Romans 8:22-25

Duration: 1hr 22min
Romans 8:22‑25
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General Meetings Wheaton, August 1973. Second reading meeting.
If the brothers feel is the mind of the Lord.
Could we could we take up the last half of the 8th of Romans?
Could I suggest that we begin reading at the 22nd birth?
Romans 8.
Romans chapter 8.
Verse 22.
For we know that the whole creation groaners, and travaileth and pain together until now.
But not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit.
Even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the reduction of our body.
For we are saved by hope.
The hope that is seen as not hope.
For what a man seeth, why does he yet hope for?
But if we hope for that we see not, then do we, with patience, wait for us.
Likewise, the Spirit also help with our impermitting.
For we know not what we should pray for as we ought.
But the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groaning, which cannot be uttered.
Neither search of the heart knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he makes intersection for the Saints according to the will of God.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.
To them who were the called according to his purpose?
For whom he did for know, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the first born among many brethren.
Moreover, booming did predestinate. Let me also call.
Until we call them he also justified.
And whom he justified, them he also glorified.
What shall we then say to these things?
Give God before us who can be against us.
He thus beareth not his own son, but delivered him up for us all.
Partially not with him also free to give us all things.
Crucially, anything to the charge of God's elect, it is God that justifies it.
Who is he the condemn? It is Christ that died me rather than his risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
Who is your separate us and the love of Christ?
Your tribulation.
Artist graphs or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril or sword.
As it is written, for thy sake, we are killed all the day long.
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
Now in all these things we are more than conquerors to him that loved us.
Before I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers.
Northeast, present N things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Help us think if we were singing that hymn just now.
About Esco Grace.
The story tale of where thy path does lead.
Now, Esco grapes would suggest the joys that the believer has.
And remember, the spies brought the bunch of grapes from Esco.
As a witness of that good land.
Now we have the spirit here mentioned in this chapter.
In the 23rd verse.
Which have the first fruits of the spirit.
Esco is situated on a river called or a brook called Besor. It means glad tidings.
And it leads to the place of memory in Hebrew, a place of Vadnais.
And it's the IT was the object of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob to reach Hebron.
And we find that, I believe it's recorded that Sarah died in Hebron.
Well, it's it's a lovely picture in that him we were just singing.
And as was suggested the other day, there was a tremendous change took place at Pentecost.
There God begins to open to the believer, the Spirit having come down.
The precious truth that the Lord Jesus was not free to bring to his disciples until he went on high and sent the Spirit.
And those are the truths that have to do with the inner man. We get them open to us in Ephesians.
The third chapter, that is.
That Christ might dwell in your hearts by faith.
Rooted and grounded.
So on it's that which as Paul suggested in this ministry.
We know no man after the flags. We don't know Christ after the flags.
No, there's something new come in.
That doesn't mean that when he met Peter, he didn't recognize Peter as a man down here.
But he meant there were an entirely new relationships, new joys that did not belong to this world, that this world will never know.
And so when the spirit came down.
In the 16th of John, the Lord could say it's expedient for you that I go away.
So that it might be now by faith.
And you and I might enter into these rich provisions.
That escalates. Great. Speak up on the way to Mamre in the place of Baptist.
Our farmers presented that two months brief information call which was brought as the proof of the fruit of the promised land.
It took two men to carry that, if it could have been that Joshua Taylor carried that bunch of.
Jake should Good fruit of the land.
For after all we know.
That they were the two who gave a true and a good report of what they had seen, and assured the people that they were well able to go up and possess the land.
Whereas the last 10 who were filled with unbelief and only looked at things.
In view of the giants they saw were there.
Which, in comparison, they looked like grasshoppers. They saw only the Johnson, their weakness.
Instead of fully trusting the Lord.
But isn't that wonderful that.
Joshua and Caleb went on with.
The with the nation.
All their sad to wandering because of their unbelief.
Or because of their unbelief, they had to spend 40 years.
In the wilderness.
Barreling up and down the desert sands.
And yet, Joshua and Caleb didn't desert the nation. They went on with the nation.
Until God came in and delivering grace.
In fact, we know that Caleb and Joshua were the only two.
That didn't stare and die in the wilderness of all that unbelieving generation.
And you can correct me, Brother Bundin, if I'm not right. I think that Caleb took possession of Hebron, didn't he, as his inheritance after all those wanderings?
And isn't there a lesson for us, beloved, not to get offended or discouraged? Because some of the ways of our presence, there is a tendency to just give up and say, well, I can't go on with those people.
And they're so careless and maybe say there's evil among them.
