The Garments of the Lord

Duration: 1hr 1min
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Gospel—D. Hayhoe
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Singing him #1 The first and last verses of him #1 Come to Jesus gently calling ye with care and toil, oppressed with your guilt, however appalling. Come, and I will give you rest for your sin. He once has suffered on the cross. The work was done, and the Word by God now uttered to his weary soul Is prompt found. For Angel hosts are musing or their sights so strangely sad.
Man refusing to be made forever glad from the world in its delusion. Now our voices rise as one, while we shout God's invitation haven't itself reacted. Come, we rise together and sing the 1St and the last verses of #1.
I want to apologize to those on the front row here. The reason I want to apologize is that when my daughter was real small and I had a gospel meeting and we had a couple of real small children, babies at home and my wife stayed home with them.
When she came home from that gospel meeting.
My wife asked her what did Daddy preach about tonight? What did Daddy say tonight when he preached? And Bryce has heard me say this before and so he knows what my daughter said. Well, she said first of all he yelled for a while and then he cried for a while.
So the problem, I hear me yell a little bit, so that those at the back of here, the reason I yell and the reason I cry is because this is the most solemn message I've ever proclaimed in my life.
And this is the most exciting message that I've ever Sometimes I have to address students at the university, sometimes I have to address some of my colleagues and tell them some things in a meeting perhaps.
I don't get very excited about that. It's interesting. I enjoy that. But this is exciting tonight. And it's also, it's also tremendously serious. It's really serious. A couple of boys here that I'm not going to name that are expecting some stories tonight. We might tell some stories. You're going to have to listen up because you don't know when the stories you're going to come. You're not going to tell three stories and then wait 1/2 an hour. I might preach and then tell a story and then talk a while and then tell another story. So if you don't listen, you might miss the story. So you have to listen for the whole album to get the stories. But the stories aren't why we're here tonight. We're here to talk about the Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm glad to see so many children here tonight. I thought there were a lot more children. I was in here praying. I must have been kneeling by that event. I thought there were a lot of kids out here, but I'm glad to see the ones that were that are here. I'm glad to see that. That was music to my ears in there. I prayed for you because I can hear you out here. My recognize some voices.
And I was praying in my heart for you by name. I didn't pray aloud by name because I didn't want to embarrass you in front of the other brothers. But I named you in there because I ought to be absolutely sure that when you leave here tonight, you know the Lord Jesus.
He's my savior and he wants to be yours. And we're going to talk about him tonight. And we're going to talk about him all the way from Genesis to Revelation. That's from the beginning of my book to the very end of it. And if you look in your book, it'll be the same Genesis at the front and Revelation at the back. There was an old lady once, and maybe she didn't go to school very much, I don't know. But somebody asked her, do you believe this is the word of God? And she loved this book. And she said, yes, Sir, I believe this is the word of God from generation to revolution.
Well, that is good. You know that's good because at the beginning we have the generation. That's the beginning. And at the end, what a revolution. It's going to be awful. But I won't be here. I don't be here when all that judgment falls and the revolution starts and then rises up in hatred against the God that made him, because I'm going to be with the Lord Jesus Christ in the glory when the judgment begins to fall. But this is the word of God. And we're going to talk a little bit, not about everything in here, but we're going to talk about some things all the way from Genesis.
The revelation that has to do with clothes, clothes, jackets and coats and things. Garments, we're going to call them tonight and we're going to call them the garments of Christ because that's what we're going to talk about, the garments of Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ.
You know, garments, clothes are interesting things. Where my wife and I used to live and where we spent, we spend still quite a bit of time visiting. They wear clothes different than they do here.
You know, I have one at home and maybe I should have brought it. It's called a babariga and it's blue. It goes right down to the ground and it's made of one piece and you put the sleeves up like this and it has a huge big pocket in the front. You know what the pocket's for? The pockets were turning live chickens home from the market. So you can open up the top and you can see a man walking across the street and his whole shirt is start checking inside his shirt. And that's called a babariga. And when you see a man with a blue baberica on and a chicken inside his shirt, you know he's from a certain tribe because only that tribe wears babarigas. You see another man with a nice lace akbata, looks like laced pajamas.
You see that must be a man from the Yoruba tribe because only the Yorubas were lace abatis on the street. And you see another man with completely closed from the top of his head breakdown Queen Street on pink coral beads strung on strings. That must be the ober of belief because only the Oba of Benin, the king of the Benny tribe, is allowed to wear that much pink coral clothes. Is that interesting? That's your first story, fellas. There might be more coming, but we're going to talk tonight about the garments.
The garments, the clothes of the Lord Jesus Christ. Most of what we're going to talk about is directly about the Lord Jesus. One or two of them will be the Lord Jesus Christ in tight or in example or in picture in the Old Testament. So we're going to start with the first book of the Bible, Genesis. Let's turn to it.
We're going to read a little bit about Josephs garments.
Genesis chapter 37, because Joseph is a beautiful picture, a beautiful example of my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Let's read just a little bit about Joseph. We could spend the whole evening talking about him, but we really just want to spend a few minutes talking about his garments, his coat of many colors. And we'll have to leave some of those other beautiful details of Joseph's life for someone else to talk about another time.
