So Great Salvation

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 8
My soul, what a precious salvation,
Thy Saviour has purchased for thee!
O yield Him thy heart’s adoration,
For none is so worthy as He.
He sought thee, when thou wast pursuing
The road that leads downward to hell;
Arrested thee, saved thee from ruin,
That thou in His glory might dwell.
O! tell through the breadth of creation,
That Jesus the Saviour has come,
To secure an eternal salvation,
A rest, and a heavenly home.
Tell him that is aged and wrinkled,
Whose locks have grown hoary in sin,
There’s enough in the blood that was sprinkled,
To make full atonement for him.
Tell him that’s grown hard in rebellion,
That Jesus entreats him to come;
Tell also the thoughtless and gay one,
Tell all, that for all there is room.
Yea, tell them, without an exception,
“Whoever believeth shall live,”
Though guilt may have stained every action,
“The blood of the Lamb” cries “forgive.”
It speaks to the conscience that’s troubled,
And tells of forgiveness of sin,
Yea, tells of a pardon that’s doubled,
Of cleansing without and within.
It tells (my soul, hear it with wonder)
That He who could punish for sin,
That He who could crush with His thunder,
Laid down His own life to redeem.
It tells that God’s wrath and just vengeance
(Man’s only desert) fell on Him,
It tells of the sinner made righteous,
That for him was the Just One made sin.
It speaks to the sinner forgiven,
And quells all his deadliest foes,
’Tis seen by his Father in heaven,
And mercy unceasingly flows.
Receive this free mercy, receive it,
No money, no price He demands;
The God of all grace loves to give it,
Accept then the gift at His hands;
And taste of that precious salvation
Which Jesus has bought with His blood,
Yield Him thy heart’s full adoration,
Who only is Saviour and God.