Well, when the enemy gets to working, everything looks like giants, you know, to discourage. But we need to go on and tread the desert with our brethren, even if there is that state of things that.
Is the result the truth of unbelief? We need to go on with them and not give up the testimony the Lord has raised up.
In these closing days.
This part of Romans we have the Spirit.
Brought before us as the power.
In the believers life, he's the person indwelling as the power of that new life.
And so we have various things mentioned in which.
He helps.
And also as it says later.
We have him as an intercessor.
That is, the Lord Jesus is on high as our great High Priest interceding for us.
But we also have the Holy Spirit down here interceding for us.
And it's a wonderful thing, the provision God has made.
For us now, there's another thought connected with the spirit that I think is important.
To notice it may not.
Seem important the moment, but when you think it over, it's Hebrews 10, I believe.
Hebrews 10.
Where are the Holy Ghost? Also is a witness to us.
And so on.
The point I'd like to bring out here is that.
Not only do we have a clear conscience because of what's said in the 9th chapter.
To the blood.
And the fact that we have been set aside for blessing.
Because the Lord Jesus offered himself as a sacrifice.
Not using his own will, but submitting entirely to the will of God, by which will we have been set apart.
But the third thing is the Holy Ghost is witness.
God, this truth should grow on us. It's very important.
It isn't simply brethren that we read scripture.
It's the Holy Spirit that opens it to us or we never get it right.
And we should be dependent always.
Whereas the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us and that's why he came down.
To be that witness to us.
Now in John's Gospel, if you pardon me referring to it just for a moment.
The Lord Jesus told his disciples in the 14th chapters that he was going away and they would be left as orphans.
But he said, The Father will bring all things, will send the Spirit, and he shall bring all things to your remembrance of what I've said unto you.
In the 15th chapter where the spirit of God.
Would come down. He was sent when Christ went on high and took that place of authority.
Now the Spirit would witness and they would also be witnesses.
But in.
16th chapter.
It was expedient.
He says that he goes away.
That the Spirit.
Might come there the Spirit comes himself. He's not saying he comes, He comes from the Father. It's true, but.
In the first instance, the father sends him.
In the second instance.
The son who goes on I sends him and in the 16th chapter.
Where the disciples were under persecution.
He that killeth, you will think he doeth God's service.
Why now? The spirit has come down and he's going to show them heavily things because they lose everything here. And I believe that's the truth that we need today, brethren. We're going to lose everything here, and it's a good thing.
But all that we have in Christ, and how important it is that we have, what are in the enjoyment of this chapter that's been brought before us, because it's the power of the Spirit of God that takes us into heavenly things.
Now in the verses that come in between in Romans 8.
28th and 29th versus 30th.
The apostle leads on and justice touches on those things that will be revealed later in the other epistles. But he's leading aside, is he not in these verses?
To that which he has on his heart.
That the riches of the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.
I'm sure we all perhaps have noticed that in the first part of the 8th of Romans you have the spirit of life.
Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
But the apostle would not Harris to lose and thought, although the spirit of God.
In the believer produces a life and the character.
And joy and blessing.
That he is a distinct person.
That dwells within us, within us. So when you come to the 16th verse.
To correct any wrong thoughts that could be gathered.
It says the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit. See there is a Holy Spirit.
Have a distinct person.
Dwelling in the believer and that is basically the way, the spirit of God.
Is brought before us.
In these verses and we're now occupied, clearly.
The Spirit of God dwelling in the believers.
A distinct person.
Marvelous, wonderful truth. Consider that God the Holy Spirit.
Comes and 12 in the believer.
When he has accepted the gospel.
So that we're told in Ephesians 4 to breathe not that Holy Spirit of whereby you're sealed under the day of redemption. It is we all never cease to have the Holy Spirit dwelling in US. We can grieve him, and that is where we're to be careful and watchful, and exercise, lest we should allow anything to.
Go on in our lives.
That grave God's Holy Spirit, that divine guest, so that instead of his ministering.
Desire here this this morning the precious things of Christ.
And setting our hopes on the glorious theme ahead. And he'll have to be wrapping at our consciences to lead us to judge things.
That hinder.
The reception and the blessing that God.
Desires for us to be in the enjoyment of.
How we look into his word.
Maybe you'll notice that reading the Gospels, that the first miracle of healing is the cleansing of the leper. That is, so that the believer might be brought into the presence of God clean. There's only one way that God can bless us, and that's with himself.
So the next miracle is that of.
Palsy the Palsy man.
Now that's the man who is absolutely helpless.