Chapter 37 and verse three. Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children.
Because he was the son of his old age and he made him a coat of many colors. You children all know that story, I'm sure, a coat of many colors. It speaks of the glories of the Lord Jesus Christ. And we're not going to analyze all those glories, his intrinsic glories and his, his moral glories, his personal glory. We're not going to go into all of that except to say that if you turn to John 17, you'll leave there a little phrase that says if glory that thou hast given you.
The glories that came as a gift from the Father, the Son. And here we have in Genesis 37, verse 3.
Father Israel gave to the Son a coat of many colors, all the glories of Christ. And my brothers and sisters in Christ, tonight we want to see something of the glories of Christ. I'm sure that many in this room know the Lord Jesus Christ. Can your heart thrill with mine tonight as we see Christ in the glory, as we see a glimpse of that coat of many colors, all the glories of Christ displayed to us in the pages of the Word of God. It's beautiful.
We sang this morning we we had before us. I'm not sure if we sang it gazing on the morning glory, all our hearts and worship out there. We read the wondrous story of the cross. It's shaming woe so we can look up and we can see them in glory. We can see something as we look at his earth earthly pathway of the manifestation of his moral glory that he walked among men and in the coming day will gaze on him in the world in glory. Here we have Joseph.
With this quote of many colors, well, let's just look down a little further to verse 13.
The Father said, I will send thee and the Son, Joseph replied, Here am I. And so in the past eternity we see the Father and the Son sitting in eternal councils, the eternal Son of God, the Lord Jesus and the Father says.
I will send thee and the sun says here am I send thee. We have that clearly brought before us in deepens chapter 10 lower the volume of the book as is written of me. I come to do thy will, oh God. And so the Lord Jesus Christ in eternal purpose with his Father purpose, blessing for mankind and he had in mind you tonight you by name in those eternal councils in a past eternity. You know the Africans have a way of expressing things that we can't come close to.
Other people take 20 minutes trying to explain what a past eternity is. The African simply says before, before.
That's all, that's all. So Jesus, it's easier to preach over there. I just told before, before and who knows when that was. It was in the past eternity before, before Jesus said here a moment, I'll come. I know them by name and problem. I know every one of their names. I know the ones in Sully. I know them all. I know their names. Even before you were born, you know your name. Yes you did. And he said, I love that boy and I want to come. I want to give my life a white girl.
Even the babies, even the Jonathans and the Joshuas words to where's my friend Joshua? He's probably maybe isn't here tonight. He wasn't very well today. And and all of the babies, yes, if you turn to the Gospels and you look in your margin, since they brought children unto Jesus, look at your margin and the real word is infants. They brought infants to Jesus. So we're glad to see infants at the Gospel.
And I love the sound of a little bit of infant noise in a gospel. There's nothing wrong with that. The only thing that bothers me is when you get bothered by it doesn't bother me at all. So we love to see infants in a gospel meeting because Jesus loves them. And in the past eternity, he said, here am I send me. Let's look at the.
15th verse And a certain man found him, and behold, he was wandering in the field. Verse 16 And he said, I seek my brethren. Verse 17 Joseph went after his brethren and found them. Here's a picture of the Lord Jesus wandering as a homeless stranger in the world in his hands at me. Read Colossians one and you'll find who made the universe Jesus.
Jesus did. By whom is it that the universe continues in its order of existence tonight?
Jesus. By him all things continue to exist. That's the meaning of Colossians 1 By whom? Jesus?
And so the universe was brought in towards an existence by Jesus. It continues that way. Because of Jesus, He made the world. But here we see him in tight wandering in the field. That's Jesus wandering as a homeless stranger here. And he's met and he says, why are you here? Behold, I seek my brethren. That's not.
The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which is lost. What does it say in verse 17? Joseph word after them.
A word to the believers. Go after them, go after them. Joseph went after his brethren. Isn't that modern English? Yes, it is. He went after them. And I'll tell you, we should go out and get a lost source. The Lord Jesus Christ came to seek and to save. That was was lost. Joseph didn't lay at home and wait for his brother to come to him. He went after them. He went out into the field. He went into the world and he went after them. I was speaking to a boy.
A few months ago.
The name was Dave Kindle.
Dave Kindle stayed behind after the little meeting we had with him.
And he said, you know, you told me tonight, today that God loves me.
I want to tell you something.
He said I'm here for murder, Babes 14 by the way. He said I'm here for another time. And he said after I committed my crime, I swear I ran away and I was hitchhiked outside of Toronto and a man picked me up and he we drove for maybe 50 miles up towards Barry, which is heading north up towards Hudson's Bay and.
The man didn't say anything but just that. Before I get out of the car, they said. The man turned to me and said, son, I don't know who you are, but I just want to tell you something that God loves.
He said another man picked me up and took me north of Barry. I was heading way up towards Perrystown.
And he said, I'm not going that far. The man looked at me and he said, I don't know who you are, but God loves you.
