Romans 8: April 2007

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
This chapter is the mountaintop of the epistle. Here we see the believer in Christ Jesus as free from all condemnation, free from the law of sin and death, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. As we walk day by day, led by the Spirit, we will fulfill the righteousness of the law without being under it. Our object will be to please the Lord, not to keep the law. But if a person does not know the Lord, he doesn’t have the Spirit of God indwelling him. As children of God, we are not promised an easy path through this world. We may be called upon to suffer as a Christian. The Apostle Paul suffered much for the Lord. His evaluation of present sufferings was that they were as nothing compared to the glory that is ahead. How this should encourage us as we go on through life! The Lord loves us, the Spirit makes intercession for us, and all things are working together for good for them that love God. Not only that, but the Lord Jesus Christ is on high making intercession on our behalf. Without all these resources, none of us would make it through this world for God’s glory. We are only “kept by the power of God” (1 Peter 1:55Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. (1 Peter 1:5)).
1. What will be fulfilled if we ____________ not after the flesh, but after the Spirit? Romans 8:___
2. If a person does not ____________ the Spirit, does he belong to Christ?
Romans 8:___
3. To what are the ____________ of this present time not worthy to be compared? Romans 8:___
4. How are things working ____________ for them that love God?
Romans 8:___
5. In verses 26-27, the Spirit makes intercession for us. Who is at the right hand of God also making ____________ for us? Romans 8:___