He might be clean, but he's helpless.
So he gets deliverance. Thy sins are forgiven me.
Now he's free.
Now in Romans, after the 5th chapter, the Spirit of God takes up the subject of deliverance.
In a very special way, in three chapters.
1St from our position in Adam.
And then?
From the power of sin.
Sin shall not have dominion over you, so on and then for what the law has to say, or sin in the flesh.
But then in the 8th chapter we really get the deliverance.
Now here we get the Spirit of God connected with Deliverance. Here we have the full deliverance in the 8th chapter.
You know, naturally, not only are we bound in our sins before the Lord Jesus puts them away for us, but we're bound with traditions, thoughts, all these things that plague our minds and tie us down, whether it be to a natural world or it be to a religious world.
They're spoken of as grave clothes, I believe the religious line of things.
Now the Spirit of God is a person. He dwells within us, and in this 8th chapter His work is to set us free entirely from everything, even the great clothes. Now you may use the brethren to do it, but it's through the Word and when the Lord Jesus said.
At the raising of Lazarus.
Lose him and let him go. He did not remove the grave clothes, but he.
He left that for their brethren to take care of, and I believe it's a it's a wonderful thing.
Is that each one of us be helpers in the truth, one to another.
The various thoughts that are brought forth not only in the ratings but in between the meetings.
To be a real help in this way the removing of anything.
That ties us down Here in the eighth of Romans we have.
Full deliverance even to the deliverance of the creation in the millennial day, which is spoken of in the first verse that we read.
I was singing, Brother, I'm Dean, that you were saying the first miracle was the miracle of the bending of the leopard.
Perhaps that's true in one gospel, but I think especially in Mark.
You find the first miracle was when the Lord went into the synagogue.
And and cast out the devil, out of the man that was making such a disturbance, crying out as to who the Lord was. So really that has to come first. Doesn't it want to deliver from the power of state? And then the next thing is deliverance.
From the Department of Sin and their, as you say, is the.
Call it man.
Deliverance from his helplessness that morally Sims and Romans, isn't it, where the one desires to please God, but he's helpless, crying out. Who shall deliver me from the power of his death?
And he looks away to Christ, and deliverance comes. And then the 8th chapter is the conclusion, and one has seen deliverance, and that is there's therefore now no condemnation to them. For in Christ Jesus, seeing our faith, are standing in him. But I don't want to get off of the carnivals.
8 The Romans where we started.
In the early part of the chapter thinking of the.
This thought, it shows us what God has done with us, doesn't it?
There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. God is wrought, This is what he has done with us, and then we find in the later verses or following that we find.
That God is in me, in the person of the Spirit.
And but that isn't all either. At the end of the chapter we find that God is for us. So this is past, present and future, isn't it?
God's love is the same Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.
So marvelous truth that we have in Romans.
Eight very blessed.
It's always true that the three persons of the Godhead are at work together.
As you have just suggested, the work of Christ, the work of the Spirit, and the work of the Father.
Hebrews 10 would give. It would be the will of the Father.
God, the work of the Son and the witness of the Spirit.
At first you quoted or read is very felt their assistance.
Or whereas the Holy Ghost witnesses.
I was noticing when you're reading.
That in the 22nd verse we get.
We know there and then, then the.
28th verse And we know that all things work together for good for them to love God.
But one would rather tend to depress us to think of the whole creation groaning and prevailing and paying together.
What a sad world we're in.
Sadness enough to break our hearts, and we had hearts to break.
Think while a world of misery and sin has brought this world into this condition of misery and sadness.
But then there's another thing we know.
We know that all things work together for good to them that love God. So in the midst of all the miseries of this creation, God is working out His purposes.
For our good and blessings.
They might wonder, you know, why God has allowed things to go on.
Why his people suffer unrighteousness?
And trials and troubles, king of our dear brother being taken.
Hard to understand, you know, but in the midst of this ruined crease, God is working out his highest, his most intravenous purposes.
Well, God has allowed Satan to continue here and to molest God's people.
And it will not be till after the tribulation.
And the Angel comes down and takes that old serpent and casts him into the bottomless pit. And God is through, but he has a loud connection with Satan. Then he will dispose of it.
So even the fact that Satan is a God and Prince of this world.
Is used in connection with the establishing of God's people if we had nothing to resist.
Our Christian characters would not be developed, would they?
Brother Martin used to say that.
A calm sea never made a good sailor. It's the storm.
It's those highways.
That make the sailor.
A man that can wither, go through the storms and direct the ship on his course.