He said you suppose God lost me, said you're the third man that's told me that. We said yes, Dave, God loves you. Doesn't matter that you committed murder at the age of 14. God allows you and say you handle that day. He got down on his knees and he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. I spoke to the people in that place. I asked to see his papers. His parents, his legal guardians were listed as the province of Ontario. David been on the street since he was nine years old.
Nine years old. No father, no mother, no uncles, no aunts, no brothers and grandmas like the one that took the ones that took care of you all day yesterday. Nothing.
Legal guardians, the state not irrelevant on the face of the earth that cared two cents today in both soul. At the age of nine, the day of Hindle accepted Christ as his savior.
The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which is lost. And so the Lord Jesus here in tight is like Joseph wandering in that field. He went after his brother and he found. And what happened?
20 Come now, therefore let us slay it. Here's the air. Come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours. And my heart is the same. And tonight your heart is the same. And I don't mind pointing my finger at you because I don't know you. So I can point my finger at you, And I can say your heart is the same because many of you I don't know. And if you want to challenge me after the meeting, challenge me. And we'll go into that room and we'll sit down and we'll open the word of God together, and we will see, according to Romans 322, that there is no reference.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There is a perfect standard that God sets to which I cannot attain to because it is a standard of absolute perfection and holiness. Get, God cannot look upon sin. His eyes are too pure to look at iniquity.
He cannot abide sin in His presence. Oh, have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
So these men said we're going to kill him. There was a man once when agreed he was he was witnessing the crucifixion in a dream. And in that dream he saw a Roman soldier raised the lash and bring it down on the back of Christ. And he was flogging and beating Christ. And the Lord Jesus's back was torn and bleeding and finding the man in his dreams could spend it no longer. And he grabbed that Roman soul and he flung him against the wall.
And as he turned him around, he saw the face of that Roman soldier. And it wasn't simple.
Saw that he himself was that soldier. He was the one who had been equally guilty with that soldier 2000 years before of condemning just.
The Son of God staying away with this man, we will not have him to reinhold us. And so these men, his own brethren, his own brethren said, come, let us kill him. Verse 23. It came to pass when Joseph was come unto his brethren.
That they stripped Joseph. They stripped Joseph out of his coat, his coat of many colors, that was on him.
And verse 31, they took Joseph's coat and killed the kid of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood, and they sent the coat of many colors and brought it to their father.
And said this have we found know now whether it be thy sons post or no. And he knew it and said it is my sons. Hope the picture evolves. Short Old Testament examples are not perfect examples of Christ. We cannot stretch it too far. But I believe here we have an example of the blood of Christ shed presented to the Father in glory, and the Father's heart satisfied as to the perfection.
Of a finished work my friend. Tonight I want to stress to you something that we stressed yesterday with the young married couples, my salvation. My salvation does not depend on my appreciation of the work of the Holy Spirit in me, but it depends on God, the Fathers acceptance of the work of Christ for me.
When we repeat that, that's very important, My salvation does not depend on my appreciation of the work of the Holy Spirit in me, because I may not appreciate it, I may not feel gloriously happy every morning, but it does depend on God's acceptance of the work of Christ for me. God is satisfied with Jesus. We are satisfied as well. His precious blood has spoken there before and on the throne, and his own wounds in heaven declare the atonement work.
Why can I look up confidently and call God my father? Because the blood of Christ, God Son, runs with us from all sin. Because. Because the blood is sprinkled there, and the work is forever finished. Hebrews chapter 10. This man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins, forever sat down at the right hand of the throne.
The work is done and so here we have the coat presented to the father, sprinkle with blood. The father's heart is satisfied. It is my son's picture, not perfect, but nonetheless a little picture.
The finished work of Christ as portrayed in the garments. The garments.
Joseph, let's look over to the New Testament now. How do you suppose the Lord Jesus is going to present himself now as he arrives on the scene in the New Testament? Let's look at Luke's Gospel, chapter 2.
I love I love Luke's gospel because.
You know when, Matthew?
We have His kingly majesty, We have His messianic glory, We have him presented as the Messiah in Marks Gospel. We have the pathway of perfect service in John's gospel. We have a revelation of His divine person. Buddy Lukes gospel. He looks gospel. We have him as a man.
God, yes, always God, from eternity to eternity. But nonetheless, it looks gospel, man.
Walking amongst men, touching.
Feeling their infirmities as entering into it with them apart from sin in Luke's gospel, particularly as a man touching his fellow man, touching the leopard, he would reach out and he would actually, he would actually touch a left.
You know, that's a hard thing to do. That's not easy. I've had lepers come to me with no hands, no mouth, no nose, no feet, lying on the ground, just lifting up their arms to me like this.
For me to give him something for me just to talk to them, it's not easy. Sit in the dirt and put your arm around the left and touch them.
And tell them that God loves you.
Easy to do because they Smith.
And often my wife and I have visited at Asyomo and at Asyomo and at OG River.
There are villages with schools and hospitals and many, many, many, many homes.
And babies and children and grandpas and grandmas and everyone has left. Everyone.
In the whole time.
