Something Beyond

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Long ago the country of Spain had for her motto: "Ne Plus Ultra." This means, "Nothing beyond.”
In those days Spaniards had sailed the length of the Mediterranean. They had passed through the Strait of Gibraltar. Seeing nothing beyond but a vast expanse of the great Atlantic they imagined they had reached the confines of the habitable earth. Hence the adoption of the "Nothing beyond" which was engraved upon their Coat of Arms and the coins of that monarchy.
Spain had, however, to learn that this motto was not founded upon fact. When the brave and adventurous Columbus landed in the Western Hemisphere it became very clear that instead of their being "Nothing beyond" there was indeed a great deal beyond. Accordingly they dropped the first word from the maxim, leaving the two words—"Plus Ultra"—Much beyond or Something beyond.
Something beyond! What wonderful possibilities seem to dwell in these words! They were proved to be true in the physical world by the adventurous Columbus in the long ago. They are equally true in the spiritual world. There is something beyond this present life. This truth is taught in the Scriptures, and was especially emphasized by the Lord Jesus Himself.
Yes, beyond this life lies ETERNITY—LIFE that will never end. And there are only two places to spend this future life—heaven and hell. Toward which are you headed?
BUT—"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." Psalm 9:1717The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. (Psalm 9:17).