So God is allowing all these sorrows and troubles and allowing us to live in a world of misery.
Because he has the most exalted purpose in view to prepare us, to train us, to educate us.
For not just to get us to heaven, but for a capacity to enjoy the things that He has prepared for them, that love him.
I suppose there was not of the servants of the Lord for any of his people who went through as much as the Apostle Paul went to school.
And yet he has given us much to encourage us thinking of what we have, and we've been reminded of it from time to time, what we have in Second Corinthians.
In chapter 6.
He gives the account of the difficulties which he experienced both from the elements and from ungodly men.
Then in the 10th verse of 2nd Corinthians 6.
He tells us.
How sorrowful.
Yet always rejoicing.
Ask for yet making many rich as having nothing.
And yet possessing all things.
And then in the next chapter.
The middle of the fourth verse.
I am filled with comfort.
I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation.
Then again, in the next chapter speaks of the churches of Macedonia who are going to persecution.
And he says in the second verse of the 8th chapter, Howard, in a great trial of affliction, the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded under the richest of their liberality.
How wonderful it is that the trials down here in this world, no matter what they are.
Such a glory before.
And how wonderful it is to know that it will not be long.
You'll be going to be rid.
Of this poor groaning creation.
We never.
Ourselves bring together.
A trial of affections and abundance of joy.
It shows that God's wisdom is so beyond.
Feeble apprehension of man.
Trials and afflictions can be the means rather than successor. Abundance of things down here to produce the deepest joy in the hearts of His people.
You're wrong. Do we not? Is seeking?
To go to the extreme of making ourselves comfortable here in this world.
It it only shows where our hearts are if we do this.
That John Wesley who did not have the truth that many have here.
Should say blessed with the score of finite good, my soul is lightened of its load and seeks the things about.
And as you have said, it's in the privations and trials and testings that the soul is weaned from these things which our eyes see in our hands handle.
And we get into those things which belong to the inner man.
Christ dwelling in the heart by faith, and that's what we should desire.
Not, not that we should surround ourselves with difficulties. That's not the thought. But nor should we seek.
To make our path easy.
And I think, Carol, we should not just deliberately try to deny ourselves comforts that God in his mercy.
Provides so that we can have our homes.
And comfort, so that perhaps we could better enjoy his work, belong in his service. We're speaking about Brother Dunlop. He carried things almost to legality.
He was taking a trip one time.
To from Chicago to Minneapolis and.
His wife. There are people old people insisted on sitting up all night.
Brother Carter admonished them. He said you should get a burden first Spring so high in those days. No, he said. My Lord didn't have any comforts like that. But, said Brother Carter, when he was the Lord was asleep on the ship, his head was on a pillow, so the Lord doesn't deny himself.
Opportunity to rest in comfort when he was on the stormy sea.
So we have to be careful not just to fall into legality like some monks in order to make themselves as uncomfortable as possible and think that spiritual.
We accept things that the Lord provides, but if we get occupied with those things and try to.
To to just settle down to a life of ease, We can soon neglect the things of the Lord. That's always our danger.
And we need to keep a happy balance and.
The pathway.
And Philippians chapter 4.
Apostle Paul says of himself the middle of verse 11.
I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content.
I know both how to be abased and I know how to abound.
Everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry.
Both to abound and to suffer need.
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
Doctor Pink, Brother Smith said perhaps it was a greater lesson for Paul to learn how to abound than it was to learn how to suffer need because.
It's very wrong that when we are bound that our hearts get cold and neglectful of the things of the Lord.
Never talking to brother close when I was young man, what I do if I had $1,000,000.
I thought I could do a lot of good with it. Brother clothes looked very solid, he said. I know what I do. If I had $1,000,000. He said I'd go and make a perfect fool out of myself.
Well, the dear brother realized that.
He wasn't prepared to abound.
So there is that two sides of things.
Know how to evolve. That's very important to not get our hearts carried away with the ease and conveniences and luxuries of this life.
And then?
Times of scarcity and losses, troubles come. Know how to accept those trials and those losses as permitted, and sentence the Lord for the blessing of our souls.
Paul said that when he was old.
Say that when he was young, that I learned.
We're here to learn today, but Paul was at the end of his course and he could say I have learned.
And he was an apostle and has been a special vessel to.
Go through these sufferings as an example.
And a pattern for those who afterwards should walk the path of faith, as he says in Timothy.
I take it that it's by our bodies that we are connected with a groaning creation.
I was thinking of the 11Th chapter of John Brethren. How there at the the case of Lazarus?