As leprosy and overhead you look up and the vultures.
Are certain.
Lower, lower, lower. They're waiting for them to go.
I believe they can smell. Certainly before you get out of your car you can smell.
Dead Flash because they're dying while they're flesh is rocking from their ****. Not easy to put your outer out of the safe, but loves you instead of the day there. Touching weapons doesn't come easily to a heap.
Jesus did that. Jesus did that.
Boy does he love. We need to do it. We need to do that.
Jesus loved him the most. Gospel. How does he come then? What are the garments of Christ in Luke's gospel? What are the garments of Christ in Luke's gospel? He must come in a great display of kingly glory, wearing his kingly robes, perhaps proclaiming himself to be the grand King of Israel. Let's see it in chapter 2, verse 11. Where unto you is born? This day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you. Verse 12.
You shall find the babe dressed in kingly garments, wearing a crown upon his bra. I'm sorry.
He shall find faith wrapped in swaddling clothes. Do you know what swaddling clothes? Our mothers know what swaddling clothes are. We use different office.
Sometimes when we have a baby that's screaming because they're afraid of me, you sluttle the baby up means to take that, go close and wrap them up tight. I don't know how babies do it. I have claustrophobia. It bothers me to see them, but they get them all well. And what happens when you do that to a baby? You go to sleep.
And we just do this and we examine our eyes for. So sometimes we can do that. We don't have to tell us whether they see the letters or not. We can find out a lot just by looking in there and seeing what's inside.
And so we swaddle the babies up. And if you look at a medical book, they'll say if you have a crying infant, swallow, swaddle. It just means wrap them up tight like your baby brother when he's in his blanket, put his arms inside.
And hear the Lord Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes, the garments of Christ.
Weakness and defeat, one lead crown all as well as beneath his feet by being trodden down. He came as a helpless baby.
Garments. Could these be the garments of Christ? Could this really be the the garments of the Son of God wrapped like a baby in swaddling clothes? Yes.
Philippians Chapter two. He took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the lights.
There are many times when I guard the preach to an African and I wish I remember one time particularly in a town called the Silly silly and Augustine Moon took me to a sillyuku and said, I want you to preach the gospel with John Rule to the chief. He's my father. And the chief was sitting there and all his chiefly robes and he had his fan and he had two men standing beside him with horse tails switching his eyes off him like this. And I thought, oh, wouldn't that be nice if I could dress up like an African sheep? Would I look like an African sheep if I dressed up like that?
I think I'd look like a Canadian idiot if I dressed up like that. I wouldn't look like an African at all. I'd have to do a lot more than that to become an African. Like I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. But.
Jesus, God said. I want to show my love to those people so much. I'm going to become a man. I'm going to become a baby. Just let John, I'm going to become a baby.
A helpless baby so that I can show them that I am one of them apart from sin, and so that I can enter into it and walk the pathway of a man.
On it the garments of Christ, Luke 8.
For the third garment of Christ.
Locate and 43.
The woman having an issue of blood 12 years which has spent all her living upon positions neither could be healed of any came behind him and touched.
Order of his garments touch the border of his garment, and immediately your issue of blood stems. He was a woman who suffered from a disease. Disease is the result of sin tells us in Romans chapter 5 and verse 12. Whereas by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin. So death passed upon all men. For that all have sinned. There are two reasons tonight why we have sickness, why we have disease. Why does sin? Two reasons, one, because of the original sin of Adam that because of our being born into this world.
We are born with a sinful fall nature. David tells us about his Psalm 51 Says in sin did my mother conceive me? That's not referring to his mother's sin. That's referring to the fact from the very time of his conception he was seen as having a symptom.
Think about that. Think of the implications of that.
It's a different subject, but you might want to think about that Psalm 51. And so there's that sinful fellow in nature. The second thing is that because we are sinners, by practice we have committed sins in our lives.
So death passed upon all men, for that all had sinned. So this woman was a Sinner. She had spent all her living upon positions. We might say they're like the philosophers, those in the theologians, those in this world who would stand up before men and and develop some great system of theology for by the world can live in harmony and peace and usher in a new age of peace and harmony amongst men.
Not the truth, the Word of God, Alliance and.
And a subtle lie that's creeping in even behind the pulpits of churches in North America and being proclaimed as the truth of the Word of God.
It's not the truth. The truth is that man is a Sinner. Boys and girls are sinners. We have all sinned. We have all come short of the glory of God. And my friends and I, here was a woman. Here was a woman who came behind the Lord Jesus Christ and touched at the hymn of his daughter.
And there was power there. What does that speak to us of? I'd like to speak just to those who are believers for a moment. You know, the priest in the Old Testament, the Israelite priest, the Jewish priest, he had a garment that reached down to the ground. Now the Lord Jesus, now the Lord Jesus is our great my priest in the glory, seated at the Father's right hand with his hands up, left it in blessing for us ever seated there to make intercession for us. We find it high priestly work. His advocacy brought before us in John's first epistle.
