
Address—C. Hendricks
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Jesus, the one who drive the earth.
The lowly subject 1. Obedience of the death was dying. God's welded of its son Jesus with memories fill our hearts and thy bless Footprints here are now in heaven. Our eyes we turn gaze upon you there 124.
Start tonight by reading a verse in Ephesians 5.
In Ephesians 5.
Verse 21.
Submitting yourselves 1 to another.
In the fear of God.
And then he talks about 3.
Couplets, if you will. Wives and husbands. Children, parents, servants and masters.
And in verse 22 he says to the lives Submit yourselves.
Unto your own husbands has come to the Lord.
25 Customs love your lives, even as Christ loved the church.
Gave himself for it. Chapter 6, verse one. Children, obey your parents in the Lord. But this is right.
One of thy father, and the mother, and thy mother.
And then in verse four we have the fathers.
They're both not your children to rap.
Children and parents.
Wives and husbands and then servants. Verse 5. Servants be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh.
And verse 9, the masters do the same things and for them, but they're in threatens.
We have the domestic circle here.
This section begins with submitting yourselves 1 to another in the fear of God before looking at any of these passages.
I want to to read some more first Peter 2.
Verse 21.
First, Peter 221 For even here unto were ye called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow his steps.
Followed his steps and then in first John chapter 2.
Verse six He that saith he abideth in him are himself also, so do off even as he walked.
So I'd like to consider him tonight as he walked.
So that we might be unable to follow his steps.
Let's go back to the hospital. According to Luke, Chapter 2.
This pathway is ours.
Our example.
Now that we're his, now that we belong to him, we're the walk as he walked. And how did he walk?
Well, I will pick this story up. Luke 242 When he was 12 years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast, And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned to child, Jesus carried behind in Jerusalem, and Joseph and his mother moved out of it. The face of closing him to have been in the company went a day's journey, and they saw him among their thin spoken acquaintance. And when they had found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him. And it came to pass that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors wrote, hearing them and asking them questions.
And all that hurt him were astonished with his understanding and answers. Here he is a boy of 12, and he's sitting in the temple there midst of the doctors, hearing them and asking them questions, the beauty of the large pathway. And here he's a boy of 12 and 1St recorded utterness. We haven't read it yet in a moment that we have in scripture the first words that he spoke as a as a lad of 12.
He said to his mother, But here he's sitting there with the doctors. It would have been inappropriate for him as a boy of 12 to be teaching them, going through far more than all of his teachers. Being in the place of subjection that she was, which he took when he became a man, doesn't mean that it's a place of inferiority.
Lives are to be subject to their husband. That doesn't mean that they're inferior to their husbands. Children are to be subject to their parents, doesn't mean they're inferior to their parents.
That a child may have far more gifts and ability than than his father or mother, but he's still in the subject place. A servant could be far more capable and intelligent than the very master that he serves.
You find this in the employer employee relationships in the world all the time. Some of the employees that have to do what their employer tells them to do or what their manager tells them to do, they may be more intelligent than their manager.
A good manager is not necessarily the smartest man in the crew, it's the one who can manage his people effectively.
The point is that it was in the place of subjection whether a servant who is master, a child to the to the parents, a wife to the to the husband.
It's a place that calls for subjection.
And the submission. I read that first verse in Ephesians 521 That we are to submit ourselves one to another in the fear of God. We're all to be subject 1 to another. It isn't a militaristic type of enforcement of authority that we have in scripture where the one under the authority must bow unreservedly, but there's an interchange, especially in the body of Christ. We will look at a verse in First Peter 5 where it says that the younger are to submit themselves to the elder.
And that's quite appropriate if you let it into a household.
And you found that the children were setting the rules and establishing the order in that household. You say something's wrong here. You enter it into a household where the wife was the the leader in the head. You could say something's wrong here. If you enter it into an assembly where the younger graduate are the ones that are taking the lead in the assembly, you'd say something's wrong here. This is not God's order.
