Sinner, thine's a lost condition,
Guilty too before thy God;
In thy folly thou hast wandered,
Broad the road thy feet have trod.
Death and after death the judgment
Will o'ertake thee like a flood—
Jesus only can avail thee,
Jesus and His precious blood.
Let the story of His goodness
Win its way in thy poor heart;
From the glory He descended,
Here with man to take His part.
Gracious, sinless, onward going,
To the cross with all its shame;
To the judgment and forsaking,
Due to God's most holy name.
Come at once, thy way forsaking,
Own thy sins with all their shame,
Claim God's pardon, full, eternal,
Now believing in His name.
Then with joy thy Lord confessing,
Press thou on, the glory's thine,
Wait His coming, live unto Him,
Let your light thus brightly shine.