Separated for Ever.

ALL through life, ever since they were classmates at college, Senator Toombs of Georgia, and George Pierce were fast friends.
The senator was an utterly unconverted man, and lived a godless life. He had, however, married an earnest Christian woman, whom he regarded with feelings akin to veneration.
One day, while visiting at his lovely home, Pierce opened a conversation with his friend on this wise: ―
“Something’s going to happen after a while that will go mighty hard with you, Toombs.”
“What’s that?” asked the senator.
“You and your much-loved wife will be separated.
She’s going to heaven, and you will go to hell.”
“No, that can’t be.”
“Yes, it can be, and it will be unless you repent and seek salvation. You will be separated from her forever.”
Toombs was silent for a few minutes, and then said, “George, I can’t stand that. I could never stand such a thing.”
That conversation resulted in the senators conversion. As a guilty sinner he knelt at the Saviour’s feet, and trusted Him for pardon, and henceforward walked hand in hand with his wife as a companion of her Christian life.
It is a terrible thought that amongst the readers of these lines there may be two sisters, or two brothers, or two dear friends (it may be husband and wife), who are traveling down the stream of life side by side, but who are going to be separated for all eternity because one has been saved through the blood of Christ, and the other still spurns Him and slights His gracious call.
Quite recently, away in Jamaica, three young girls went to fetch some water from the river. The day was warm, the water was clear and sparkling, and they thought they would have a bath. But the current was running very strong at the time, and one of the girls lost her footing and was being carried away. Another of the three went to her aid, but stumbled and fell into the swiftly running stream. Side by side they were being borne down to destruction. Their screams were in vain, for no one was within hearing save their young companion. She, however, though the smallest of the three, bravely jumped into the water, and succeeded in saving the life of one of the girls. The other, alas, was carried away out of reach, and the next morning her dead body was found among the river weeds some hundreds of yards below.
One was lost, the other saved. And thus it may be with two of the readers of this gospel monthly. It may be that one is reading this article aloud, and another is listening. Is one to be lost, and the other saved? Is one to be plucked from the jaws of destruction, and the other to pass on to a sinner’s hell? Christ stands ready to save. It is for you to choose whether you shall be rescued or left to perish.
Be wise and choose Christ for your portion. In choosing Him you choose salvation, joy, peace, and eternal glory; in turning from Him you choose sin, judgment, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth in the outer darkness of despair forever.
His precious blood has lost none of its ancient virtue. He is as mighty to save today as ever He was, and His love is as great as His power. Will you not fly to the arms of infinite love and be safe?
H. P. B.