The Change That is Greater Than at Death!

WE enter “the Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour” as soon as we yield to the drawings of Christ’s love, and take service under the King. The change then is greater than death.
When we die, we shall change provinces, and go from an outlying colony to the seat of empire, but we shall not change kingdoms. We shall be under the same government, only then we shall be nearer the King and more loyal to Him.
That Change of King
is the real fitness for Heaven. We know little of what profound changes death may make, but clearly a physical change cannot make a spiritual revolution, They who are not Christ’s subjects will not become so by dying. Let us choose our king.
If we take Christ for our heart’s Lord, every thought of Him here, every piece of partial obedience and stained service, as well as every sorrow and every joy... the feeble new life that wars against our sins, and even the very sins themselves as contradictory to our deepest self, unite to seal to us the assurance, “Thine eyes shall see the King in His beauty. They shall see the land that is very far off.”