Mary found out as a result of an instance of a groaning creation. She found out something of the compassion of the heart of her blessed Savior. If Lazarus had never died, she would never have known what it was to see the Lord Jesus grown in spirit, and she would never have known what it was to see if we.
He was entering into the sorrows that sin had brought into the world, even though He knew that He was shortly going to raise minders from the dead. And so we find in our chapter here that ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves grow within ourselves. Well in doing so, as it were. Is it right, brother, to say we're having fellowship with our blessed Savior, For He grown? He groaned in spirit to see all that sin had brought in.
But at the same time, he wept, and Mary found out in that trial the love and the compassion of the heart of the Lord for her and for her sister. And so it is that Wendy's things happen that show us that we are partakers of us, groaning creation, connected with it by these bodies of humiliation. At the same time, we're learning the compassion and the love of the Savior's heart in those very circumstances.
This is a wonderful being is indeed, in one way, as you say, he is connected by these bodies with a groaning creation. In another way, he's connected with a new creation.
Which Christ is a head in glory?
The first fruits Love new creation.
Which will be very displayed in the coming days when Christ is raiding and has His place. Then we'll have a special place of nearness to him as that part of that new creation.
Glory that he picked up in this scene and rescued from this world of sin.
It's easy for us, isn't it, to look out on the world around and acknowledge the truth of the.
Of that verse we know that the whole creation grown up and travaileth in pain together until now. We know this, we acknowledge, we see it around. But.
The the rest of that it says not only they, but ourselves also.
And so we're subject to these things too, aren't we?
I know I can speak from my own in my for my own soul, that sometimes when these things come, I I I feel it. I I realize that I'm not the I don't have the faith that I should have. But this is one of the we knows of Scripture, isn't it? We know that it says not only they, but we ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit. We're still in the body. We haven't been delivered yet.
We do have the spirit of God that links us to glory, but we do have the body that is linked to the earth down here and the old creation. But how nice to know that we have this assurance. He's told us this. Even we ourselves grown within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. We have the redemption of our souls. We can rejoice in it. And we wait for the redemption of our bodies, don't we? And we realize.
That as the trials come, we see the groanings that we are in the body yet.
But what assurances we have in this lovely chapter that it's not only there's no condemnation to the believer and there's no separation at the end of the chapter, but here he assures us by the indwelling spirit of God that the God is for us and this is one of the things we know.
What is your thought, brother? Well, you just mentioned it, haven't you?
That the Spirit is indwelling the believer.
But we don't have our bodies, Gloria, do we? So we have the first fruit.
Talking about that hardness of the Spirit, isn't it?
We have the feeling of the spirit which is for safety and security.
We have the anointing of the spirit which is for power.
And we have the earnest of the spirit which is for enjoyment.
And that is the point here, isn't it? Already have the first fruits of the spirit for when we get?
To glory and are in the Father's house. The same Holy Spirit that has indwelled us down here will be the same Holy Spirit that will indwell us in that scene of glory where we'll be in our glorified bodies. But it will be the same blessed Holy Spirit.
Although there will be none of the infirmities and limitations that we have connected with this present life.
And that's why it says, Brother Mary, that we're saved.
Seems to me that.
This verse? This 24th verse.
The word should be in instead of by, Shouldn't it say in whole? Now that's connected, is it not, with the earnest of the spirit, the present enjoyment of that hope, Beloved?
Is what saves us through this world on our way home.
It isn't a favorable circumstances in which were found. In fact, they may be a hindrance, but it's this hope.
Now we have 1 hope, we're told in Ephesians 1. Hope. Well, that's to see our blessed Savior. He's coming for us, but we're saved in hope as the Spirit is free.
To take of the precious things of Christ.
And reveal them to us.
That Christ might dwell in our hearts by faith. It's the blessed hope of all that's coming. We have it now. By faith we enjoy it, but it's the earnest of the Spirit.
Rather tracking here that it says.
Now waiting for the adoption.
With the redemption of our bodies, well, we all know something of the meaning of adoption.
An orphan child is adopted into a whole.
Taken from an orphan home perhaps?
Where there's nothing of a whole life that the child.
Longs for, prays for.
Longs to have a mother, loves to have a father.
Where he will see his adopted into a form of abundance and plenty.
Where you have.
A father and a mother's love. What a complete and absolute change that is in the life of that little weight.
Well, now that part is introduced here, we're waiting for the adoption that is to be brought into an entirely new scene where everything will just be according to the desires, delights of the new nature which we already possess.
We're waiting for that adoption to be taken out of this world of suffering and sorrow and heartaches.