This is not God's order. And so when the Lord Jesus came into this world of his own creation, he who was the Creator himself, the sustainer of the universe, emptied himself, and he took upon himself to form with a servant. He was in the form of God. He who was the supreme commander, He who had never obeyed before, came into the place where obedience was called for, though he was Son, yet learned the obedience of the things which he suffered.
So He came into the subject place, and as we trace His blessed footsteps and his pathway, we will learn how we who are in the subject place are to conduct ourselves in that place of subjection.
Neither one of us is in the subject place in some areas of our lives. As citizens of a country, we are to be subject to the powers that be. But every soul be subject under the higher powers. For God has established authority, He is delegated authority. And every time we submit ourselves to the rules and regulations of the land in which we live, we are subject to them.
Not subject. Christian is not subject in order to avoid penalty. Many obey the speed laws and the traffic rules and so on. They don't go through red lights and that because they don't want to get a ticket. We are subject as Christians because we're called to walk in the path of subjection. We're father walk is he walked, not because we're trying to avoid a penalty. Child is not subject to its parents because it wants to avoid a spanking. The child is subject if he's motivated or she is motivated.
By scriptural principles, the child is subject because God has said to be.
The life is subject to her husband.
Not because she wants to get something out of him or to.
Work it for her own advantage, but because that's her place and she delights to fulfill in subjection the place that God is assigned to her, you're subject to your manager at work. What? Do you agree with him or not? You're subject to him because he is over you and you recognize.
That authority, younger brother in the assembly are subject to their older brethren, not just when they agree with them, but because that's proper. Now, having said all that, there are times when my wife may have the mind of God and I don't, and so we are going to be subject 1 to another, even the one who is in the place of authority. There's a time when he may be submissive to the judgment of his wife or even his children.
An older brother. They listen to the judgment sometimes of their younger brethren, though that's the exception. And that's not the rule of subjection.
Mary said of the Lord Jesus, whatsoever he saith to you, do it.
Recognized that.
He had always reminded God.
Wonderful to have one like that. There's a beautiful instance of Abraham and Sarah that is recorded in the Old Testament and in the New. In the Old Testament, Sarah refused to allow the son of the Egyptian.
To be alongside the person on Israel, to be alongside of Isaac, So she said, passed out the bondwoman and her son.
For basically, shall not inherit with my son Isaac. And the New Testament says what saith the scripture. It was Sarah who said it. But the New Testament says to Paul that was Scripture, that is, she was speaking the mind of God. And so we need to be subject 1 to another and the realization that that we need one another as members of the body of Christ, and we need to interrelate with one another.
And we must not allow ourselves to get into the position where there's no communication between one age group or another or wife or husband or children or parents or younger children with older brethren. That's what Satan wants to do with us. He wants to divide us so that we don't talk to one another and we don't understand one another. But the principle of subjection, which we see so beautifully displayed in the life of the Lord Jesus, you'll deliver every one of us from that.
It is a healing principle. How many of us have suffered the consequences of our refusal to be subject to those who are over us?
And the consequences sometimes go on for the rest of our life because we have not been subject.
We have not walked this key rock and followed in his steps, so the Lord Jesus never got out of the place of subjection. Once he had taken it, he discharged his imperfection. Here we see him as a boy of 12 second verse 47. All that heard him were astonished at his understanding that answers a previous verse both killing them and asking them questions it didn't assume to be a teacher, but he had an understanding of answers that went far beyond these years. And here's a good illustration of one who is in the place of subjection. The Lord Jesus was subject to them and to his parents.
And yet we do far more, and he was far, far greater. So to be in the place of subjection is not to be inferior.
Verse 48 And when they saw him, they were amazed. And his mother said unto him, Son, like his thumb us dealt with us. Behold, my father, and I have sought these sorrowing. And he said unto them, How is it that she sought? And here are his first recorded words, Wish you not that it must be about my father's business.
