Soldiers and Servants.

“A SERVANT of the Lord” —blessed relation! Master, service, treatment, reward; all is good, pure, uplifting, noble. Are we in this service to work, fight, defend, witness, suffer? Is it long? Does it seem hard at times? Never mind! Lift up your eyes — Rest, victory, glory is in sight. “His servants shall see His face.” Come, enlist in Jesus’ service. Many things you may regret. This you would never.
What though you lose a battle or two? You shall not lose all. What though you faint sometimes? You shall not be quite cast down. What though you fall seven times? You shall not be destroyed. Watch against sin, and sin shall not have dominion over you. Resist the devil, and he shall flee from you. Come out boldly from the world, and the world shall be obliged to let you go. You shall find yourself in the end more than conqueror.