Be with and like Christ in his glory, and then he speaks out the redemption of the body which.
Will be necessary in order that that adoption might take place.
We know that we're our souls are already saved.
Everyone here, young and old, is fully aware of that, for Peter tells us that.
Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your soul.
Nice for these boys and girls if they have just accepted the Lord Jesus has a personal savior.
Their souls are just as much saved at this moment as they ever will be in heaven.
But as you look over this company, you see many evidences that we're not going to stay here forever.
That we're in temporal bodies.
Our bodies are not yet redeemed.
But there's a lovely person. I think it's in the 13th of Romans.
Perhaps I find them wrong when I turn to it.
13 For the Romans, if I remember rightly.
It has a.
The 11Th verse, and that knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we believe.
Well, if we don't understand about our soul, we'd be confused.
But that question is settled.
So that we see that salvation is used in different ways. Peter used it in that verse referred to as the soul.
Paul and the 13th of Romans is using the same word in connection with the body.
Brother HG Hale used to say we're only half saved.
He meant by that that our souls are saved, but our bodies are not yet saved.
And that is a grand part, isn't it?
And when we remember that when man failed, he fell bodies, soul and spirit. And when God provides a remedy, he doesn't provide a remedy that short of man's needs.
If the body was to go back to the grave, go to the grave into corruption.
The work of Christ would not be a perfect work.
It wouldn't meet for our complete fallen state of ruined man, but it is a perfect work and it must take in the body as well as the soul.
And the moment the Lord gives the shout in the air.
That salvation will take place.
Nice to have these things, although well known.
To so many in the Philippians 3.
Where you get the part of the.
Salvation of the body.
20th 1St I'll read this as it is in a better translation.
For our citizenship or man of life.
Is in the heaven.
Heaven, from whence also we look for the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.
That's for far the better translation.
Who shall change our body of humiliation?
It may be fashioned like unto his body of glory, according to the working, whereby is able even who should do all things unto himself.
Jesus Christ as Savior. That is, when the Lord comes out of heaven with a shout and the voice of the Archangel. He comes as a savior to save these poor bodies and also to save His people.
Out of a world of sin and misery.
And all the temptations that surround him to set them free from every hindrance.
That belongs to this present seat.
And then he changes.
These were bodies, and we get it in First Corinthians 1551 That it's all in the twinkling of an eye, one moment in bodies of humiliation, the next moment in bodies of glory.
I like their answer, Brother Clifford Brown. I've heard him give at different times.
As to the objection that man has raised as tools.
Of the bodies of God. People being brought back after maybe they have been eaten up by sharks.
And have been burned and there's ashes scattered to the four winds.
Oh, let's take those bodies ever be recovered?
Our dear brothers answer is just.
Bound in this 21St verse, and it's just in three words, he.
Is able that settlement.
Oh, we're one sin of Israel is that they limited the God of Israel.
And our poor minds are always trying to limit.
The infinite power of Almighty God.
God is supreme thing of God taking the dust and forming the body of Adam. And men are studying today and just finding a little of the mysteries and wonders of that the human body that we're living in. Yet God could take its informants and all its perfection there after he had.
Brought other.
Creations into existence of any broad landing and look at everything that God has done in perfect business. Man is always spoiling things. God. God's work is always perfect.
Stephen has growing God's creation.
We're in a groaning world, groaning creation.
I was thinking of what we have in the last verses of June.
Looking Keep your beloved, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy.
Of our large.
The one of mercy is going to be when our Lord comes and delivers us from the groaning creation.
We will have the redemption of our bodies.
Now what a glorious thing is going to be. Then, as we get in Revelation 21, all these former things will have passed away.
And there you did you speak. Our brother Smith is the he's taking half the terrible apostasy of Christendom.
And it's not to break ones heart to think that what God has set up as a testimony for Christ in this world becomes corrupt and.
Seducers and men of evil minds get a place.
Well, it's not only to be delivered, as you say, from all this growing creation, but from that apostrophe.
That we see increasing on every side as solemn, isn't it to think of. And so the only way Jude can speak of the coming of the Lord is after mercy, to take us out of this condition of things as it rifles for the sickle of God's judgment.
I was thinking that it might be well, just to mention.
In connection with the body here.
It's only the believer.
That is able.
To control the body, Paul says in the 9th chapter of First Princess, I believe.
I keep my body under.
And in an earlier chapter, he says to glorify God in your body.
The rest of the verse possibly is changing but to glorify God in your body.
Is the Lawrence now?
In Colossians 3, we learned that.
It's only one who has a new nature.