And the last utterance, almost the last was it is finished. He had finished his father's business, and finished his father into thy hands. I commit my spirit, and I understood not the same which you speak unto them. And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and he was subject to that. But his mother kept all these things in her heart. How wonderful to see the Lord Jesus as a boy of 12, being subject to his parents.
When he was in the Places Objection, he carried out imperfection. Now let's turn to the Gospel of John and we'll read a version, Chapter 4. And I'd like to trace some verses in this gospel that bring you for us the lowly subject Love.
It's beautiful because in this gospel he's presented as the Son of God. In Luke he's the Son of Man, but here he's the Son of God and God the Creator. And yet he became a man. And so we find him constantly referring to the place that he took in grace in order to save you and me. In John 4 verse 34, Jesus saith unto them, My need is to do the will of him that sent me.
And to finish his work, we're going to read that expression over and over again. Him that sent me. He was always conscious, and it's especially found in this gospel. He was always conscious as being the sent one of the Father. The Father sent him. He was accountable to and responsible to the Father. He was here for the Father as set by the Father. He was here to fulfill the Father's will.
My need is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. And then in the 5th chapter, verse 17, Jesus answered them. My father worked as and I work. Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the Sabbath, but said also that God was his Father.
Making himself equal with God.
Understood the Lord's words. They understood that when he called God his own Father, that he was making himself equal with God, and so they sought to kill him. Then answered Jesus, verse 19 and said unto them, Very verily, I say unto you, the Son, And whenever we read the sun in Scripture, it refers to his eternal relationship to the Father.
The Eternal Sonship.
The Son can do nothing of himself but what he seeth the Father do, or what things. So whether he do it, these also do it. The Son likewise. Does that mean that he didn't have the capability of acting of and from himself? No. It means that it would have been wrong in considering the relationship that he had taken In grace we've come into the place of dependence, the place of subjection, the place where obedience was called for. So everything that he did, everything that he said.
Was done in subjection to the Bible. The Son can do nothing of or from himself independently, another act independently. He always acted in subjection for the Father, and when we act independently, when we do our own will.
That's it. That's it. And the beauty of the four Gospels is, here's a man that never did his own will, always the will of the Father, because he was sent from the Father, He came down from the Father to represent him, and he did it in perfection. The Son can do nothing from himself as a source, independently of what you see as the Father do for what things whoever he doeth.
These also do With the Sun micros And in chapter 6 we're just going to step our way quickly through John's Gospel and refer to certain of these passages that bring this precious truth out. Verse 38. For I came down from heaven not to do my own will.
But the will of him that sent me, the will of him that sent me, He's always conscious as being the sent one of the Father. He was sent on a mission to represent the Father in subjection to him.
I came down from heaven not to do my holy will. Now we're to welcome his steps. We are to walk as he walked. And here was a man that never did his own will, but the will of him that sent him. It was his meat and drink to do that. It was the delight of his heart. It wasn't grudging. I don't know. The obedience of Christ was full complete willingness to be in that subject place and to carry out.
The will of the Father that was his meat, that was his delight to do the will of God. I delight to do thy will of God.
Then later on in chapter 6.
Says verse 57. As the living Father have sent me, and I live by the Father, I live by reason of the Father, on account of the Father. Even so, he that eateth me, even he shall live by reason of me, by me, by reason of me. An account of me that is our whole purpose for living is Christ. Paul says it for me to live as Christ.
For me to live as Christ.
We're not here to do our own will. We're not here to please ourselves. Even Christ pleased not Himself. It says in Romans 15 always please the Father. That was His pathway, and that is our pathway too.
In chapter seven he says in verse 16 Jesus answered them and said, my doctrine, my teaching is not mine but is that sentiment verse 28 Then cried Jesus in the temple as he talked, saying He both know me and he know bless I am and I have not come of myself. But he that sent me is true whom you know not, but I know him, for I am from him.
And he has sent me.
