How simple and easy is God’s way of salvation! The person who asks in faith receives; the one who seeks in earnest finds, and the man who knocks has the door thrown open and he enters in. It is all because the Lord Jesus on the cross put away sin by His precious blood, shed there for our cleansing. Jesus has done the work Himself, and we have simply to ask, seek or knock, and heaven’s richest blessings become ours.
Remember that all are sinners and need God’s forgiveness. All have committed, not one, but many sins every day and cannot by themselves blot one of them out of God’s book. God knew how impossible it was for a mere human being to put away his sins, so in His great love to us He gave His only Son to bear our sins on the cross.
But we have to accept this great salvation in simple faith, believing that God always keeps His promise and receive His forgiveness at once. In this simple way Mary Magdalene, Zaccheus, John and many others were saved. Why should you stay outside when you can enter by asking, seeking and knocking?