When preaching at C., a message came to me from a young woman staying at L. that she would be glad to see me, So I walked across to that town. Calling at the house indicated, I was welcomed by the young woman, who asked me to come in.
I sat down, and at once she began to explain why she had sent for me, saying,
“You will not know me, but I have often heard of you through your sister, Mrs. P., with whom I was tablemaid for several years. Every now and then you sent gospel books through the post addressed to her and her husband, the doctor. These books are generally thrown into the wastepaper basket. Part of my duties each morning was to empty this basket of its contents, and those books which they cast away as worthless, I valued, kept, and read, and through God’s mercy, they were the means of my conversion. Hearing you were preaching so near, I sent for you, as I felt sure you would be pleased to hear of me. I am housekeeper to a doctor here, and cannot easily get out to attend any meetings, or you may be sure I would have come to hear you.”
Hearing this testimony of God’s grace from her lips caused my heart to rejoice, and you may be sure I thanked God, and took fresh courage to go on with that service, which undoubtedly had His approval, although my relatives failed to appreciate or profit by my efforts.
Unsaved man, woman or child, the fact that God’s servants are still on the earth proclaiming the glad tidings, proves that there is still room for you. God offers you salvation now. Will you accept it freely, freely? Take His offer, take it now and be happy.
Another relative of mine, whom I called upon at his office, after some conversation, pointed to the wastepaper basket, saying,
“Look here, Bob, there is where, all your tracts go.”
A good depot, thought I, there to lie under the eye of God, to be used by Him to some office cleaner, or scavenger or rubbish searcher to their salvation through reading them, whilst the wealthy merchant who despises God’s Word, seeks in vain for happiness in the things of this perishing world.
Let us go on sowing the good seed with fresh courage. God must have His harvest.