Difficult to realize that as he did in perfection that he was sent into Father. And we got a similar expression in the Lords prayer in John 17 as the Father had sent me Even so. Stand by you. He has taken us out of the world, separated us from it, associated with himself and glory, and then sent us back, as it were, into this world, to represent him even as he was here.
To represent the Father.
That's why he's left us here. And that's our great privilege as Christians is to represent him, to live on account of him, even as he live on account of the Father Chapter 8.
Verse 26 I have many things to say and to judge with you, but he that sent me this truth, and I speak to the world, those things which I have heard of him.
Or how perfectly he discharged that.
When he said, did not originate from himself, it originated from the Father, And he was here to present the very words of the Father take place to those that he was addressing. Verse 28 Then said Jesus unto them, When he have lifted up the Son of Man, then shall he know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself.
But as my father had taught me, I speak these things.
November 29. And he that sent me is with me. The Father hath not left me alone, for I do always those things that please him.
What a fact. What a blessed person we are. Here was a man that never did anything for himself.
Son of the Father sent of the Father, perfectly subject to the Father. Now that he said and did everything he said was what the Father told him to say. He said that in verse 38 in chapter 8 I speak that which I have seen with my father, and we do that which he has seen with your Father.
There's 42 Jesus said after that with God, where your Father you would not be. For I proceeded forth and came from God either came I have myself. But He sent me. To reject Him was to reject the one who sent him. To reject him was to reject the Father's words. To reject him was to reject the works of the Father, because the Lord Jesus was carrying that out of perfection, independence, and subjection to the Father. First Torah Chapter 9. I must work the works of Him that sent me.
Why would you stay? When I come up to no man can work.
And then some very precious verses in chapter 10.
In chapter 10, verse 17, Therefore, that my father loves me because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. The Father, of course, always loved the sun, but here he speaks of a fresh motive that he gave to the Father to love him, a motive that sprang from his subject place and his obedience to the Father. Therefore does my Father love me because I lay down my life, that I might take it again?
The Father had told him to do that. The Father had sent it into this world so that he might lay his life down. And having done it, it was the accomplishment of perfect obedience, he says in verse 18. No man taking this above me, but I lay it down as myself. And you say, oh, aha, here he's acting from himself now, he says. I lay it down with myself. I have power or authority to lay it down, and I have power and authority to take it again.
Say, well, that's an exception. But read the last expression in that verse, this commandment have I received of my Father. So even in the laying of his life down, that that he had the authority to do of him from himself, he did it in obedience to the Father's command.
He laid his life down. He took it again. This command that I received of my father. He never once he entered into the place of a man. Once he became a man, once the Word became flesh. He never acted inconsistently with that position and that relationship that he had taken. He never acted independently of the Father always.
In subjection.
In verse chapter 10 in verse.
25 Jesus answered them, I told you, when you believe that the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness with me verse. 32 Jesus answered them many good works that I showed you from my Father. But which of those works do you still be?
And we get ahold of this.
These precious verses that we're looking at and see how that everything he did and everything that he said was the perfect expression of the Father. To reject him was to reject the Father was to reject God.
He says in verse 37. If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if I do, though you believe not me, believe the works that you may know and believe that the Father is in me and I am here.
Let's turn over to the 12Th chapter, where we have some.
Very precious verses.
In verse 44 Jesus Christ and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me.
And he that see if me see if him that center.
The very young man has ever been in this world that could say that.
That he is imperfection was the expression of the Father. So perfectly did he express him, that he could say He that seated me see it him that say.
Way up to, as Christians be able to say He that seeth me seeth in that second he sent us. The Lord Jesus has sent us into this world to represent him. We know that we fail very much from doing that. That's why we're here. We're here not to do our own will, not to make a name for ourselves, not to exalt self in any way. We're here.
For a tip, even as he was here for the Father of the Father, and then the last two verses of John 12, for I have not spoken as myself.