That is able.
To do this to mortify his members.
Here. And so that I believe it's something we should notice as we speak of this, that as long as we're here in this world.
Our bodies which give expression to what we are and what we think and so on.
Where to glorify God in our bodies?
And the day is coming when there will be no more hindrances. But because the Spirit indwells us, we have the power.
He's given us the power whereby we might glorify God in our bodies and if we fail.
Then we have that privilege of going.
And the Holy Spirit working in our hearts to restore us too.
And to bring us back into the good of this position, so that the believer is responsible, is he not here connection. That is, the new man is responsible in connection with his body to glorify God as long as he's here.
I've noticed that reporting that first in Philippians 3 instead of.
Your fire bodies, your body of humiliation.
That one of the.
Benefits we have from a better translation.
That God never speaks of the human body as something viral.
It is a body of humiliation.
Because what sin has brought in the scene. But we need to remember too, that first. I believe it's been.
Isn't it First Corinthians 6 where your bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in you? Just think of the importance given there. So when Steven was was married.
His spirit had already gone to be with the Lord.
Where he says Lord Jesus received my spirit. When he said this, he fell asleep.
The development carried season to his burial and made great lamentations over him And run. The Lord speaks to his disciples about Moses, He says, Let us go on to him. Well, he was talking about his body.
I think what you say, brother London, is very important.
It caused real deep exercise.
With us each one.
To use our bodies for the glory of Christ.
We need to remember, too.
Our bodies are the handy work of God.
Not well rendered to her consultant. How can the 11Th of John when Martha mentioned that corruption had already set in in connection with Lazarus?
That the Lord said to her, If thou believe us, thou shalt see the glory of God.
The wisdom of mine says you show it to me and I'll believe it, but the wisdom of God says you believe it and I'll show it to you. And so we find here that when it's bits of hope I have heard it deep and find the hope that we find in the word as deferred certainty, that is, that there is no question raised as to whether it is ultimately going to come to pass. We are saved in hope. We haven't seen the end yet.
We have a promise of God, and having a promise of God, it becomes a deferred certainty. We believe, and God says, I will one day shortly.
Now the scriptural definition is hope, which is as an anchor of the soul, both shore and steadfast. Well, you couldn't get anything firmer than such an anchor as that.
So as you say.
Hope never suggests in Scripture the idea that there's some uncertainty about like we say, well.
I hope we'll be all here tomorrow. Well, there's an uncertainty suggested in that.
So when it says we're saved, Brother Landing called our attention to the right word we're saved in.
Oh, oh, there's a group of people.
That made that.
As connected with salvation, remember.
Remember hearing a preacher talking at the funeral of the lady? She was a child of God, he's told the family. We have a hope, he said, that your mother's in heaven.
*******. There was some uncertainty about it, and he spoke of it as a blessing. Hope. Well, I was just a child, but I thought, I can't see anything blessed in a uncertainty like that, as though she might be and she might not be in heaven.
But the real form of meaning is when we're saved, we have this positive, open assurance that someday we're being our glorified bodies.
Perhaps this is the digression, but our brother Verduns mentioned the 11Th of John.
And in that chapter we have in the 34th verse.
Come and see.
I just thought of this.
As the words of man to the Savior.
Come and see, What did he see?
He saw the grave.
Death, but in the first chapter.
He invites them to come and see.
And that's what we've been Speaking of today, you notice in the first chapter of John.
In the.
39 First they asked, Master, where dwellest thou?
His answer is come and see.
Well, that's what we want this morning. We want to know where he dwells. We want to know more about it. And that's the words of the blessed Savior. And all that man can show down here is a grave.
But he has something for us in this chapter in Romans which lifts us to the place of full deliverance in his presence and with God for us. Thinking that verse mentioned in Hebrews, the Christ is entered there, the anchor as an anchor of the soul which hope we have. It's it's there and Christ is there.
He's the anchor tasked within the veil. I thinking of that verse in Colossians where we get it in connection with the, he says in the in Colossians one and verse.
27 To whom God would make known, what are the riches of the glory of this mystery in among the nations, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory? Well, here we have the connection, don't we?
Christ has already cast. He's within the veil, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul. But where is the anchor fastened? It's fastened to those of us down here, those who have believed. It doesn't say Christ in you, the hope of salvation. It's Christ in you, the hope of glory.
That which is ahead hope of glory. Sure thing is it the anchors cast? Christ is within the veil and they hope. And there we have the connection here too, Christ in you the hope of glory.
Great blessing.
Nice, nice look at a verse or two in the first chapter. First Peter.