He is our high priest in the glory. We have it in Hebrews. We have not in high priest, which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmity was about in all points tempted like as we are sin apart. And so we can come boldly to the throne of grace. We may make known our petitions because of our very high free stuff there. And So what do we have? We have a high priest in the glory at the hem of his garment still reaches down to this earth. He's up there now.
But in tight it's hard for the children to understand when I'm speaking to those who are a little older now, we can still reach out and touch because of power is still there. And it's the power of the Holy Spirit of God who takes that work of Christ and applies it to our souls. We have in Psalm 133. Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. And it goes on to speak about holy anointing oil that was placed upon Aaron's head.
It began at the head, it ran down to the beard, and what did it finish at the skirts of the garment?
That oil speaks of the Holy Spirit of God. And so the Lord Jesus in absolute perfection from the crown of his head, his thoughts, the words that proceeded from his mouth, that's the beard, the skirts of his garment, that's his holy sinless walk. The Lord Jesus was perfect from top to bottom, from his thoughts to his words to his wife. The Lord Jesus Christ was typified by the work of the Holy Spirit of God in perfection. The opposite of Isaiah chapter one, when we find that man is filled with wounds and bruises and future fine sores.
From what? From the sole of his foot to the corner of his head. This.
The other way around, isn't it? Let's not get it backwards, man. From the bottom to the top is rotten. That means me. That includes me rotten through. You don't know me very well, but if you knew me a little better, you'd start to agree that some of that old rottenness still comes out.
Get impatient sometimes with my children.
Get off you sometimes.
I think that you nobody has ever heard me do that except my life. That's.
That's some of the old rottenness inside still from there, nothing of that in Jesus, nothing of that in him. That's he was perfect from them, crown of his head down to the sole of his foot. And the garments, the garments of our great high priest saturated with the oil of the Holy Spirit of God, making good the power of Christ, our souls. Can we go back to Exodus just for a minute and we'll see something of the garments of Christ there. This will be our.
Our 4th one I suppose.
Something of the garments of Christ, as seen in the garments of the Holy of the High Priest.
Says in verse six of Exodus 28.
Perhaps we'll start at verse 4.
These are the garments which they shall make a breastplate and an E foot and a robe and a brighter coat and a miter and a girdle. And they shall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother and his sons, that he may minister unto me in the priests office. And they shall take gold and blue and purple and scarlet and fine men. Well, I'm not going to go through holy priestly garments. That would take the rest of the night. And maybe we want to take 5 minutes talking about this service, perhaps less than that.
What do we find here? We find gold. Speaking of the divine righteousness, the deity of Christ, we find blue. Speaking again of his deity, we find that in John's gospel as Son of God, we find the purple, the kingly, the royal color. So there we have the Matthews gospel. He presented his Messiah, the King. We find fine twined linen. That's his perfect humanity. That's Luke's gospel. We find the scarlet.
A little more difficult to understand.
Until we realized that the word scarlet comes from a word in the original of means a worm.
When that worm was crushed, the dye was extracted to make that scarlet color as.
The Lord Jesus Christ, our perfect servant, as perfect servant, went through a walk of humility and subjection and submission to his Father's will. And so the scarlet speaks to us of Mark Gospel as the perfect servant. The garments of Christ, the breastplate bearing our names on his breast, bearing our names on his shoulders. Isaiah Chapter 9 verse six. So it says, his name shall be called wonderful.
Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the government shall be upon his shoulder. Is that amazing? He carries the government on his shoulders, on his shoulder, but he carries me on his shoulders. Takes two shoulders to carry me, but he carries the government of everything on his shoulders. My possession of security is such that he will not let me go. My wife and I were in Egypt in 1977. We saw a little Egyptian shepherd boy go down into a Wadi, into a muddy ditch, and get a lost sheep.
He brought that sheep up and he put it up on his shoulders like this around and he took the two front legs here in this hand and he crossed them like this and he took the two back legs in the other hand and he crossed them like this and there was that sheep. Can you picture the sheep is a cross like this? Can you picture that? Can you picture that, Jason? You see right across the shoulders and the front legs down here and the back legs here. You think that she could get away?
That's John 10.
That tells us that the Lord Jesus Christ teaches us like that, and that's like the priestly garments. He carries our names on his shoulders for security and on His breast because He loves us. He wants us close to His heart. Let's just turn over the page, the verse.
And beneath upon the hem of it thou shalt make pomegranates of balloon, and of purple, and a scarlet round about the hemorrhoids and bells of gold. What does that speak to us of? Perhaps just a minute for those who know Christ as their Savior. But maybe the children can help us understand this.
I like the children to understand, you know what a pomegranate is. The pomegranate is an island. The pomegranates for you buy them in stores. What? What do you see when you cut open a pomegranate and open it up? Something immediately that you notice about a pomegranate.
Pull a seed. Isn't it an awful lot of seeds in a pomegranate? It seems to be hundreds of them in there, filled with seeds. So the pomegranates on the hem of the priest garment speak of his fruitfulness.
The fruitfulness of christ's life and ministry what about the bells? Golden bells is perfect testimony shouldn't that be typical of us fruitfulness and.
Perfect testimony.