But the Father which sent me, he gave me a command list, what I should say and what I should speak. He sums up all that the Father had given him in commandment, to speak and to say. He sums it up. He gave me a command. So all that he said and did was done in obedience to the Father's commandment.
Commandment is the expression of ones will, the commandment of the Father with the expression of his will. He came to do the will of the Father of his own will. So he says, I've not spoken it myself, but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say and that I should speak. And I know that his commandment of his life everlasting.
Whatsoever I speak, therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak. Let's just dwell on that just a little bit His commandment, because I know that his commandment is life and relaxing eternal life. His men and the Lord did that tonight. The Lord in perfect obedience, did and said all that the Father had told him to do it to say, and when he did that He was the living expression of an embodiment of eternal life.
His commandment, lived out in perfection in a male on earth is the very expression of eternal life.
Now you and I have received eternal life. He has given it to us that we might independence and subjection, and obedience to the One who has given it to us, even as He lifted out His obedience to the one that commissioned and sent Him. We too are going to be the expression of that.
As he rocks, so are we to walk, following his steps, and his is a path of subjection every step of the way. He never got out of there, and the boy is 12. As a man walking through the scene, he was always below me subject.
Chapter 14.
First seven If you have known me, you should have known my father also, and for henceforth he know him, and have seen him. Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it suffice with us.
Sayeth unto him, have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not knowing me, Philip, be that hath seen me, have seen the Father, and how, Say yourself, and show us the Father. Believe us thou not with hide, and in the Father, and the Father in need the words that I speak unto you. I speak not of myself, or from myself as the source, but the Father that's relevant in the Hebrew at the works. He switches here from the words to the works.
Everything, he said. Everything he did.
God in obedience to the Father.
Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in need, or else believe me for the very works.
The last verse of chapter 14, but that the world may know.
That I love the Father, And as the Father gave me commandment, Even so I do arise. Let us go next. Electron management led him to the cross.
So he could say, as we read in John can therefore love me because I lay down my life and I might take it again.
Commandment that I received with my Father, that the world may know that I love the Father.
Even as the Father gave me commandments, so I do. You say you love God. The proof of it is an obedience to His Word and to His commandment. The word imperfection showed His devoted love of His Father by always, always, always doing the will of the Father, never acting independently, never getting out of the place of subjection. How often have you and I gotten out of the place of subjection? And if we will be honest?
I know if I'm honest in my life and I see the problems that I have created for myself with respect to my bragman, with respect to my employer in family life, it's because the principle of subjection has not been thought.
I have asserted my will.
And whenever we do that, that's the good principle of sin. I came down from heaven not to do my own will, but the way of hearing that sector. And whatever we do, our own will be sin.
When we do the will of God in subjection to him, then we walk as Christ lives.
And there is peace.
There's peace and there's blessing and we have the support of God. Think of this, beloved who is he going to place as the supreme ruler and the head over the millennial world in 1000 years? A name is going to remain over this world in righteousness. They haven't got a righteous ruler yet, completely. David says a he that grew up over men must be just ruling in the fear of God.
We have to say, Will my house be not sold with God?
Yet you've not acknowledged that he hadn't.
And so every ruler that there is a ruler and the one that will be that is qualified to rule.
And who will go is the one who perfectly was subject as a man he brought his father.
We really are qualified to be in the place of rule and authority that we haven't demonstrated that we can be subject.
Young brother, you're not qualified to rule in the assembly if you connect subject to your old address.
Children, you will not be qualified. Young man, young child, if you're a boy to rule in your family. If the Lord should leave us here, you should have a family. If you can't be subject to your parents, then.
Be subject to your husbands not because you're going to get anything current in the way of reward, but because you want to please.
We should be subject to the government under which we live, not to escape penalty but because we want to plead for all.
We recognize in every delegated authority.
Has placed them in that position.
When an assembly?
Take some action of discipline. Suppose for a moment we may not agree with it.
What is the principle that will enable us to go on in peace with our brethren, with whom we are not in agreement, is the principle of subjection.
