking yourselves.
As the the 11Th verse reckon yourselves.
Reckon ye also yourselves be dead indeed unto sin, and alive unto God.
The old nature was burned out.
So that what it means that dead and have no longer the old nature. He wouldn't need to tell me that.
To reckon myself dead indeed under sin.
I often use an illustration dear Brother Brown used. He said before his conversion that he was.
A man that freaks and says the theaters.
The moving picture show came on later, but he said that walking down the street and passing a moving picture show.
Showing the advertisements there, the signs have been moving. Pictures show attracted him and poor he knew it, he says I was reading that and then there's something inside of me. He says my boy, I didn't see the show.
Well, he says, how do I get delivered? Why say I'm dead to that? Scripture says I'm dead under sin. Does a dead man go in to see a show like that? Well, then he just moves on. Perhaps he's on his way to the prayer meeting and that's where the new nature would go. And so wrecking himself dead to that thing, why he has the victory over it.
Let's not sin, therefore reign in your mortal bodies.
That she should obey it in the master of neither yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness.
Unto sin, but yield yourselves unto God.
As those that are alive from the day that your members have instruments of righteousness.
Unto God, may we look at the chapter in Joshua to illustrate with something, someone, chapter 10.
Of Joshua. Joshua has been mentioned.
In verse 21 to make it short.
All the people returned to the camp, to Joshua and Makita in peace.
Moved his tongue against any of the children of Israel. You'll notice here that there were five enemies.
Defeated by Joshua and his armies, and they're given. The list of them is given in verse 5. King of Hebron, king of Jerusalem, the king of Jamal, the king of Lakis, the king of Eklund, five of these kings.
Well, there are so.
There are kings in our own lives below, in our own life, beloved, the world, the flesh and the devil, and sin itself.
Notice something here that to me is very important.
Notices that these hide away, these kings hide away in The Cave, five of them. And Joshua says in verse 22, open the mouth of The Cave and bring out those 5 kings unto me out of The Cave. And they did so and brought forth those 5 kings unto him out of The Cave, The king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebrew, the king of the king of Lakisha, the king of Ignore. And it came to pass when they brought out those kings unto Joshua.
That Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and said unto the captains of the men of war which went with him, Come near.
Put your feet upon the necks of those kings, and they came near, and put their feet upon the necks of them.
This was indeed a signal that they were defeated.
Now these 5 kings in our own lives have been defeated, beloved by that heavenly Joshua, the devil, the world, the flesh, the devil.
Sin and self, one of the the largest of the.
They have been defeated. The key, the armies, the officers of the army didn't kill these men, but Joshua flew them.
Sin shall not have dominion over you. I think it's a beautiful picture here in the heavenly. Joshua has dealt with them all, and he slain them all below.
And so here we have in Romans 6.
Let not sin therefore reign in your normal body. They are all slaves.
And we are to reckon ourselves dead indeed unto sin, and alive unto God.
It wasn't. The capitalist army didn't slay them at all. It's Joshua.
And Heavenly Joshua has done the work. Oh, it's a great victory for a believer once he knows that.
These terrible kings in our lives, which still remain in that old nature.
And worry us so much.
Joshua, the heavenly Joshua, has slain them all below.
Slain them all on the cross of Calvary. What a wonderful savior we have.
They have all 5.
They also remain there. That's right.
It came. I say this, that in connection with nature.
We mustn't confuse that old evil nature with what people speak of as nature or the creation.
There is such a thing as going too far.
Two men were riding along and one said, isn't that a beautiful sight? He said. I don't look at that, he said. I'm dead to those things.
A little while later, the other brother spoke to him and and.
He said. He said I don't talk to dancing.
And we must be confused the two thoughts There's such a thing as a evil, wicked nature in US.
But there is such a thing as God giving us all things richly to enjoy down here in nature. We mustn't confuse the two.
May we sing #318.
O Lamb of God, still keep us.
Oh love of God.
So I love your life.