When God's Judgment Fell on Egypt

 •  1 min. read
When God's judgment fell on Egypt,
There was weeping everywhere;
For the angel smote the firstborn
Of the people dwelling there.
But some houses God passed over,
As His word had said before,
And death entered not the dwellings
Where the blood was on the door.
Tears and prayers can never save us,
All our works are but in vain,
Lives possessed of purest merits
Cannot cleanse sin's awful stain;
Only by the blood of Jesus,
Who for us the judgment bore,
We can calmly face the future,
When His blood is on the door.
Come, now, trust in Christ the Saviour,
He who died upon the tree;
His atoning blood most precious
There was shed for you and me.
Sheltered by the blood of Jesus,
We are saved forevermore,
Saved from hell and saved for heaven
By the blood upon the door.