Perfect, the beautiful sound of the golden bells and the sight of those pomegranates. The testimony and fruitfulness of Christ.
Where we find the.
Verse 31 I should have commented on Thou shalt make the robe of the ephod of blue, Speaking of the divine character of Christ. There should be a hole in the top of it in the midst. The rubbish will have a binding of woven work around about the whole of it, as it were. The whole of them have heard young that it be not rinse. Verse 39 Thou shalt embroidery the coat of fine linen, the absolute perfection of Christ, the fine linen where you cannot find any imperfection perfectly finally.
Woven linen In Canada, we talk about Irish linen. They didn't have Irish linen in Iowa. Maybe that's too British.
But Irish linen is pretty good stuff, pretty good stuff. It's fine. But this fine linen, you could look at this and you couldn't find any imperfection. That's the perfection of the humanity of Christ. Nothing that ever showed out in His life that would show any evidence of sin, because in Him was no sin.
Let's look for justice a moment or two at Psalm 43.
Psalm 43.
I'm sorry, Psalm 45.
Psalm 45.
It's speaking here of the Lord Jesus. Sometimes we wonder perhaps when we hear people speakers are really talking about the Lord Jesus. Or is this something that someone thought of that sounded nice? Well, in verse six it says Thy throne, oh God, is forever and ever. The scepter of thy Kingdom is a right scepter. The love is righteousness and heinous wickedness. Therefore God, thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
Don't we read that in Hebrews chapter one, evidently, obviously, clearly Speaking of the Lord Jesus Christ as God as gone. So this song, the 45th song, even though it's written from a Jewish perspective in anticipation of the Millennium, still it speaks of Christ. And what do we find as we look in a millennial day, in a millennial day at Christ in the glory? What do we find in verse 8? All like garments, smell of myrrh.
Aloes and Castle, you know what that tells me? That tells me that in the coming days when I am with Christ, those who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior in this room, when we are with Christ. And Whitekins, I hope I don't sound irreverent with this, but I would like to submit to you that in that day, the smell of the sufferings of the cross will still linger on the Grammys. I'm speaking symbolically because this is looking on to the millennial day, and it says all like garments smell of murder.
What is myrrh? Myrrh is when you take a certain kind of shrub and you strip the bark and you take it and you bend it and you break it and you crush it. And there's, there's a kind of a SAP that comes out and he's there and it speaks of the suffering and the bitterness of the cross of Christ. That's the myrrh. Aloes. We still use aloes today for their healing properties, don't we? For the healing properties. And so we read in Isaiah chapter 53 by his stripes.
We are healed the cross again Tasha. We went back to Exodus. We find the Cassia was one of the ingredients of the holy anointing oil that was placed upon air. All taking us back to the finished work of Christ and His priestly work for us.
No longer necessary when we're working in the glory.
But still it lingers on him for all eternity. There will be that in the glory. Which reminds me of the 2nd.
The smell will linger on sometimes when we leave the breaking of bread on Wednesday morning, we say, and we hear it often in a prayer. Maya Saver of this hour, go with us. Do we mean that? When we say that, do we mean that? Do we rush to step out into the main square of color? And how folks recognize in US the bitterness and rejection of the cross?
That's what the Savior of the hour is. That's the smell and the garments of Christ. For all eternity it will be there.
And my fellow brother and sister in Christ, do we want the world to recognize in US the bitterness and rejection of us?
That's what we're saying when we pray on Lords Day morning as Savior of this hour.
Searching, isn't it?
What about the garments of Christ? Again we come back to the fifth one in John 13.
John's Gospel, chapter 15.
We read this verse, the first verse this morning, Jesus the end of the verse, having loved his own, which were in the world, He loved them onto the edge. You look at Mr. Darby's translation, he has a little took note at the bottom of the page that says this is not a question of time, not a question of loving them onto the end of time. It's a question of extent. It's a question of death. It's a question of amount. It's not a question of loving them up to the cross or to the end of the age or to the end of the dispensation or the end of the world or the end of time.
The question of the depth of his love. Oh, the height and the depth, the breadth, the length of the love of Christ. It passes knowledge will never understand it. And here in John 13 verse one it says.
I I suppose literally we could say he began to show them the full extent.
Of his life and what did he do in verse four he.
Laid aside His garnish and took a towel and go to something with the garments of Christ. Involuntary humility, involuntary subjection. He chose to lay those garments aside and to take upon himself. That was spoken of the position of a slave. And you know something in the coming day, in the coming days He will gird himself, and He will come forth, and He will serve us.
My saving.
Will come forth soon when I'm with Him, and He will serve me. Serve me. He will serve me in the glory.
Yes, he will and he will maintain that character. We're all the characters should not humble my heart. Now let me stop again because we've talked to Christians for a while. We've talked to Christians for a while, and I want to talk again to those of you who don't know Christ, wake up, time to wake up. Listen up. You don't know the Lord Jesus.
Talking to you now.