This chapter was brought to mind when the reference was made to the the salvation of our souls. But I believe you also get the other salvation referred to here and also reference to the hope we have in the third verse speaks first Peter 1/3.
We got to have begotten us again, and should read, I believe, unto a living hope. We have a living hope.
For the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and it goes on to say to an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, that sadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.
This inheritance is reserved for us, but we are also kept for it who are kept by the power of God through faith.
Unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.
Collapse of salvation referring to still future, is it not so? Peter brings in full salvation as to the body and then in verse 9 as to the goal and as to the hope we've been Speaking of all, we have a living hope.
That way you greatly rejoice, but you notice brother rule, let's say go out where the person of Christ comes.
Before the soul.
Having the eight first, whom having not seen ye love, and whom, though now you see him not yet believing, he rejoice.
With joy, unspeakable and full of glory, when the inheritance and the.
Hope before us of that salvation of the body.
We greatly rejoice in that, but when the person of Christ is before the soul, it's joy unspeakable and full of glory.
That's nice.
Two thoughts connected with redemption that it's good to bear in mind as we think of the body.
Being delivered.
And that is not only are we bought.
But we are set free.
Remember that the radical sun was not only given a rope, but yet he was given sandals or shoes on his feet. Well, that would suggest the full liberty would not of the father's house.
When he's at home, there's full liberty. Now that's connected with our hope. It's connected with the redemption of the body.
All the restrictions that we have now.
They'll be gone, we'll be set free, we'll be at home in an element that we're fitted for.
And the Lord is bringing, the Spirit is bringing Christ before us now, so that our hearts will be set free from everything else, so we'll be at full liberty. And that's the purpose, I believe, is the Spirit of God gathering us together.
That our hearts might be set free from the many things that would attract them.
All the word patience is mentioned here.
I believe it's in Romans, isn't it? That it's through tribulation. Patience comes.
That goes along with what we've been saying that.
God allows in our pathway that which would bring us up short at times.
And give us to feel.
The the the rigors of the path that leads to the glory.
So that we will appreciate.
What we have at the end of the road, it's like the labor who's been working all day. He enjoys the rest.
Is that just the opposite all day? And he enjoys the rest. So as we pass through the trials of this light, what a relief it's going to be in that day if we think of just that.
But of course, the purpose of the Spirit of God is to give us an object here to be occupied with.
Thinking of the other translation on that verse you mentioned, Brother London.
It says, but if what we see not, we hope.
We expect in patients it's positive, isn't it?
If what we see, we hope.
But if what we see not, we hope, that is, we don't see, we hope, we expect impatience.
Positive. There's no question about that for the believer.
The Spirit of God would teach us by these thoughts.
That we need not only to keep our faith.
And a healthy.
Normal condition that we need to keep the hope.
In a happy condition too, that is, to keep that hope.
Greatly before the soul. I think you'll get something of that in the 12Th chapter, Hebrews.
Nor the 10th after Hebrews.
In the 22nd verse, let us draw near with a true heart.
And full assurance of faith, well there is faith in exercise.
The 23rd verse has let us pull past the profession. Now read that as it is in the better translation. 23rd verse that is full fast, the perfection of our hope without wavering.
The God is faithful and promised. Then we get in the next verse, and let us consider one another to provoke on the love and to good works, the three characteristics of the Christian life, as you gather from the 13th chapter of First Corinthians his faith, hope, and love.
They're brought together in a number of places.
Quite strikingly, there faith, folk and love.
And they hope there that is hold fast the proficient of our hope. That is, we say we're Christians on our way to heaven.
Well, do we make it clear to others? Something like those in the days of Abraham?
It tells us.
Well, I better read it there in the 11Th of Hebrews.
It says.
The 14 first for they that say such thing Hebrews 11/14.
Declare plainly that they seek a country.
And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence he came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. But now they desire a better country.
That is in heavenly well, you see, there was no question or doubt as to Abraham's leaving.
The land of the counties behind.
Declared plainly.
That he saw another country.
Well, in the profession of our hope, do we make it very clear to those about us that we've got something better?
Than what this world offers. I suppose it's something like Brother Heaney. I'm told that when somebody asked him he's going to the exposition. He said if you knew what an exposition was before my soul, he said you wouldn't ask me such a question. Well.
He had the hopes definitely before his soul, so that things around, things there was a world. Prizes and advertisers make problems where they they didn't mean anything to him. Well, we need to make it very clear in our everyday lives that we really belong to heaven, that we're heavenly people.
And we're on our way to our father's house.
I would like.