To that decision and if the one who has made the decision or the ones in the case of necessary decision.
Have made a mistake.
They are subject to the head of the Church.
We're all subject to someone over us.
Man is over the woman, and the man and woman are over the children, but Christ is over the man.
And God is over Christ. He was perfectly subject to God his Father.
A question about that.
I, as a man, a father, a husband, has not been perfectly subject to my head.
I don't think any of these hands.
Everyone of us that may have someone under us also has one who is over us. And so the principle of subjection. That's why I read that Ephesians 521 we are all to be subject 1 to another fear of God.
Especially in our assembly line.
I think we've looked at enough verses in connection with the Lords life.
Let's look at a passage in First Corinthians 15.
We saw him as a boy at 12. He wept and he was subject to his parents and he was subject to the teachers and the temple. He heard them and asked them questions, but he didn't get out of his place. And now we look at a passage that looks on to the Timothy Eternity verse 2415.
That come at the end when he shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God, even the Father, and he shall have put down all rules and all authority and power. This goes to the very end of the Millennium. Now here he as man has reigned over this millennial earth for 1000 years.
Come at the end.
It says when he shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God, even the Father that is God the Father puts it all under him, subjects it all under his feet as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the style of Israel and the Son of Man reigning over the sea. And now he's going to turn it all back to Father who has subjected it all to him.
For he must reign. Juliet put our enemies under his feet, the last enemy that shall be destroyed his death, and that will be at the great white throne that it says in verse 27 of the remarkable statement. For he had put all things under his feet, bodies put everything under the feet of Christ. But when he saith, all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is accepted. That is the Father who put it all under Christ is accepted.
Which did put all things under him.
And when all things shall be subdued unto him, unto Christ.
Then shall the Son also himself.
As man the subject unto him that put all things under him.
But God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, God, Blessed Trinity, may be all alone.
But one of those persons in the Godhead is still man, the Son, and so says, when it's all put back, return back to the Father and the Son, the Eternity.
Will be subject to him, and put all things under him that God may be.
So as we're gathered around the Lord Jesus, the eternal glory.
Will be gathered around one who is a man, though he's got a moral blessing forever. The Creator, sustainable over the universe. One with the Father, one with the Spirit. Coequal in the incredible Trinity.
The infinite gods, the I am that I am he who dwells in light and approachable.
Yet he became a man, and he will never distinguish his manhood. And so in that sense the Son, as man, will be subject.
Unto the Doctor Who put everything on your face.
We're going to be around that subject of one.
For all eternity He has taught us by His lesson, pathway down here how to walk in the subject place. He did it in perfection.
God is going to place everything under his feet, exalt into the highest place.
Because it is perfect subject obedience to do the world of the Father, and we're going to be around that blessing one.
For all eternity.
Be like.
Let's go back to Isaiah 57.
Verse 15.
For thus saith the high and velocity one that inhabited eternity.
Pause there for a moment. There are many scriptures that speak of Him inhabiting heaven.
The heaven is my throne. The earth is the footstool of my feet. He dwells in heaven.
But here we have another expression.
Because he inhabits eternity.
I used to ponder that. Couldn't grasp it. Couldn't have enough. What does that mean? Inhabit eternity? I can understand inhabiting a place, but this is inhabiting eternity.
I think it goes back to the essential name of God as given to Moses. Let's look at it. Let's turn back to Exodus chapter 3 for a moment.
Verse 13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers have sent me unto you, And they shall say unto me, What is his name? What shall I say unto them? God said unto Moses, I am that I am.
And he said, Thou shalt thus say unto the children of Israel, I am that sent me unto you.
Those two expressions, their own capitals in our King James Bible beautifully. The translator sense. This is so important and had to set it off as they did. I am that I am.
Means that he's the unchanging world. He's unalterable, he is the same.
It's a term that to which can only be applied to essential deities for all creatures change.
We change. He changes, not by Christ can never die. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, forever.
