The King's Business

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
Walking home from a meeting one night Dwight Moody saw a man leaning against a lamppost. Stepping up to him and laying his hands on his shoulders, he said: "Are you a Christian?"
The man flew into a rage, clenched his fists and it seemed for a moment as if that city missionary might be pitched into the gutter.
"I am very sorry if I have offended you," said Mr. Moody.
"Mind your own business!" roared the man. "That is my business," the other replied quietly, and went on his way.
About three months later, early one bitter cold morning, someone knocked at Moody's door. "Who's there?" he asked.
A strange voice answered, and he asked: "What do you want?"
"I want to become a Christian."
Mr. Moody opened the door, and to his astonishment, there stood the man who had cursed him for talking to him as he leaned against the lamp-post.
"I am sorry," said the man. "I haven't had any peace since that night, and I thought I would come and get you to pray for me."
That same morning the man accepted Christ as his personal Savior, and the moment he had done so he asked, "What can I do for Him?"