September 28: A Safe Way on the Pathless Sea

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
AT 14:28{Perhaps it is night in your soul—as dark as ever it can be. It would not be so bad if you could even distinctly see the waves of the troubled sea on which you are tossing. You do not know where you are. All seems vague and uncertain and wretched and confused. And though the Lord Jesus is very near you, though He has come to you, walking on the water, and has said, "It is I, be not afraid," you cannot see Him, and you are not at all sure it is His voice; or if it is, that He is speaking to you. So, of course, you are "troubled." And if, in this trouble, you go on trying to steer and row for yourself, these same waves will prove themselves to be awful realities, and you will be lost in the storm. Do not venture that; but venture out, through the darkness and upon the waves at the bare word of Jesus.
She had spoken of Jesus' wondrous call,
As He trod the waves of Galilee.
They asked, as she gazed from the sunset shore.
“If He walked that water, what would you do?”
Then fell the answer, glad and true,
“If He beckoned me,
I would go to Him on the pathless sea.”