If I knew your name, I think some might I'd call it up because it bothers me so much to walk around in front of a group of people in a Christian community like Helen. I know that there are souls that are going straight to hell tonight. So listen, 'cause this is for you now. If I look you in the eye, don't be embarrassed. If you're a Christian, you know how you can stop the embarrassment. All you have to do is come and tell me after. I'm a believer, I know the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior, and I'm liable to throw my arms around you, or I might just shake your hand, but I'll recognize you as a brother or sister in Christ. So if you're embarrassed now because I'm looking you in the eye.
Solve the problem after just come and tell me.
That you're not going to help you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. I'm going to stand at that door back there.
I don't know. Does anybody have their coach out here? I would like everyone to go back door tonight. You may use the washrooms here. You may do whatever you need to do it here, but I want you to grow backfill and I'm going to stand the back door. I'm going to shake your hand and I'm going to tell you a little story. You know, and I've told this before, but in Africa we lived some time ago. We still go back there, a little, little lizards that live up in the wall. There are two of them that used to live up by our clock. They were about this long and they were called geckos. Geckos are a kind of lizard, the only kind that makes a noise.
Little squeaking noise.
And they're kind of translucent. You know what translucent means? Not quite transparent, but like the front of a frosted glass. You can see those little mini Venetians in there. Can't quite see through it, but you can see what's inside the window. But one one of these gambles ate a fly. You can see the fly inside the.
We didn't like him in our house when we moved in. And So what we used to do, we have lizards in the house. Yeah, let's get them out of here. So we went in like this before I got the lizard. You could feel them in my hand, squiggling around in there. So I take my open up my hand, and you know what? There'd be no lizard in there. But you know what was in my hand? We're going around the tail. Just the tail. Because when you grab the lizard, their method of escape was to let their own tail go.
And leave it in my hand and they look up, yes, there was no tail. Few weeks later, same gecko, new tail. They could grow a new tail, but I'm not going to let I grab the oven and I got them. I know I got them this time because I can feel them. Just a tail.
And then they go, you know, something is the citizens of color are like that. You know what? Because I will stand at that door and there will be people who will shake my hand and say, lovely, Sir.
You know what you've done when you've done that. If you don't know Jesus, you've left your tail in my hand and you go and grow a new one for next week. Next time it will be inspiring. Message, Sir, Another tale left in the hand. So you're just getting away. It's a little method to get out so that the preacher doesn't get ahold of you and really challenge you. Do you know Jesus as your savior?
And then you grow a new, a new excuse for next week. No boys and girls of Christian parents. You're like that. I was like that. There was a man in the town where I grew up who preached the gospel. Oh, did he preach the gospel? And I used to sit in my chair and oh, I was afraid. And he used to shake my hand as I went out the door. And he never asked me if I knew the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. But all right, anyway.
Because I know that I have to go home and get in bed and that same man would come and kiss me goodnight.
Here's my dad.
Not who desperately wanted me to be safe, but I wasn't safe. But I wasn't safe.
And he used to. He never asked me, you know, he never asked me if I was safe. But one day I told him I was.
Because I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as I said, Remember who it was who helped me to know how to be saved, my sisters.
It's a good job the sisters here, Big Sisters, talk to your little sisters and make sure they're saying Big Brothers, talk to your little brothers and make sure that they're safe. And then make sure that you go and tell your dad, their moms, that they'll be sorry. They might have been dropped. They might even try, but they'll be tears of joy because he's accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. We better finish up here. We've only got 6 minutes left and we're in John 13. This is where the Lord Jesus lays aside his garments. Now let's look over at Matthew.
Matthew Chapter.
27 and verse 28.
And and description. And they stripped him and put on him a scarlet.
The garments of Christ. I believe this is the 7th one now the garments of Christ, they stripped him.
And they put on him a scarlet robe. I remember reading a commentary once. It was given to me by my religious instruction teacher in grade 8, the venerable Archdeacon, right, Honorable Cannon Sadler was his name. And he gave me a book for scoring Good March in religious education in grade 8. And that book, one of the first pages that that my father read before I read it and I didn't get to read it, he read the first page and it said, you know, in Matthew's Gospel, it talks about a, a scarlet role. But in John's Gospel, it talks about a purple robe. That's because when John saw the Lord Jesus, the sun was going down and it looked kind of purple.
What didn't last long in our house?
Because, you know, the Word of God isn't subject to just men just seeing things a little differently. It wasn't that John recorded things as he saw them and Matthew recorded things as he saw them. They recorded things as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit to do so, things that they did not even see. They recorded the amount of transfiguration. Who was there was Matthew. There was Matthew on the Mount of Prince Federation who was not there. He records it in detail, including who was there and the actual words spoken.
And he wasn't even there. Was Mark there? He wasn't there, but he records in detail all of the words spoken and he wasn't even present was linked there. He wasn't there, but he records in detail the words spoken on the Mount of Transfiguration. Was John there? Yes. He was the only one of the four gospel writers who was there. Does he record? It doesn't even mention. Don't look for the amount of Transfiguration in John. It's not there. Why? Because they just wrote down things as they remembered them, of course.