He's the I am that I am. He is who he is, and he never changes.
He can be completely counted upon. He's the same. He cannot deny himself. He cannot be other than who he is.
And we've come to know him as lights.
Lights and thought.
Light and love. And he is unchanging. He is light. Absolute holiness. Perfect purity.
Evil cannot be in his presence.
Love God in the essence of His being, His life. God in the activity of His nature is life is every act. Pure blessing is His path of sunny life. See the I am that, I am the unchanging, the unalterable. 1.
And then he's the I am the external, the historic of I am is the eternal, and the word Jehovah means just that.
These two expressions define what Jehovah means.
He is the eternal who does not change.
It's not changed.
Now we're going back to Isaiah 57, But there's a verse in Revelation, one that I want you to turn to because.
It gives the New Testament.
Expression to what we're looking at in the Old Testament, we're supposed Revelation 1 John to the seven churches which are in Asia. Grace be unto you, and peace from him which is.
And which was, and which is to come from the seven spirits which have imported stuff from Him who is the eternal present He is, and he always wants.
And we always will be the eternal the I am.
This is the New Testament definition of the name Jehovah.
He who is and who loves He is to come. Now go back to Isaiah 57. Thus saith verse 15. Thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabited eternity. Here is Jehovah the I am that I am the Unchanging One. The I am the Eternal One. He who is and who was and who is to come, He inhabits eternity. Time cannot contain Him.
He always will. He always will be. He lives in an eternal presence. He is above and beyond track. He's the infinite, eternal God and this high and rocky one. He inhabits eternity.
He's timeless.
The Lord Jesus. That's the one who came down in time into his own creation and took humanity into union with his person and walked through this world as a lovely, subject dependent, obedient man.
That's this one that is a high and lofty one that inhabits eternity.
And he took that place of subjection. That's we know whose name is holy.
The Seraphim of Isaiah 6 cry Holy, Holy, holy, Lord, God Almighty, Lord God Almighty. There's the Trinity, Holy, Holy, Holy. There's eternity, every Person of the Trinity.
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, God Almighty, the whole earth is full of his glory, and here whose name is holy.
I dwell in the thigh and holy place.
I dwell in the high and holy place.
But the last part of the verse is what is so precious to me.
With him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit.
To revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the constructive world.
Here is this final lofty one that inhabits the inhabits eternity. His name is Holly, and he dwells in the high end Tony place with him that is about contrast and humble spirit.
So the Lord Jesus.
When he came down.
He could say, Come out to me are we that labor and a heavy labor, And I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon what is his yoke? His yoke is submission, Subjection. That's his yoke. He took that place. He said, Take my yoke upon you. I I'm the subject, lonely one you be that to take my yolk upon you and learn from me. Literally from me. Help me or from me, and you should find rest into your soul. And I will My yoke of submission and obedience to the one another is easy.
And not burning.
Last thought flipping suit, Let this line be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.
Through being in the form of God.
Why don't that's something to be tenaciously held on to and grasp to say, I'm God, and in the form of God I'll never be anything. Lest he took upon him, He took upon him, He emptied himself and took upon him in the form of his servants. And as soon as he did that, it was proper for him to obey, Servants obey.
Their masters, and that's what we've been considering tonight, is lowly thought.
So everyone of us has someone that really is subject to.
It's a wonderful place. It's the place that he took. It's the it's the life of the Christ. That eternal life that has been given to you and to me was lived out in perfection and lowly subjection and obedience to the will of another his Father for the glory of God and to that man who sit in the very highest place.
Hum, humble yourselves therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time. Take the local the subject like the dependent place, the obedience place, and he will exalt you can do time, even as he did the Lord Jesus.
Let's close by seeing 230.
The Lord, when we the path we trace, which now on earth has tried to man by wondrous love and grace thy faithfulness to God, we wonder at thy lowly mind, and things would like we be and our I rest for pleasure of finding learning in order to 230.
I have.
A great.