Seasoned With Salt: Leviticus 2:11-16

Narrator: Ivona Gentwo
Duration: 4min
Leviticus 2:11‑16  •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 8
We were noticing that there was to be no honey in the offerings to the Lord, and we would just like to add a few words more about this. Natural affection is like the honey, too, and though quite right and proper in its place, it has no part in the offerings to God, for it is not the fruit of the Spirit. We must not, however, set aside natural relationships, for God has established them, but let us always remember that they are not acceptable to God in sacrifices. All honey was to be excluded from the sacrifices.
Salt’s Preserving Place
Then there was something which was to be included in every sacrifice. It was salt. If you or I had been making the choice, we would have chosen honey rather than salt, but then God’s thoughts are not ours; we will always find that we must put aside our thoughts to get God’s. Salt was commonly used to preserve or keep things in those days, and it would typify to us the fact that everything connected with the life and death of the Lord Jesus will be preserved to God’s glory. The remembrance and the blessings which flow from them will abide eternally. All these sacrifices typified Christ, and surely both now and forever we shall remember and rejoice in the fruit of what He has accomplished. The perfect grace in Him was always “seasoned with salt” and will be preserved, but with us there is so much of self connected with even our “holy things,” and the grace in us is not always “seasoned” as it should be so as to abide for God’s glory. In everything we say, in all our contacts with others, saved or unsaved, may we leave with each one something that will abide for God’s glory. It may sting a little, as salt does, and so sometimes because of this, and to escape the world’s scorn, we do not confess the Lord. We may perhaps show the grace of Christ, but a little word or a gospel tract may, like the salt, remain and be preserved, being fruit for eternity; or a little word spoken to a fellow believer may bring lasting blessing to his soul. This is what it means by “let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man” (Colossians 4:66Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. (Colossians 4:6)).
A portion of the meat offering was to be the food of the priests, and now all believers are priests (1 Peter 2:55Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:5)). If we are entering into and enjoying this place and privilege, we will be found feeding upon Christ in our souls. We will find in His perfect, spotless life as man that which comforts, strengthens, and encourages us in our pathway through this wilderness scene. Let us learn to meditate upon Him more in all the loveliness of His perfect walk here below.
A Man in the Glory
When the firstfruits were offered, they were to be green corn dried by the fire and beaten out. Then oil and frankincense were put upon it. This would remind us of the Lord Jesus in resurrection now wearing our nature on the throne. He is a perfect man in the glory — this same Jesus, the One who died for us. He was quickened by the Spirit (the oil) after He, like the corn of wheat, had fallen into the ground and died. (John 12:2424Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. (John 12:24)). Now He is in the glory, and what grace, what loveliness, and excellence shine in His blessed face, like the fragrance of the frankincense. How we delight to think of Him as the true Firstfruits, enjoying in this way the very things that delight the heart of God Himself — blessed portion indeed!
For Further Meditation
1. What does salt represent in Scripture?
2. Have you ever felt pressured to avoid rejection or scorn from others by hiding your love for the Lord Jesus Christ? What is the result? What does He promise to those who are rejected by others for His sake?
3. You can learn a lot more about the meaning of salt in scripture by enjoying the little booklet Salt by C. E. Lunden. It gives a brief and morally healthy antidote for the tendency to look like the world around us.