Step Over!

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
A young Canadian army officer was returning to camp from a gospel meeting. The claims of Christ had been pressed upon him by the mighty power of God, and he was deeply moved.
On the other hand, his worldly prospects and the pleasures of sin had never appeared more attractive. A choice lay before him— it was Christ or the world. The moment of decision which comes to everyone had come to him.
Like Pilate of old, he was confronted with the most important question ever asked by an awakened sinner: "What shall I do with Jesus?"
He determined to settle the question that night before going into his tent. As he neared the door he stopped, and laying his swagger stick in the path, said to himself: "If I step over this stick I shall have taken Jesus as my Savior; if I walk around it I shall have decided not to."
He backed away several paces and then approached the fatal line.
"Walk around it," whispered a compelling voice within. He had heard that voice before: it was Satan and he knew it.
Then as if from the skies another voice seemed to say:
"Step over that stick to Jesus!"
Again he backed away several paces. Then clenching his hands, and closing his eyes, he ran to the stick— and across it.
He had decided for Christ. The victory was won. The peace of God entered his heart there and then, and never left him.
It was a decision he never regretted. For who ever heard of a cleansed leper that was sorry he was cleansed or a believing sinner that he was saved?