Saviour: April 2002

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
The best thing in life that you can do is receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your own Saviour. Many know that He is the Saviour, but they have never believed on Him as their own personal Saviour. A person who feels he can swim to shore doesn’t want a lifeguard, and they who think they are good enough do not feel that they need the Saviour. The angel told Mary to name her son “Jesus,” which means “Saviour,” for He would save His people from their sins. Are you one of His people? Confess your sins to Him and receive Him as your Saviour, and you will be one of His people.
1. What did the apostles see and testify about the Father? 1 John 4:___
2. The Lord said, “They are My people, children that will not lie.” Then what did He become to them? Isaiah 63:___
3. How is God described after His love and kindness toward man appeared?
Titus 3:___
4. When Mary rejoiced in spirit, how did she address God? Luke 1:___
5. The angel said that someone was born that day in the city of David. Who was it? Luke 2:___