Matthew, Mark and Luke weren't there but they wrote it all down. Why? The Holy Spirit of God inspired and told them what to write. John was there and does not mention it because it does not fit in with the theme of the gospel. In Matthews Gospel he's the Messiah and so it's a scarlet vote. Why? Because scarlet was the royal color of Israel.
When Rahab hung that scarlet line in her window, she not only was typifying the blood of Christ, as we often speak, but she was publicly identifying herself with the nation of Israel. Scarlett was the royal pillar of Israel, not of the inhabitants of the land of Palestine. So she was publicly saying I am identified that God's evil in John's gospel, it's a purple Rd. because there it's his divine glory and it's his kingly character as being the Son of God.
Stripped him if you look over at John's gospel.
Chapter 19.
The next mention we have of the garments of Christ, verse 23. Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, struck his garments, His garments, and made four parts to every soldier apart, and also his coat. Now the coat was without seeing, woven from the top throughout. They said, therefore among themselves, let us not rend it, but cast locks for it. Who is it shall be?
That the scripture might be fulfilled. What's that? A part of my raiment among them. For my vesture it had cast loss. These things, therefore the soldiers did.
The garments of price divided into four parts, and so the gospel and the grace of God goes out to the four corners of the earth, north-south, east, and West. That spells news, NE WS that's what news means. It goes up to the four corners of the earth. And so the four garments of Christ were divided into four parts. Speaking of the gospel going out to all but the coat. The coat was not rent. The Lord Jesus was not rest in his priestly garments here. He did not take that character on her. But if we think of the coast as we have gone before us, an Exodus, chapter 28, that quote was made of fine linen. So regardless of what came against Christ, there was nothing.
That could mar his sinless humanity tells us in Hebrews chapter 12 to look unto Jesus before the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before and endured the cross, despising the shame, it tells us in the next verse. But he endured such contradiction of sinners against himself. And so the Lord Jesus, despite all the mockery and shame and ignominy and false accusations against Him, never was there anything that showed other than this perfect sinless humanity. The coach, the fine linen was not rented.
Doesn't refer to the robe which was woven throughout and had a hole in the top so that it could not be rent. If it does, then the road was all of blue and nothing that man could do could touch the deity of Christ.
God could say when they tore his raiment that he could say that's enough, that's enough. You must stop there. You must not tear that robe. You must not tear that coat. Nothing of the deity of my Son must be or can be altered in any way. And so it was not Revelation chapter one.
Chapter one and verse 13 and in the midst of the seven candlesticks, one like under the Son of man, who is the Son of man, Jesus Christ, bow with a garment, a garment, the 8th garment now down to the foot and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. This is solemn. Now those of you who live here in this community or in this area who call yourselves Christians, here's the Lord Jesus now as Son of man coming back. And where does judgment begin? It begins here at the seven churches.
Judgment must begin at the House of God, it tells us in Peter's epistle, And so the House of God in his character is the great house that we have in Second Timothy. That's where judgment will begin. And the most awful judgment that will fall on this earth will fall on those who prove that's the name of Christ, but have never bowed to me before him and owned Jesus Christ as Lord. Yes, my friend, that's the only way to become a real Christian. Not to join a church, Impella, not to become a member of this group. Heaven forbid that we should say that you would become a Christian by coming here. Never.
You can come here until the day you die at the age of 93, and you would never become a Christian until you bow the knee to Jesus Christ and say, Lord Jesus, I'm a Sinner. I need to accept you as my Savior, wash my sins away with your precious blood. And you don't do that. What do we find here? We find the Son of Man.
And we find that golden girdle, divine righteousness binds in the divine affections. You've heard about the breast, about his heart. I know there's hard with the children, but let the adults get ahold of it and let us get hold of it. Well, the day is coming when divine righteousness will bind up the divine affections, and so the love of Christ will be still there. But it cannot be expressed because judgment must fall. Boys, listen up. Does your dad love you? You bet. Does he punish you?
Does he still love you when he Yes, but sometimes he has to hold in that law.
So that he.
And the day is coming when judgment will fall on Christendom, on Iowa and Ontario where I live, and the judgment will be awful, because the affections must be found in because of righteousness. One more verse, Revelation chapter 19, for the last evidence of the garments of Christ. We've gone from Genesis to Revelation to see first of all, how the garment of Christ is presented before the Father, staying with the blood of an innocent victim.
And now what do we find? It's amazing to me to see that when we come to the very end of Revelation, we have the same thing as we have in Genesis, the blood stained.
Revelation chapter 19, verse 11. And I saw heaven open, and behold a White Horse. And he that sat upon him was called faithful and true. And in righteousness he does judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, on his head were many crowns. And he had a name written that no man knew but he himself.
And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called the Word of God.
Clothes for the vesture.
That's what we started in Genesis, the blood of the victim.
Jesus, blood that cleanses from all sin. When you walk that door, you look at that verse right up there.
Children want to look at it right now. That's fine with me. The blood of.
Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanseth us of all sin, but there's a day coming.
When that same Son of Man, that same one, Luke's Gospel Chapter 2, the faith wrapped in swabbing towards the Son of Man and Luke, the same character in which he is rejected, is the same character in which he will come in.